990 resultados para classical nuclear import pathway


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The origins of the vast majority of the words we use in contemporary English go back as far as Old or Middle English. In contrast, alright and all right in their present-day application appear to be the result of a more recent evolution, as there is no evidence of their use, not even in the two-word form, in the published fiction before the 18th century. Furthermore, there are not in the research literature, at least to my knowledge, any previous linguistic studies on this specific subject matter. The present article is simply an attempt to describe the various processes of diachronic change that brought about the emergence of alright.


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The neuronal-specific cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) is important for brain cholesterol elimination. Cyp46a1 null mice exhibit severe deficiencies in learning and hippocampal long-term potentiation, suggested to be caused by a decrease in isoprenoid intermediates of the mevalonate pathway. Conversely, transgenic mice overexpressing CYP46A1 show an improved cognitive function. These results raised the question of whether CYP46A1 expression can modulate the activity of proteins that are crucial for neuronal function, namely of isoprenylated small guanosine triphosphate-binding proteins (sGTPases). Our results show that CYP46A1 overexpression in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons leads to an increase in 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase activity and to an overall increase in membrane levels of RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42 and Rab8. This increase is accompanied by a specific increase in RhoA activation. Interestingly, treatment with lovastatin or a geranylgeranyltransferase-I inhibitor abolished the CYP46A1 effect. The CYP46A1-mediated increase in sGTPases membrane abundance was confirmed in vivo, in membrane fractions obtained from transgenic mice overexpressing this enzyme. Moreover, CYP46A1 overexpression leads to a decrease in the liver X receptor (LXR) transcriptional activity and in the mRNA levels of ATP-binding cassette transporter 1, sub-family A, member 1 and apolipoprotein E. This effect was abolished by inhibition of prenylation or by co-transfection of a RhoA dominant-negative mutant. Our results suggest a novel regulatory axis in neurons; under conditions of membrane cholesterol reduction by increased CYP46A1 expression, neurons increase isoprenoid synthesis and sGTPase prenylation. This leads to a reduction in LXR activity, and consequently to a decrease in the expression of LXR target genes.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde


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Introduction - European nuclear medicine technologist’s education is delivered by Higher Education Institutions and students obtain a grade of Bachelor of Sciences (BSc), during which they are initiated to research during their studies. Once BSc nuclear medicine technologists are in professional practice, they have very few opportunities to develop a real research experience and they rather become passive users than active contributors the growth of scientific knowledge in nuclear medicine. Aim - To describe and discuss an innovative educational and professional experience aimed in strengthen research knowledge, skills and competencies of former nuclear medicine technologists student in the context of an international mobility stay.


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In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.


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Objective - To define a checklist that can be used to assess the performance of a department and evaluate the implementation of quality management (QM) activities across departments or pathways in acute care hospitals. Design - We developed and tested a checklist for the assessment of QM activities at department level in a cross-sectional study using on-site visits by trained external auditors. Setting and Participants - A sample of 292 hospital departments of 74 acute care hospitals across seven European countries. In every hospital, four departments for the conditions: acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, hip fracture and deliveries participated. Main outcome measures - Four measures of QM activities were evaluated at care pathway level focusing on specialized expertise and responsibility (SER), evidence-based organization of pathways (EBOP), patient safety strategies and clinical review (CR). Results - Participating departments attained mean values on the various scales between 1.2 and 3.7. The theoretical range was 0-4. Three of the four QM measures are identical for the four conditions, whereas one scale (EBOP) has condition-specific items. Correlations showed that every factor was related, but also distinct, and added to the overall picture of QM at pathway level. Conclusion - The newly developed checklist can be used across various types of departments and pathways in acute care hospitals like AMI, deliveries, stroke and hip fracture. The anticipated users of the checklist are internal (e.g. peers within the hospital and hospital executive board) and external auditors (e.g. healthcare inspectorate, professional or patient organizations).


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This work presents the results of the experimental study of proton induced nuclear reactions in lithium, namely the 7Li(p,α) 4He, 6Li(p,α) 3He and 7Li(p,p)7Li reactions. The amount of 7Li and 6Li identified as primordial and observed in very old stars of the Milky Way galactic halo strongly deviates from the predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution models which depend, among other factors, on the cross sections of reactions like 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He. These discrepancies have triggered a large amount of research in the fields of stellar evolution, cosmology, pre-galactic evolution and low energy nuclear reactions. Focusing on nuclear reactions, this work has measured the 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He reactions cross sections (expressed in terms of the astrophysical S -factor) with higher accuracy, and the electron screening effects in these reactions for different environments (insulators and metallic targets). The 7Li(p,α) 4He angular distributions were also measured. These measurementstook place in two laboratory facilities, in the framework of the LUNA (Laboratory for Undergroud Nuclear Astrophysics) international collaboration, namely the Laboratorio ´ de Feixe de Ioes ˜ in ITN (Instituto Tecnologico ´ e Nuclear) Sacavem, ´ Portugal, and the Dynamitron-TandemLaboratorium in Ruhr-Universitat¨ Bochum, Germany. The ITN target chamber was modified to measure these nuclear reactions, with the design and construction of new components, the addition of one turbomolecular pump and a cold finger. The 7Li(p,α) 4He and 6Li(p,α) 3He reactions were measured concurrently with seven and four targets, respectively. These targets were produced in order to obtain adequate and stable lithium depth profiles. In metallic environments, the measured electron screening potential energies are much higher than the predictions of atomic-physics models. The Debye screening model applied to the metallic conduction electrons is able to explain these high values. It is a simple model, but also very robust. Concerning primordial nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution models, these results are very important as they show that laboratory measurements are well controlled, and the model inputs from these cross sections are therefore correct. In this work the 7Li(p,p)7Li differential cross section was also measured, which is useful to describe the 7Li(p,α) 4He entrance channel.


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Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.


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Dissertation to obtain the degree of Master in Music - Artistic Interpretation


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The DatScanTM and its Semiquantification (SQ) can provide advantages in the diagnosis of Parkinsonian Syndromes (PS). To improve the SQ is recommended the creation of adapted database (DB) with reference values for the Nuclear Medicine Departments. Previously to this work was created a adapted database (DBRV) to Nuclear Medicine Department's protocol and population of Infanta Cristina's Hospital located in Badajoz, for patients between the ages of 60 and 75, and reference values of the SQ were calculated. Aim: To evaluate the discrimination capacity of a department's adapted DB reference's values of healthy controls for DatScanTM.


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Semi quantification (SQ) in DaTScan® studies is broadly used in clinic daily basis, however there is a suspicious about its discriminative capability, and concordance with the diagnostic classification performed by the physician. Aim: Evaluate the discriminate capability of an adapted database and reference's values of healthy controls for the Dopamine Transporters (DAT) with 123I–FP-IT named DBRV adapted to Nuclear Medicine Department's protocol and population of Infanta Cristina's Hospital, and its concordance with the physician classification.


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A inserção profissional é baseada na integração de diferentes perspetivas, entre elas, o contexto académico, os empregadores e os graduados. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o percurso profissional dos técnicos de medicina nuclear (TMN), graduados pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) entre 2010 e 2013.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Química, especialidade Química Inorgânica, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia