901 resultados para Educational Human Action
Ongoing changes in global economic structure along information revolution have produced an environment where knowledge and skills or education and training are considered increasingly valued commodities. This is based on the simple notion that nation’s economic progress is linked to education and training. This idea is embodied in the theory of human capital, according to which the knowledge and skill found in labour represents valuable resources for the market. Thus the important assumptions of the Human capital theory are 910 Human capital is an investment for future (2) More training and education leads to better work skills (3) Educational institutions play a central role in the development of human capital(4) the technological revolution is often cited as the most pressing reason why education and knowledge are becoming valuable economic commodities . The objectives of the present study are, the investment and institutional or structural framework of higher education in Kerala, the higher education market and the strengths and weakness of supply demand conditions , cost and the benefits of higher education in Kerala , impact of recent policy changes in higher education,need for expanding higher education market to solve the grave problem of Un employment on the basis of as systematic manpower planning and the higher education and its association with income and employment.
The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the 'human' element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industry. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage 'Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.
The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the ‘human’ element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industiy. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage ‘Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.
Economists consider education as an investment in man. Education develops human resources necessary for the economic and political growth of any nation. Adam Smith stressed the importance of education and included the acquired and useful activities of all the inhabitants or members of society in his concept of fixed capital.‘ Karl Marx shared with Smith's view when he laid down that the function of education in a socialist society will be to overcome the alienation of the worker from the means of production; while developing the technical skill it will make him a complete man as well as a producer.2 Education is also considered as a powerful instrument for social change. By inculcating moral and spiritual values, it brings changes both in the individual and in the society. It aims at creating a social order founded on the values of freedom, social justice and equal opportunity.3 The objective of this exploratory study is to enquire into the existing system of managing higher educational institutions in Kerala, compare it with the accepted principles of management believed to be applicable to all organisations, and develop a model capable of introducing more effective management practices
Climate change remains a major challenge for today’s and future societies due to its immense impacts on human lives and the natural environment. This thesis investigates the extent to which individuals are willing and prepared to voluntarily contribute to climate protection and to adjust to new climatic conditions in order to cope with the consequences of climate change and reduce the severity of potential negative impacts. The thesis thereby combines research in the fields of the private provision of environmental public goods and adaptation to climate change, which is still widely unconnected in the existing literature. The six contributions of this thesis mainly focus on microeconometric analyses using data from international surveys in China, Germany, and the USA. The main findings are: (i) A substantial share of individuals is willing to voluntarily contribute to climate protection and to adapt to climatic change. The engagement in both strategies is positively interrelated at the individual level and the analyses reveal hardly any evidence that adaptation activities crowd out individuals’ incentives to engage in climate protection. (ii) The main determinants of individuals’ adaptation activities seem to be the subjective risk perception as well as socio-economic and socio-demographic characteristics like age, gender, education, and income, while their climate protection efforts are found to be broadly motivated by financial advantages from these activities and additional immaterial benefits. (iii) The empirical findings also suggest a significantly positive relationship between certain climate protection activities. Substitutions are found to occur merely if one measure is perceived to be more effective in providing climate protection or if individuals have high environmental preferences. (iv) This thesis further reveals a common understanding of a (normatively) fair burden-sharing in international climate policy across citizens in China, Germany, and the USA. The highest preferences are found for the accountability principle.
Although short messaging service (SMS) through mobile phones has quickly gained popularity among most other sectors in India, its potential is not fully realised in the agriculture sector as a cost effective service to reach farmers and elicit desirable action. Despite the cost effectiveness, mobile messaging has remained a challenge in the farming sector in terms of its end use and action as far as extension systems are concerned. While there could be many influencing factors affecting the utility of mobile messages, this study assumed that educational level of farmers could be a major factor. A telephone survey was conducted to ascertain the influence of farmers’ education on the level of utilisation of mobile-based advisories. Farmers with higher education level showed better comprehension of advisories, actedupon the advisories more promptly and shared the information with fellow farmers more often than those with lower education level. There was a significant association between comprehending, sharing and acting upon advisories. This has implications to achieve enhanced extension reach with higher efficiency in terms of cost and time.
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El desarrollo del presente documento constituye una investigación sobre las actitudes de los directivos frente a la adopción del e-learning como herramienta de trabajo en las organizaciones de Bogotá. Para ello se realizó una encuesta a 101 directivos, tomando como base el tipo de muestreo de conveniencia; esto con el objetivo de identificar sus actitudes frente al uso del e-learning y su influencia dentro de la organización. Como resultado se obtuvo que las actitudes de los directivos influencian en el uso de herramientas e-learning, así como también en las acciones que promueven su uso y en las actitudes de los empleados; por otro lado se identificó que las creencias relacionadas con la apropiación de herramientas e-learning y los factores facilitadores del uso de estas, influencian en las actitudes de los directivos. Lo anterior, corresponde a los análisis llevados a cabo a partir de los resultados contrastados con los estudios empíricos hallados y el marco teórico desarrollado.
This study examines the effects in university students of a psycho-educational program in full awareness (mindfulness) on certain personality variables. A quasi-experimental (group comparison) design with pretest and postest measurements was employed in an experimental (n = 26) and a control group (n = 27). Barratt impulsiveness Scale (BiS- 11), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ), Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD), and the Profile of Mood States (POMS) were applied to experimental and control groups. The results show statistically significant changes in impulsivity variables, experiential avoidance, social avoidance, social anxiety, tension and fatigue when comparing the posttest mean scores of the groups.
This participatory action research was based on a experience of educational intervention on La Cruz and Bello Oriente (Manrique-Medellin), a marginal zone in the northeastern part of the Commune 3 in Medellin,. Colombia. In this marginal sector, psychosocial problems seem to be associated to limited educational and employment opportunities, domestic violence, illegal armed forces, sexual abuse, social discrimination, and lack of adequate public services, among others. All these are also considered as risk factors for drug dependency. We used a structured interview designed to identify leisure tendencies, use of free time, and tendencies in recreational activities. Data from the interview were triangulated with information collected by observation and in field work and used to build a psycho-pedagogic method based on play and leisure activities. The effects of the use of this educational intervention on the satisfaction of human needs were analyzed in light of the theory of Manfred Max-Neef. Results point out the need for new educational strategies aimed to promote creativity, solidarity, mental, physical and social health, more enthusiasm and motivation and in general, positive attitudes that help prevent drug dependence.
The object of this experience is to offer the students the opportunity to take part in the construction of a pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic, for the promotion of the integral health and the prevention of the disease with an educational community; directed to supporting and qualifying the well-being so much individually as group. The project is designed to five years, about interdisciplinary character (Speech Therapy, Medicine, Psychology, Nursery, Occupational Therapy), interinstitutional (Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de San Buenaventura y Universidad de Cundinamarca) and intersectorial (Education and Health). It considers the different actors of the educational community and school and the home as propitious scenes for the strengthening potential, beside being the fundamental spaces for the construction of knowledges and learnings concerning the integral health. To achieve the target, one has come constructing from the second semester of 2003, one pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic and the creativity, from which they are planned, they develop and evaluate the actions of promotion of skills, values, behaviors and attitudes in the care of the health and the prevention of disease, orientated to the early, opportune and effective detection of risk factors and problematic of the development that they affect the integral health. The above mentioned strategy raises a so called scene Bienestarópolis: A healthy world for conquering, centred on prominent figures, spaces and elements that alternate between the fantasy and the reality to facilitate the approximation, the interiorización and the appropriation of the integral health. Across this one, the children motivated by the adults enter an imaginary world in that theirs desires, knowledges and attitudes are the axis of his development. Since Vigotsky raises it, in the game the child realizes actions in order to adapt to the world that surrounds it acquiring skills for the learning. The actions of the project have involved 410 children and 25 teachers, of the degrees Zero, The First and The Second of basic primary; 90 parents of family, and an average of 40 students and 8 teachers of the already mentioned disciplines.
Los conceptos relacionados con el término comunidad y las relaciones estratégicas comunitarias en el sector agrícola son abordados en este documento. El énfasis que se hace es respecto a la posible unión entre los objetivos de las agroindustrias y de las comunidades donde estas operan. Se propone que las diferentes estrategias comunitarias ya sean coalición, empoderamiento o liderazgo comunitario son implementadas por empresas del sector agrícola para asegurar tanto desarrollo comunitario como la perdurabilidad de la empresa. A través de un estudio descriptivo y tomando una empresa del sector como unidad de análisis se estudiaron las relaciones estratégicas comunitarias implementadas por dicha empresa buscando encontrar la utilidad de las estrategias y el marketing en el sector. Se encontró que la información referente al sector es insuficiente, sin embargo al evaluar la empresa seleccionada como unidad de análisis fue posible percibir como las estrategias de coalición, liderazgo comunitario y empoderamiento permiten no solo el desarrollo de la comunidad local sino que aseguran la permanencia de una empresa competitiva en el mercado. Las estrategias comunitarias lograron una vinculación de valores, cultura e historia entre la empresa y la comunidad que a su vez permitió la unión de intereses y la responsabilidad compartida para el logro de los mismos. Además, hubo una transformación positiva del entorno social donde desempeña las operaciones la empresa del sector agrícola.
La butirilcolinesterasa humana (BChE; EC es una enzima polimórfica sintetizada en el hígado y en el tejido adiposo, ampliamente distribuida en el organismo y encargada de hidrolizar algunos ésteres de colina como la procaína, ésteres alifáticos como el ácido acetilsalicílico, fármacos como la metilprednisolona, el mivacurium y la succinilcolina y drogas de uso y/o abuso como la heroína y la cocaína. Es codificada por el gen BCHE (OMIM 177400), habiéndose identificado más de 100 variantes, algunas no estudiadas plenamente, además de la forma más frecuente, llamada usual o silvestre. Diferentes polimorfismos del gen BCHE se han relacionado con la síntesis de enzimas con niveles variados de actividad catalítica. Las bases moleculares de algunas de esas variantes genéticas han sido reportadas, entre las que se encuentra las variantes Atípica (A), fluoruro-resistente del tipo 1 y 2 (F-1 y F-2), silente (S), Kalow (K), James (J) y Hammersmith (H). En este estudio, en un grupo de pacientes se aplicó el instrumento validado Lifetime Severity Index for Cocaine Use Disorder (LSI-C) para evaluar la gravedad del consumo de “cocaína” a lo largo de la vida. Además, se determinaron Polimorfismos de Nucleótido Simple (SNPs) en el gen BCHE conocidos como responsables de reacciones adversas en pacientes consumidores de “cocaína” mediante secuenciación del gen y se predijo el efecto delos SNPs sobre la función y la estructura de la proteína, mediante el uso de herramientas bio-informáticas. El instrumento LSI-C ofreció resultados en cuatro dimensiones: consumo a lo largo de la vida, consumo reciente, dependencia psicológica e intento de abandono del consumo. Los estudios de análisis molecular permitieron observar dos SNPs codificantes (cSNPs) no sinónimos en el 27.3% de la muestra, c.293A>G (p.Asp98Gly) y c.1699G>A (p.Ala567Thr), localizados en los exones 2 y 4, que corresponden, desde el punto de vista funcional, a la variante Atípica (A) [dbSNP: rs1799807] y a la variante Kalow (K) [dbSNP: rs1803274] de la enzima BChE, respectivamente. Los estudios de predicción In silico establecieron para el SNP p.Asp98Gly un carácter patogénico, mientras que para el SNP p.Ala567Thr, mostraron un comportamiento neutro. El análisis de los resultados permite proponer la existencia de una relación entre polimorfismos o variantes genéticas responsables de una baja actividad catalítica y/o baja concentración plasmática de la enzima BChE y algunas de las reacciones adversas ocurridas en pacientes consumidores de cocaína.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar, la incidencia que tienen actualmente las ONG s internacionales sobre la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos de diferentes Estados. Con el fin de hacer más específico dicho análisis, el trabajo se centra en el estudio del caso de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos cuyo proceso, según se explica a lo largo del texto, se vio afectado de manera significativa por la acción de Human Rights Watch. El artículo presenta una exposición de la mecánica política requerida para la aprobación de este tipo de tratados en ambos países involucrados, así como la forma en que las asimetrías de poder entre ellos abrieron el campo a la acción de Human Rights Watch.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar una revisión teórica de los estudios que han elaborado un análisis acerca de la Inteligencia Emocional con la capacidad para afrontar situaciones generadoras de estrés. Los diferentes estudios muestran que niveles altos en Inteligencia Emocional se relacionan con estrategias de afrontamiento basadas en el análisis y resolución de conflictos, mientras que niveles bajos de inteligencia emocional se relacionan con estrategias de afrontamiento basadas en la evitación, la superstición, y la resistencia al cambio. La evidencia que arrojan los estudios indican que la inteligencia emocional es fundamental en el autocontrol emocional y en la habilidad de adaptación de los individuos para afrontar situaciones generadoras de estrés.