983 resultados para X-LINKED INHERITANCE
Background: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrix during physiological and pathological processes. Two functional polymorphisms [C(-1562)T and microsatellite (CA)(13-25)] in the promoter region of the MMP-9 gene have been associated with several diseases. The aim of this study was to examine whether these MMP-9 polymorphisms and haplotypes are linked with plasma MMP-9 variations in healthy subjects. Methods: We studied 177 healthy male white volunteers (age range 20-55 years) who were non-smokers and not taking any medication. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and genotypes for the C(-1562)T and the microsatellite (CA)(n) polymorphisms were determined. MMP-9 levels were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography. Results: The frequency of the alleles C and T for the C(-1562)T polymorphism were 90% and 10%, respectively. The frequency of the alleles with less than 21 CA repeats Q and with 21 repeats or higher (H) were 47% and 53%, respectively. We found no differences in plasma MMP-9 levels among the genotype groups or among different haplotypes (all p > 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that functional polymorphisms in the promoter of the MMP-9 gene are not linked with significant plasma MMP-9 variations in healthy subjects.
Background. The molecular pathogenesis of different sensitivities of the renal proximal and distal tubular cell populations to ischemic injury, including ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced oxidative stress, is not well-defined. An in vitro model of oxidative stress was used to compare the survival of distal [Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)] and proximal [human kidney-2 (HK-2)] renal tubular epithelial cells, and to analyze for links between induced cell death and expression and localization of selected members of the Bcl-2 gene family (anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-X-L, pro-apoptotic Bax and Bad), Methods. Cells were treated with 1 mmol/L hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Or were grown in control medium for 24 hours. Cell death (apoptosis) was quantitated using defined morphological criteria. DNA gel electrophoresis was used for biochemical identification. Protein expression levels and cellular localization of the selected Bcl-2 family proteins were analyzed (West ern immunoblots, densitometry, immunoelectron microscopy). Results. Apoptosis was minimal in control cultures and was greatest in treated proximal cell cultures (16.93 +/- 4.18% apoptosis) compared with treated distal cell cultures (2.28 +/- 0.85% apoptosis, P < 0.001). Endogenous expression of Bcl-X-L and Bax, but not Bcl-2 or Bad, was identified in control distal cells, Bcl-X-L and Bax had nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05) in these cells. Bcl-2, Bax, and Bcl-X-L, but not Bad, were endogenously expressed in control proximal cells. Bcl-X-L was significantly decreased in treated proximal cultures (P < 0.05), with Bas and Bcl-2 having nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05). Immunoelectron microscopy localization indicated that control and treated hut surviving proximal cells had similar cytosolic and membrane localization of the Bcl-2 proteins. In comparison, surviving cells in the treated distal cultures showed translocation of Bcl-X-L from cytosol to the mitochondria after treatment with H2O2, a result that was confirmed using cell fractionation and analysis of Bcl-XL expression levels of the membrane and cytosol proteins. Bax remained distributed evenly throughout the surviving distal cells, without particular attachment to any cellular organelle. Conclusion. The results indicate that in this in vitro model, the increased survival of distal compared with proximal tubular cells after oxidative stress is best explained by the decreased expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-X-L in proximal cells, as well as translocation of Bcl-X-L protein to mitochondria within the surviving distal cells.
Antibody isotypic responses (IgE, IgA, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4) to Schistosoma japonicum antigens-adult worm (AWA), soluble egg (SEA) and the recombinant proteins TEG (22.6-kDa tegumental antigen, Sj22) and PMY (paramyosin, Sj97)-were measured (in 1998) in a cohort of 179 Chinese subjects 2 years post-treatment. Subjects in the highest intensity re-infection group (> 100 eggs per gram faeces) had significantly higher levels of IgG1 and IgG4 against AWA. Analysis of IgG4/IgE ratios for AWA and SEA linked IgG4 excess to re-infection and IgE excess to non-re-infection. Two years after chemotherapeutic cure, 29 subjects, who were re-infected or never infected but highly water-exposed, were classified as epidemiologically susceptible (n = 15) or epidemiologically insusceptible to infection (n = 14). IgG4 levels against native antigens (AWA and SEA) were higher in susceptibles and IgE levels were higher in insusceptibles but antibody responses to the recombinant proteins (PMY and TEG) showed no clear pattern or difference between susceptibility groups. These and earlier findings provide evidence that immunity develops against schistosomiasis japonica in China and that susceptibility/resistance correlates with antibody isotypes against native schistosome antigens.
Gingival crevicular fluid levels of MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-2, and MPO decrease after periodontal therapy
P>Background This study aimed at comparing the levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, tissue Inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2, Myeloperoxidase (MPO), and MMP-9 in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of chronic periodontitis (CP) patients and controls at baseline and 3 months after non-surgical therapy. Materials and Methods GCF was collected from one site of 15 control subjects and 27 CP patients. MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 were determined by Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay; different forms of MMP-9, by gelatin zymography; and MPO, colorimetrically. Results At baseline, higher levels of MMP-8, TIMP-2, MPO, and the 87 kDa-MMP-9 were found in patients compared with controls (p < 0.001), and these molecules decreased after therapy (p < 0.03). There were no differences between the groups with respect to the higher molecular forms of MMP-9 (180, 130, 92 kDa) or total MMP-9 at baseline. No differences were observed in TIMP-1 levels. In controls, decreased levels of TIMP-2 and the higher molecular forms of MMP-9 (180, 130, 92 kDa) were found 3 months after therapy compared with baseline (p < 0.01). Conclusions Higher levels of MMP-8, TIMP-2, MPO, and 87 kDa MMP-9 were found in the GCF of patients compared with controls, and these markers decreased 3 months after periodontal therapy.
Primary teeth were analyzed by micro-SRXRF. The aim of this study was to determine the elemental distribution of lead and calcium in different regions of primary incisor of children living in a notoriously contaminated area (Santo Amaro da Purificacao, Bahia State, Brazil). The measurements were performed in standard geometry of 45 incidence, exciting with a white beam and using a conventional system collimation (orthogonal slits) in the XRF beamline at the Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (Campinas, Brazil). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To assess consent to record linkage, describe the characteristics of consenters and compare self-report versus Medicare records of general practitioner use. Method. Almost 40,000 women in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health were sent a request by mail for permission to link their Medicare records and survey data. Results: 19,700 women consented: 37% of young (18-23 years), 59% of mid-age (4550 years) and 53% of older women (70-75 years). Consenters tended to have higher levels of education and, among the older cohort, were in better health than nonconsenters. Women tended to under-report the number of visits to general practitioners. Conclusions: Record linkage of survey and Medicare data on a large scale is feasible. The linked data provide information on health and socio-economic status which are valuable for understanding health service utilisation. Implications: Linked records provide a powerful tool for health care research, particularly in longitudinal studies.
Forkhead-associated (FHA) domains are modular protein–protein interaction domains of ~130 amino acids present in numerous signalling proteins. FHA-domain-dependent protein interactions are regulated by phosphorylation of target proteins and FHA domains may be multifunctional phosphopeptide-recognition modules. FHA domains of the budding yeast cell-cycle checkpoint protein kinases Dun1p and Rad53p have been crystallized. Crystals of the Dun1-FHA domain exhibit the symmetry of the space group P6122 or P6522, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 127.3, c = 386.3 Å; diffraction data have been collected to 3.1 Å resolution on a synchrotron source. Crystals of the N-terminal FHA domain (FHA1) of Rad53p diffract to 4.0 Å resolution on a laboratory X-ray source and have Laue-group symmetry 4/mmm, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 61.7, c = 104.3 Å.
The structures of mixed Langmuir (floating) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a phenanthroline-porphyrin with cadmium arachidate (PhenPor + CdAr) have been investigated by synchrotron X-ray grazing incidence diffraction (GIXD) and specular X-ray reflectivity (SXR). GIXD measurements of the floating monolayers showed only one peak, arising from the CdAr domains in the films, at a scattering angle of 21.5 degrees. This is consistent with a hexagonal structure (alpha = 4.77 Angstrom). The correlation length in these domains is 250 Angstrom. GMD measurements of the LB films, however, show two sets of diffraction features: one arises from CdAr domains with a rectangular in-plane structure (alpha = 7.44 Angstrom and b = 4.90 Angstrom) and a correlation length of 85 Angstrom; the other is from porphyrin domains with an oblique in-plane structure (alpha (p) 15.2 Angstrom, b(p) = 8.86 Angstrom, and gamma (p) = 80 degrees) and a correlation length of 105 Angstrom. These dimensions are consistent with the surface pressure-area isotherm measurements and indicate that the two components are immiscible. The thickness of the bilayer is 57 Angstrom, and there is no correlation between the bilayers. Introduction of a trigger compound does not alter the structure of the films but slightly increases the bilayer thickness. The SXR measurements of the floating monolayers also support the suggested immiscibility of the two components in the films.
We solve the Sp(N) Heisenberg and SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg models on the anisotropic triangular lattice in the large-N limit. These two models may describe respectively the magnetic and electronic properties of the family of layered organic materials K-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X, The Heisenberg model is also relevant to the frustrated antiferromagnet, Cs2CuCl4. We find rich phase diagrams for each model. The Sp(N) :antiferromagnet is shown to have five different phases as a function of the size of the spin and the degree of anisotropy of the triangular lattice. The effects of fluctuations at finite N are also discussed. For parameters relevant to Cs2CuCl4 the ground state either exhibits incommensurate spin order, or is in a quantum disordered phase with deconfined spin-1/2 excitations and topological order. The SU(N) Hubbard-Heisenberg model exhibits an insulating dimer phase, an insulating box phase, a semi-metallic staggered flux phase (SFP), and a metallic uniform phase. The uniform and SFP phases exhibit a pseudogap, A metal-insulator transition occurs at intermediate values of the interaction strength.
Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits can greatly assist the design of strategies for their manipulation in plant-breeding programs. For a number of traits, genetic variation can be the result of segregation of a few major genes and many polygenes (minor genes). The joint segregation analysis (JSA) is a maximum-likelihood approach for fitting segregation models through the simultaneous use of phenotypic information from multiple generations. Our objective in this paper was to use computer simulation to quantify the power of the JSA method for testing the mixed-inheritance model for quantitative traits when it was applied to the six basic generations: both parents (P-1 and P-2), F-1, F-2, and both backcross generations (B-1 and B-2) derived from crossing the F-1 to each parent. A total of 1968 genetic model-experiment scenarios were considered in the simulation study to quantify the power of the method. Factors that interacted to influence the power of the JSA method to correctly detect genetic models were: (1) whether there were one or two major genes in combination with polygenes, (2) the heritability of the major genes and polygenes, (3) the level of dispersion of the major genes and polygenes between the two parents, and (4) the number of individuals examined in each generation (population size). The greatest levels of power were observed for the genetic models defined with simple inheritance; e.g., the power was greater than 90% for the one major gene model, regardless of the population size and major-gene heritability. Lower levels of power were observed for the genetic models with complex inheritance (major genes and polygenes), low heritability, small population sizes and a large dispersion of favourable genes among the two parents; e.g., the power was less than 5% for the two major-gene model with a heritability value of 0.3 and population sizes of 100 individuals. The JSA methodology was then applied to a previously studied sorghum data-set to investigate the genetic control of the putative drought resistance-trait osmotic adjustment in three crosses. The previous study concluded that there were two major genes segregating for osmotic adjustment in the three crosses. Application of the JSA method resulted in a change in the proposed genetic model. The presence of the two major genes was confirmed with the addition of an unspecified number of polygenes.