1000 resultados para Ensino de Graduação


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Neste artigo são apresentados os principais resultados obtidos em uma atividade realizada para avaliar um software hipermídia destinado ao ensino e à aprendizagem da Física. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foi desenvolvido, aplicado e avaliado um sistema hipermídia para o ensino de Gravitação, com base nas pesquisas em ensino de Ciências. Foram considerados também os princípios fundamentais que caracterizam a hipermídia enquanto linguagem que permite o acesso não-linear à informação e a apresentação desta com a utilização dos recursos gráficos, sonoros, interativos e de animação do computador, e ainda suas implicações para as práticas de ensino. A maior parte dos professores e dos estudantes envolvidos na pesquisa avaliou positivamente o software quanto a seus aspectos técnicos, pedagógicos e motivacionais. O estudo forneceu evidências de que a hipermídia contribui para a aprendizagem de Física de modo motivador e significativo para os alunos do ensino médio.


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A política de indexação deve ser constituída de estratégias que permitam o alcance dos objetivos de recuperação do sistema de informação. O indexador tem a função primordial de compreender o documento ao realizar uma análise conceitual que represente adequadamente seu conteúdo. Utilizando a leitura como evento social/protocolo verbal em grupo, nosso objetivo é contribuir com a literatura sobre política de indexação e apresentar propostas de ensino de política de indexação direcionadas a alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, além de uma experiência de educação à distância com vistas à formação do bibliotecário em serviço. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a metodologia pode ser utilizada por sistemas de informação para que se tenha acesso ao conhecimento do indexador. Conclui que o indexador deve ser o alvo de investimento dos sistemas de informação e sugere aos sistemas de informação que a experiência do indexador também seja utilizada como parâmetro para política de indexação.


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O propósito neste texto é divulgar um projeto de investigação que foi desenvolvido com professores do 2º ciclo, no qual se utilizou uma metodologia do tipo investigação-ação. Por intermédio deste projeto foi possível avaliar o impacto do uso de estratégias do Ensino por Pesquisa (EPP), com vista ao desenvolvimento de novas competências científico-didáticas (atitudes e saberes). Tais estratégias foram desenvolvidas com base em preceitos da Nova Didática e no âmbito de um programa de formação. Os dados levantados e analisados mostraram que esse tipo de metodologia contribui para a superação de dificuldades de aprendizagem inerentes a processos de formação profissional (inicial e continuada), como a de aprender por meio do trabalho cooperativo na Escola.


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The course of Algorithms and Programming reveals as real obstacle for many students during the computer courses. The students not familiar with new ways of thinking required by the courses as well as not having certain skills required for this, encounter difficulties that sometimes result in the repetition and dropout. Faced with this problem, that survey on the problems experienced by students was conducted as a way to understand the problem and to guide solutions in trying to solve or assuage the difficulties experienced by students. In this paper a methodology to be applied in a classroom based on the concepts of Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel was described. In addition to this theory, a tool developed at UFRN, named Takkou, was used with the intent to better motivate students in algorithms classes and to exercise logical reasoning. Finally a comparative evaluation of the suggested methodology and traditional methodology was carried out, and results were discussed


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In development of Synthetic Agents for Education, the doubt still resides about what would be a behavior that could be considered, in fact, plausible for this agent's type, which can be considered as effective on the transmission of the knowledge by the agent and the function of emotions this process. The purpose of this labor has an investigative nature in an attempt to discover what aspects are important for this behavior consistent and practical development of a chatterbot with the function of virtual tutor, within the context of learning algorithms. In this study, we explained the agents' basics, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, bots, chatterbots and how these systems need to provide credibility to report on their behavior. Models of emotions, personality and humor to computational agents are also covered, as well as previous studies by other researchers at the area. After that, the prototype is detailed, the research conducted, a summary of results achieved, the architectural model of the system, vision of computing and macro view of the features implemented.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O número de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Anestesiologia stricto sensu existente no país ainda é muito pequeno. Com a finalidade de incentivar a pós-graduação em Anestesiologia no Brasil, é apresentada a experiência acumulada em dez anos de atividades do programa da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). CONTEÚDO: O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Anestesiologia stricto sensu da UNESP foi credenciado pela CAPES, desde a sua criação em 1994, nos Cursos de Mestrado e Doutorado. O Programa é desenvolvido em três Áreas de Concentração: Risco e Proteção de Órgãos e Sistemas em Anestesia e Cirurgia; Qualidade e Segurança em Anestesiologia; e Modelos Clínicos e Experimentais em Terapia Antálgica, com as suas respectivas linhas de pesquisa, em número de 14. O número de alunos regulares do Programa é compatível com o número de orientadores (12), com proporção média de três alunos por orientador. Desde o seu início até setembro de 2004, ocorreram 45 Dissertações de Mestrado e 24 de Doutorado, perfazendo 69 defesas, a maioria com bolsas e financiamentos de Órgãos de Fomento à Pesquisa. Após a conclusão do doutorado, 65% dos alunos têm atividade de docência e pesquisa em instituições públicas e privadas do ensino universitário do país. A maioria das publicações do programa tem sido realizada em revistas nacionais com Qualis A, com menor número de publicações em revistas internacionais Qualis A ou B. O programa recebeu da CAPES o conceito 4,0 numa escala de 1 a 7, em suas três últimas avaliações. CONCLUSÕES: O programa tem se desenvolvido muito bem nos 10 anos de sua existência, alcançando os principais objetivos, como a formação de professores e pesquisadores na área de Anestesiologia para as instituições universitárias do país.


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There is a growing interest of the Computer Science education community for including testing concepts on introductory programming courses. Aiming at contributing to this issue, we introduce POPT, a Problem-Oriented Programming and Testing approach for Introductory Programming Courses. POPT main goal is to improve the traditional method of teaching introductory programming that concentrates mainly on implementation and neglects testing. POPT extends POP (Problem Oriented Programing) methodology proposed on the PhD Thesis of Andrea Mendonça (UFCG). In both methodologies POPT and POP, students skills in dealing with ill-defined problems must be developed since the first programming courses. In POPT however, students are stimulated to clarify ill-defined problem specifications, guided by de definition of test cases (in a table-like manner). This paper presents POPT, and TestBoot a tool developed to support the methodology. In order to evaluate the approach a case study and a controlled experiment (which adopted the Latin Square design) were performed. In an Introductory Programming course of Computer Science and Software Engineering Graduation Programs at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study results have shown that, when compared to a Blind Testing approach, POPT stimulates the implementation of programs of better external quality the first program version submitted by POPT students passed in twice the number of test cases (professor-defined ones) when compared to non-POPT students. Moreover, POPT students submitted fewer program versions and spent more time to submit the first version to the automatic evaluation system, which lead us to think that POPT students are stimulated to think better about the solution they are implementing. The controlled experiment confirmed the influence of the proposed methodology on the quality of the code developed by POPT students


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The process of development of any area is closely linked to teaching and research, and in Tourism it is not different. Thus, in this area in which service is one of the factors intrinsically related to its success , it is observed the need for people with deep and critical training in the various aspects of this activity acting in this sector. However, we can see the existence of some differences between what is offered by the academy from what is required by the market. Therefore, the objective of this research is to verify the relationship between higher education in Tourism and labor market through the perception of the bachelor in this area, graduated in Natal-RN, since it is the tourismologist who makes the link between this two fields. To know the perception of these tourismologists, it was necessary to apply a questionnaire to those ones graduated in the years 2009 and 2010. In accordance with the aim of this study, this research was exploratory-descriptive. Related to the technical procedures, it was a documentary, literature and field research. To have it analyzed, some qualitative and quantitative techniques were applied according to our specific objectives and the types of data collected, such as: content analysis, factorial analysis to synthesize the information and identify the basic dimensions that represent the different variables studied, the standard deviation to verify the variation of the responses in some items and the correlation technique that allows the analysis of the relationship between two variables. In response to the objectives proposed here, we could finally conclude that: the syllabuses of these courses are too general and the graduates themselves consider them so. It was diagnosed that the graduates 1) are mostly female, 2) a very small part of them is working in the area that they are graduated in, and 3) not all of them receive satisfactory wages which contributes to having a negative view of their degree course. Moreover, the educational institution where they studied was not a decisive factor to get a job. It was still diagnosed that most part of them do not have positive perceptions when thinking about the future of their careers as bachelors in Tourism. Many of them, including, if it was possible to change something in their careers so far, they could have chosen another college degree. It was found that, although there is a negative perception about their professional future, almost half of them believe that the course met the needs of the market. However, those ones that are not working have a more positive point of view related to the applicability of higher education. On the other hand, the other ones who already worked in this area have a more negative perception about it and do not believe that the course meets the market's needs. In summary, this study allowed the understanding of the existence of some gaps that exist between higher education in Tourism and the market needs, professionally speaking, thus contributing to the spreading of ideas on that subject for teachers, researchers and the current and future students of the area.


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This study has as main objective to verify the proportionality of the costs with elaboration of didactic material and costs with tutelage and instruction incurred in a higher education institution, located in national territory, and that offers a degree course in the education area in the modality of EaD online. The purpose of the measurement of this proportionality of the costs was of answering these they are, among other, the relevant costs incurred by the institution research object. This is a research of exploratory stamp whose methodological procedure adopted for your development, in what it refers the collection, analysis of the data and the investigation means, it is the case study, as well as the documental and bibliographical research. The found results indicate that the costs with elaboration of didactic material and the costs with tutelage and instruction are relevant, however they are not the only ones considered as such. The costs involved with acquisition and operation of specific softwares they also constitute an relevant costs. The structure of the costs can be altered in agreement with the analyzed period and in agreement with the characteristics of synchronism of the offered course. It was also verified that the technology used in this education modality it ends up generating additional costs incurred with professionals of specific knowledge in technology


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This study has as objective to examine the level of perception of high school students from two private schools in Natal-RN about the existence of a direct link between alimentary habit and its effects on environmental. The research was lead with 433 students, who had their school alimentary habits investigated according to the 24-hour recall method and presents the results of data collection from their opinions on participating in the generation of industrialized solid residues and their yearnings about the improvements of the standard of the food offered in the school. The students show a high rate of grading age for level at school, traditional family structure, riding, predominantly, by car or by bus in the house-school-house way, have generally all three important meals at home, feed frequently at their school, getting it from their won school, which included, mainly, soft drinks and fried or grilled appetizers; show a good knowledge about selective collectors, however with a high variation in their correct use. They show significant approval in the existence of a connection between their alimentary habits and debased effects about environmental and consider their food compounds at school could improve the offering of health/natural food, slowing industrialized foods, which are highly used, sometimes. The study on the students knowledge and concern level with regard to the interface alimentary habit-environmental impact allowed delimitating some of the mainly involved components in the alimentary choices of the same students in the school environment, what might help to develop a set of proposals that stimulates the formation of a responsible consumption standard among teenagers and the need of a consideration about the consequences of their choices


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The present study has the objective to analyze with teachers from Elementary School the knowledge mobilized in the organization of the teaching-learning process, and its implications in the exploitation of that process. The investigation was developed with two teachers from the first years of the Elementary School, from a public school in Pau dos Ferros-RN. It adopts as basis the notion of knowledge as a set of individual and social relations that the individuals maintain with the world and with themselves, in the teaching and learning relation. (CHARLOT, 2000). It considers yet that the knowledges are immediate processes, reconstructed and mobilized by the practice of reflection, in dialogical and interactional contexts in contact with others. (BAKHTIN, 2002, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 1991, 2004, 2005). The collaborative approach was the theoretical and methodological background that oriented the investigative-educative process. By choosing a collaborative research as basis of the investigative pathway, it starts from the knowledge that the critical and collaborative reflection developed with the teachers from the first years of the Elementary School contribute to explicitate and resignify the meanings assigned to the knowledges that these teachers mobilize in the organization of the teaching-learning and its implications in this process. The results of the reflexive and investigative process developed with the teachers demonstrate that the familiar, scholastic, academic, professional, and the work knowledges lived, constitute the consciousness of being a teacher, and that these knowledges implicate in the dynamics of the process of teaching-learning, but not always the teachers take consciousness about these knowledges. The critical and collaborative reflection, mediated by the actions of describing, announcing, facing and reconstructing allowed to the participants of the research to realize the knowledges of themselves and of the other, the difficulties and possibilities in the organization of the teaching-learning process


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The present dissertation aims to an approach of the teaching of Portuguese language on television, trying to find how possible is the contribution of this communication media in the sense to give a higher classroom dynamism and to excite the students for that subject. The TV show Afinando a Língua (roughly, putting the language in tune ), a Canal Futura feature, have as one of these main purpose be shown on the classrooms as a tool that could enlarge the possibilities of a subject often took as particularly difficult. Blocked by the traditional grammatical teaching, the Portuguese lessons have been for years pictured as hermetic and far from the Brazilian speakers reality. So, people create myths around the language that earns adjectives as complicate and inaccessible and that Brazilians can t speak the Portuguese really good, because it only happens in Portugal, the original country of the language. These myths start exactly because the teaching orientation take their basis only on the standard language, in fact just one of the language variations by the way, anywhere in the world dictated by ancestral rules, once produced in Portugal. The regular school don t accept the Portuguese variation as a natural fact for a huge country as Brazil, with almost 190 million people, regarding it as a wrong way of talking. The repression that follows the students from the early school days make them repel the language supposedly learned at school. In fact, they normally face it as something unfamiliar, different from the language that they have use to learn at home, from the family and neighbors Instead of giving new possibilities for the language learning, the television, a powerful audiovisual device, only reinforces the idea that everyone, in any life situation, should talk the standard Portuguese, turning its back to the learning acquired much earlier that any person reach the school. This conservative attitude brings almost no changes, between the shows that try to teach the idiom and the traditional Portuguese lessons, wasting valuable tools that could lead to the possibility to open the classroom to the outside world, and to the wider knowledge of the differences from each Brazilian region culture, a positive attitude that could much enlarge the cultural and linguistic students universe


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Éste trabajo se inserta en el ámbito de los cambios en la Enseñanza Fundamental (EF) brasileño que, por la Ley Federal n.º 11.114/2005 anticipa el EF para seis años de edad, y de la Ley n.º 11.274/2006 que amplia el mismo nivel de enseñanza de ocho para nueve años Tales cambios tienen sido respaldados por el argumento de la importancia de se anticipar y promover un mayor acceso a la educación y garantizar una permanencia bien sucedida del alumno en la etapa obligatoria de la Educación Básica. La inclusión de los niños de seis años en el EF puede ser considerada una conquista en el ámbito de las políticas públicas brasileñas destinadas a la educación de niños. Sin embargo, la sencilla simples anticipación/ampliación de matrículas en el EF puede constituirse en más una forma de exclusión, si no fueren garantizadas las condiciones necesarias para se ofrecer una educación de calidad que considere las peculiaridades de una práctica pedagógica de alfabetización con niños más jóvenes. Evidentemente, muchos son los factores que pueden influenciar la calidad de la educación y el tratamiento escolar financiamiento, gestión, organización del espacio escolar pero la acción del profesor, en ése sentido, es un factor primordial entre otros determinantes. Así pensando, definimos como objetivo de éste trabajo investigar saberes docentes requeridos de el profesor para el desarollo de una práctica pedagógica que tiene por meta la apropiación de la lengua escrita, por el niño de seis años recién-ingresa en la Enseñanza Fundamental respetando su condición de ser niño . Para tanto, en el ámbito del enfoque cualitativo de la encusta, realizamos un estudio de caso en dos instituciones públicas: Escola Municipal Professora Emilia Ramos y Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Marise Paiva, ambas ubicadas en la Zona Este en la ciudad de Natal. De la análisis del contenido de los datos, emergió la temática Saberes Docentes para la Alfabetización de Niños de seis años en la Enseñanza Fundamental que, a la vez, cubre dos categorías de saberes, con suyas respectivas subcategorías: Saberes Docentes Transversales a las Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización y Saberes Docentes Específicos a la Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización. Entre tantos aprendizaje proporcionadas por el estudio, comprendemos que, sea en la Educação Infantil, sea en la Enseñanza Fundamental, el trabajo con el niño no debe constituirse en la negación de su infancia. Sin embargo, en se tratando de el EF, el esfuerzo para no desvirtuar la voluntad política de proporcionar al niño oportunidades de alfabetización debe ser redoblado, una vez que ésa etapa de la educación podrá ser la marca de un rico y agradable proceso de alfabetización, como puede ser motivo para que el niño se torne desinteresado y acobardado para aprender a leer y a escribir, si no fueren respetadas las necesidades y especificidades propias de ése momento de su desarollo. El estudio también ratificó nuestra comprensión de que la Alfabetización es un proceso peculiar, no constituyéndose, por lo tanto, en tarea simple para el docente, ni tampoco para el niño, visto que la lengua escrita, por si misma, ya es un objeto de estudio bastante complejo. Comprendemos, sin embargo, que esa complejidad no puede tornarse obstáculo para que, también en la escuela pública, ya a los seis años, se permita al niño un trabajo de calidad que tiene por meta su alfabetización, hasta porque, mientras participantes de una sociedad letrada, antes de ingresar a la escuela, los niños ya construyeran concepciones previas sobre la lectura y la escrita, a las cuales el profesor debe estar muy atento


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Generally, arithmetic and geometric progressions are taught separately from ane and exponential functions, only by the use of memorized formulas and without any concern of showing students how these contents are related. This paper aims at presenting a way of teaching such contents in an integrated way, starting with the definition of ane and exponential functions relating them to situations from the daily life of the students. Then, characteristics and graphics of those functions are presented and, subsequently, arithmetic and geometric progression are shown as a restriction of the ane and exponential functions. Thus, the study of the progressions is introduced based on the functions mentioned above using situations from students daily lives as examples


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In this study, we sought to address the weaknesses faced by most students when they were studying trigonometric functions sine and cosine. For this, we proposed the use of software Geogebra in performing a sequence of activities about the content covered. The research was a qualitative approach based on observations of the activities performed by the students of 2nd year of high school IFRN - Campus Caicfio. The activities enabled check some diculties encountered by students, well as the interaction between them during the tasks. The results were satisfactory, since they indicate that the use of software contributed to a better understanding of these mathematical concepts studied