644 resultados para locational disadvantage


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Cette thèse se penche sur la rationalité sécuritaire qui organise les villes de Douala et Yaoundé. En effet, l’insécurité urbaine devient une question très préoccupante, encore plus dans les villes des pays du Sud notamment les villes camerounaises où la recrudescence de la criminalité et de la violence ont donné lieu à des initiatives de sécurisation de la part de l’État et de la population. Sur le plan de la théorie, plusieurs approches nous permettent de nous projeter dans l’environnement sécuritaire des villes à l’étude. Nous considérons les villes de Douala et Yaoundé comme des lieux de production culturelle où se construisent à la faveur des migrations, à partir de diverses cultures et de comportements issus des villages d’origine, des formes d’identités hybrides et des territoires urbains diversifiés. Cela donne donc à réfléchir sur les modes de gouvernance locale, à l’échelle des quartiers, dans le but de comprendre les modalités d’encadrement de cette dynamique culturelle urbaine. Dans le même ordre d’idées, la gouvernance locale fait appel aux acteurs, dans leurs rôles et leurs logiques. Ces logiques s’observent dans leurs dimensions cognitives et leurs rapports avec l’espace. Les dimensions cognitives évoquent les perceptions, le vécu et les représentations subjectives qui sont associées à l’insécurité. Ainsi, le sentiment d’insécurité, la peur, la marginalisation, la violence et la criminalisation sont des phénomènes qui laissent entrevoir des populations défavorisées, victimes d’insécurité. C’est à côté de ces dernières que se manifestent les logiques d’acteurs associées à l’espace, qui ouvrent l’observation sur l’informalité et la ségrégation non seulement comme instruments de contrôle de l’espace urbain, mais également comme cadres de production d’espaces sécurisés. L’informalité et la ségrégation sont aussi favorables au développement des identités, à la construction d’utopies, ces visions mélioratives qui motivent et transforment les acteurs. Ce sont ces logiques d’acteurs dans leurs rapports avec l’espace qui justifient les initiatives de sécurisation. Finalement, c’est dans cette dynamique de transformation que les acteurs entrent en processus de subjectivation pour se produire comme sujets. Sur le plan méthodologique, cette thèse repose sur une ethnographie critique et comparative de la sécurité et sur l’approche de l’action sociale, qui invite à s’attarder aux interactions sociales, pour rendre compte de la rationalité sécuritaire. Étudier la sécurité requiert de s’attarder à l’échelle des quartiers, objets principaux de la sécurisation et espaces d’expression de l’informalité. Les quartiers sont encadrés par les chefferies urbaines, dont les systèmes de gestion constituent la gouvernance locale. Face à la question de la sécurité, cette gouvernance se prononce entre autres en fonction de son identité, de sa culture et de ses représentations. Elle côtoie les logiques étatiques dont les techniques et les stratégies d’organisation matérialisent les politiques de sécurité. Douala et Yaoundé présentent des approches populaires de sécurisation qui diffèrent sur le plan de l’organisation locale des quartiers et du tempérament populaire. Elles se rapprochent par les logiques d’acteurs et la motivation que ces derniers ont à se produire en sujets. La recherche a permis de constater qu’une forme de rationalité régit l’ensemble des dynamiques et des stratégies de production de la sécurité qui ont cours à Douala et Yaoundé. Cette rationalité passe par une pluralité de logiques de sécurité, elles-mêmes tributaires de nombreux phénomènes qui contribuent à la production de l’insécurité, mais aussi à celle de la sécurité. En effet, les migrations de la campagne vers la ville, l’informalité, la ségrégation et la présence de gangs locaux sont des réalités urbaines qui donnent une forme particulière à l’insécurité, mais invitent également à une réadaptation des techniques et des groupes d’acteurs impliqués dans la production de la sécurité. Il ressort que la rationalité sécuritaire, cette intelligence de gouvernement qui s’organise dans les dispositifs de l’offre publique de sécurité, suscite aussi dans les procédés des acteurs populaires, des techniques d’identification aux forces de l’ordre. Dans son processus, elle aboutit à la production de sujets sécurisés et de sécurité. En saisissant les productions humaines comme des activités innovantes, nous comprenons que la sécurisation procède par rapprochement entre les forces de l’ordre et les populations, par la mise en oeuvre de mécanismes mis en place pour répondre à la menace mais aussi par la « confiscation de la sécurité » pour les besoins d’une élite. Ensuite, elle représente une instance de subjectivation où l’innovation se matérialise et où les acteurs se réalisent, créent la sécurité et recréent la ville. Finalement, cette thèse révèle une pluralité de logiques de sécurité construites autour d’une même rationalité sécuritaire.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Background: Digital forensics is a rapidly expanding field, due to the continuing advances in computer technology and increases in data stage capabilities of devices. However, the tools supporting digital forensics investigations have not kept pace with this evolution, often leaving the investigator to analyse large volumes of textual data and rely heavily on their own intuition and experience. Aim: This research proposes that given the ability of information visualisation to provide an end user with an intuitive way to rapidly analyse large volumes of complex data, such approached could be applied to digital forensics datasets. Such methods will be investigated; supported by a review of literature regarding the use of such techniques in other fields. The hypothesis of this research body is that by utilising exploratory information visualisation techniques in the form of a tool to support digital forensic investigations, gains in investigative effectiveness can be realised. Method:To test the hypothesis, this research examines three different case studies which look at different forms of information visualisation and their implementation with a digital forensic dataset. Two of these case studies take the form of prototype tools developed by the researcher, and one case study utilises a tool created by a third party research group. A pilot study by the researcher is conducted on these cases, with the strengths and weaknesses of each being drawn into the next case study. The culmination of these case studies is a prototype tool which was developed to resemble a timeline visualisation of the user behaviour on a device. This tool was subjected to an experiment involving a class of university digital forensics students who were given a number of questions about a synthetic digital forensic dataset. Approximately half were given the prototype tool, named Insight, to use, and the others given a common open-source tool. The assessed metrics included: how long the participants took to complete all tasks, how accurate their answers to the tasks were, and how easy the participants found the tasks to complete. They were also asked for their feedback at multiple points throughout the task. Results:The results showed that there was a statistically significant increase in accuracy for one of the six tasks for the participants using the Insight prototype tool. Participants also found completing two of the six tasks significantly easier when using the prototype tool. There were no statistically significant different difference between the completion times of both participant groups. There were no statistically significant differences in the accuracy of participant answers for five of the six tasks. Conclusions: The results from this body of research show that there is evidence to suggest that there is the potential for gains in investigative effectiveness when information visualisation techniques are applied to a digital forensic dataset. Specifically, in some scenarios, the investigator can draw conclusions which are more accurate than those drawn when using primarily textual tools. There is also evidence so suggest that the investigators found these conclusions to be reached significantly more easily when using a tool with a visual format. None of the scenarios led to the investigators being at a significant disadvantage in terms of accuracy or usability when using the prototype visual tool over the textual tool. It is noted that this research did not show that the use of information visualisation techniques leads to any statistically significant difference in the time taken to complete a digital forensics investigation.


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In der Monografie stehen Effekte der Schulsozialarbeit auf eine Reduktion sozialer Disparitäten im Fokus. Anhand gesellschaftlicher, institutioneller, milieuspezifischer und individueller Faktoren werden Zusammenhänge herausgearbeitet, im Praxisfeld verankert und um Implikationen ergänzt, die zu einer Institutionalisierung des Handlungsfeldes der Schulsozialarbeit beitragen. Weiterhin stellt die Ausarbeitung die wissenschaftliche Grundlage der Hauptstichwörter „Institutionalisierung“ und „Kulturtheorie“ dar, welche die Essenzen dieser Untersuchung zusammenfassen und Anfang 2017 im "Lexikon der Schulsozialarbeit" (Nomos-Verlag) erscheinen. (DIPF/Autor)


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We present new methodologies to generate rational function approximations of broadband electromagnetic responses of linear and passive networks of high-speed interconnects, and to construct SPICE-compatible, equivalent circuit representations of the generated rational functions. These new methodologies are driven by the desire to improve the computational efficiency of the rational function fitting process, and to ensure enhanced accuracy of the generated rational function interpolation and its equivalent circuit representation. Toward this goal, we propose two new methodologies for rational function approximation of high-speed interconnect network responses. The first one relies on the use of both time-domain and frequency-domain data, obtained either through measurement or numerical simulation, to generate a rational function representation that extrapolates the input, early-time transient response data to late-time response while at the same time providing a means to both interpolate and extrapolate the used frequency-domain data. The aforementioned hybrid methodology can be considered as a generalization of the frequency-domain rational function fitting utilizing frequency-domain response data only, and the time-domain rational function fitting utilizing transient response data only. In this context, a guideline is proposed for estimating the order of the rational function approximation from transient data. The availability of such an estimate expedites the time-domain rational function fitting process. The second approach relies on the extraction of the delay associated with causal electromagnetic responses of interconnect systems to provide for a more stable rational function process utilizing a lower-order rational function interpolation. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is its utilization of scattering parameters. For both methodologies, the approach of fitting the electromagnetic network matrix one element at a time is applied. It is shown that, with regard to the computational cost of the rational function fitting process, such an element-by-element rational function fitting is more advantageous than full matrix fitting for systems with a large number of ports. Despite the disadvantage that different sets of poles are used in the rational function of different elements in the network matrix, such an approach provides for improved accuracy in the fitting of network matrices of systems characterized by both strongly coupled and weakly coupled ports. Finally, in order to provide a means for enforcing passivity in the adopted element-by-element rational function fitting approach, the methodology for passivity enforcement via quadratic programming is modified appropriately for this purpose and demonstrated in the context of element-by-element rational function fitting of the admittance matrix of an electromagnetic multiport.


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Der Beitrag basiert auf dem Grundsatz, dass alle Angebote einer Hochschule auch für Hochschulangehörige mit Behinderungen zugänglich sein müssen. Dies setzt die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Hochschulen – und somit auch ihrer medienpädagogischen Angebote – voraus. Ausgehend von der Formulierung medienpädagogischer Aufgaben unter dem Aspekt der Barrierefreiheit und einer Beschreibung der Situation behinderter Studierender an bundesdeutschen Hochschulen zeigen wir am Beispiel sehbehinderter und blinder Studierender auf, wie der Weg zu einer barrierefreien Medienpädagogik beschritten werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen wir den Dortmunder Arbeitsansatz vor, der vom Dortmunder Zentrum Behinderung und Studium entwickelt und erprobt wurde. Ziel unseres Beitrags ist es aufzuzeigen, wie im Bereich der Medienpädagogik bestehende Benachteiligungen sehgeschädigter Studierender durch ein am Prinzip der Barrierefreiheit orientiertes Reformkonzept in Verbindung mit entsprechenden Dienstleistungsangeboten und strukturellen Re- und Umorganisationen hochschulinterner Prozesse in allen Bereichen der Hochschule aufgehoben werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A locational duality in port-related distribution activities is emerging. In some regions, distribution activities have moved from ports to inland locations, driven in part by ‘push factors’ such as port congestion and scarcity of land for container handling activities, or by ‘pull factors’ such as the growth of intermodal corridors, the influence of inland terminals and the changing economic geography in the hinterland. In other regions, ports retain their traditional role as centres of distribution and warehousing activity. More recently, the focus on ‘port-centric logistics’ is indicative that some regions are refocusing on ports as potential locations for large distribution centres. The result has been a growing competition, but also complementarity, between ports and inland locations concerning the location of distribution activities, driven not only by market forces but also by institutional settings and the governance relations between the actors involved. This report provides an overview of regional differences across the world in order to develop a framework identifying for which type of distribution activities ports are suitable locations and which activities are best suited to the hinterland, taking into account geographical, economic and logistics settings. Empirical evidence is derived from a variety of regions in Europe, North America, South America, Southern Africa and Asia.


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The present paper examines some of the tensions, problems and challenges associated with claims for equality of opportunity (the fairness argument). The introductory part identifies three separate forms of justification for public education, including the argument associated with equality of opportunity. Part II examines in detail two questions that reveal part of the anatomy of equality of opportunity: (1) what an opportunity is, and (2) when individuals’ opportunities are equal. This is followed by a presentation of the two basic principles of equality of opportunity: (1) the principle of non-discrimination, and (2) the “levelling the playing field” principle. The next part takes up the multiculturalist hypothesis advanced by minority groups for the accommodation and recognition of cultural diversity. This is followed by the identification of a set of claims comprising the “fairness argument”. The last section focuses on the “currency problem” associated with cultural diversity as a form of “unfair disadvantage”. Part V examines two of the major shortcomings associated with the multicultural conception of equality of opportunity, while the concluding part discusses some of the questions that must be answered by any conception of equal opportunities. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The increasing internationalisation of higher education means that many students in the UK are not native English speakers, possibly putting them at a disadvantage in an examination environment. However, exams continue to be used even though although they are often deprecated as an assessment instrument in postgraduate courses. This article explores the implications from these observations for module leaders and for higher education institutions. Three themes emerge: the impact of internationalisation, the use of exams at postgraduate level and the language and cultural issues faced by international students. A review of university policy and quality documents revealed a general commitment to internationalisation but some gaps in policy support, for students with English as a second or foreign language. A survey of students in two computing programmes evaluated these themes. The results did not show up any major issues, though there were a number of suggestions to improve the exam process to address feelings of bias to UK or native-English-speaking students. The research therefore established that the university’s internationalisation and diversity strategy is broadly reflected in students’ experiences, with the possible exception of students who were recruited with insufficient English to be able to engage successfully with the material. The contrast in responses when analysed by home country or English proficiency suggest that Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) practice in this context should be clear whether and when language or culture are the main barrier to students. Pragmatic recommendations are made for improvement in examination practice, and to assessment processes generally in this context. Areas for further work are identified.


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High-lycopene tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are characterised by an intense red flesh-colour, due to an elevated concentration of the carotenoid, lycopene. However, this characteristic is only visible once fruit are cut open, making it impossible to differentiate intact high-lycopene fruit from standard tomato fruit, a clear market disadvantage. The reason that fruit colour of both high-lycopene and standard fruit looks almost identical from the outside is because tomato fruit normally contain the yellow flavonoid 'naringenin chalcone' in a thin layer of epidermal cells. It is this combination of naringenin chalcone and the underlying lycopene in the flesh that gives tomatoes their characteristic orange-red colour. By incorporation of the recessive colourless epidermis mutant allele 'y' (which prevents naringenin chalcone accumulation) into high-lycopene fruit, we have been able to create high-lycopene tomatoes (hp1.ogc.y) exhibiting a deep-pink colour visible from the outside. Hue angle of the skin of the high-lycopene 'y' mutant and a regular highlycopene tomato (hp1.ogc.Y) was 30 and 38°, respectively, while flesh values were similar at 31 and 32°, respectively. Removal of naringenin chalcone from the epidermis appeared to improve the visibility of underlying lycopene, such that fruit outer colour became a subsequent indicator of underlying flesh colour. The removal of epidermal pigmentation means that high-lycopene fruit can now be differentiated from standard tomato fruit in the market place without the need to cut fruit open.


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This report presents an evaluation of Phase 1 of the Working for Families Fund (WFF) covering 2004-06. WFF was established to invest in new initiatives to improve the employability of parents who have difficulties in participating in the labour market, specifically in employment, education or training. The Fund supported these parents through helping them find sustainable childcare solutions and through providing or accessing other relevant employability-related services. In rural areas, barriers created by poor transport, limited services and the lack of a critical mass of clients were also particularly important. WFF contributes to the Scottish Executive’s Closing the Opportunity Gap approach to tackling poverty and disadvantage, by improving rates of employment and economic activity, and to its commitment to eradicating child poverty within a generation.


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During the Sedimentation of the platform carbonate deposits of the Korallenoolith Formation (middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) small buildups ofcorals formed in the Lower Saxony Basin. These bioconstructions are restricted to particular horizons (Untere Korallenbank,ßorigenuna-Bank Member etc.) and represent patch reefs and biostromes. In this study, the development of facies, fossil assemblages, spatial distribution of fossils, and reefs of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member (upper Middle Oxfordian) in the Süntel Mts and the eastern Wesergebirge Mts is described; the formation of reefs is discussed in detail. Twelve facies types are described and interpreted. They vary between high-energy deposits as well winnowed oolites and quiet-water lagoonal mudstones. Owing to the significance of biota, micro- and macrofossils are systematically described. The reefs are preserved in growth position, are characterized by numerous corresponding features and belong to a certain reef type. According to their size, shape and framework, they represent patch reefs, coral knobs (sensu James, 1983), coral thrombolite reefs (sensu Leinfelder et al., 1994) or “Klein- and Mitteldickichte” (sensu Laternser, 2001). Their growth fabric corresponds to the superstratal (dense) pillarstone (sensu Insalaco, 1998). As the top of the ßorigenuna-Bank displays an erosional unconformity (so-called Hauptdiskontinuität), the top of the reefs are erosionally capped. Their maximum height amounts to at least the maximum thickness of the ßorigenuna-Bank which does not exceed 4 metres. The diversity of coral fauna of the reefs is relatively low; a total of 13 species is recorded. The coral community is over- whelmingly dominated by the thin-branched ramose Thamnasteria dendroidea (Lamouroux) that forms aggregations of colonies (77?. dendroidea thickets). Leafy to platy Fungiastrea arachnoides (Parkinson) and Thamnasteria concinna (Goldfuss) occur subordinately, other species are only of minor importance. In a few cases, the reef-core consisting of Th. dendroidea thickets is laterally encrusted by platy F. arachnoides and Th. concinna colonies, and microbial carbonates. This zonation reflects probably a succession of different reef builders as a result of changing environmental conditions (allogenic succession). Moreover, some reefs are overlain by a biostrome made of large Solenopora jurassica nodules passing laterally in a nerinean bed. Mikrobial carbonates promoted reef growth and favoured the preservation of reef organismn in their growth position or in situ. They exhibit a platy, dendroid, or reticulate growth form or occur as downward-facing hemispheroids. According to their microstructure, they consist of a peloidal, clotted, or unstructured fabric (predominately layered and poorly structured thrombolite as well as clotted leiolite) (sensu Schmid, 1996). Abundant endo- and epibiontic organisms (bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids, crabs etc) are linked to the reefs. With regard to their guild structure, the reefs represent occurrences at which only a few coral species serve as builder. Moreover, microbial carbonates contribute to both building and binding of the reefs. Additional binder as well as baffler are present, but not abundant. According to the species diversity, the dweller guild comprises by far the highest number of invertebrate taxa. The destroyer guild chiefly encompasses bivalves. The composition of the reef community was influenced by the habitat structure of the Th. dendroidea thickets. Owing to the increase in encrusting organisms and other inhabitants of the thickets, the locational factors changed, since light intensity and hydrodynamic energy level and combined parameters as oxygen supply declined in the crowded habitat. Therefore a characteristic succession of organisms is developed that depends on and responds to changing environmental conditions („community replacement sequence“). The succession allows the differentiation of different stages. It started after the cessation of the polyps with boring organisms and photoautotrophic micro-encrusters (calcareous algae, Lithocodium aggregatum). Following the death of these pioneer organisms, encrusting and adherent organisms (serpulids, „Terebella“ species, bryozoans, foraminifers, thecideidinids, sklerospongid and pharetronid sponges, terebratulids), small mobile organisms (limpets), and microbial induced carbonates developed. The final stage in the community replacement sequence gave rise to small cryptic habitats and organisms that belong to these caves (cryptobionts, coelobites). The habitat conditions especially favoured small non-rigid demosponges (“soft sponges”) that tolerate reduced water circulation. Reef rubble is negligible, so that the reefs are bordered by fossiliferous micritic limestone passing laterally in micritic limestone. Approximately 10% of the study area (outcropping florigemma-Bank) corresponds to reefal deposits whereas the remaining 90% encompass lagoonal inter-reefal deposits. The reef development is a good example for the interaction between reef growth, facies development and sea-level changes. It was initiated by a sea-level rise (transgression) and corresponding decrease in the hydrodynamic energy level. Colonization and reef growth took place on a coarse-grained Substrate composed of oncoids, larger foraminifers and bioclasts. Reef growth took place in a calm marine lagoonal setting. Increasing abundance of spherical coral morphs towards the Northeast (section Kessiehausen, northwestem Süntel Mts) reflects higher turbidity and a facies transition to coral occurrences of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member in the adjacent Deister Mts. The reef growth was neither influenced by stonns nor by input of siliciclastic deposits, and took place in short time - probably in only a thousand years under most probably mesotrophic conditions. The mass appearance of solenoporids and nerineids in the upper part of the ßorigenuna-Bank Member point to enhanced nutrient level as a result of regression. In addition, this scenario of fluctuations in nutrient availability seems to be responsible for the cessation of reef corals. The sea level fall reached its climax in the subaerial exposure and palaeokarst development of the florigemma-Bank. The reef building corals are typical pioneer species. The blade-like, flattened F. amchnoides colonies are characterized by their light porous calcium carbonate skeleton, which is a distinct advantage in soft bottom environment. Thus, they settled on soft bottom exposing the large parts of its surface to the incoming light. On the other hand, in response to their light requirements they were also able to settle shaded canopy structures or reef caves. Th. dendroidea is an opportunistic coral species in very shallow, well illuminated marine environment. Their thin and densely spaced branches led to a very high surface/volume ratio of the colonies that were capable to exploit incoming light due to their small thamasterioid calices characterized by “highly integrated polyps”. In addition, sideward coalescence of branches during colony growth led to a wave-resistant framework and favoured the authochthonous preservation of the reefs. Asexual reproduction by fragmented colonies promoted reef development as Th. dendroidea thickets laterally extend over the sea floor or new reefs have developed from broken fragments of parent colonies. Similar build ups with Th. dendroidea as a dominant or frequent reef building coral species are known from the Paris Basin and elsewhere from the Lower Saxony Basin (Kleiner Deister Mts). These buildups developed in well-illuminated shallow water and encompass coral reefs or coral thrombolite reefs. Intra- and inter-reef deposits vary between well-winnowed reef debris limestone and mudstones representing considerably calmer conditions. Solenoporid, nerineids and diceratides belong to the characteristic fossils of these occurrences. However, diceratides are missing in theflorigemma-Bank Member. Th. dendroidea differs in its colonization of low- to high-energy environment from recent ramose scleractinian corals (e.g., Acropora and Porites sp.). The latter are restricted to agitated water habitats creating coral thickets and carpets. According to the morphologic plasticity of Th. dendroidea, thick-branched colonies developed in a milieu of high water energy, whereas fragile, wide- and thin-branched colonies prevail in low-energy settings. Due to its relatively rapid growth, Th. dendroidea was able to keep pace with increased Sedimentation rates. 68 benthonic foraminiferan species/taxa have been recognized in thin sections. Agglutinated foraminifers (textulariids) predominate when compared with rotaliids and milioliids. Numerous species are restricted to a certain facies type or occur in higher population densities, in particular Everticyclammina sp., a larger agglutinated foraminifer that occurs in rock building amounts. Among the 25 reef dwelling foraminiferal species, a few were so far only known from Late Jurassic sponge reefs. Another striking feature is the frequency of adherent foraminiferal species. Fauna and flora, in particular dasycladaleans and agglutinated foraminifers, document palaeobiogeographic relationships to the Tethys and point to (sub)tropical conditions. Moreover, in Germany this foraminiferan assemblage is yet uncompared. In Southern Germany similar tethyan type assemblages are not present in strata as young as Middle Tithonian.


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A dor é um fenômeno que induz alterações fisiológicas que alteram e que podem até mesmo invalidar os resultados de um experimento. Nos protocolos de cirurgia estereotáxica (SS) em roedores não é comum a utilização de analgésicos no pósoperatório, sob o argumento de que os mesmos interferem nos resultados. Nosso objetivo foi investigar o efeito da administração de analgésicos no pós-operatório de ratos submetidos ao modelo de SS. Os parâmetros avaliados foram mudanças na ingestão de ração, no peso dos animais, possíveis alterações comportamentais e a astrogliose reativa. A cirurgia foi realizada nas coordenadas referentes ao estriado esquerdo. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos. O tramadol foi administrado a cada 12 h e o carprofeno a cada 24 h, ambos até os animais completarem 72 h de pós-operatório. O peso da ração mostra que todos os animais que sofreram cirurgia comeram significativamente menos do que os grupos Ctrl nos tempos 48 e 72 h após a SS. Quando o peso dos animais foi avaliado, os grupos SS+TM e SS+CP perderam significativamente mais peso do que os grupos Ctrl. Os testes comportamentais não apresentaram diferença estatística. Nosso estudo mostra que, para os parâmetros avaliados, não houve prejuízo aos animais que receberam analgesia após a cirurgia. Assim, concluímos que é possível o uso desses fármacos na rotina dos animais submetidos ao modelo de SS


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Abstract: Quantitative Methods (QM) is a compulsory course in the Social Science program in CEGEP. Many QM instructors assign a number of homework exercises to give students the opportunity to practice the statistical methods, which enhances their learning. However, traditional written exercises have two significant disadvantages. The first is that the feedback process is often very slow. The second disadvantage is that written exercises can generate a large amount of correcting for the instructor. WeBWorK is an open-source system that allows instructors to write exercises which students answer online. Although originally designed to write exercises for math and science students, WeBWorK programming allows for the creation of a variety of questions which can be used in the Quantitative Methods course. Because many statistical exercises generate objective and quantitative answers, the system is able to instantly assess students’ responses and tell them whether they are right or wrong. This immediate feedback has been shown to be theoretically conducive to positive learning outcomes. In addition, the system can be set up to allow students to re-try the problem if they got it wrong. This has benefits both in terms of student motivation and reinforcing learning. Through the use of a quasi-experiment, this research project measured and analysed the effects of using WeBWorK exercises in the Quantitative Methods course at Vanier College. Three specific research questions were addressed. First, we looked at whether students who did the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who did written exercises. Second, we looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. Finally, we used a self-report survey to find out what students’ perceptions and opinions were of the WeBWorK and the written exercises. For the first research question, a crossover design was used in order to compare whether the group that did WeBWorK problems during one unit would score significantly higher on that unit test than the other group that did the written problems. We found no significant difference in grades between students who did the WeBWorK exercises and students who did the written exercises. The second research question looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises would get significantly higher grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. The straight-line relationship between number of WeBWorK exercises completed and grades was positive in both groups. However, the correlation coefficients for these two variables showed no real pattern. Our third research question was investigated by using a survey to elicit students’ perceptions and opinions regarding the WeBWorK and written exercises. Students reported no difference in the amount of effort put into completing each type of exercise. Students were also asked to rate each type of exercise along six dimensions and a composite score was calculated. Overall, students gave a significantly higher score to the written exercises, and reported that they found the written exercises were better for understanding the basic statistical concepts and for learning the basic statistical methods. However, when presented with the choice of having only written or only WeBWorK exercises, slightly more students preferred or strongly preferred having only WeBWorK exercises. The results of this research suggest that the advantages of using WeBWorK to teach Quantitative Methods are variable. The WeBWorK system offers immediate feedback, which often seems to motivate students to try again if they do not have the correct answer. However, this does not necessarily translate into better performance on the written tests and on the final exam. What has been learned is that the WeBWorK system can be used by interested instructors to enhance student learning in the Quantitative Methods course. Further research may examine more specifically how this system can be used more effectively.


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The present doctoral thesis studies the association between pre-colonial institutions and long-run development in Latin America. The thesis is organised as follows: Chapter 1 places the motivation of the thesis by underlying relevant contributions in the literature on long-run development. I then set out the main objective of the thesis, followed by a brief outline of it. In Chapter 2, I study the effects of pre-colonial institutions on present-day socioeconomic outcomes for Latin America. The main thesis of this chapter is that more advanced pre-colonial institutions relate to better socioeconomic outcomes today - principally, but not only, through their effects on the Amerindian population. I test such hypothesis with a dataset of 324 sub-national administrative units covering all mainland Latin American countries. The extensive range of controls covers factors such as climate, location, natural resources, colonial activities and pre-colonial characteristics - plus country fixed effects. Results strongly support the main thesis. In Chapter 3, I further analyse the association between pre-colonial institutions and present-day economic development in Latin America by using the historical ethnic homelands as my main unit of analysis. The main hypothesis is that ethnic homelands inhabited by more advanced ethnic groups -as measured by their levels of institutional complexity- relate to better economic development today. To track these long-run effects, I construct a new dataset by digitising historiographical maps allowing me to pinpoint the geospatial location of ethnic homelands as of the XVI century. As a result, 375 ethnic homelands are created. I then capture the levels of economic development at the ethnic homeland level by making use of alternative economic measures --satellite light density data. After controlling for country-specific characteristics and applying a large battery of geographical, locational, and historical factors, I found that the effects of pre-colonial institutions relate to a higher light density --as a proxy for economic activity- in ethnic homelands where more advanced ethnic groups lived. In Chapter 4, I explore a mechanism linking the persistence of pre-colonial institutions in Latin America over the long-run: Colonial and post-colonial strategies along with the ethnic political capacity worked in tandem allowing larger Amerindian groups to "support" the new political systems in ways that would benefit their respective ethnic groups as well as the population at large. This mechanism may have allowed the effects of pre-colonial institutions to influence socioeconomic development outcomes up to today. To shed lights on this mechanism, I combine the index of pre-colonial institutions prepared for the second chapter of the present thesis with individual-level survey data on people's attitudes. By controlling for key observable and unobservable country-specific characteristics, the main empirical results show that areas with a history of more advanced pre-colonial institutions increase the probability of individuals supporting present-day political institutions. Finally, in Chapter 5, I summarise the main findings of the thesis, and emphasise the key weaknesses of the study as well as potential avenues for future research.