818 resultados para young people Queensland


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Políticas Públicas


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A survey of the autopsy data on hepatosplenic schistosomiasis during periods, before and after the advent of new chemotherapeutic drugs, revealed that: a) the pathological presentation was the same for the two periods; b) the number of cases in the last five years is progressively decreasing; c) hepatosplenic disease due to schistosomiasis is becoming rare in young people. These data represent a change in the pattern of pathology in schistosomiasis, probably related to new chemotherapy.


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Binge drinking has nearly become the norm for young people and is thus worrying. Although alcohol use in males attracts more media attention, females are also frequently affected. A variety of preventive measures can be proposed: at the individual level by parents, peers and family doctors; at the school and community level, particularly to postpone age of first use and first episode of drunkenness; at the structural level through a policy restricting access to alcohol for young people and increasing its price. Family doctors can play an important role in identifying at risk users and individualising preventive messages to which these young people are exposed in other contexts.


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Salvia divinorum Epling & Jativa is an hallucinogenic mint traditionally used for curing and divination by the Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico. Young people from Mexican cities were reported to smoke dried leaves of S. divinorum as a marijuana substitute. Recently, two S. divinorum specimens were seized in a large-scale illicit in-door and out-door hemp plantation. Salvinorin A also called divinorin A, a trans-neoclerodane diterpene, was identified in several organic solvent extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The botanical identity of the plant was confirmed by comparing it to an authentic herbarium specimen. More plants were then discovered in Swiss horticulturists greenhouses. All these data taken together suggest that many attempts exist in Switzerland to use S. divinorum as a recreational drug. This phenomenon may be enhanced because neither the magic mint, nor its active compound are banned substances listed in the Swiss narcotic law.


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There is a widespread consensus in the literature that, as consequence of the demographic transition, the current Spanish pension system will become unsustainable in the next decades. In this article we evaluate the sustainability of the contributory pensions' sub-system, taking into account the demographic projections by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE). A baseline scenario is projected as well as several reforms are simulated, focusing on: (i) selective immigration policy, (ii) changes in the way of setting the pensions and (iii) increase of the legal age of retirement up to 68. The main results are the following. The current system would not incur deficits until 2018, from then deficits will begin to be accumulated. The expenditure in pensions practically would double (from 8.3 % in 2005 to 17.2 % in 2050). A selective immigration policy -towards foreign young people- would help, but does not solve the long-term sustainability of the current system. A policy that combines a pensions' growth at a pace lower than productivity growth and extends the legal age of retirement up to 68 would give solvency to the system beyond 2029


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Suicidal behaviour among young people represents a major public health problem. This study seeks to compare the major sociological, clinical, schooling and family features of suicidal and non-suicidal subgroups of adolescents hospitalised in the Health Foundation Center for French Students of neufmoutiers en Brie (France). All these adolescents suffered from the severe mental disorders. The adolescents from the suicidal subgroup presented significantly fewer psychoses and more mood disorders than those of the non-suicidal subgroup. Half of the patients from the suicidal subgroup presented some features of personality disorders, mostly borderline personality disorders. Nevertheless, their global functioning was more frequently improved between admission and discharge than was the case for the non-suicidal group.


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Aquest treball tracta sobre la violència. Específicament sobre el que els joves entre 14 i 23 anys en pensen. Socialment la violència s’associa al fet de ser home. Per tant, podem pensar que per demostrar la seva virilitat molts homes joves la poden utilitzar. Però, què passa en el cas de les joves? Per què la violència continua sent una eina no de supervivència sinó d’estil de vida? Com podem entendre aquestes subtileses que de vegades s’escapen a primer cop d’ull? Aquest estudi és ambiciós, però al mateix temps realista. Busquem conèixer, entendre i contribuir a crear línies d’accions que facilitin l’eradicació de la violència. Sabem que amb un sol estudi i de curta durada és impossible, però el que volem és iniciar aquest procés. Per això, aquest estudi utilitza una metodologia variada (IAT, fotointervenció i entrevistes) que ha permès veure la part qualitativa, de vegades oblidada, però que ens permet veure, pel seu caràcter il•lustrador, allò que la simple utilització quantitativa no reflecteix per si mateixa. La població estudiada són joves a disposició judicial, pares i mares, professionals del Servei de Justícia i joves que no es troben en disposició judicial. Els resultats obtinguts posen sobre la taula la convivència de les idees tradicionals sobre el que és ser home, el que és ser dona i el que s’entén per violència, amb el mite d’igualtat i no masclisme. Invita a aprofundir en les raons per continuar mantenint la violència com a forma no sols de resolució de conflicte, sinó com a estil de vida lligat al fet de ser d’un sexe o de l’altre i de caràcter immodificable. Des de les dades obtingudes i la seva anàlisi proposem, en termes generals, la continuïtat de la recerca, la formació sobre sexualitat, gènere, violència, vincles, poder, etc. I activitats cap a la sensibilització.


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Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.


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El proyecto de investigación desarrollado durante el período de la beca se inserta en el marco del proyecto de investigación titulado "Especialidad de formación, especialidad de empleo y resultados de inserción laboral" (ESFOREM). La primera línea de investigación desarrollada se centró en el análisis macroestadístico de la relación entre la formación y el empleo en el caso de los jóvenes españoles a partir del análisis estadísitico de los datos proporcionados por la Encuesta ETEFIL (INE, 2005). El propósito de la investigación era cotejar en qué medida los jóvenes con nivel educativo no universitario estaban trabajando de aquello para lo cual se habían formado específicamente según el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones (adecuación normativa) y hasta qué punto la no correspondencia entre el empleo (según su nivel y especialidad) y la formación (según su nivel y especialidad) suponía una fracaso respecto a su inserción laboral. Enfoques dominantes sobre la relación entre formación y empleo parten del supuesto normativo de que la correspondencia entre especialidad de formación y especialidad de empleo es la situación óptima y se postula que la dinámica del mercado de trabajo tiende a propiciarla. El proyecto ESFOREM tenía una segunda línea de investigación que planteaba un análisis cualitativo de dos subsectores específicos. Esta tesis doctoral se inserta en la segunda línea de investigación desarrollada y tiene como propósito analizar y explicar, mediante una estrategia de investigación cualitativa un caso específico de modalidad de relación en la que no existe correspondencia entre formación y empleo, de forma tal de poder analizar y explicar el papel activo que los agentes e instituciones tienen en la configuración de la relación. El caso seleccionado ha sido del "empleo de cuidado en domicilio depersonas en situación de dependencia", con el objetivo de contribuir a profundizar en el estudio de un sector de empleo que es cada vez más emergente y que está fuertemente feminizado. Dicho estudio se realiza a nivel comparado y municipal entre Montevideo y Barcelona.


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We report two unusual cases of sudden unexpected death in children. Histopathologic examination showed intimal fibroplasias, a variant of fibromuscular dysplasia of the right coronary artery associated in both cases with fatty infiltration of the right ventricular myocardium. The significance of this particular combination of two lesions known to induce a sudden death in young people is discussed.


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L’estudi vol donar a conèixer les característiques psicològiques, sòcio-demogràfiques i judicials dels menors denunciats per agredir a la seva parella, alhora que també vol donar a conèixer les característiques sòcio-demogràfiques de les víctimes d’aquests joves. La recerca es circumscriu a la província de Barcelona. La mostra de l’estudi són 90 casos que van passar entre gener de 2007 i juny de 2010 amb la qualificació feta inicialment per la Fiscalia de Barcelona de: violència domèstica, maltractament en l’àmbit familiar, lesions, vexacions, actes/accions contra la integritat moral i violència física contra les persones, ja siguin delictes o faltes.


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Preventing obesity is a key priority for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland. In support of this, the DHSSPS has led the development of a cross-Departmental, crosssectoral Obesity Prevention Framework for Northern Ireland 2011-2021, entitled A Fitter Future For All, which seeks to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity throughout  Northern Ireland. The Framework focuses action on three main pillars: food & nutrition; physical activity; and data and research, and within the context of three life course stages: Early Years; Children and Young People; and Adults. This approach is consistent with the responses being undertaken by a number of countries, following the Foresight Report.


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The Institute of Public Health welcomes the Consultation on a Draft Strategy for Children and Yung People in Northern Ireland. We believe that in addition to the human rights to which we are all entitled, children and young people constitute, in many instances, a vulnerable group within society and therefore special effort is needed to ensure that they are able to maximise their potential and live healthy, fulfilling lives.  In our response to the Consultation Document we will focus on how inequality impacts on children’s lives and how, as a consequence ways in which to combat inequalities need to be at the heart of a strategy for children. We will also highlight the potential for strengthening the strategy by increased cooperation with similar initiatives in the Republic of Ireland.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyse the prevalence of lifetime recourse to prostitution (LRP) among men in the general population of Switzerland from a trend and cohort perspective. METHODS: Using nine repeated representative cross-sectional surveys from 1987 to 2000, age-specific estimates of LRP were computed. Trends and period effect were analysed as the evolution of cross-sectional population estimates within age groups and overall. Cohort analysis relied on cohorts constructed from the 1989 survey and followed in subsequent waves. Age and cohort effects were modelled using logistic regression and non-parametric monotone regression. RESULTS: Whereas prevalence for the younger groups was found to be logically lower, there was no consistent increasing or decreasing trend over the years; there was no significant period effect. For the 17-30 year age group, the mean estimate over 1987-2000 was 11.5% (range 8.3 to 12.7%); for the 31-45 year group, the mean was 21.5% (range over 1989-2000 20.3 to 23.0%). Regarding cohort analysis, the prevalence of LRP was found to increase steeply in the youngest ages before reaching a plateau near the age of 40 years. At the age of 43 years, the prevalence was estimated to be 22.6% (95% CI 21.1% to 24.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The steep increase in the cohort-wise prevalence of LRP in younger ages calls for a concentration of prevention activities in young people. If the plateauing at approximately 40 years of age is not followed by a further increase later in life, which is not known, then consumers of paid sex would be repeat buyers only, a fact that should be taken into account by prevention.


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This paper presents the main subjects discussed in the round-table: "Educational Base for Biomedical Research", during the International Symposium on Biomedical Research in the 21st century; two main aspects will be focused: (1) the importance of popularizing science in order to stimulate comprehension of the scientific process and progress, their critical thinking, citizenship and social commitment, mainly in the biomedical area, considering the new advances of knowledge and the resulting technology; (2) the importance to stimulate genuine scientific vocation among young people, by giving them opportunity to early experience scientific environment, throught the hands of well prepared master in a humanistic atmosphere.