905 resultados para artesian wells
This case study reports on the development of a bespoke mobile recording app for collating records of biodiversity sightings on a University campus. This innovative project was achieved through a multi-disciplinary partnership of staff and students. It is hoped that the app itself will benefit lecturers by streamlining data collection during teaching and learning activities, whilst engaging students and highlighting the wealth of diversity available on campus
Our understanding of the introduction and adoption of new plant foods in Roman Britain is currently limited by a lack of data from a group of Late Iron Age settlements commonly referred to as oppida (large pre-Roman towns). This paper presents the first evidence of several imported plant foods from Late Iron Age Britain in the form of waterlogged plant remains from the oppidum at Silchester. These were recovered from the basal contexts of two wells, dated to the early first century a.d. One olive stone and several seeds of celery, coriander and dill were identified. The results are compared to archaeobotanical data from elsewhere in Britain and northwestern Europe, demonstrating that Silchester is part of the wider phenomenon of the adoption of new flavourings and fruits in Late Iron Age Europe.
Este artículo examina transformaciones en la Patagonia chilena, región líder en la producción de salmón para mercados globalizados. Utilizando una aproximación etnográfica, aborda las posibilidades de considerar las intersubjetividades en los procesos de conformación de regiones importantes para la producción global de alimentos, argumentando contra algunas perspectivas que enfatizan en la interobjetividad al explorar relaciones humanas y no-humanas. En un mundo complejo y globalizado, la teoría del ensamblaje permite comprender cómo las transformaciones regionales son estimuladas por formas de bio-poder que generan nuevas relaciones entre vida, agencia y naturaleza. Se rastrean experimentos, encuentros y afectos, descentrando así miradas convencionales sobre domesticación de especies, desarrollo regional y producción de alimentos y abriendo un debate sobre las potencialidades y límites de interpretaciones no lineales de la realidad.
Sharing storybooks with babies increases their future achievements in literacy, especially in reading (Hall, 2001; Moore and Wade, 1997, 2003; Scarborough et al., 1991; Wade and Moore, 1998; Wells, 1985). This study, focusing on case studies of two 20-month-old children, attempts to identify the role the storybook plays in children’s vocabulary acquisition. Their mothers adopted a regime of daily reading of specific picture books over a six-week period, and recorded the children’s acquisition of new vocabulary, in order to explore what specific contribution these texts made to the children’s speech. The findings demonstrate that storybooks form one source of children’s newly-acquired vocabulary. Factors that might account for this were more difficult to determine through a study of this scale.
Abstract. Three influential theoretical models of OCD focus upon the cognitive factors of inflated responsibility (Salkovskis, 1985), thought-action fusion (Rachman, 1993) and meta-cognitive beliefs (Wells and Matthews, 1994). Little is known about the relevance of these models in adolescents or about the nature of any direct or mediating relationships between these variables and OCD symptoms. This was a cross-sectional correlational design with 223 non-clinical adolescents aged 13 to 16 years. All participants completed questionnaires measuring inflated responsibility, thought-action fusion, meta-cognitive beliefs and obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Inflated responsibility, thought-action fusion and metacognitive beliefs were significantly associated with higher levels of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. These variables accounted for 35% of the variance in obsessive-compulsive symptoms, with inflated responsibility and meta-cognitive beliefs both emerging as significant independent predictors. Inflated responsibility completely mediated the effect of thoughtaction fusion and partially mediated the effect of meta-cognitive beliefs. Support for the downward extension of cognitive models to understanding OCD in a younger population was shown. Findings suggest that inflated responsibility and meta-cognitive beliefs may be particularly important cognitive concepts in OCD. Methodological limitations must be borne in mind and future research is needed to replicate and extend findings in clinical samples. Keywords: Obsessive compulsive disorder, adolescents, cognitive models.
The development of oppida in the late first millennium BC across north-western Europe represents a major change in settlement form and social organisation. The construction of extensive earthwork systems, the presence of nucleated settlement areas, long-distance trade links and the development of hierarchical societies have been evidenced. These imply that changes in the style and organisation of agriculture would have been required to support these proto-urban population centres. Hypotheses of the subsistence bases of these settlements, ranging from a reliance on surplus arable production from local rural settlements, to an emphasis on pastoral activities, are here reviewed and grounded against a wider understanding of the expansion of agriculture in the Late Iron Age. These agricultural models have not been previously evaluated. This paper presents archaeobotanical data from six well fills from large-scale excavations at Late Iron Age and Early Roman Silchester, a Late Iron Age territorial oppidum and subsequent Roman civitas capital located in central-southern Britain. This is the first large-scale study of waterlogged plant macrofossils from within a settlement area of an oppidum. Waterlogged plant macrofossils were studied from a series of wells within the settlement. An assessment of taphonomy, considering stratigraphic and contextual information, is reported, followed by an analysis of the diverse assemblages of the plant remains through univariate analysis. Key results evidence animal stabling, flax cultivation, hay meadow management and the use of heathland resources. The staple crops cultivated and consumed at Late Iron Age and Early Roman Silchester are consistent with those cultivated in the wider region, whilst a range of imported fruits and flavourings were also present. The adoption of new oil crops and new grassland management shows that agricultural innovations were associated with foddering for animals rather than providing food for the proto-urban population. The evidence from Silchester is compared with other archaeobotanical datasets from oppida in Europe in order to identify key trends in agricultural change.
Background: This study aimed to compare the cytotoxicity of base-metal dental alloys and to evaluate if the casting method could influence their cytotoxicity. Methods: Disks of base-metal dental alloys were cast by two methods: plasma, under argon atmosphere, injected by vacuum-pressure; and oxygen-gas flame, injected by centrifugation, except Ti-6Al-4V and commercially pure titanium (cpTi), cast only by plasma. SCC9 cells were cultured in culture media D-MEM/Ham`s F12 supplemented, at 37 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% carbon dioxide and 95% air, on the previously prepared disks. At subconfluence in wells without disks (control), cell number and viability were evaluated. Results: In plasma method, cpTi and Ti-6Al-4V were similar to control and presented higher number of cells than all other alloys, followed by Ni-Cr. In oxygen-gas name method, all alloys presented fewer cells than control. Ni-Cr presented more cells than any other alloy, followed by Co-Cr-Mo-W which presented more cells than Ni-Cr-Ti, Co-Cr-Mo, and Ni-Cr-Be. There were no significant differences between casting methods related to cell number. Cell viability was not affected by either chemical composition or casting methods. Conclusion: cpTi and Ti-6Al-4V were not cytotoxic while Ni-Cr-Be was the most cytotoxic among tested alloys. The casting method did not affect cytotoxicity of the alloys. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Geophysics has been shown to be effective in identifying areas contaminated by waste disposal, contributing to the greater efficiency of soundings programs and the installation of monitoring wells. In the study area, four trenches were constructed with a total volume of about 25,000 m(3). They were almost totally filled with re-refined lubricating oil waste for approximately 25 years. No protection liners were used in the bottoms and laterals of the disposal trenches. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the potential of the resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods in characterizing the contamination of this lubricant oil waste disposal area in Ribeiro Preto, SP, situated on the geological domain of the basalt spills of the Serra Geral Formation and the sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Geophysical results were shown in 2D profiles. The geophysical methods used enabled the identification of geophysical anomalies, which characterized the contamination produced by the trenches filled with lubricant oil waste. Conductive anomalies (smaller than 185 Omega m) immediately below the trenches suggest the action of bacteria in the hydrocarbons, as has been observed in several sites contaminated by hydrocarbons in previously reported cases in the literature. It was also possible to define the geometry of the trenches, as evidenced by the GPR method. Direct sampling (chemical analysis of the soil and the water in the monitoring well) confirmed the contamination. In the soil analysis, low concentrations of several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found, mainly naphthalene and phenanthrene. In the water samples, an analysis verified contamination of the groundwater by lead (Pb). The geophysical methods used in the investigation provided an excellent tool for environmental characterization in this study of a lubricant oil waste disposal area, and could be applied in the study of similar areas.
Activity concentrations of dissolved U-234, U-238, Ra-226 and Ra-228 were determined in ground waters fromtwo deep wells drilled in Morungaba Granitoids (Southern Brazil). Sampling was done monthly for little longer than 1 year. Significant disequilibrium between U-238, U-234 and Ra-226 were observed in all samples. The variation of U-238 and U-234 activity concentrations and U-234/U-238 activity ratios is related to seasonal changes. Although the distance between the two wells is short (about 900m), systematic differences of activity concentrations of U isotopes, as well as of U-234/U-238, Ra-226/U-234 and Ra-228/Ra-226 activity ratios were noticed, indicating distinct host rock-water interactions. Slightly acidic ground water percolation through heterogeneous host rock, associated with different recharge processes, may explain uranium and radium isotope behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The assembling of a system for field sampling and activity concentration measurement of radon dissolved in groundwater is described. Special attention is given in presenting the calibration procedure to obtain the radon activity concentration in groundwater from the raw counting rate registered in a portable scintillation detector and in establishing the precision of the activity concentration measurements. A field procedure was established and the system tested during one year of monthly observations of (222)Rn activity concentration in groundwater drawn from two wells drilled on metamorphic rocks exposed at Eastern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The observed mean (222)Rn activity concentrations are 374 Bq/dm(3) in one well and about 1275 Bq/dm(3) in the other one. In both wells the (222)Rn activity concentrations showed a seasonal variation similar to variations previously reported in the literature for the same region. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Both sexes of a new species of Noodtorthopsyllus Lang, 1965 (Harpacticoida, Cristacoxidae) from a sandy beach in Sao Paulo State (Brazil) are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Noodtorthopsyllus tageae sp. nov. displays a mosaic of characters drawn from both Noodtorthopsyllus and Cristacoxa Huys, 1990, blurring the boundaries between both genera. Consequently, Cristacoxa, the type genus of the nominal family-group taxon Cristacoxidae Huys, 1990, is relegated to a junior subjective synonym of Noodtorthopsyllus, and its type species is transferred to the latter as N. petkovskii (Huys, 1990) comb. nov. A new genus Acuticoxa is proposed to accommodate A. ubatubaensis sp. nov. (type species), collected on the northern continental shelf of Sao Paulo State, and A. biarticulata sp. nov., previously identified as Laophontisochra sp., from the Northern Magellan Straits. Amended diagnoses are provided for Noodtorthopsyllus and Laophontisochra. Autapomorphies supporting the monophyly of the Cristacoxidae are re-evaluated, including new data on P3 endopod sexual dimorphism and caudal ramus development. It is concluded that a recently published hypothesis of a deeply rooted split of the family into two highly divergent lineages cannot be supported. Consequently, both Laophontisochra and Acuticoxa gen. nov. are removed from the Cristacoxidae and tentatively assigned to the Nannopodidae (ex Huntemanniidae), forming a clade with three other genera displaying coxal modifications on leg 1 (Rosacletodes Wells, 1985; Huntemannia Poppe, 1884; and an as yet undescribed genus from Brazil). Based on the sexual dimorphism of the P4 endopod, we propose to transfer Metahuntemannia Smirnov, 1946 and Pottekia Huys, 2009 from the Nannopodidae to the Canthocamptidae (subfamily Hemimesochrinae) where they are probably most closely related to Psammocamptus Mielke, 1975; Bathycamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989; Perucamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989; and Isthmiocaris George & Schminke, 2003. An identification key to the genera of the Nannopodidae is presented.
We apply a self-energy-corrected local density approximation (LDA) to obtain corrected bulk band gaps and to study the band offsets of AlAs grown on GaAs (AlAs/GaAs). We also investigate the Al(x)Ga(1-x)As/GaAs alloy interface, commonly employed in band gap engineering. The calculations are fully ab initio, with no adjustable parameters or experimental input, and at a computational cost comparable to traditional LDA. Our results are in good agreement with experimental values and other theoretical studies. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
We have studied Shubnikov de Haas oscillations and the quantum Hall effect in GaAs-double well structures in tilted magnetic fields. We found strong magnetoresistance oscillations as a function of an in-plane magnetic field B(parallel to) at nu = 4N + 3 and nu = 4N + 1 filling factors. At low perpendicular magnetic field B(perpendicular to), the amplitude of the conventional Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations also exhibits B(parallel to)-periodic dependence at fixed values of B(perpendicular to). We interpret the observed oscillations as a manifestation of the interference between cyclotron orbits in different quantum wells.
We have studied the quantum Hall effect in Al(x)Ga(1-x)As-double well structure with vanishing g-factor. We determined the density-magnetic field n(s) - B diagrams for the longitudinal resistance R(xx). In spite of the fact that the n(s) - B diagram for conventional GaAs double wells shows a striking similarity with the theory, we observed the strong difference between these diagrams for double wells with vanishing g-factor. We argue that the electron-electron interaction is responsible for unusual behavior of the Landau levels in such a system.