1000 resultados para Brazil, Sao Paulo, Cerquilho
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic and environmental factors affecting records of longissimus muscle area (LMA) and back fat thickness (BF) obtained between the 12th and 13th ribs, and rump fat thickness (RF) between the hook and pin bones, measured by real-time ultrasound in Nelore cattle. Also, weight records of 22,778 animals born from 1998 to 2003, in ten farms across six Brazilian states were used. Carcass traits as measured by ultrasound of the live animal were recorded from 2002 to 2004 in 2590 males and females with ages varying from 450 to 599 days. Fixed models including farm, year and season of birth, sex and type of feed effects, and the covariates age of dam (AOD) and age of animal at measurement were used to study the effect of environmental factors on these traits. The genetic parameters for LMA, BF and RF were estimated with two and three-trait animal models with 120-day weights using a restricted maximum likelihood method. All environmental effects significantly affected carcass traits, with the exception of year of birth for BF and RF and AOD for LMA. The heritability estimates for LMA, BF and RF were 0.35, 0.51 and 0.39, respectively. Standard errors obtained in one-trait analyses were from 0.07 to 0.09. Genetic correlation estimates between LMA and the two traits of subcutaneous fat were low (close to zero) and 0.74 between BF and RF, indicating that the selection for LMA should not cause antagonism in the genetic improvement of subcutaneous fat measured by real-time ultrasound. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
Subclinical mastitis is a common and easily disseminated disease in dairy herds. Its routine diagnosis via bacterial culture and biochemical identification is a difficult and time-consuming process. In this work, we show that matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) allows bacterial identification with high confidence and speed (1 d for bacterial growth and analysis). With the use of MALDI-TOF MS, 33 bacterial culture isolates from milk of different dairy cows from several farms were analyzed, and the results were compared with those obtained by classical biochemical methods. This proof-of-concept case demonstrates the reliability of MALDI-TOF MS bacterial identification, and its increased selectivity as illustrated by the additional identification of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species and mixed bacterial cultures. Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry considerably accelerates the diagnosis of mastitis pathogens, especially in cases of subclinical mastitis. More immediate and efficient animal management strategies for mastitis and milk quality control in the dairy industry can therefore be applied.
Objective: Variations in genes that are critical for tooth formation may contribute to the tooth agenesis. MMPs are potential candidate genes for dental alterations based on the roles they play during embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible association between MMP1, MMP3, and MMP20 and tooth agenesis. Methods: One hundred sixty-seven nuclear families from two different populations were analysed, 116 from Brazil and 51 from Turkey. Probands had at least one congenitally missing tooth. DNA samples were obtained from blood or saliva samples and genotyping was performed using TagMan chemistry. In addition, Mmp20 was selected for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis with SYBR Green I Dye in mouse tooth development. Results: Associations between tooth agenesis and MMP1 (p = 0.007), and MMP20 (p = 0.03) were found in Brazilian families. In the total dataset, MMP20 continued to be associated with tooth agenesis (p = 0.01). Mmp20 was not expressed during the initial stages of tooth development. Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence that MMP1 and MMP20 play a role in human tooth agenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
El sector BPO&O es un sector con alto potencial en Colombia que aún se encuentra Incipiente. Dentro de este sector, los Call Centers juegan un papel importante para su desarrollo y Barranquilla posee grandes cualidades para permitir este crecimiento si se plantean las estrategias adecuadas.
The modernization process has been introduced in the agricultural sector without any technical control. This process has provoked loss of food quality, serious damage to the worker's health and environmental degradation. The lack of technical assistance is total and farmers are not interested in the hazards involved. -after English summary
Photointerpretative and multivariate statistical techniques were applied to variants of soil use measured in 4 hydrological basins of third order ramification, belonging to Tiete basin municipal district of Botucatu, Sao Paulo State. The aim was the grouping of basins of second degree of similarity, as well as to infer spatial distribution representativeness. The hydrological basins were located in 3 physiographic regions, with peripheric depression, cuesta front and cuesta backslope, embracing the following soil units: Regosol intergrade to Red Yellow Podzolic and intergrade to Red Yellow Latosol, Red Yellow Latosol-sandy phase, Litosol basaltic substract phase and Purple Latosol. The results obtained allow the conclusion that soil use not always reflects its fertility. -after English summary
This work describes the primary and tectonic-metamorphic structures of the Eleuterio Formation, cropping 1 km NW of the village of Eleuterio, State of Sao Paulo. The structural feature have been studied chiefly in low grade metamorphic siltites, arkoses and conglomerates. The textural evolution is marked by fragmentation, clay minerals reaction, pression solution with silica recrystallization, mechanical rotation in minerals, fluid circulation and dissolution, mica beards, the possibily crystallization of biotite and epidote, and so on. The tectonic metamorphic foliation now described is supposed to be formed by simple shear with a possible pure shear component. -English summary
The results indicated potassium as the most important for the discrimination between groups of samples, followed by magnesium, calcium and sodium. As the area has been under intense sugar cane industrialisation, the soil and the river waters of the region receive a high content of vinasse rich in potassium. -from English summary
From the 18O hydrograph separation method, it was found that groundwater contribution is the principal component of the total discharge produced by these two catchment areas. The weighted mean of the 18O concentration in the precipitation, obtained for a four year period, was close to -6.0‰, with a variation in range of +2.3‰ to -16.3‰. For Bufalos stream water the weighted mean of 18O values during the same period (1984-1987) was -6.3‰, with a variation from -2.5‰ to -10.1‰, whereas for Paraiso this mean was -6.4‰, with extreme values of -3.1‰ and -9.8‰. From these values it was found that the amplitude damping (Ariver/Aprecipitation) was 0.41 for the Bufalos watershed and 0.36 for Paraiso. Using the appropriate equation to estimate the mean residence time of water in the subsurface reservoir of the Bufalos and Paraiso watersheds, the results of 4.3 and 5.0 months, respectively, were obtained. -from Authors
Fluid inclusions, petrofabric and microstructures studies of mylonites and cataclasites were used to establish the Itu-Jundiuvira Shear Zone (IJSZ) tectonic and metamorphic evolution. The quartz fabric indicates that prism {1000} slip was important during the deformation. This studies have showed that IJSZ changed from deeper crustal levels (12-15km) and ductile conditions to upper levels of about 4 to 6km and brittle strain conditions. -English summary
The Itaqui Granitoid Complex is a drop shaped WNW-ESE trending intrusion with its head' at west. Its contacts with the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Sao Roque Group are intrusive at west, northwest, north and northeast, and tectonic at south and northeast. The complex is built up by four main intrusive phases which characterize a rising and unroofing process. Petrographically the Itaqui granite comprises five distinct magmatic associations in nine igneous units. -from English summary
Convective storm rainfall is of special importance to urban hydrological studies due to its temporal and spatial variability. Although dense networks of recording rain gauges can be employed to characterize such rainfall, very few investigations of this type have been undertaken due to their prohibitive cost. This paper reports some data on characteristics of tropical convective storms obtained from radar at Bauru in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Periods of convective precipitation were identified by exclusion of those related to frontal activity with the help of synoptic maps and the radar screen record. The occurrence and evolution of convective storms were observed in two 28 km × 28 km windows obtaining information on the life history of convective cells and the magnitude of rainfall. Frequency distributions of the time of occurrence of convective rainfall, cell size, area covered, life duration and maximum and average rainfall observed in the experimental areas are presented and discussed.
This paper presents results of settlements measurement and analysis of column building, which are in construction in the city of Bauru - SP, using optical level. The foundation of the columns is in drilled caissons. The local soil is a fine clayey sand, and the phreatic water level is deep. When the latest measurement were performed it was assumed that 75% of the final load were acting in the column. The paper presents local soil parameters, dimension of foundation, total and differential settlements which were measured.
Agonistic encounters and facultative parental care in Hyla faber were observed in two localities in southeastern Brazil. Maximum male density was 0.9 and 3.3 males/m2 in Campinas and Ribeirão Branco, respectively. Aggression was escalated and the highly variable aggressive calls were specific to each phase of the encounter. The last, more aggressive phases rarely occurred in Campinas; in Ribeirão Branco they occurred frequently. Male parental care (egg attendance) was common in Ribeirão Branco while it was never observed in Campinas. Egg attendance lasted one to two nights and was observed only during high male density. The main benefit of egg attendance seemed to be avoiding nest intrusion by other males (sunken eggs and/or embryos invariably die). Males may build additional nests during egg attendance, but attending males did not attract females (they did not call).
This study was conducted in Adamantina, region of Alta Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1989 to 1993. Yield of Apoatã coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) was evaluated during four years of intercropping with five plant species: IAC 20 - cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); cv. Tatu - peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.); IAC 165 - rice (Oryza sativa L.); cv. Guarani - castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and IAC 100-B - corn (Zea mays L.). The crops were seeded 50 cm apart from coffee canopy. The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with five replications. Yield was significantly decreased when coffee was intercropped with castor bean, corn, cotton and peanut, but height and diameter of orthotropic branches were not affected. Linear correlation analysis showed that coffee yield was inversely correlated with the dry biomass of the intercrops.