756 resultados para mathematics and science education


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Sleep has emerged in the past decades as a key process for memory consolidation and restructuring. Given the universality of sleep across cultures, the need to reduce educational inequality, the low implementation cost of a sleep-based pedagogy, and its global scalability, it is surprising that the potential of improved sleep as a means of enhancing school education has remained largely unexploited. Students of various socio-economic status often suffer from sleep deficits. In principle, the optimization of sleep schedules both before and after classes should produce large positive benefits for learning. Here we review the biological and psychological phenomena underlying the cognitive role of sleep, present the few published studies on sleep and learning that have been performed in schools, and discuss potential applications of sleep to the school setting. Translational research on sleep and learning has never seemed more appropriate.


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Factors associated with and barriers to participation in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the effect participation has on food security, nutrition status, disease status and quality of life was investigated in a cross-sectional study including 175 HIV infected individuals. In addition, the effect of a targeted nutrition education on nutrition knowledge, readiness to dietary behavior change, nutrition status, disease status and quality of life was also investigated among a subset of the population (N = 45) in a randomized clinical control trial. SNAP participation rate was 70.3%, similar to the State of Florida and national participation rates. SNAP participation was positively and independently associated with being born in the US (P < 0.001), having monthly income less than $1000 (P = 0.006), and receiving antiretroviral treatment (P < 0.001). Participation barriers include denial of participation by program, recent incarceration, living in a shelter where participation is not allowed and unawareness of eligibility status. In regression analyses, SNAP participation was not significantly associated with improved food security, nutrition status, disease status and health related quality of life (HRQOL). Over half (56%) of the population experienced food insecurity and had inadequate intakes of half of the nutrients assessed. Illicit drug, alcohol and cigarette use were high in this population (31%, 55% and 63% respectively), and affected food security, nutrients intake, disease status and HRQOL. The nutrition education intervention resulted in a trend towards improvements nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, and readiness to change without impacting nutrition status, disease state and quality of life. Food insecurity and other nutrition related issues, with implications for treatment, management and cost of HIV disease, continue to plague infected individuals living in poverty. More resources, including food and nutrition programs, specifically targeted towards this population are needed to address these issues.


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Technology has an important role in children's lives and education. Based on several projects developed with ICT, both in Early Childhood Education (3-6 years old) and Primary Education (6-10 years old), since 1997, the authors argue that research and educational practices need to "go outside", addressing ways to connect technology with outdoor education. The experience with the projects and initiatives developed supported a conceptual framework, developed and discussed with several partners throughout the years and theoretically informed. Three main principles or axis have emerged: strengthening Children's Participation, promoting Critical Citizenship and establishing strong Connections to Pedagogy and Curriculum. In this paper, those axis will be presented and discussed in relation to the challenge posed by Outdoor Education to the way ICT in Early Childhood and Primary Education is understood, promoted and researched. The paper is exploratory, attempting to connect theoretical and conceptual contributions from Early Childhood Pedagogy with contributions from ICT in Education. The research-based knowledge available is still scarce, mostly based on studies developed with other purposes. The paper, therefore, focus the connections and interpellations between concepts established through the theoretical framework and draws on the almost 20 years of experience with large and small scale action-research projects of ICT in schools. The more recent one is already testing the conceptual framework by supporting children in non-formal contexts to explore vineyards and the cycle of wine production with several ICT tools. Approaching Outdoor Education as an arena where pedagogical and cultural dimensions influence decisions and practices, the paper tries to argue that the three axis are relevant in supporting a stronger connection between technology and the outdoor.


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Recent perspectives on Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education emphasize children's participation in line with the Children's Rights Convention. The study aimed to analyse how children's rights are dealt with during recess in a school (Early Childhood and Primary Education) in Portugal. The aims were: to characterize the style of the adult (teaching assistants) and the interactions that are established with the children at the playground/recess, and analyse them in terms of children's rights. The qualitative approach was based on the observation during the recess for three weeks. The Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) was used to register and code the dynamics of six teaching assistants (3 ECE and 3 PE). Critical incidents were also registered. Statistical analysis of the ASOS-ECE levels were complemented with the content analysis of the notes. The playground space was quite limited and affected children's play and well-being. The outdoor playground was never used for the Early Childhood classes, only for Primary Education students but with little supervision. Children were often deprived of playground time by decision of the teaching assistants, as punishment. The results obtained through the Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) are not satisfactory and are below what would meet the minimum quality value (3,5). For Early Childhood Education, sensibility is the most valued dimension but with very low levels (<2,5). For Primary Education it was autonomy that scored highest (<2,5). The analysis of the notes/critical incidents highlighted articles 12 (expression of own views), 13 (freedom of expression), 19 (protection against violence), 29 (development of personality) and 31 (rest and leisure, play and recreational activities) as being put into question by actions of the adults responsible for the children. Children's rights and well-being need to be put forward in the knowledge base for all adults working with children so that Pedagogy can fulfil its purpose fully.


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During the 117th General Assembly of South Carolina, the Commission for Minority Affairs introduced the Student Achievement and Vision Education (SAVE) Proviso. The Proviso was so named to emphasize the importance of addressing student achievement by closing the gap that exists between majority and minority student performance and visioning students toward educational success through the implementation of the Education and Economic Development Act. This report documents the progress to date on the study; the impact of budget cuts on the CMA and complying agencies; the CMA's ability to complete the comprehensive study document using most current information; and the need for further study beyond February 2009.


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This article presents the results of a research project in which the characteristics of university teachers and classroom environment were studied from the students´ perspectives. The study was based on a mixed design, this one attempts to develop a profile of the teachers, with the participation of students being trained in pedagogy majors. The results indicate that the students underline the importance of personality and psico-pedagogical characteristics in contrast with the theoretical findings, which point more towards professional characteristics.


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Nowadays, the topic of diversity is being studied, particularly in the field of the formation of future educators, where it is clearly evident in each one of the students. In order to understand this concept and meet the challenges it demands, this investigation, through the experience of action research, looks for a real picture of how this diversity is served in Guanacaste’s rural contexts. This is accomplished by identifying those ways to guide a better teachers’ work, and by taking into account the educational planning and the participation of the different sectors involved in the process of teaching and learning.


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Singapura é uma Cidade-Estado localizada na ponta sul da Península Malaia, no Sudeste Asiático. Trata-se de um país insular constituído por 63 ilhas, que está separado da Malásia pelo Estreito de Johor, a norte, e das Ilhas Riau (Indonésia) pelo Estreito de Singapura, a sul. (...) No âmbito deste artigo, interessa-nos falar um pouco sobre o sistema de ensino deste país. A verdade é que os alunos de Singapura têm geralmente as notas mais altas nos exames internacionais de Matemática. Veja-se, por exemplo, o caso do TIMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) (...) O sucesso deste método também passa por uma forte aposta no Pré-Escolar, seguindo a máxima “É de pequenino que se torce o pepino!” Desde logo, há que desconstruir a ideia bastante comum em Portugal de que, no Jardim de Infância, os temas matemáticos são trabalhados nas rotinas diárias e que esse trabalho informal é mais do que suficiente para cumprir os objetivos relativos ao ensino da Matemática nos primeiros anos. Tal como acontece com as outras áreas e domínios, também a Matemática deve ter um espaço de trabalho próprio (em termos da calendarização semanal das atividades como também na organização do espaço físico da sala do Jardim de Infância). Esse espaço deve ser ocupado com atividades desafiadoras que, num tom lúdico e com apelo à utilização de muitos materiais (estruturados e não estruturados), estimulem o desenvolvimento de competências matemáticas. (...) O processo de aprendizagem deve processar-se em três etapas: Concreto (os alunos participam em atividades usando objetos concretos, quer sejam materiais estruturados ou não estruturados); Pictórico (os alunos trabalham representações pictóricas de conceitos matemáticos – por exemplo, utilizam tracinhos ou pontinhos); Abstrato (os alunos resolvem problemas matemáticos de forma abstrata, usando numerais e outros símbolos). Há também um extremo cuidado em não saltar etapas. Os novos conceitos matemáticos são introduzidos, partindo de conceitos que já foram trabalhados à exaustão e que a criança domina. Esta progressão em espiral permite também uma revisão de conceitos matemáticos importantes, enquanto se promove a expansão dessas bases. Outro aspeto crucial passa por estimular a prática da oralidade. As crianças são chamadas a verbalizar o seu raciocínio, a usar frases completas, com sujeito e predicado, e a alargar o vocabulário que têm à sua disposição. Uma última palavra para o treino motor (a criança é convidada a traçar no ar, a contornar objetos com o indicador e, posteriormente, com um lápis) e para um convite à capacidade de a criança monitorizar o seu próprio pensamento, a ter consciência das estratégias que pode usar e a repensar sobre os processos de pensamento individual, num claro convite ao desenvolvimento da metacognição. (...)


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The development of nations depends on energy consumption, which is generally based on fossil fuels. This dependency produces irreversible and dramatic effects on the environment, e.g. large greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn cause global warming and climate changes, responsible for the rise of the sea level, floods, and other extreme weather events. Transportation is one of the main uses of energy, and its excessive fossil fuel dependency is driving the search for alternative and sustainable sources of energy such as microalgae, from which biodiesel, among other useful compounds, can be obtained. The process includes harvesting and drying, two energy consuming steps, which are, therefore, expensive and unsustainable. The goal of this EPS@ISEP Spring 2013 project was to develop a solar microalgae dryer for the microalgae laboratory of ISEP. A multinational team of five students from distinct fields of study was responsible for designing and building the solar microalgae dryer prototype. The prototype includes a control system to ensure that the microalgae are not destroyed during the drying process. The solar microalgae dryer works as a distiller, extracting the excess water from the microalgae suspension. This paper details the design steps, the building technologies, the ethical and sustainable concerns and compares the prototype with existing solutions. The proposed sustainable microalgae drying process is competitive as far as energy usage is concerned. Finally, the project contributed to increase the deontological ethics, social compromise skills and sustainable development awareness of the students.


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Department of Biological Sciences. Acting Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Science.


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Die empirische Studie untersucht das Wechselspiel zwischen der fachbezogenen Sprachentwicklung und dem Fachlernen von Schülerinnen und Schülern bei der Einführung in den Kraftbegriff. Sie betrachtet also sowohl sprachliche wie auch kognitive Aspekte des Lernens in der Mechanik. Dafür wurde ein Unterrichtskonzept entwickelt, das den Gebrauch des Fachwortes Kraft in der Wissenschaft und in der alltäglichen Sprache besonders thematisiert. Dieses Unterrichtskonzept basiert auf Empfehlungen und Ergebnissen der Kognitionspsychologie, Linguistik, Philosophie, Sprachlehrforschung und der Didaktiken der Physik und der Fremdsprachen. Im Rahmen des Unterrichts wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit zwei Aufgabentypen konfrontiert: Beim ersten Aufgabentyp waren die Lerner aufgefordert, den Kraftbegriff so zu verwenden, wie es einer fachsprachlich angemessenen Form entspräche, etwa um die Bewegung eines Zuges zu beschreiben. Aufgaben des zweiten Typs sahen vor, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler kurze Texte danach klassifizierten, ob sie der Alltagssprache oder der Fachsprache angehörten. Diese als Metadiskurs bezeichnete Form der Auseinandersetzung mit sprachlichen Aspekten verhalf den Schülerinnen und Schülern zu einer Gelegenheit, ihr eigenes Verständnis des Kraftbegriffs zu thematisieren. Weiter lieferte der Metadiskurs wichtige Hinweise darauf, ob die Schülerinnen und Schüler sich bei ihren Beurteilungen eher auf formal-sprachliche oder inhaltliche Aspekte der Sprache bezogen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden alle Unterrichtsstunden videografiert und transkribiert. Zusammen mit schriftlichen Arbeitsergebnissen und Tests stand ein umfangreicher Datensatz zur Verfügung, für dessen Auswertung ein inhaltsanalytisches Verfahren Anwendung fand. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lernen im Fach Physik bestimmte Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Lernen einer Fremdsprache zeigt: Wenn die Schülerinnen und Schüler den Kraftbegriff fachsprachlich verwenden sollen, sehen sie sich oft einer Alternativentscheidung gegenüber. Entweder sie versuchen, einer fachsprachlichen Form zu gehorchen und verlieren dabei den Inhalt aus den Augen, oder sie konzentrieren sich auf den Inhalt, drücken sich dabei aber in ihrer Alltagssprache aus und folgen Alltagskonzepten, die weit entfernt von den fachlich intendierten liegen. Ähnliche Beobachtungen kann man im Sprachunterricht machen, wenn Schüler eine neue grammatische Regel einüben: Sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf die neu zu erlernende Regel, oder aber auf den Inhalt des Gesagten, wobei sie die grammatische Regel, die an sich Gegenstand der Übung ist, verletzen. Meistens fällt diese Entscheidung derart, dass die Konzentration auf den Inhalt des Gesagten gerichtet ist, nicht oder wenig auf seine Form. Im Unterschied zum Sprachunterricht ist der Physikunterricht allerdings nicht nur darauf gerichtet, fachsprachlich angemessene Formen einzuüben, sondern insbesondere darauf, den Blick für neue und ungewohnte Konzepte zu öffnen. Damit müssen die Schülerinnen und Schüler hier häufig sprachliche und kognitive Hürden zur selben Zeit bewältigen. Die detaillierte Analyse des Metadiskurses zeigt, dass das Problem des Nebeneinanders zweier unterschiedlicher Anforderung entschäft werden kann: Während die Schüler im Metadiskurs unterschiedliche Aspekte der Sprache diskutieren, sind sie eher in der Lage, sowohl formale wie inhaltsbezogene Merkmale der Sprache wahrzunehmen. Der Text referiert weitere Parallelen zwischen dem Physikunterricht und dem Fremdsprachenlernen, sodass die Auffassung gerechtfertigt ist, dass die Fremdsprachendidaktik als Ideenlieferantin dafür dienen kann, neue Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für den Physikunterricht aufzufinden.


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Resumen tomado del autor


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Se analizan los resultados del Informe PISA 2003 (Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de Alumnos) sobre los niveles de preparación de los alumnos de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) y de otros países no miembros de esta organización. Para el análisis se usan dos informes más: el Informe Third Internacional Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1995; y el Informe PISA 2000. El Informe PISA 2003 se basa en las matemáticas, y analiza la capacidad de resolución de problemas matemáticos en contextos reales. La muestra está formada por alumnos de 15 años, cuarto de ESO, de 41 países. Se examinan dos fuentes de diferencias, en primer lugar las territoriales en forma de diferencias entre países, que en el caso concreto de España es por medio de la variable de Comunidad Autónoma; y en segundo lugar, la fuente de diferenciación está en el sexo o género. Se recogen los datos estudiados en varias tablas.