975 resultados para films made for music
Opinnäytetyö on kirjallinen selvitys, jossa kartoitetaan musiikkialan ammattilaisten näkemyksiä musiikkialan vientiorganisaatio Music Export Finlandin vienninedistämistyön palveluista. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaiseksi vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät kokevat ja määrittelevät yhdistyksen roolin sekä sen palveluiden tarpeellisuuden omassa käytännön vientityössään. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostettiin vientitoiminnan käsikirjoista sekä asiantuntijaorganisaatio Finpron kansainvälistymisstrategian mallista, jonka pohjalta tehtiin myös kuuden asiantuntijan haastattelut. Musex tarjoaa palveluita lähinnä vientitoiminnan käytännön toteutusvaiheeseen. Musexin olemassaolo koetaan alalla yleisesti positiiviseksi asiaksi, vaikka vientityötä jo jonkin aikaa tehneet yrittäjät eivät välttämättä hyödykään yhdistyksen palveluista käytännön tasolla. Musex näyttäytyy heille lähinnä alan yleisen tiedottajan roolissa, musiikkialan yhteisenä äänitorvena, jonka tehtävä on ylläpitää toimivia suhteita valtiovaltaan, lisätä toimialan näkyvyyttä ja edesauttaa toimialan rakenteiden kehittämistä alan intressien mukaisesti. Heille on tärkeää, että musiikkitoimialan tunnettuus ja arvostus lisääntyvät julkisen vallan edustajien joukossa, mitä kautta tarvittavaa rakennemuutosta voidaan viedä konkreettisesti eteenpäin. Musiikkialalla menestyy se, joka hallitsee koko laajan liiketoiminnallisen paketin sekä pystyy tarjoamaan faneilleen jotain ainutlaatuista ja eksklusiivista. Musiikkialan yrityksissä harjoitetaan ammattimaista vientitoimintaa alalle ominaisilla tavoilla ja strategioilla, jotka useinkin poikkeavat monen muun alan menettelytavoista. Vientityön tekeminen edellyttää yrityksiltä halua ja kykyä ajatella liiketoiminnallisesti koko toimintaa, sekä paljon työtä. Yhteistyö koko alan kesken on kansainväliselle toiminnalle ehdotonta. Musiikkitoimialan suurin kompastuskivi yhä edelleen on yleisen arvostuksen ja uskottavuuden puute tai sen vähäisyys, sekä rahoitus. Opinnäytetyö on hankkeistettu sekä Musexin kanssa että Stadian t&k -hankkeeseen Suomalaisten musiikkialan pienyrittäjien vientivalmiuksien kehittäminen.
Pd1-xInx thin films (0.4 < x < 0.56) were prepared by radio frequency sputtering from a multi-zone target. The properties of these Hume-Rothery alloys were studied by X-ray diffractometry, electron probe microanalysis and scanning tunneling microscopy. The diffraction spectra were analyzed to obtain the intensity ratio of the (100) superlattice line to the (200) normal line, together with the variations of the lattice constant. The results ape explained quantitatively by a model based on point defects, i.e. Pd vacancies in In-rich films and Pd antisite atoms in Pd-rich films. In-rich films grow preferentially in the [100] direction while Pd-rich films grow preferentially in the [110] direction. The grains in indium-rich sputtered films appear to be enclosed in an atomically thick, indium-rich layer. The role of texture and the influence of point defects on electrical resistivity is also reported. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Limited.
Report on payments made subsequent to recipients’ dates of death under the Medicaid program administered by the Department of Human Services for the period July 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008
The present study provides a comprehensive view of (a) the time dynamics of the psychophysiological responding in performing music students (n = 66) before, during, and after a private and a public performance and (b) the moderating effect of music performance anxiety (MPA). Heart rate (HR), minute ventilation (VE), and all affective and somatic self-report variables increased in the public session compared to the private session. Furthermore, the activation of all variables was stronger during the performances than before or after. Differences between phases were larger in the public than in the private session for HR, VE, total breath duration, anxiety, and trembling. Furthermore, while higher MPA scores were associated with higher scores and with larger changes between sessions and phases for self-reports, this association was less coherent for physiological variables. Finally, self-reported intra-individual performance improvements or deteriorations were not associated with MPA. This study makes a novel contribution by showing how the presence of an audience influences low- and high-anxious musicians' psychophysiological responding before, during and after performing. Overall, the findings are more consistent with models of anxiety that emphasize the importance of cognitive rather than physiological factors in MPA.
We report an investigation on the optical properties of Cu3Ge thin films displaying very high conductivity, with thickness ranging from 200 to 2000 Å, deposited on Ge substrates. Reflectance, transmittance, and ellipsometric spectroscopy measurements were performed at room temperature in the 0.01-6.0, 0.01-0.6, and 1.4-5.0 eV energy range, respectively. The complex dielectric function, the optical conductivity, the energy-loss function, and the effective charge density were obtained over the whole spectral range. The low-energy free-carrier response was well fitted by using the classical Drude-Lorentz dielectric function. A simple two-band model allowed the resulting optical parameters to be interpreted coherently with those previously obtained from transport measurements, hence yielding the densities and the effective masses of electrons and holes.
Peut-on se réclamer du « cinéma » tout en prétendant rendre compte d'une « vérité »? Quelles sont les limites éthiques du dévoilement d'un individu face à une caméra ? Un cinéaste peut-il être pleinement « auteur » d'une oeuvre construite à partir de fragments de réel? Voilà quelques-unes des questions posées au début des années soixante par la sortie des films qui se revendiquent ou sont associés au « cinéma-vérité ». Proposée en 1960 par Edgar Morin, cette notion controversée sert durant quelques années de bannière à un mouvement cinématographique supposé renouveler les rapports entre film et réalité par une approche plus directe, un dispositif d'interactions avec les protagonistes, ou une démarche autoréflexive qui interroge en son sein le projet du film. Chronique d'un été de Jean Rouch et Edgar Morin, Les Inconnus de la terre et Regard sur la folie de Mario Ruspoli, les travaux de Richard Leacock pour la Drew Associates, Le Chemin de la mauvaise route de Jean Herman, Hitler, connais pas de Bertrand Blier, La Punition de Jean Rouch ou encore Le Joli Mai de Pierre Lhomme et Chris Marker : tous ces « films-vérité » renouvellent les débats et construisent de nouveaux clivages dans la cinéphilie française. Sans chercher à se positionner sur le contenu des polémiques, le présent ouvrage retrace pour la première fois l'histoire du mouvement « cinéma-vérité » en s'intéressant aux films (contexte de production, tournages, innovations techniques) et aux discours (articles, débats, tables rondes) qui les ont précédés, accompagnés et traversés. Grâce à de nombreuses sources inédites, Cinéma-vérité, films et controverses met au jour un phénomène d'une importance méconnue dans l'histoire du cinéma en France.
We find that the use of V(100) buffer layers on MgO(001) substrates for the epitaxy of FePd binary alloys yields to the formation at intermediate and high deposition temperatures of a FePd¿FeV mixed phase due to strong V diffusion accompanied by a loss of layer continuity and strong increase of its mosaic spread. Contrary to what is usually found in this kind of systems, these mixed phase structures exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) which is not correlated with the presence of chemical order, almost totally absent in all the fabricated structures, even at deposition temperatures where it is usually obtained with other buffer layers. Thus the observed PMA can be ascribed to the V interdiffusion and the formation of a FeV alloy, being the global sample saturation magnetization also reduced.
The microstructural and optical analysis of SiO2 layers emitting white luminescence is reported. These structures have been synthesized by sequential Si+ and C+ ion implantation and high-temperature annealing. Their white emission results from the presence of up to three bands in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra, covering the whole visible spectral range. The microstructural characterization reveals the presence of a complex multilayer structure: Si nanocrystals are only observed outside the main C-implanted peak region, with a lower density closer to the surface, being also smaller in size. This lack of uniformity in their density has been related to the inhibiting role of C in their growth dynamics. These nanocrystals are responsible for the band appearing in the red region of the PL spectrum. The analysis of the thermal evolution of the red PL band and its behavior after hydrogenation shows that carbon implantation also prevents the formation of well passivated Si/SiO2 interfaces. On the other hand, the PL bands appearing at higher energies show the existence of two different characteristics as a function of the implanted dose. For excess atomic concentrations below or equal to 10%, the spectra show a PL band in the blue region. At higher doses, two bands dominate the green¿blue spectral region. The evolution of these bands with the implanted dose and annealing time suggests that they are related to the formation of carbon-rich precipitates in the implanted region. Moreover, PL versus depth measurements provide a direct correlation of the green band with the carbon-implanted profile. These PL bands have been assigned to two distinct amorphous phases, with a composition close to elemental graphitic carbon or stoichiometric SiC.
We present an analytical model to interpret nanoscale capacitance microscopy measurements on thin dielectric films. The model displays a logarithmic dependence on the tip-sample distance and on the film thickness-dielectric constant ratio and shows an excellent agreement with finite-element numerical simulations and experimental results on a broad range of values. Based on these results, we discuss the capabilities of nanoscale capacitance microscopy for the quantitative extraction of the dielectric constant and the thickness of thin dielectric films at the nanoscale.