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El presente artículo se inscribe en una serie de trabajos focalizados en experiencias migratorias y construcción de identidades y alteridades étnico-nacionales que venimos realizando tanto en el área periurbana de producción hortícola como en el casco urbano de la ciudad de La Plata. (1) En ellos abordamos aspectos de la inserción local de los migrantes -en especial con respecto al caso boliviano- desde distintos ejes analíticos como son la adscripción étnico-nacional, el trabajo, el género, la participación institucional, la construcción de categorías de alteridad con respecto a los migrantes por parte de sujetos, instituciones y medios de comunicación locales, el uso de medios como estrategia de identificación / afirmación / participación desde los propios migrantes. En el caso específico de la migración boliviana a Argentina, tanto al área plenamente urbana como a la rural periurbana -en donde adquiere especial importancia-, constituye un fenómeno estructurado y con características propias, situación reforzada por el subempleo en las áreas de economía campesina en Bolivia y la demanda de algunos sectores de la economía argentina, como actualmente el de la construcción urbana y el de la producción hortiflorícola periurbana. En tal sentido el tema se constituye en referente privilegiado para destacar los aspectos dinámicos de la ciudad y su región. En este contexto expondremos algunas reflexiones conceptuales y resultados de trabajo de campo referidos a la auto y hetero demarcación de la pertenencia étnico-nacional como espacio identificatorio en las dimensiones de trabajo y género.


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Los diques flotantes son estructuras que atenúan la energía del oleaje fundamentalmente por reflexión y turbulencia. Aunque presentan importantes ventajas en términos constructivos y medioambientales, su efectividad es limitada y en la práctica sólo se emplean en condiciones climáticas propias de zonas con oleajes poco energéticos. Por otro lado, el buque es la estructura flotante por excelencia y su empleo para el abrigo portuario y costero en determinadas situaciones puede aportar las ventajas propias de los diques flotantes, al tiempo que ampliar el rango de oleajes frente a los que estas estructuras son efectivas. El propósito de esta Tesis Doctoral es evaluar la viabilidad del empleo de buques fondeados como diques flotantes para el abrigo portuario y costero. Para ello, se han realizado ensayos en modelo físico a escala reducida en un canal de oleaje del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC), con el objeto de determinar los coeficientes de transmisión (Ct), reflexión (Cr) y disipación (Cd) de barcos de diversas tipologías y dimensiones, sometidos a diferentes oleajes en distintas situaciones de carga, fondeo y profundidad del emplazamiento. La efectividad de los buques empleados en los ensayos se ha determinado mediante el análisis de dichos coeficientes y su variación con la altura de ola y el periodo de los oleajes incidentes. Además, se han registrado las fuerzas existentes en las cadenas de fondeo con objeto de comprobar la viabilidad del mismo y facilitar una estimación del diámetro de las cadenas que serían necesarias en cada situación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos en modelo físico reducido a dos situaciones de abrigo portuario y costero. La primera aplicación consiste en el empleo de buques como defensa temporal en fases constructivas por medios marítimos, partiendo de la hipótesis de que, actuando como diques flotantes, puede proteger la zona de la obra y ampliar las ventanas temporales de periodos de actividad en obra marítima. Las actividades que se han analizado son las de dragado de fondos, vertidos de material granular y transporte y fondeo de cajones flotantes para diques y muelles. La segunda aplicación estudiada es el empleo de buques para la protección costera y la formación de salientes y tómbolos. Los coeficientes de transmisión obtenidos se han introducido en formulaciones analíticas que permiten prever la evolución de la costa frente a la protección procurada por el buque actuando como dique flotante exento. Finalmente se han redactado las conclusiones de la investigación y se han propuesto nuevas líneas de investigación relacionadas con esta Tesis Doctoral. Floating breakwaters are structures which attenuate wave energy mainly by reflection and turbulence. They display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, their use is restricted in practice to certain areas with good climatic conditions and low energy waves. Moreover, ships are the most common floating structures and their use for port and coastal shelter in certain situations could widen the range of applicability in addition to the rest of advantages of floating breakwaters. The purpose of this research is to assess the feasibility of ships anchored as floating breakwaters for port and coastal protection. To that end, tests in a scaled down physical model have been conducted in a wave flume in the Centre of Port and Coastal Studies (CEPYC), in order to determine the transmission (Ct), reflection (Cr) and dissipation (Cd) coefficients of ships of diverse types and dimensions, under different wave, load, anchoring and depth conditions. The effectiveness of the several ships used in the tests has been determined by analyzing these coefficients and their variation with the wave height and period of the incident waves. In addition, the existing forces in the anchor chains have been registered to verify the feasibility of the anchoring systems, as well as to provide an estimation of the diameter of the chains that would be needed in each situation. Subsequently, the results of the tests have been applied to two situations of port and coastal protection. The first one is the use of ships as a temporary defense for maritime works with construction phases by maritime means, on the assumption that, acting as floating breakwaters, they can protect the work area and increase the time windows of periods of activity in maritime works. Dredging, dumping of granular material and transport and positioning of big concrete caissons for docks and breakwaters were the activities analyzed. The second situation is the use of ships for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Some analytical formulations which take into account the transmission coefficients from the tests have been used to predict the evolution of the coastline under the protection given by the ships acting as detached floating breakwaters. Finally, the conclusions of the research have been addressed and the proposal of new lines of work related to the topic has been made.


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La erosión costera es un fenómeno que ha cobrado importancia durante los últimos años, debido a sus repercusiones tanto en el turismo, como en el incremento de riesgo para las infraestructuras y para la población allí ubicada. Se define como el retroceso progresivo de la línea de costa cuyas causas pueden ser de origen natural o antropogénicas. La costa merece la máxima protección, y su gestión debe asegurar su integridad física y su libre acceso, al igual que un uso público por parte de todos. En este horizonte, la reducción de costes, la facilidad de construcción y velocidad de realización, las obras de geotextil se han mostrado como una alternativa muy seria a las obras duras u obras clásicas, tradicionalmente realizadas a lo largo de las costas. Pero esta alternativa de uso conlleva un mayor conocimiento en el comportamiento de éstas, su diseño y durabilidad. Las obras de geotextil, como su nombre indica, se realizan con elementos tridimensionales de geotextil (cosidos o no cosidos) rellenos de arena. Estos elementos se pueden considerar innovadores, económicos, ecológicos y alternativos frente a los tradicionales. Se distinguen tres tipos denominados: sacos, tubos y contenedores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis se centra en la determinación de las zonas de la costa apropiados para la utilización de estructuras compuestas de elementos de geotextil rellenos de arena, como obras de defensa de costas, con el fin de facilitar su uso en la ingeniería de costas. Para ello se ha clasificado tanto las distintas zonas del perfil longitudinal de una playa, como los tipos de costa en función de la variable altura de ola significante. Se han determinado las limitaciones de esta variable en las distintas fórmulas de estabilidad de estas estructuras. Y finalmente, en función de la máxima limitación de altura de ola significante y de sus posibles valores en las zonas y tipos de costa, se han determinado las zonas más apropiadas para el uso de las estructuras compuestas por elementos de geotextil. Finalmente se han redactado las conclusiones de la investigación y se han propuesto nuevas líneas de investigación relacionadas con esta Tesis Doctoral. Coastal erosion is a phenomenon that has become more important in recent years because of its impact on both on tourism, and increased risk to infrastructure and the population located there. It is defined as the gradual decline in the coastline whose causes may be natural or anthropogenic origin. The coast deserves maximum protection, and management should ensure their physical integrity and their free access, as well as public use by all. In this line, cost reduction, ease of construction and completion rate, geotextile works have been shown as a very serious to hard works or classics alternative, traditionally performed along the coasts. But this alternative use entails greater insight into the behaviour of these, design and durability. Works of geotextile, as its name suggests, are made with three-dimensional elements of geotextile (sewn or stitched) filled with sand. These items can be considered innovative, economic, and ecological alternative compared to traditional. Bags, tubes and containers, three known types are distinguished. The main objective of this thesis focuses on determining the appropriate areas of the coast for the use of composite structures of elements filled geotextile sand as coastal defence works, in order to facilitate their use, in coastal engineering. For it, has been classified by both the different areas of the longitudinal profile of a beach as the shoreline types depending on the variable significant wave height. We have determined the limitations of this variable in the different formulas stability of these structures. And finally, depending on the maximum limitation of significant wave height and its possible values in the areas and types of coastline, have determined the most appropriate for use in structures composed of elements of geotextile areas. Finally, the conclusions of the research have been addressed and the proposal of new lines of work related to the topic has been made.


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Esta investigación surge a raíz de la experiencia profesional del autor, maestro especialista de Educación Física en el C.E.I.P. “Alhambra” de Madrid, cuando de manera progresiva, aprecia que el tenis de mesa puede ser un deporte muy interesante de desarrollar en las sesiones de Educación Física y de promover dentro de los tiempos de recreo. El autor cree que este deporte desarrolla una serie de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que pueden contribuir a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al desarrollo integral de los alumnos. Es entonces cuando recibe formación sobre el deporte de tenis de mesa y busca los medios necesarios de financiación para que se dote al centro del material necesario. Así la Junta municipal del distrito de Fuencarral-El Pardo instala en el patio del colegio tres mesas de exterior y, con los recursos del colegio y la ayuda de la Asociación de padres y madres (AMPA), se consiguen cinco mesas de interior plegables y todo el material necesario (redes, raquetas, pelotas, etc.). Tras introducir este deporte desde 3º a 6º de Educación Primaria promueve un campeonato en el colegio cuyo índice de participación ronda el 90% del alumnado, estos resultados crean al autor ciertas incertidumbres que son la motivación y punto de partida para realizar esta investigación que analice si la práctica del tenis de mesa puede resultar idónea en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Introducción La legislación actual en materia de educación, Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (LOE) modificada por la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa. (LOMCE), otorga una gran relevancia al deporte en general. "El deporte es una actividad saludable, divertida y formativa que puede tener profundos beneficios no sólo para su salud y su bienestar sino también para el desarrollo personal integral físico, psicológico y psicosocial del niño, además de sobre su desarrollo deportivo" (Pradas, 2009, p. 151), es pues, un momento idóneo para analizar qué deportes se practican en los colegios o por qué se practican unos más que otros. "El tenis de mesa además de ser un deporte para todos, se presenta como un juego atractivo, en donde su práctica resulta muy divertida a cualquier edad, tanto para niños como para adultos, principalmente porque presenta unas reglas de juego simples, no encerrando peligro alguno para la integridad física de sus practicantes durante su juego" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). Es un deporte que "está abierto a todos, sin distinción de edad o sexo, tanto como deporte de alto nivel como de práctica familiar o social" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). No obstante, "son escasas las obras sobre tenis de mesa. Pocos libros, tanto de divulgación como de reflexión sobre el tenis de mesa, adornan los estantes de las librerías y las bibliotecas" (Erb, 1999, p.14) y añade “así pues, el medio escolar padece de falta de obras explicativas y pedagógicas referidas a este tema" (Erb, 1999, p.14 ) En particular, se pretenden conseguir cinco objetivos divididos en tres categorías (el centro, el profesorado y el deporte. • A nivel de Centro: - Conocer el porcentaje de colegios que disponen de espacios y materiales adecuados para la práctica del tenis de mesa, así como identificar, de las distintas Direcciones de Área Territoriales (DAT), cuál tiene los colegios mejor dotados tanto en instalaciones como en materiales para desarrollar programas de promoción del tenis de mesa. - Averiguar las posibles causas por las que el tenis de mesa no se practica tanto como otros deportes, analizando los impedimentos que limitan la implantación del tenis de mesa como un deporte habitual en los centros de Educación Primaria. Analizar la opinión del profesorado en cuanto a los materiales y las instalaciones necesarios para el tenis de mesa. • A nivel de profesorado: - Analizar el nivel de conocimiento que tienen los profesionales que imparten la asignatura de Educación Física sobre el tenis de mesa, así como sus necesidades para incluir unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa en sus programaciones didácticas. - Conocer el perfil de profesor ideal que recomienda la utilización del tenis de mesa y averiguar el interés del profesorado por recibir formación específica del tenis de mesa. • A nivel de deporte: - Analizar la opinión de los profesionales sobre la idoneidad del tenis de mesa en la Educación Primaria atendiendo a los objetivos que persigue, a las competencias que desarrolla, a los contenidos, criterios de evaluación y estándares de aprendizaje que se pueden trabajar y a las lesiones que se producen. Metodología La investigación se caracterizó por utilizar una metodología inductiva, al surgir de la experiencia profesional del autor, también fue transversal al analizar la realidad en un momento concreto y de tipo cuantitativa. La población objeto de estudio fue la totalidad de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid, siendo los profesores de Educación Física los encargados de facilitar los datos solicitados. Estos datos se obtuvieron utilizando como instrumento de toma de datos el cuestionario auto administrado con preguntas cerradas de opción múltiple previamente validado por un panel de 5 expertos. Las variables indirectas fueron: el género del profesorado, la edad del profesorado, la experiencia profesional y el tipo de destino. El proceso de la toma de datos supuso un lapso de tiempo de 3 meses, desde mayo de 2015 hasta julio de 2015, en este tiempo hubo dos fases de recogida de datos, una online a través del correo electrónico institucional de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid y otra “in situ” con cuestionarios de lápiz y papel. En cuanto a los datos que se obtuvieron, sobre una población de 798 colegios, se consiguió una muestra de 276, esto supuso una tasa de respuesta del 34,59%, asumiendo la situación más desfavorable posible (p=q) y un nivel de confianza del 95%, para el total de los 276 cuestionarios cumplimentados, el error máximo fue del ±4,78%. Resultados En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, se establecieron de acuerdo a tres dimensiones: A nivel de Centro, a nivel de Profesorado y a nivel del Deporte y pretendieron averiguar si se alcanzaron los cinco objetivos planteados. Tras el análisis de los resultados, se apreció que los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid disponían de las suficientes instalaciones para el tenis de mesa, en cambio, faltaban materiales específicos y formación por parte del profesorado, así como recursos didácticos y un programa de promoción del tenis de mesa. Se apreció un manifiesto interés por parte del profesorado en recibir formación específica de tenis de mesa pues la mayoría recomendaba la utilización del tenis de mesa dentro de la asignatura de Educación Física en Educación Primaria. Por último, los resultados mostraron la cantidad de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que desarrolla el tenis de mesa así como su contribución a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al objetivo “k” de la Educación Primaria, que indica “Valorar la higiene y la salud, conocer y respetar el cuerpo humano, y utilizar la Educación Física y el deporte como medios para favorecer el desarrollo personal y social”, además, se mostró el bajo índice de lesiones que provoca. Discusión y conclusiones El tenis de mesa es un deporte idóneo para ser practicado y enseñado en la asignatura de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria debido a la gran cantidad de contenidos que son susceptibles de ser trabajados a través de este deporte y debido a la gran cantidad de valores, individuales y sociales que se pueden fomentar con la práctica del tenis de mesa. Las causas de que hasta ahora, el tenis de mesa no sea un deporte practicado de forma habitual en los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid a pesar de trabajar muchos contenidos específicos de la asignatura de Educación Física puede deberse a factores externos al deporte del tenis de mesa y susceptibles de ser solucionados con una adecuada inversión en materiales específicos, formación del profesorado y recursos didácticos. Si se dota a los centros de los materiales y recursos didácticos necesarios y dando formación al profesorado, éste introduciría unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa dentro de sus programaciones anuales. La federación española y madrileña de tenis de mesa, deberían desarrollar un programa de promoción dotando de materiales y recursos a los centros, tal y como lo han hecho otras federaciones como la de voleibol, bádminton o de baloncesto, entre otras. ABSTRACT This research arises from the professional experience of the author, specialized teacher of physical education in the CEIP "Alhambra" in Madrid, where progressively, appreciates that table tennis can be a very interesting sport to develop in physical education sessions and promote within the playtimes. The author believes that this sport develops a range of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives that can contribute to the acquisition of basic skills and the integral development of students. It is then when receives training on the sport of table tennis and seeks ways of funding in order to outfit the center with necessary equipment. The Municipal District of Fuencarral-El Pardo installed three outdoor tables in the schoolyard and with the resources of the school and the support of the Association of Parents (AMPA), five indoor folding tables are achieved as well as all the necessary material (nets, rackets, balls, etc.). After introduce the sport from 3rd to 6th grade of primary education, promotes a championship in the school where the participation rate is around 90% of students, these results create the uncertainties to the author that are the motivation and starting point for this research to analyze whether the practice of table tennis can be ideal at the stage of primary education. Introduction The current legislation on education, Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, on Education (LOE) as amended by Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, to improve educational quality (LOMCE), attaches great importance to the sport in general, "Sport is a healthy, funny and educational activity that can have great benefits not only for their health and well-being but also for the physical, psychological and psychosocial comprehensive personal child development besides on their sports development "(Pradas, 2009, p. 151), is therefore an ideal moment to analyze which sports are practiced in schools or why are practiced some more than others. "The table tennis as well as being a sport for everyone, is presented as an attractive game, where its practice is funny at any age, both children and adults, mainly because it has simple game rules, not enclosing danger for the physical integrity of its practitioners during their game" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). It is a sport that is "open to all, regardless of age or sex, as high-level sport, as family or social practice" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). However, "there are few books on table tennis. Few books, both reflexion or popularization about table tennis, adorn the shelves of bookstores and libraries." (Erb, 1999, p.14) and add "So, the school environment suffers from lack of explanatory and educational work related to this issue." (Erb, 1999, p.14) In particular, it is intended to achieve the following objectives within the Community of Madrid: • To determine the percentage of schools that have spaces and materials suitable for practicing table tennis and identify, from the different Directorates of Land Area (DAT), which has the best equipped schools in both facilities and materials to develop programs to promote table tennis. • Find out the possible causes that explained why table tennis is not practiced as much as other sports, analyzing impediments that limit the implementation of table tennis as a regular sport in primary schools. Analyze the opinion of teachers in terms of materials and facilities needed for table tennis. • Analyze the level of knowledge about table tennis among professionals who teach the subject of Physical Education and their needs to include teaching units about table tennis in their teaching programs. • Knowing the profile of the ideal teacher who recommends the use of table tennis and figure out the interest of teachers to receive specific training of table tennis. • Analyze the professional opinion on the suitability of table tennis in Primary Education taking into account the objectives pursued, to develop the skills, content, evaluation criteria and learning standards that can work and injuries involved. Methodology The investigation was characterized by using an inductive methodology, arising from the professional experience of the author, was also transverse to analyze reality in a particular time and quantitative type. The population under study were all the state schools in Madrid region, being the physical education teachers responsible for providing the requested data. These data were obtained using as data collection instrument a self-administered questionnaire with multiple choice questions, because it facilitates the analysis thereof. In terms of obtained data, on a population of 798 schools, a sample of 276 was achieved, this represented a response rate of 34.59%, assuming the worst case scenario (p = q) and a level 95% confidence for the total of the 276 completed questionnaires, the maximum error was ± 4.78%. Results In terms of the results, they were set according to three dimensions: center level, professorate level and Sport level and trying to find out whether the five objectives were achieved. After analyzing the results, it was found that schools possessed sufficient facilities for table tennis, however, lacked specific materials and training by teachers, as well as teaching resources and a program to promote table tennis. A clear interest was noticed by teachers in order to receive specific training in table tennis since most recommended the use of table tennis in the subject of physical education in primary education. Finally, the results proved the number of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives developed by table tennis and its contribution to the acquisition of basic skills and the objective "k" of primary education, in addition to the low rate of injury it causes. Discussion and conclusions Table tennis is an ideal sport to be practiced and taught in the subject of Physical Education in Primary Education due to the large amount of content that are likely to be worked through this sport and due to the large number of individual and social values that can foster the practice of table tennis. The causes of that so far, table tennis is not a sport practiced regularly in schools despite working many specific contents of the subject of Physical Education may be due to factors outside the sport of table tennis and subject to solved with adequate investment in specific materials, teacher training and educational resources. By endowing the centers with the necessary teaching materials and resources and providing training to teachers, they would introduce teaching units of table tennis within their annual programs. Madrid and the Spanish Federation of table tennis should develop a promotional program by endowing materials and resources to the centers, as did other federations such as badminton and basketball, among others.


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Bakers are repeatedly exposed to wheat flour (WF) and may develop sensitization and occupational rhinoconjunctivitis and/or asthma to WF allergens.1 Several wheat proteins have been identified as causative allergens of occupational respiratory allergy in bakery workers.1 Testing of IgE reactivity in patients with different clinical profiles of wheat allergy (food allergy, wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and baker's asthma) to salt-soluble and salt-insoluble protein fractions from WF revealed a high degree of heterogeneity in the recognized allergens. However, mainly salt-soluble proteins (albumins, globulins) seem to be associated with baker's asthma, and prolamins (gliadins, glutenins) with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, whereas both protein fractions reacted to IgE from food-allergic patients.1 Notwithstanding, gliadins have also been incriminated as causative allergens in baker's asthma.2 We report on a 31-year-old woman who had been exposed to WF practically since birth because her family owned a bakery housed in the same home where they lived. She moved from this house when she was 25 years, but she continued working every day in the family bakery. In the last 8 years she had suffered from work-related nasal and ocular symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal stuffiness, and rhinorrhea. These symptoms markedly improved when away from work and worsened at work. In the last 5 years, she had also experienced dysphagia with frequent choking, especially when ingesting meats or cephalopods, which had partially improved with omeprazole therapy. Two years before referral to our clinic, she began to have dry cough and breathlessness, which she also attributed to her work environment. Upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms increased when sifting the WF and making the dough. The patient did not experience gastrointestinal symptoms with ingestion of cereal products. Skin prick test results were positive to grass (mean wheal, 6 mm), cypress (5 mm) and Russian thistle pollen (4 mm), WF (4 mm), and peach lipid transfer protein (6 mm) and were negative to rice flour, corn flour, profilin, mites, molds, and animal dander. Skin prick test with a homemade WF extract (10% wt/vol) was strongly positive (15 mm). Serologic tests yielded the following results: eosinophil cationic protein, 47 ?g/L; total serum IgE, 74 kU/L; specific IgE (ImmunoCAP; ThermoFisher, Uppsala, Sweden) to WF, 7.4 kU/L; barley flour, 1.24 kU/L; and corn, gluten, alpha-amylase, peach, and apple, less than 0.35 kU/L. Specific IgE binding to microarrayed purified WF allergens (WDAI-0.19, WDAI-0.53, WTAI-CM1, WTAI-CM2, WTAI-CM3, WTAI-CM16, WTAI-CM17, Tri a 14, profilin, ?-5-gliadin, Tri a Bd 36 and Tri a TLP, and gliadin and glutamine fractions) was assessed as described elsewhere.3 The patient's serum specifically recognized ?-5-gliadin and the gliadin fraction, and no IgE reactivity was observed to other wheat allergens. Spirometry revealed a forced vital capacity of 3.88 L (88%), an FEV1 of 3.04 L (87%), and FEV1/forced vital capacity of 83%. A methacholine inhalation test was performed following an abbreviated protocol,4 and the results were expressed as PD20 in cumulative dose (mg) of methacholine. Methacholine inhalation challenge test result was positive (0.24 mg cumulative dose) when she was working, and after a 3-month period away from work and with no visits to the bakery house, it gave a negative result. A chest x-ray was normal. Specific inhalation challenge test was carried out in the hospital laboratory by tipping WF from one tray to another for 15 minutes. Spirometry was performed at baseline and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the challenge with WF. Peak expiratory flow was measured at baseline and then hourly over 24 hours (respecting sleeping time). A 12% fall in FEV1 was observed at 20 minutes and a 26% drop in peak expiratory flow at 9 hours after exposure to WF,


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Development of transparent oxide semiconductors (TOS) from Earth-abundant materials is of great interest for cost-effective thin film device applications, such as solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), touch-sensitive displays, electronic paper, and transparent thin film transistors. The need of inexpensive or high performance electrode might be even greater for organic photovoltaic (OPV), with the goal to harvest renewable energy with inexpensive, lightweight, and cost competitive materials. The natural abundance of zinc and the wide bandgap ($sim$3.3 eV) of its oxide make it an ideal candidate. In this dissertation, I have introduced various concepts on the modulations of various surface, interface and bulk opto-electronic properties of ZnO based semiconductor for charge transport, charge selectivity and optimal device performance. I have categorized transparent semiconductors into two sub groups depending upon their role in a device. Electrodes, usually 200 to 500 nm thick, optimized for good transparency and transporting the charges to the external circuit. Here, the electrical conductivity in parallel direction to thin film, i.e bulk conductivity is important. And contacts, usually 5 to 50 nm thick, are optimized in case of solar cells for providing charge selectivity and asymmetry to manipulate the built in field inside the device for charge separation and collection. Whereas in Organic LEDs (OLEDs), contacts provide optimum energy level alignment at organic oxide interface for improved charge injections. For an optimal solar cell performance, transparent electrodes are designed with maximum transparency in the region of interest to maximize the light to pass through to the absorber layer for photo-generation, plus they are designed for minimum sheet resistance for efficient charge collection and transport. As such there is need for material with high conductivity and transparency. Doping ZnO with some common elements such as B, Al, Ga, In, Ge, Si, and F result in n-type doping with increase in carriers resulting in high conductivity electrode, with better or comparable opto-electronic properties compared to current industry-standard indium tin oxide (ITO). Furthermore, improvement in mobility due to improvement on crystallographic structure also provide alternative path for high conductivity ZnO TCOs. Implementing these two aspects, various studies were done on gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) transparent electrode, a very promising indium free electrode. The dynamics of the superimposed RF and DC power sputtering was utilized to improve the microstructure during the thin films growth, resulting in GZO electrode with conductivity greater than 4000 S/cm and transparency greater than 90 %. Similarly, various studies on research and development of Indium Zinc Tin Oxide and Indium Zinc Oxide thin films which can be applied to flexible substrates for next generation solar cells application is presented. In these new TCO systems, understanding the role of crystallographic structure ranging from poly-crystalline to amorphous phase and the influence on the charge transport and optical transparency as well as important surface passivation and surface charge transport properties. Implementation of these electrode based on ZnO on opto-electronics devices such as OLED and OPV is complicated due to chemical interaction over time with the organic layer or with ambient. The problem of inefficient charge collection/injection due to poor understanding of interface and/or bulk property of oxide electrode exists at several oxide-organic interfaces. The surface conductivity, the work function, the formation of dipoles and the band-bending at the interfacial sites can positively or negatively impact the device performance. Detailed characterization of the surface composition both before and after various chemicals treatment of various oxide electrode can therefore provide insight into optimization of device performance. Some of the work related to controlling the interfacial chemistry associated with charge transport of transparent electrodes are discussed. Thus, the role of various pre-treatment on poly-crystalline GZO electrode and amorphous indium zinc oxide (IZO) electrode is compared and contrasted. From the study, we have found that removal of defects and self passivating defects caused by accumulation of hydroxides in the surface of both poly-crystalline GZO and amorphous IZO, are critical for improving the surface conductivity and charge transport. Further insight on how these insulating and self-passivating defects cause charge accumulation and recombination in an device is discussed. With recent rapid development of bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics active materials, devices employing ZnO and ZnO based electrode provide air stable and cost-competitive alternatives to traditional inorganic photovoltaics. The organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have already been commercialized, thus to follow in the footsteps of this technology, OPV devices need further improvement in power conversion efficiency and stable materials resulting in long device lifetimes. Use of low work function metals such as Ca/Al in standard geometry do provide good electrode for electron collection, but serious problems using low work-function metal electrodes originates from the formation of non-conductive metal oxide due to oxidation resulting in rapid device failure. Hence, using low work-function, air stable, conductive metal oxides such as ZnO as electrons collecting electrode and high work-function, air stable metals such as silver for harvesting holes, has been on the rise. Devices with degenerately doped ZnO functioning as transparent conductive electrode, or as charge selective layer in a polymer/fullerene based heterojunction, present useful device structures for investigating the functional mechanisms within OPV devices and a possible pathway towards improved air-stable high efficiency devices. Furthermore, analysis of the physical properties of the ZnO layers with varying thickness, crystallographic structure, surface chemistry and grain size deposited via various techniques such as atomic layer deposition, sputtering and solution-processed ZnO with their respective OPV device performance is discussed. We find similarity and differences in electrode property for good charge injection in OLEDs and good charge collection in OPV devices very insightful in understanding physics behind device failures and successes. In general, self-passivating surface of amorphous TCOs IZO, ZTO and IZTO forms insulating layer that hinders the charge collection. Similarly, we find modulation of the carrier concentration and the mobility in electron transport layer, namely zinc oxide thin films, very important for optimizing device performance.


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This project attempts to answer the question "What holds the construction of money together?" by asserting that it is money's religious nature which provides the moral compulsion for people to use, and continue to uphold, money as a socially constructed concept. This project is primarily descriptive and focuses on the religious nature of money by employing a sociological theory of religion in viewing money as a technical concept. This is an interdisciplinary work between religious studies, economics, and sociology and draws heavily from Emile Durkheim's 'The Elementary Forms of Religious Life' as well as work related to heterodox theories of money developed by Geoffrey Ingham, A. Mitchell Innes, and David Graeber. Two new concepts are developed: the idea of monetary sacrality and monetary effervescence, both of which serve to recharge the religious saliency of money. By developing the concept of monetary sacrality, this project shows how money acts to interpret our economic relations while also obfuscating complex power dynamics in society, making them seem naturally occurring and unchangeable. The project also shows how our contemporary fractional reserve banking system contributes to money's collective effervescence and serves to animate economic acting within a monetary network. The project concludes by outlining multiple implications for religious studies, economics, sociology, and central banking.


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Objetivos: Analizar las desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo, conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar, y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo en una muestra de la población ocupada en España en el año 2007 teniendo en cuenta la clase social y el sector de actividad. Métodos: Las desigualdades de género se analizaron mediante 25 indicadores en los 11.054 trabajadores entrevistados en la VI Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo. Se calcularon las odds ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) mediante modelos de regresión logística multivariados, estratificando por clase social ocupacional y sector de actividad. Resultados: Más mujeres que hombres trabajaban sin contrato (OR = 1,83; IC95%: 1,51-2,21), con alto esfuerzo o baja recompensa (1,14:1,05-1,25) y sufriendo acoso sexual (2,85:1,75-4,62), discriminación (1,60:1,26-2,03) y más dolores osteomusculares (1,38:1,19-1,59). Más hombres que mujeres trabajaban a turnos (0,86:0,79-0,94), con altos niveles de ruido (0,34:0,30-0,40), altas exigencias físicas (0,58:0,54-0,63) y sufriendo más lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (0,67:0,59-0,76). Las trabajadoras no manuales mostraron trabajar con un contrato temporal (1,34:1,09-1,63), expuestas a más riesgos psicosociales y sufriendo mayor discriminación (2,47:1,49-4,09) y enfermedades profesionales (1,91:1,28-2,83). En el sector de la industria las desigualdades de género fueron más marcadas. Conclusiones: En España existen importantes desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo, que se ven influenciadas por la clase social y el sector de actividad, y que sería necesario tener en consideración en las políticas públicas de salud laboral.


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Migrant workers usually show higher rates of work-related health problems than natives. However, little information is available about their exposure to occupational risks. We describe self-reported working exposure in Spanish and foreign-born workers. A cross-sectional survey was conducted as part of the ITSAL Project. Data on sociodemographic and self-reported occupational exposure in 1,841 foreign-born and 509 Spanish workers were collected through face-to-face interviews. Prevalence and adjusted odds ratios-aOR- (by age, education, type of contract) were calculated. Foreign-born men in non-services sectors and those in manual occupations perceived exposure to occupational risks with lower prevalence than Spanish workers. Foreign-born women reported higher prevalence of exposure than Spanish female workers. By occupation, foreign-born female workers were more likely than Spanish workers to report working many hours/day (aOR2.68; 95 % CI 1.06–6.78) and exposure to extreme temperatures (aOR2.19; 95 % CI 1.10–4.38). Some groups of migrant workers may need increased protection regarding some occupational exposures.


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En este artículo se analiza la presencia de mobbing en el profesorado universitario como parte de un estudio trasversal más amplio sobre su calidad de vida, trabajo y salud. Los objetivos del estudio son tres: 1) conocer la frecuencia del mobbing en un contexto universitario, 2) examinar la asociación existente entre mobbing y la edad, el género y la categoría académica de los profesores, y 3) estudiar los mejores predictores del mobbing. Respondieron el cuestionario 252 profesores a tiempo completo, lo que ha significado una tasa de respuesta del 61,6%. Nuestros resultados muestran que casi el veintitrés por ciento (22,6%) de los profesores se sintieron víctimas de mobbing. No hemos encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en mobbing debidas a la edad, género o categoría académica de los profesores. Según diversos análisis de regresión logística jerárquica por bloques que hemos realizado, los mejores predictores del mobbing han resultado ser: el grado de autonomía en el trabajo y la satisfacción experimentada en las relaciones con los supervisores. Estas 2 variables han explicado, en nuestro estudio, casi un 37% de la variabilidad del mobbing. Serían necesarios estudios longitudinales o experimentales para poder establecer relaciones de causalidad entre mobbing y contexto laboral.


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El Offshore Outsourcing consiste en la externalización del trabajo relacionado con las Tecnologías de la Información a un proveedor localizado en un país diferente al cliente. Dado el creciente interés por el Offshore Outsourcing tanto en el mundo empresarial como académico, el presente trabajo realiza una revisión de la literatura en esta área. Se han analizado los artículos sobre el tema publicados en revistas de reconocido prestigio, examinando las metodologías de investigación, el nivel de análisis de los estudios, la perspectiva de datos, las teorías económicas más usadas, dónde se ubican los clientes y proveedores de estos servicios, qué tópicos son los más tratados y qué autores y países han aportado más hasta el momento en esta área. Las conclusiones destacan la falta de formalización teórica, el carácter fundamentalmente divulgativo y el mayor interés por conocer no sólo la perspectiva de los clientes sino también de los proveedores de estos servicios.


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Objetivos: Describir necesidades y experiencias de madres con hijos menores de un año, identificar los factores que dificultan la transición a la maternidad y orientar en el contenido de un programa de promoción de la salud a desarrollar en sesiones grupales de apoyo a la maternidad. Diseño: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Emplazamiento: Ocho centros de Atención Primaria de la provincia de Barcelona, entre julio de 2011 y julio de 2012. Participantes: Un total de 21 madres que participan en dinámicas grupales de apoyo a la maternidad. Método: Selección opinática de las participantes en las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Las transcripciones se analizaron en su estructura (análisis de contenido latente) y contenido (análisis de contenido manifiesto), obteniéndose diferentes categorías. Resultados: Las participantes en el estudio definen el constructo de la maternidad en torno a 3 categorías: los cambios en el estilo de vida, los sentimientos y las percepciones. Identifican como momentos más estresantes: «el nuevo rol», «los cambios en la relación de pareja», «sentimientos encontrados», «experiencias del embarazo y parto», «la idealización», «la falta de apoyo», «llantos», «cólicos», «interpretar las señales del niño», «baño», «descanso», «opiniones contradictorias», «aprendizaje» y «adquisición de nuevas habilidades». Destacan como temas principales para las dinámicas grupales: alimentación, desarrollo, relación afectiva, confianza materna, participación de los padres, papel de la familia, aspectos emocionales, descanso, masaje, baño, prevención de accidentes, cólicos, primeros auxilios, puericultura, recursos y vacunas. Conclusión: Las dinámicas grupales deben contextualizarse de acuerdo a las necesidades percibidas por las madres y permitir la participación de otras figuras familiares.


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Individualized measures are relevant for the assessment of therapeutic results and allow patients to identify the aspects that they value the most in assessing their clinical improvement. PSYCHLOPS, as an individualized measure, invite the patient to create their own items. The items created by the patients were compared with the contents of standardized measures. A sample composed by 107 patients admitted for psychological treatment in Hospital Espírito Santo (Évora), and three institutions for drug misuse fill in the PSYCHLOPS and two standardized measures presented in a random order: CORE-OM and PHQ-9. 279 items were created in PSYCHLOPS and later recoded, by thematic analysis, in 51 subthemes. Work-related problems was the most common subtheme identified by patients as relevant to the clinical improvement assessment. From the 51 subthemes, 17 (33.3%) were not represented in CORE-OM and 43 (84.3%) were not represented in PHQ-9. The majority of our sample indicated at least one subtheme that was not represented in CORE-OM and PHQ-9. These results show us the importance of individualized measures in identifying the patients’ most value concerns, which may have implications in the therapeutic process.


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The European market for asset-backed securities (ABS) has all but closed for business since the start of the economic and financial crisis. ABS (see Box 1) were in fact the first financial assets hit at the onset of the crisis in 2008. The subprime mortgage meltdown caused a deterioration in the quality of collateral in the ABS market in the United States, which in turn dried up overall liquidity because ABS AAA notes were popular collateral for inter-bank lending. The lack of demand for these products, together with the Great Recession in 2009, had a considerable negative impact on the European ABS market. The post-crisis regulatory environment has further undermined the market. The practice of slicing and dicing of loans into ABS packages was blamed for starting and spreading the crisis through the global financial system. Regulation in the post-crisis context has thus been relatively unfavourable to these types of instruments, with heightened capital requirements now necessary for the issuance of new ABS products. And yet policymakers have recently underlined the need to revitalise the ABS market as a tool to improve credit market conditions in the euro area and to enhance transmission of monetary policy. In particular, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England have jointly emphasised that: “a market for prudently designed ABS has the potential to improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the economy and to allow for better risk sharing... by transforming relatively illiquid assets into more liquid securities. These can then be sold to investors thereby allowing originators to obtain funding and, potentially, transfer part of the underlying risk, while investors in such securities can diversify their portfolios... . This can lead to lower costs of capital, higher economic growth and a broader distribution of risk” (ECB and Bank of England, 2014a). In addition, consideration has started to be given to the extent to which ABS products could become the target of explicit monetary policy operations, a line of action proposed by Claeys et al (2014). The ECB has officially announced the start of preparatory work related to possible outright purchases of selected ABS1. In this paper we discuss how a revamped market for corporate loans securitised via ABS products, and how use of ABS as a monetary policy instrument, can indeed play a role in revitalising Europe’s credit market. However, before using this instrument a number of issues should be addressed: First, the European ABS market has significantly contracted since the crisis. Hence it needs to be revamped through appropriate regulation if securitisation is to play a role in improving the efficiency of resource allocation in the economy. Second, even assuming that this market can expand again, the European ABS market is heterogeneous: lending criteria are different in different countries and banking institutions and the rating methodologies to assess the quality of the borrowers have to take these differences into account. One further element of differentiation is default law, which is specific to national jurisdictions in the euro area. Therefore, the pool of loans will not only be different in terms of the macro risks related to each country of origination (which is a ‘positive’ idiosyncratic risk, because it enables a portfolio manager to differentiate), but also in terms of the normative side, in case of default. The latter introduces uncertainties and inefficiencies in the ABS market that could create arbitrage opportunities. It is also unclear to what extent a direct purchase of these securities by the ECB might have an impact on the credit market. This will depend on, for example, the type of securities targeted in terms of the underlying assets that would be considered as eligible for inclusion (such as loans to small and medium-sized companies, car loans, leases, residential and commercial mortgages). The timing of a possible move by the ECB is also an issue; immediate action would take place in the context of relatively limited market volumes, while if the ECB waits, it might have access to a larger market, provided steps are taken in the next few months to revamp the market. We start by discussing the first of these issues – the size of the EU ABS market. We estimate how much this market could be worth if some specific measures are implemented. We then discuss the different options available to the ECB should they decide to intervene in the EU ABS market. We include a preliminary list of regulatory steps that could be taken to homogenise asset-backed securities in the euro area. We conclude with our recommended course of action.


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Numerous scholars have accumulated evidence on the positive effects that employees’ organizational justice perceptions exert on work-related outcomes such as affective commitment. However, research still lacks understanding of the underlying mechanisms connecting the two constructs. In this article we aim to narrow this gap by examining the concept of psychological ownership as a possible mediator between organizational justice perceptions and affective commitment. Investigating a sample of 619 employees, we find distributive justice to be positively related to psychological ownership, and observe psychological ownership as a full mediator of the distributive justice and affective commitment relationship. These insights offer a new explanation in understanding the justice-commitment connection, contributing to both organizational justice and psychological ownership literature and opening up ways for promising future research.