635 resultados para Darling Downs
El glaucoma es una neuropatía óptica crónica de etiología multifactorial, que provoca una pérdida progresiva e irreversible de la visión debida a la degeneración de los axones del nervio óptico y la muerte apoptótica de las células ganglionares de la retina (Downs et al., 2011; Quigley, 2011; Soto et al., 2014). Actualmente es la principal causa de ceguera irreversible en el mundo (Pascolini et al., 2012). Aunque su etiología aún no está clara, se sabe que el principal factor de riesgo para desarrollar la enfermedad es el aumento de la PIO debido a anomalías en la dinámica del humor acuoso (Casson et al., 2012). La presencia de receptores purinérgicos P2X y P2Y ha sido descrita en las principales estructuras oculares relacionadas con la producción y drenaje del humor acuoso, los procesos ciliares y la malla trabecular, que son bañadas por dicho fluido (Guzman-‐Aranguez et al., 2013). Al mismo tiempo, se ha referido la presencia del dinucleótido Ap4A, agonista de dichos receptores, en el humor acuoso, y cómo sus niveles se veían significativamente incrementados en pacientes glaucomatosos (Castany et al., 2011). El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido evaluar la implicación de los receptores purinérgicos P2Y2 de los procesos ciliares en la hipertensión ocular. Más concretamente determinar el papel del Ap4A a través de la activación de dichos receptores sobre la movilización del ion cloruro y del agua a través de las proteínas acuaporinas (AQPs), principales componentes del humor acuoso. Por otra parte, se ha investigado el origen de los niveles incrementados de Ap4A debidos al aumento de la PIO, caracterizando uno de los posibles sensores celulares implicados en dicho proceso. Al mismo tiempo se han evaluado y caracterizado los diferentes mecanismos implicados en dicha liberación...
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Prior research has established that idiosyncratic volatility of the securities prices exhibits a positive trend. This trend and other factors have made the merits of investment diversification and portfolio construction more compelling. A new optimization technique, a greedy algorithm, is proposed to optimize the weights of assets in a portfolio. The main benefits of using this algorithm are to: a) increase the efficiency of the portfolio optimization process, b) implement large-scale optimizations, and c) improve the resulting optimal weights. In addition, the technique utilizes a novel approach in the construction of a time-varying covariance matrix. This involves the application of a modified integrated dynamic conditional correlation GARCH (IDCC - GARCH) model to account for the dynamics of the conditional covariance matrices that are employed. The stochastic aspects of the expected return of the securities are integrated into the technique through Monte Carlo simulations. Instead of representing the expected returns as deterministic values, they are assigned simulated values based on their historical measures. The time-series of the securities are fitted into a probability distribution that matches the time-series characteristics using the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit criterion. Simulated and actual data sets are used to further generalize the results. Employing the S&P500 securities as the base, 2000 simulated data sets are created using Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, the Russell 1000 securities are used to generate 50 sample data sets. The results indicate an increase in risk-return performance. Choosing the Value-at-Risk (VaR) as the criterion and the Crystal Ball portfolio optimizer, a commercial product currently available on the market, as the comparison for benchmarking, the new greedy technique clearly outperforms others using a sample of the S&P500 and the Russell 1000 securities. The resulting improvements in performance are consistent among five securities selection methods (maximum, minimum, random, absolute minimum, and absolute maximum) and three covariance structures (unconditional, orthogonal GARCH, and integrated dynamic conditional GARCH).
Het doel van dit onderzoek betrof het verkrijgen van meer zicht op de relatie tussen de opvoedstijl en externaliserend probleemgedrag en de mediërende rol van het zelfbeeld daarbij bij dak- en thuisloze jongeren in Utrecht in de leeftijd van 18 tot en met 25 jaar. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd middels een ad hoc survey met een eenmalige meting onder dak- en thuisloze jongeren in Utrecht in de leeftijd van 18 tot en met 25 jaar. De respondenten zijn benaderd bij een voorziening in Utrecht waar ambulante hulp wordt geboden aan deze doelgroep in deze leeftijdscategorie. In totaal namen 89 respondenten deel aan het onderzoek waarvan er 79 overbleven na het verwijderen van respondenten met missende data. De populatie bestond uit 51 jongens met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 23 jaar en 28 meisjes met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 22 jaar. Het zelfbeeld is gemeten met de Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1989), het externaliserende probleemgedrag met de Self-Report Delinquency Scale (SRD; West & Farrington, 1973), en de verkregen opvoedstijl met de Parenting Style Index (PSI; Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts & Dornbusch,1994). Uit de resultaten van het onderzoek kwam bij de relatie van ouderlijke steun met externaliserend probleemgedrag een partiële mediatie naar voren door het zelfbeeld. Bij de relatie van ouderlijke controle met externaliserend probleemgedrag bleek geen mediatie op te treden door het zelfbeeld. Een hoge mate van ouderlijke steun leidde tot een hoger zelfbeeld, maar ouderlijke controle had geen effect op het zelfbeeld. Daarnaast werd gevonden dat een hoge mate van ouderlijke steun en controle, alsmede het hebben van een hoog zelfbeeld leidde tot minder externaliserend probleemgedrag.
v. 17, n. 2, p. 296-302, abr./jun. 2016.
This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication
The acquisition of everyday scientific concepts by 3-6 year old children attending early childhood institutions has been widely studied. In contrast, research on science learning processes among younger children is less extensive. This paper reports on findings from an exploratory empirical study undertaken in a ‘stay and play’ service used by parents with children aged 0-3 and located within an East London early childhood centre. The research team collaborated with practitioners to deliver a programme of activities aimed at encouraging parents’ confidence in their own ability to support emergent scientific thinking among their young children. The programme generated children’s engagement and interest. Parents and practitioners reported increased confidence in their ability to promote young children’s natural curiosity at home and in early childhood provision. The authors see no reason for positing qualitative differences between the way children acquire scientific and other concepts in their earliest years.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Enfermagem
Werdende Elternschaft heute ist ohne das technologisch gestützte Monitoring natürlicher Wachstumsprozesse kaum noch denkbar. Von Tests und Ultraschall erhoffen sich die zukünftigen Eltern Sicherheit für ein gesundes Kind. Wird jedoch eine als schwerwiegend empfundene Diagnose wie das Down-Syndrom gestellt, finden sie sich mit der schwierigen Aufgabe konfrontiert, über Fortsetzung oder Abbruch der Schwangerschaft entscheiden zu müssen. Aus der Subjektperspektive von zehn Frauen, die einer solchen Entscheidungssituation ausgesetzt waren, analysiert die vorliegende Studie die durch die Diagnose ausgelösten psychodynamischen Prozesse und gesellschaftlichen Zugzwänge. Auf der Basis von Fallrekonstruktionen und fallübergreifenden Analysen werden konkrete Problemlagen der Betroffenen sichtbar und Kettenreaktionen im medizinischen, familiären und sozialen Umfeld aufgezeigt. Deutlich wird, wie die stetig perfektionierte Erfassung betroffener Feten dem - zunehmend privatisierten und kommerzialisierten – Medizinbetrieb eine Definitionsmacht darüber eröffnet, was lebenswert und normal ist. Die Handlungsmaxime lautet: Behinderung gilt es zu vermeiden, Normalität hat Vorrang vor Besonderheit. Mit der Analyse von Entscheidungsverläufen gegen den Selektionskonsens erschließt die Studie neue Sichtweisen auf diesen einseitig geführten Diskurs. Biographische Hintergründe der Frauen und ihre personalen und sozialen Ressourcen werden identifiziert und als Anhaltspunkte für eine professionelle Begleitung verstanden. Abgeleitet aus den Erfahrungen und Deutungsperspektiven der Betroffenen wird ein Modell der Beratung nach einer pränatalen Diagnose entworfen. Damit ist das Buch nicht nur für Professionelle aus Sonderpädagogik und Medizin, sondern auch aus Beratung und Therapie von Interesse. (DIPF/Orig.)
Approximately 5% of Australian national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are derived from the northern beef industry. Improving the reproductive performance of cows has been identified as a key target for increasing profitability, and this higher efficiency is also likely to reduce the GHG emissions intensity of beef production. The effects of strategies to increase the fertility of breeding herds and earlier joining of heifers as yearlings were studied on two properties at Longreach and Boulia in western Queensland. The beef production, GHG emissions, emissions intensity and profitability were investigated and compared with typical management in the two regions. Overall weaning rates achieved on the two properties were 79% and 74% compared with typical herd weaning rates of 58% in both regions. Herds with high reproductive performance had GHG emissions intensities (t CO2-e t–1 liveweight sold) 28% and 22% lower than the typical herds at Longreach and Boulia, with most of the benefit from higher weaning rates. Farm gross margin analysis showed that it was more profitable, by $62 000 at Longreach and $38 000 at Boulia, to utilise higher reproductive performance to increase the amount of liveweight sold with the same number of adult equivalents compared with reducing the number of adult equivalents to maintain the same level of liveweight sold and claiming a carbon credit for lower farm emissions. These gains achieved at two case study properties which had different rainfall, country types, and property sizes suggest similar improvements can be made on-farm across the Mitchell Grass Downs bioregion of northern Australia.
This study shows the results of an exploratory-descriptive research that aimed to identify the latent dimensions of communication, as well as finding relations between such dimensions and organizational image. The sample came to a total of 267 respondents, being 89 managers or owners and 178 salespeople of clothing and footwear stores that are situated in the main five shopping centers located in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The collection of the data was made by the use of two structuralized and validated instruments, being the answers measured in the likert scale of 6 points. For the measurement of communication it was used the instrument developed by Downs and Hazen (2002), made up of 8 latent dimensions and 32 indicators. For the image it was used the model of Mael and Ashforth (1992) that contains 5 indicators. The analysis of the data was made through of the use of statistical techniques of factorial analysis and structural equations modeling. The results of the factorial analysis demonstrated communication as being formed by five latent dimensions. The modeling, on the other hand, demonstrated to exist positive relations between communication and organizational image, whose results revealed that the image is influenced by the communication with the supervisor, by the organizational integration and as being stronger explained by the vertical communication
Foram avaliadas as características morfológicas da carcaça, musculosidade e composição tecidual da perna de cordeiros criados em regime de pasto, provenientes de ovelhas Romney, acasaladas com três raças paternas (Romney, East Friesian x (Finn x Texel) e Finn x Poll Dorset). Aos 150 e 300 dias de idade, os cordeiros foram abatidos em dois lotes, cada um com 15 animais de cada raça paterna, num total de 90 animais. O grupo oriundo de animais East Friesian x (Finn x Texel) apresentou maior quantidade de músculo na perna (1.975 g) e, em comparação ao grupo Romney, semelhante musculosidade da perna (0,45) e maior relação músculo:osso (7x6,69). A musculosidade da perna nos animais descendentes de Finn x Poll Dorset foi menor (0,44), quando comparada à dos demais grupos. Cordeiros abatidos mais tardiamente apresentaram carcaças mais longas e magras, provavelmente pelas condições adversas do verão e do outono, em que são típicas a menor taxa de crescimento e a qualidade inferior de forragem. O genótipo e a idade de abate influem nas características morfológicas da carcaça, no índice de musculosidade e de composição tecidual da perna dos cordeiros.
This thesis is concerned with change point analysis for time series, i.e. with detection of structural breaks in time-ordered, random data. This long-standing research field regained popularity over the last few years and is still undergoing, as statistical analysis in general, a transformation to high-dimensional problems. We focus on the fundamental »change in the mean« problem and provide extensions of the classical non-parametric Darling-Erdős-type cumulative sum (CUSUM) testing and estimation theory within highdimensional Hilbert space settings. In the first part we contribute to (long run) principal component based testing methods for Hilbert space valued time series under a rather broad (abrupt, epidemic, gradual, multiple) change setting and under dependence. For the dependence structure we consider either traditional m-dependence assumptions or more recently developed m-approximability conditions which cover, e.g., MA, AR and ARCH models. We derive Gumbel and Brownian bridge type approximations of the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of no change and consistency conditions under the alternative. A new formulation of the test statistic using projections on subspaces allows us to simplify the standard proof techniques and to weaken common assumptions on the covariance structure. Furthermore, we propose to adjust the principal components by an implicit estimation of a (possible) change direction. This approach adds flexibility to projection based methods, weakens typical technical conditions and provides better consistency properties under the alternative. In the second part we contribute to estimation methods for common changes in the means of panels of Hilbert space valued time series. We analyze weighted CUSUM estimates within a recently proposed »high-dimensional low sample size (HDLSS)« framework, where the sample size is fixed but the number of panels increases. We derive sharp conditions on »pointwise asymptotic accuracy« or »uniform asymptotic accuracy« of those estimates in terms of the weighting function. Particularly, we prove that a covariance-based correction of Darling-Erdős-type CUSUM estimates is required to guarantee uniform asymptotic accuracy under moderate dependence conditions within panels and that these conditions are fulfilled, e.g., by any MA(1) time series. As a counterexample we show that for AR(1) time series, close to the non-stationary case, the dependence is too strong and uniform asymptotic accuracy cannot be ensured. Finally, we conduct simulations to demonstrate that our results are practically applicable and that our methodological suggestions are advantageous.
Las enfermedades raras o huérfano son una problemática que ha tomado mucha importancia en el contexto mundial del presente siglo, estas se han definido como crónicas, de difícil tratamiento de sus síntomas y con baja prevalencia en la población; muchas de estas enfermedades cursan con varios tipos de discapacidad, siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo el enfocarse en aquellas enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual. Para poder profundizar en estas enfermedades se realizó una revisión teórica sobre las enfermedades raras, así como de la discapacidad psíquica y su importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. A partir de estas definiciones, se revisaron en profundidad 3 enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto colombiano, como son: el síndrome de Rett, el síndrome de Prader-Willi y el síndrome de X frágil. En cada una de estas enfermedades además se explicaron los tipos de diagnóstico, intervención, prevención, grupos de apoyo y tipos de evaluación que más se usan en el contexto nacional