791 resultados para cultural studies
Estudo sobre os processos comunicativos envoltos na transformao dos hbitos culinrios da comunidade quilombola da Fazenda Picinguaba de Ubatuba, SP. O objetivo entender as origens e as causas que provocaram alteraes nos hbitos culinrios da comunidade do Quilombo da Fazenda, a partir de uma anlise comparativa entre os fazeres primitivos e os praticados hoje. Foi analisado tambm o processo comunicacional desenvolvido para a transmisso da cultura alimentar entre as geraes, identificando as linguagens utilizadas. Como instrumento para o entendimento desses fenmenos, esta pesquisa foi realizada luz das teorias e conceitos dos estudos culturais; dos conceitos sobre comunidades e identidades, alm da teoria da folkcomunicao desenvolvida por Luiz Beltro. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliogrfica e estudo de documentos, alm de entrevistas utilizando-se a modalidade histria oral com os membros da comunidade. Os resultados obtidos apontam uma mudana nos hbitos alimentares da comunidade do Quilombo da Fazenda, devido facilidade de acesso ao comrcio de gneros alimentcios, decorrente da construo da rodovia Rio-Santos, e a influncia trazida pela televiso, a partir da implantao da rede de energia eltrica em 2008. No entanto, observamos que apesar dessa mudana, a base da cultura alimentar quilombola vem mantendo muito dos seus aspectos originais. A comunicao dentro da comunidade quilombola e a transmisso dos saberes e fazeres tradicionais da comunidade ocorrem predominante pela oralidade. Identificamos a presena de dana, msica, roda de conversa, culinria, artesanato que correspondem aos gneros da folkcomunicao.
No catolicismo popular, o devoto encontra formas prprias de manifestar a sua f, distante muitas vezes da ortodoxia da Igreja. Os ex-votos so um exemplo claro dessa apropriao de alguns elementos da tradio catlica e a sua aplicao no cotidiano religioso do fiel. A revista Ave Maria desde a sua origem no ano de 1898 incentivou os leitores a testemunharem os favores recebidos de Deus por intermdio de algum santo. Nasceu assim na revista o gnero graas alcanadas, que so cartas de fiis manifestando milagres recebidos. Aps o Conclio Vaticano II, final da dcada de 1960, a Igreja Catlica, sobretudo da Amrica Latina, tentou purificar a f. As prticas devocionais, como a f nos santos, as promessas e os ex-votos foram claramente combatidos. Neste perodo a revista Ave Maria suprime os ex-votos miditicos impressos. A compreenso do processo comunicacional relacionado a este fato o objetivo dessa pesquisa. A metodologia ser composta de pesquisa bibliogrfica e documental.
Estudo sobre o processo de construo imaginria do pblico de gnero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenmenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Tel, representante do gnero musical sertanejo universitrio, o objetivo compreender o processo de construo imaginria que permeia a relao do pblico feminino (fs) e consumo do gnero musical sertanejo universitrio, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Tel. Para tal, ser tomado referencial terico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em dilogo com estudos sobre imaginrio e msica de massa. A anlise do discurso, de linha francesa, a metodologia empregada em duas instncias para se testar as reflexes construdas com a base terica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observao participante, durante um espetculo do artista, em que ser observada a interao entre fenmeno e pblico, no momento de execuo da sua msica Ai, se eu te pego! ; e, doravante, o discurso do msico analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionrio aplicado a uma amostra entre o pblico feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas msicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexo. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreenso da proeminncia do discurso ao contedo. Desta maneira, a importncia maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu pblico, por meio da imagem que ele constri em torno de si.
Esta pesquisa se insere nas discusses sobre comunicao miditica nas interaes sociais. Traz como tema a charge enquanto narrativa midiatizada do cotidiano, a partir de um estudo de natureza bibliogrfica e de um exerccio de aplicao no qual foram estudadas as charges de Angeli reunidas na coletnea O lixo da histria, publicada pela editora Companhia das Letras. Dentre os autores e teorias trabalhadas destacam-se: a conceituao de narrativa, proposta por Luiz Gonzaga Motta; a ideia da midiatizao da sociedade, a partir da discusso de Jos Luiz Braga; a teoria de mediaes culturais de Jess Martin-Barbero; os estudos de cotidiano de Michel de Certeau; e o entendimento de cultura, fundamentado nos Estudos Culturais. A partir das leituras e anlise realizadas, a pesquisa trouxe a tona as percepes de que a charge uma narrativa do absurdo e narrativa absurda de um momento histrico, de maneira a inseri-la enquanto monumento historiogrfico do cotidiano. Assim como feito com as narrativas jornalsticas, a charge demanda uma viso crtica, observando no apenas a sua forma, mas sim o seu contexto.
Este estudo analisa a mdia impressa local produzida no lado brasileiro da Trplice Fronteira, regio limtrofe entre Brasil, Paraguai e Argentina e toma como exemplar o jornal brasileiro A Gazeta do Iguau, editado na cidade de Foz do Iguau, PR, que compe a rea trinacional. Os principais objetivos so analisar as caractersticas desta mdia local, a incidncia de notcias sobre a fronteira, o relacionamento daquele veculo com as comunidades e com os grupos humanos que vivem na regio, bem como o grau de influncia e o nvel de comprometimento do jornal com a poltica de Foz do Iguau. A base tericometodolgica constituiu-se de bibliografia sobre a questo global- local, dos estudos sobre multiculturalismo e diversidade cultural (estudos culturais), e dos questionamentos acerca de comunicao local e regional. As tcnicas utilizadas foram, alm da reviso bibliogrfica, a anlise de contedo do jornal A Gazeta do Iguau e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Dentre as concluses encontradas, verificou-se que a cobertura da fronteira uma pauta prioritria, mas que ao mesmo tempo, perde espao para o jornalismo de opinio, atravs das diversas colunas de opinio e sociais, que ocupam a maior parte do noticirio cotidiano local.(AU)
Revista Senhor: modernidade e cultura na imprensa brasileira tem como objetivo resgatar a histria de uma publicao que marcou poca. Produzida no perodo de 1959 a 1964, a revista demonstrou seu papel como um espao central de discusso de temas culturais. Fruto de uma conjuntura especfica, SENHOR portou-se como uma enciclopdia dos anos 50 e incio dos anos 60, divulgando, no conjunto de reportagens que produziu, crnicas, ensaios, crticas e artigos, os valores e os movimentos culturais vigentes, muitas vezes expressando novas formas de comportamento, consideradas avanadas ento. A metodologia usada na pesquisa a da anlise descritiva e qualitativa do contedo das matrias publicadas e o enfoque terico est baseado nos pressupostos da interdisciplinaridade da corrente dos Estudos Culturais. As concluses apontaram a caracterizao da revista como uma publicao que traduz o Jornalismo Cultural formativo, voltada a pessoas intelectualizadas ou chamadas multiplicadoras de opinio, revelando-se como uma das mais importantes revistas consideradas "cultas" do mercado brasileiro. Foi uma revista dirigida redominantemente para um pblico masculino elitizado culturalmente e/ou economicamente. Concebe-se ainda a idia de que SENHOR, por seu projeto grfico e editorial, esteve na vanguarda das publicaes brasileiras de todos os tempos.(AU)
O presente trabalho verificou como o jornalismo pode ser parceiro e fonte para a histria por meio da reproduo e anlise dos fatos poltico-econmicos brasileiros nas pginas dos jornais impressos dirios. Nessa perspectiva, as colunas escritas nos ltimos 25 anos (1983-2009) por Janio de Freitas, no jornal Folha de S.Paulo, significam interpretao e anlise dessa histria. Trata-se, portanto, de uma pesquisa qualitativa e est ancorada nos Estudos Culturais. O corpus desta pesquisa composto de um recorte de 47 comentrios sobre as Diretas J , de janeiro at abril de 1984, perodo em que ocorreram as principais mobilizaes da sociedade civil pela eleio direta para a Presidncia da Repblica e culminou com a votao e a rejeio da emenda Dante de Oliveira pelo Congresso Nacional. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foram utilizadas as ferramentas da Anlise de Contedo a partir das categorias analticas criadas Personagens, Votao da Emenda Dante de Oliveira e Movimento Diretas J nas ruas , para descrever o contedo textual das colunas. Para que se pudesse efetuar uma anlise aprofundada do corpus da pesquisa foi utilizado o referencial terico da ACD Anlise Crtica do Discurso em nove das 47 colunas selecionadas. O critrio de escolha para essas colunas foi a identificao daquelas que no ttulo j traziam uma referncia explcita Campanha pelas Diretas J , s mobilizaes nas ruas , A votao da emenda Dante de Oliveira , Ao processo de sucesso presidencial ou as que tinham o seu contedo integral sobre um dos temas. Este estudo constata a hiptese de que o jornalista um historiador do cotidiano e que possvel fazer uma leitura da histria da Campanha das Diretas J por meio das colunas de Janio de Freitas. Ao tecer em suas colunas o cenrio da poca, desnuda para a histria e para os historiadores o xadrez poltico personagens, acordos polticos, votao da emenda e a campanha nas ruas que envolveu o processo. Dessa forma, a partir de suas lentes, oferece elementos para a construo da memria coletiva sobre esse perodo da histria brasileira.(AU)
The image and style of political leaders are important elements of leadership, and of politics generally. They are related to both political culture and institutions, and are framed in ritual and ceremony. In democratic policies, where there is choice rather than coercion, the mediation of leadership/people relations creates imagined relationships between imagined leaders and their equally imagined interlocutors, the people or the electorate (who also, of course, actually exist). These relationships form part of the political process. By identifying, and adapting, classical Aristotelian distinctions in rhetorical studies, we can better understand this element or moment of the process, in particular the creation of an imagined intimacy in contemporary politics between leaders and followers. Political science should draw upon other disciplines and subdisciplines such as political psychology, cultural studies, rhetorical analysis, and social anthropology in order to understand how mediated relationships are inscribed into political institutions and exchange.
Werner Sombart (1863-1941) was a famous and controversial social scientist in Germany during the early 20th century. Highly influential, his work and reputation have been indelibly tainted by his embrace of National Socialism in the last decade of his life. Although Sombart left an enormous opus spanning disciplinary boundaries, the scholarly assessment of and intellectual reaction to his work inside and outside of Germany is divided, and ambivalent. Best known for his analyses of capitalism - his essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?" remains a classic - Sombart consistently responded to the social and political developments that have shaped the 20th century. This collection provides a representative sampling of those portions of Sombart's work that have stood the test of time. The volume opens with a substantial introduction by the editors reviewing Sombart's life and career, the evolution of his major intellectual concerns, his relation to Marx and Weber, and his political affiliation with the Nazis. Their selection of texts emphasizes areas of his economic and cultural thought that remain relevant to intellectual trends in the social sciences, particularly those trends that seek a more broadly based, cross-disciplinary approach to the relationship of culture and economics. Sombart's writings on capitalism are represented by essays on the nature and origin of the market system and the diversity of its actors and motives among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Also included is an excerpt from Sombart's controversial volume "The Jews and Modern Capitalism" exploring the widely perceived relation between economic life and Judaism as a religion. In essays on the economics of cultural processes, Sombart's comprehensive and expansive idea of cultural science yields remarkable and prophetic insights into the nature of urbanism, luxury consumption, fashion and the cultural secularization of love. The volume's final section consists of Sombart's reflections on the social influences of technology, the economic life of the future, and on socialism, including the influential essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?". Encapsulating the most valuable aspects of his work, this study provides clear demonstration of Sombart's sense for fine cultural distinctions and broad cultural developments and the predictive power of his analyses. It should be of interest to sociologists, economists, political scientists and specialists in cultural studies.
Firmly situating South African teams, players, and associations in the international framework in which they have to compete, South Africa and the Global Game: Football, Apartheid, and Beyond presents an interdisciplinary analysis of how and why South Africa underwent a remarkable transformation from a pariah in world sport to the first African host of a World Cup in 2010. Written by an eminent team of scholars, this special issue and book aims to examine the importance of football in South African society, revealing how the black oppression transformed a colonial game into a force for political, cultural and social liberation. It explores how the hosting of the 2010 World Cup aims to enhance the prestige of the post-apartheid nation, to generate economic growth and stimulate Pan-African pride. Among the themes dealt with are race and racism, class and gender dynamics, social identities, mass media and culture, and globalization. This collection of original and insightful essays will appeal to specialists in African Studies, Cultural Studies, and Sport Studies, as well as to non-specialist readers seeking to inform themselves ahead of the 2010 World Cup. This book was published as a special issue of Soccer and Society. 1. Introduction Peter Alegi and Chris Bolsmann Part 1: Past is Prologue History of Football in South Africa 2. Football as Code: The Social Diffusion of Soccer in South Africa Lloyd Hill 3. White Football in South Africa: Empire, Apartheid and Change, 1892 1977 Chris Bolsmann 4. A Biography of Darius Dhlomo: Transnational Footballer in the Era of Apartheid Peter Alegi 5. Women and Gender in South African Soccer Cynthia Fabrizio Pelak Part 2: Football Culture after Apartheid: Local and Transnational Dynamics 6. "You Must Support Chiefs: Pirates Already Have Two White Fans!" Race and Racial Discourse in South African Football Fandom Marc Fletcher 7. "It wasnt that I did not like South African Football": Media, History, and Biography Sean Jacobs 8. Soccer in a Rugby Town: Restructuring Football in Stellenbosch Sylvain Cubizolles 9. Differing Trajectories: Football Development and Patterns of Player Migration in South Africa and Ghana Paul Darby and Eirik Solberg Part 3: The 2010 World Cup: Challenges and Opportunities 10. Football's Tsars: Proprietorship, Corporatism and Politics in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Scarlett Cornelissen 11. Sports as Cultural Diplomacy: The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africas Foreign Policy Sifiso Mxolisi Ndlovu 12. World Cup 2010: Africas Turn or the Turn on Africa? Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed 13. The 2010 FIFA World Cup: Critical Voices From Below Percy Ngonyama.
Werner Sombart (1863-1941) may well have been the most famous and controversial social scientist in Germany during the early twentieth century. Highly influential, his work and reputation have been indelibly tainted by his embrace of National Socialism in the last decade of his life. Although Sombart left an enormous opus spanning disciplinary boundaries, intellectual reaction to his work inside and outside of Germany is divided and ambivalent. Sombart consistently responded to the social and political developments that have shaped the twentieth century. Economic Life in the Modern Age provides a representative sampling of those portions of Sombart's work that have stood the test of time. The volume opens with a substantial introduction reviewing Sombart's life and career, the evolution of his major intellectual concerns, his relation to Marx and Weber, and his political affiliation with the Nazis. The editors' selection of texts emphasizes areas of Sombart's economic and cultural thought that remain relevant, particularly to those intellectual trends that seek a more broadly based, cross-disciplinary approach to culture and economics. Sombart's writings on capitalism are represented by essays on the nature and origin of the market system and the diversity of motives among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Also included is an excerpt from Sombart's controversial The Jews and Modern Capitalism, exploring the widely perceived relation between economic life and Judaism as a religion. In essays on the economics of cultural processes, Sombart's comprehensive and expansive idea of cultural science yields prophetic insights into the nature of urbanism, luxury consumption, fashion, and the cultural secularization of love. The volume's final section consists of Sombart's reflections on the social influences of technology, the economic life of the future, and on socialism, including the influential essay "Why is there no Socialism in the United States." Encapsulating the most valuable aspects of his work, Economic Life in the Modern Age provides clear demonstration of Sombart's sense for fine cultural distinctions and broad cultural developments and the predictive power of his analyses. It will be of interest to sociologists, economists, political scientists, and specialists in cultural studies.
Recent debates about national identity, belonging and community cohesion can appear to suggest that ethnicity is a static entity and that ethnic difference is a source of conflict in itself. "Ethnicities and Values in a Changing World" presents an alternative account of ethnicity and calls into question models of community cohesion that present ethnicity as the source of antagonisms and differences that must be overcome. It suggests instead that ethnicity is itself multiple and changing and is unlikely to be a basis for articulating shared values. This volume brings together an international team of leading scholars in the field of ethnic studies in order to examine innovative articulations of ethnicity and challenge the contention that ethnicity is static or that it necessarily represents traditional values and cultures. Asserting that ethnicity is deployed in part as an expression of values and a model of ethical practice, this book examines displays of ethnicity as assertions of identity and statements about way of life, sense of entitlement and manner of connection to others. "Ethnicities and Values in a Changing World" draws together debates about the articulation of ethnic identity, the nature of our relation to each other and discussions of everyday ethics, thus engaging with discussions of racism, multiculturalism and community cohesion. As such, it will appeal not only to sociologists, but to anyone working in the fields of cultural studies, race and ethnicity, globalization, migration and anthropology. Table of Contents: Introduction: ethnicities, values and old-fashioned racism, Gargi Bhattacharyya; Teaching race and racism in the 21st century: thematic considerations, Howard Winant; Diaspora conversations: ethics, ethicality, work and life; Migrant women's networking: new articulations of transnational ethnicity, Ronit Lentin; 'The people do what the political class isn't able to do': antigypsyism, ethnicity denial and the politics of racism without racism, Robbie McVeigh; Violent urban protest - identities, ethics and Islamism, Max Farrar; Beliefs, boundaries and belonging: African Pentecostals in Ireland, Abel Ugba; On being a 'good' refugee, John Gabriel and Jenny Harding; Narrating lived experience in a binational community in Costa Rica, Carlos Sandoval Garcia; Conclusion: ethnicity and ethicality in an unequal world, Gargi Bhattacharyya; Index.
Military collaboration is one of the least acknowledged aspects of France under the Occupation. Yet from summer 1941 France raised a number of fighting units for Hitlers armies, each with its distinctive mission and each drawing the Vichy regime deeper into collaboration with Nazi Germany. This article discusses that process and its diverse implications. It shows how the Paris collaborationists used military engagement to pressure the Vichy government into more activist collaboration and explores the divergent perspectives in which this was viewed from Berlin, Paris and Vichy; it considers the mobilising myths, motivations and misapprehensions behind military collaboration; and it identifies some of the anomalies of that collaboration, with its reconceptualising of France and Other, friend and foe, belonging and alienation. Those French patriots who fought in German uniform would become effective exiles from a homeland they departed to defend only to see it liberated by their enemies. Exposing the divisions and the delusions underlying military collaboration, the article sheds light on conflicting political calculations and shifting allegiances in occupied France.
This paper explores how the concept of Alzheimers disease (AD) is constructed through Spanish media and documentary films and how it is represented. The article analyses three documentary films and the cultural and social contexts in and from which they emerged: Sols Bucarest: la memria perduda [Bucharest: Memory Lost] (2007), Boschs Bicicleta, cullera, poma [Bicycle, Spoon, Apple] (2010) , and Frabras Las voces de la memoria [Memorys Voices] (2011). The three documentary films approach AD from different perspectives, creating well-structured discourses of what AD represents for contemporary Spanish society, from medicalisation of AD to issues of personhood and citizenship. These three films are studied from an interdisciplinary perspective, in an effort to strengthen the links between ageing and dementia studies and cultural studies. Examining documentary film representations of AD from these perspectives enables semiotic analyses beyond the aesthetic perspectives of film studies, and the exploration of the articulation of knowledge and power in discourses about AD in contemporary Spain
The rise of celebrity culture is a theme that has attracted a significant amount of attention within both mainstream sociology and cultural studies in more recent times. Ensuing debate has identified contemporary sports figures as an important facet of the celebritymedia nexus and as possible signifiers of cultural change. In this paper we take one particular sports celebrity, South African soccer star Mark Fish, and evaluate his image in relation to debates surrounding sport, politics and the postapartheid state. We argue that because Fish appears to enjoy all the benefits of celebrity status (within his home country at least), an analysis of his career and identity provide a useful means by which to think about the changing political and nationalistic values within South African society.