953 resultados para Anatolia College.


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Electronic resources have become a vital part of an academic library especially in universities and higher education institutions. The availability of electronic resources and the acceptance of the fonnat among the academics are rising day by day. As far as engineering students are concerned, they are much techno-savy and are more used to electronic resources. So it has become necessary for the libraries of engineering institutions to subscribe and provide access to electronic resources to satisfy its user community. Many studies have identified that academics are much preferring online journals and databases than their print counter-parts


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There are around 150 engineering colleges (ECs) in Kerala under the government, aided and self financing (S.F.) sectors. While the college libraries in the government and aided sectors receive several grants, the libraries of S.F. colleges are solely run by their own funds. The rising costs of scholarly publications and strict AICTE stipulations regarding libraries and their collection, pose great difficulties to the libraries in all sectors in finding adequate budgets to provide quality services. Library cooperation/resource sharing helps to overcome this problem to a considerable extent. The present study analysed the facilities and services of the ECs affiliated to M.G.University, Kerala to identify whether there is a need for resource sharing (RS) among these libraries. The satisfaction of the users with their library resources and services were also ascertained. The study put forward a model for RS and the opinion of the librarians and users regarding the same were collected. Structured questionnaires were used to collect the required data. The study revealed that a wide gap exist between the libraries with respect to their facilities and services and many of the S.F. libraries have better infrastructure when compared to the government and aided college libraries. Majority of the respondents opined that RS is necessary to satisfy their information needs. The model of RS proposed by the study was widely accepted by the librarians and users. Based on the opinions and suggestions of the respondents, the study developed the potential model for resource sharing- the Virtual Resource Sharing Centre (VRSC).


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A good discussion of things you can do while at University to improve your opportunities when you leave university. Written from an American viwpoint but mostly still valid


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Unions and collective negotiation are essential in maintaining good working conditions for all staff, in particular those who are on Fixed Term Contracts (FTC) and are often starting out in their academic/research careers. The FTC group is particularly vulnerable to discrimination and the pressure to produce outputs and bring in funding to secure more secure employment. The very nature of being on a FTC greatly reduces the amount of funding sources that can be applied to.This talk provides an overview of the University and College Union (UCU), how it operates, what the benefits are, what we have achieved nationally and at a local level. Joe Viana, a FTC research er at the University, and the FTC rep of the Southampton UCU branch, will be on hand to answer questions and to provide feedback on local and national level activities.The talk should be of interest to all FTC staff, their supervisors and any postgrads considering a research career in higher education.


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Appreciation of humor includes several cognitive and social processes. None can say that two communities will laugh at the same jokes and find funny the same humorous content. This study worked differences in humor appreciation of university students and comparisons were made between sex and age of participants. To assess the appreciation of humor was built an instrument with 15 written jokes. This instrument was presented to a total sample of 81 students, divided into 3 groups of different age. Participants had to evaluate two aspects: the playfulness and the difficulty of each stimulus or humorous vignette. The jokes that showed significant differences in jocularity have a particular structure marked for a disqualifying content to men, indicating, as noted the literature, that men have more fun with sexual humor and prefers this kind of jokes as well as content related to aggressive or hostile, while women have more fun with humorous vignettes when the man is the victim and reject more when the victim is a woman. In terms of age and the appreciation of humor, there are differences in the type of situations and social contexts valued in the jokes, involving relationship between situational and social aspects of humor.


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Descriptive Cross-sectional study involving 787 students from a private university in Bogota. Its objectives were to determine the alcohol consump- tion prevalence, alcoholism and risk of alcoholism and determine the current pattern of alcohol con- sumption. A survey –which included the CAgE index– was used to collect the data. A prevalence of alcoholism of 23%, and of risk of alcoholism of 15% were found. Results show that alcohol con- sumption in university students begins in high school and it is a problematic conduct that it is worth being enlarged and analyzed in greater detail including other variables and perfecting the diag- nosis of alcoholism and its risk in order to achieve early identification and intervention.


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Cross-cultural studies on eating behaviors and related constructs can identify cultural and social factors that contribute to eating disorder symptomatology. Eating disorders (EDs) are a major cause for concern in the U.S., and recent studies in Colombia have shown growing rates among their female population. In addition, cosmetic surgery procedures have been increasing rapidly in both the U.S. and Colombia, and preliminary research suggests a positive relation between disordered eating and endorsement of plastic surgery. In samples of college women from Colombia and the U.S., we investigated patterns of association between disordered eating variables and cosmetic surgery acceptance. Our approach utilized separate analyses for various subcomponents of disordered eating (to determine their unique associations with cosmetic surgery acceptance) while adjusting for potentially relevant covariates and examining cross-cultural patterns. Participants were students at an urban, public college in the U.S. (n=163) and an urban, private college in Colombia (n=179). Overall, our findings suggested that participants from Colombia with greater disordered eating were more likely to endorse cosmetic surgery for social reasons, while those from the U.S. were more likely to consider undergoing cosmetic surgery for personal reasons. Differing findings between the two samples may be due to cultural and social factors, which we delineate. These findings also have potential implications for presurgical counseling of cosmetic surgery candidates.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el del autor


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Libro dirigido a profesores universitarios que presenta una serie de técnicas y formatos prácticos de enseñanza, actividades para desarrollar en clase y ejercicios de fácil y rápida implementación. Esta dividido en seis partes (bases para el aprendizaje del estudiante, gestión de cursos, elegir y usar las herramientas adecuadas para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, herramientas para la solución de problemas del mundo real, hacer el aprendizaje más fácil, evaluación de los resultados del aprendizaje) y trata temas de actualidad como la psicología cognitiva, los mapas de resultados, el copyright, las nuevas tecnologías (wikis, blogs, podcasts, vodcasts y clickers) y la adecuación de los métodos de enseñanza a los resultados.


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Se exponen las reflexiones que realiza el Collège de France sobre los principios fundamentales de la enseñanza del futuro, integrando la cultura literaria y artística universal, con los saberes y métodos de las ciencias más recientes. Se propone tener en cuenta los cambios tecnológicos y sociales, favorecer el conocimiento de todas las culturas y dotar a los jóvenes franceses de los instrumentos modernos de pensamiento, de expresión y de acción.


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Sintetizar el plan de acción de un colegio, elaborado por todos los agentes de la educación a partir de realidades concretas en vista del desenvolvimiento total del niño, con ayuda de la utilización racional de los recursos disponibles. 240 alumnos. Encuestas y entrevistas a los padres y alumnos. Estadística descriptiva. Los datos ajustados a una curva normal. La familiaridad con las exigencias de las funciones cognitivas y los principios del aprendizaje no dan la solución automatica de los problemas en la clase. El efecto educador se debe objetivar a la acción pedagógica de los principios psico-pedagógicos a fin de mejorar la comprensión para tener una visión sintetica, armónica y reciclar los objetivos, contenidos y métodos así como la evaluación de los aprendizajes. La educación es un hacer de corazón, pero sólo las funciones cognitivas pueden dar al acto educativo un sentido humano, una perspectiva, un devenir, una historia.