935 resultados para Ultrasonic bath
UNLABELLED: The relationship between bone quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and fracture risk was estimated in an individual level data meta-analysis of 9 prospective studies of 46,124 individuals and 3018 incident fractures. Low QUS is associated with an increase in fracture risk, including hip fracture. The association with osteoporotic fracture decreases with time. INTRODUCTION: The aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the association between parameters of QUS and risk of fracture. METHODS: In an individual-level analysis, we studied participants in nine prospective cohorts from Asia, Europe and North America. Heel broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA dB/MHz) and speed of sound (SOS m/s) were measured at baseline. Fractures during follow-up were collected by self-report and in some cohorts confirmed by radiography. An extension of Poisson regression was used to examine the gradient of risk (GR, hazard ratio per 1 SD decrease) between QUS and fracture risk adjusted for age and time since baseline in each cohort. Interactions between QUS and age and time since baseline were explored. RESULTS: Baseline measurements were available in 46,124 men and women, mean age 70 years (range 20-100). Three thousand and eighteen osteoporotic fractures (787 hip fractures) occurred during follow-up of 214,000 person-years. The summary GR for osteoporotic fracture was similar for both BUA (1.45, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) 1.40-1.51) and SOS (1.42, 95 % CI 1.36-1.47). For hip fracture, the respective GRs were 1.69 (95 % CI, 1.56-1.82) and 1.60 (95 % CI, 1.48-1.72). However, the GR was significantly higher for both fracture outcomes at lower baseline BUA and SOS (p < 0.001). The predictive value of QUS was the same for men and women and for all ages (p > 0.20), but the predictive value of both BUA and SOS for osteoporotic fracture decreased with time (p = 0.018 and p = 0.010, respectively). For example, the GR of BUA for osteoporotic fracture, adjusted for age, was 1.51 (95 % CI 1.42-1.61) at 1 year after baseline, but at 5 years, it was 1.36 (95 % CI 1.27-1.46). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that quantitative ultrasound is an independent predictor of fracture for men and women particularly at low QUS values.
Rationale Methylone, a new drug of abuse sold as"bath salts' has similar effects to ecstasy or cocaine. Objective We have investigated changes in dopaminergic and serotoninergic markers, indicative of neuronal damage, induced by methylone in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum of mice and according two different treatment schedules. Methods Methylone was given subcutaneously to male Swiss CD1 mice and at an ambient temperature of 26ºC. Treatment A: three doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3.5 h interval between doses for two consecutive days. Treatment B: four doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3 h interval in one day. Results Repeated methylone administration induced hyperthermia and a significant loss in body weight. Following treatment A, methylone induced transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotoninergic (hippocampus) impairment. Following treatment B, transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotonergic (frontal cortex and hippocampus) changes 7 days after treatment were found. We found evidence of astrogliosis in the CA1 and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus following treatment B. The animals also showed an increase in immobility time in the forced swim test, pointing to a depressive-like behavior. In cultured cortical neurons, methylone (for 24 and 48 h) did not induce a remarkable cytotoxic effect. Conclusions The neural effects of methylone differ depending upon the treatment schedule. Neurochemical changes elicited by methylone are apparent when administered at an elevated ambient temperature, four times per day at 3 h intervals, which is in accordance with its short half-life.
La presente entrega de la serie de Nursing sobre las pruebas complementarias está dedicada a la ecografía. La ecografía está ampliamente difundida como exploración de diagnóstico por la imagen, se utiliza en multitud de procedimientos para diagnóstico inicial y también como apoyo en localizaciones prequirúrgicas, punciones y drenajes. La ecografía es una técnica sencilla, mínimamente invasiva y con gran capacidad diagnóstica. Estas características, junto con su coste reducido en comparación con otras modalidades diagnósticas, han contribuido a su amplia implantación en muy diversos procesos asistenciales. Las exploraciones, dependiendo del tipo de estructura a visualizar y de su objetivo, pueden variar en cuanto a la preparación, la ejecución y el post procedimiento, como se explica en estas páginas. Para llevar a cabo la técnica de manera rápida y eficaz, es básica una preparación adecuada y suministrar información que proporcione al paciente las instrucciones que facilitarán su colaboración. Desde este punto de vista, el profesional de enfermería debe conocer las características del procedimiento ecográfico concreto y ser capaz de informar sobre ellas al paciente. La ecografía la realiza el médico especialista en radiología, aunque en algunos casos y cada vez de manera más habitual, la pueden realizar otros profesionales sanitarios con formación específica a tal efecto.
La presente entrega de la serie de Nursing sobre las pruebas complementarias está dedicada a la ecografía. La ecografía está ampliamente difundida como exploración de diagnóstico por la imagen, se utiliza en multitud de procedimientos para diagnóstico inicial y también como apoyo en localizaciones prequirúrgicas, punciones y drenajes. La ecografía es una técnica sencilla, mínimamente invasiva y con gran capacidad diagnóstica. Estas características, junto con su coste reducido en comparación con otras modalidades diagnósticas, han contribuido a su amplia implantación en muy diversos procesos asistenciales. Las exploraciones, dependiendo del tipo de estructura a visualizar y de su objetivo, pueden variar en cuanto a la preparación, la ejecución y el post procedimiento, como se explica en estas páginas. Para llevar a cabo la técnica de manera rápida y eficaz, es básica una preparación adecuada y suministrar información que proporcione al paciente las instrucciones que facilitarán su colaboración. Desde este punto de vista, el profesional de enfermería debe conocer las características del procedimiento ecográfico concreto y ser capaz de informar sobre ellas al paciente. La ecografía la realiza el médico especialista en radiología, aunque en algunos casos y cada vez de manera más habitual, la pueden realizar otros profesionales sanitarios con formación específica a tal efecto.
Understanding and quantifying seismic energy dissipation, which manifests itself in terms of velocity dispersion and attenuation, in fluid-saturated porous rocks is of considerable interest, since it offers the perspective of extracting information with regard to the elastic and hydraulic rock properties. There is increasing evidence to suggest that wave-induced fluid flow, or simply WIFF, is the dominant underlying physical mechanism governing these phenomena throughout the seismic, sonic, and ultrasonic frequency ranges. This mechanism, which can prevail at the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic scale ranges, operates through viscous energy dissipation in response to fluid pressure gradients and inertial effects induced by the passing wavefield. In the first part of this thesis, we present an analysis of broad-band multi-frequency sonic log data from a borehole penetrating water-saturated unconsolidated glacio-fluvial sediments. An inherent complication arising in the interpretation of the observed P-wave attenuation and velocity dispersion is, however, that the relative importance of WIFF at the various scales is unknown and difficult to unravel. An important generic result of our work is that the levels of attenuation and velocity dispersion due to the presence of mesoscopic heterogeneities in water-saturated unconsolidated clastic sediments are expected to be largely negligible. Conversely, WIFF at the macroscopic scale allows for explaining most of the considered data while refinements provided by including WIFF at the microscopic scale in the analysis are locally meaningful. Using a Monte-Carlo-type inversion approach, we compare the capability of the different models describing WIFF at the macroscopic and microscopic scales with regard to their ability to constrain the dry frame elastic moduli and the permeability as well as their local probability distribution. In the second part of this thesis, we explore the issue of determining the size of a representative elementary volume (REV) arising in the numerical upscaling procedures of effective seismic velocity dispersion and attenuation of heterogeneous media. To this end, we focus on a set of idealized synthetic rock samples characterized by the presence of layers, fractures or patchy saturation in the mesocopic scale range. These scenarios are highly pertinent because they tend to be associated with very high levels of velocity dispersion and attenuation caused by WIFF in the mesoscopic scale range. The problem of determining the REV size for generic heterogeneous rocks is extremely complex and entirely unexplored in the given context. In this pilot study, we have therefore focused on periodic media, which assures the inherent self- similarity of the considered samples regardless of their size and thus simplifies the problem to a systematic analysis of the dependence of the REV size on the applied boundary conditions in the numerical simulations. Our results demonstrate that boundary condition effects are absent for layered media and negligible in the presence of patchy saturation, thus resulting in minimum REV sizes. Conversely, strong boundary condition effects arise in the presence of a periodic distribution of finite-length fractures, thus leading to large REV sizes. In the third part of the thesis, we propose a novel effective poroelastic model for periodic media characterized by mesoscopic layering, which accounts for WIFF at both the macroscopic and mesoscopic scales as well as for the anisotropy associated with the layering. Correspondingly, this model correctly predicts the existence of the fast and slow P-waves as well as quasi and pure S-waves for any direction of wave propagation as long as the corresponding wavelengths are much larger than the layer thicknesses. The primary motivation for this work is that, for formations of intermediate to high permeability, such as, for example, unconsolidated sediments, clean sandstones, or fractured rocks, these two WIFF mechanisms may prevail at similar frequencies. This scenario, which can be expected rather common, cannot be accounted for by existing models for layered porous media. Comparisons of analytical solutions of the P- and S-wave phase velocities and inverse quality factors for wave propagation perpendicular to the layering with those obtained from numerical simulations based on a ID finite-element solution of the poroelastic equations of motion show very good agreement as long as the assumption of long wavelengths remains valid. A limitation of the proposed model is its inability to account for inertial effects in mesoscopic WIFF when both WIFF mechanisms prevail at similar frequencies. Our results do, however, also indicate that the associated error is likely to be relatively small, as, even at frequencies at which both inertial and scattering effects are expected to be at play, the proposed model provides a solution that is remarkably close to its numerical benchmark. -- Comprendre et pouvoir quantifier la dissipation d'énergie sismique qui se traduit par la dispersion et l'atténuation des vitesses dans les roches poreuses et saturées en fluide est un intérêt primordial pour obtenir des informations à propos des propriétés élastique et hydraulique des roches en question. De plus en plus d'études montrent que le déplacement relatif du fluide par rapport au solide induit par le passage de l'onde (wave induced fluid flow en anglais, dont on gardera ici l'abréviation largement utilisée, WIFF), représente le principal mécanisme physique qui régit ces phénomènes, pour la gamme des fréquences sismiques, sonique et jusqu'à l'ultrasonique. Ce mécanisme, qui prédomine aux échelles microscopique, mésoscopique et macroscopique, est lié à la dissipation d'énergie visqueuse résultant des gradients de pression de fluide et des effets inertiels induits par le passage du champ d'onde. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une analyse de données de diagraphie acoustique à large bande et multifréquences, issues d'un forage réalisé dans des sédiments glaciaux-fluviaux, non-consolidés et saturés en eau. La difficulté inhérente à l'interprétation de l'atténuation et de la dispersion des vitesses des ondes P observées, est que l'importance des WIFF aux différentes échelles est inconnue et difficile à quantifier. Notre étude montre que l'on peut négliger le taux d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses dû à la présence d'hétérogénéités à l'échelle mésoscopique dans des sédiments clastiques, non- consolidés et saturés en eau. A l'inverse, les WIFF à l'échelle macroscopique expliquent la plupart des données, tandis que les précisions apportées par les WIFF à l'échelle microscopique sont localement significatives. En utilisant une méthode d'inversion du type Monte-Carlo, nous avons comparé, pour les deux modèles WIFF aux échelles macroscopique et microscopique, leur capacité à contraindre les modules élastiques de la matrice sèche et la perméabilité ainsi que leur distribution de probabilité locale. Dans une seconde partie de cette thèse, nous cherchons une solution pour déterminer la dimension d'un volume élémentaire représentatif (noté VER). Cette problématique se pose dans les procédures numériques de changement d'échelle pour déterminer l'atténuation effective et la dispersion effective de la vitesse sismique dans un milieu hétérogène. Pour ce faire, nous nous concentrons sur un ensemble d'échantillons de roches synthétiques idéalisés incluant des strates, des fissures, ou une saturation partielle à l'échelle mésoscopique. Ces scénarios sont hautement pertinents, car ils sont associés à un taux très élevé d'atténuation et de dispersion des vitesses causé par les WIFF à l'échelle mésoscopique. L'enjeu de déterminer la dimension d'un VER pour une roche hétérogène est très complexe et encore inexploré dans le contexte actuel. Dans cette étude-pilote, nous nous focalisons sur des milieux périodiques, qui assurent l'autosimilarité des échantillons considérés indépendamment de leur taille. Ainsi, nous simplifions le problème à une analyse systématique de la dépendance de la dimension des VER aux conditions aux limites appliquées. Nos résultats indiquent que les effets des conditions aux limites sont absents pour un milieu stratifié, et négligeables pour un milieu à saturation partielle : cela résultant à des dimensions petites des VER. Au contraire, de forts effets des conditions aux limites apparaissent dans les milieux présentant une distribution périodique de fissures de taille finie : cela conduisant à de grandes dimensions des VER. Dans la troisième partie de cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle poro- élastique effectif, pour les milieux périodiques caractérisés par une stratification mésoscopique, qui prendra en compte les WIFF à la fois aux échelles mésoscopique et macroscopique, ainsi que l'anisotropie associée à ces strates. Ce modèle prédit alors avec exactitude l'existence des ondes P rapides et lentes ainsi que les quasis et pures ondes S, pour toutes les directions de propagation de l'onde, tant que la longueur d'onde correspondante est bien plus grande que l'épaisseur de la strate. L'intérêt principal de ce travail est que, pour les formations à perméabilité moyenne à élevée, comme, par exemple, les sédiments non- consolidés, les grès ou encore les roches fissurées, ces deux mécanismes d'WIFF peuvent avoir lieu à des fréquences similaires. Or, ce scénario, qui est assez commun, n'est pas décrit par les modèles existants pour les milieux poreux stratifiés. Les comparaisons des solutions analytiques des vitesses des ondes P et S et de l'atténuation de la propagation des ondes perpendiculaires à la stratification, avec les solutions obtenues à partir de simulations numériques en éléments finis, fondées sur une solution obtenue en 1D des équations poro- élastiques, montrent un très bon accord, tant que l'hypothèse des grandes longueurs d'onde reste valable. Il y a cependant une limitation de ce modèle qui est liée à son incapacité à prendre en compte les effets inertiels dans les WIFF mésoscopiques quand les deux mécanismes d'WIFF prédominent à des fréquences similaires. Néanmoins, nos résultats montrent aussi que l'erreur associée est relativement faible, même à des fréquences à laquelle sont attendus les deux effets d'inertie et de diffusion, indiquant que le modèle proposé fournit une solution qui est remarquablement proche de sa référence numérique.
This paper presents an experimental study of the effects of tow-drop gaps in Variable Stiffness Panels under drop-weight impact events. Two different configurations, with and without ply-staggering, have been manufactured by Automated Fibre Placement and compared with their baseline counterpart without defects. For the study of damage resistance, three levels of low velocity impact energy are generated with a drop-weight tower. The damage area is analysed by means of ultrasonic inspection. Results of the analysed defect configurations indicate that the influence of gap defects is only relevant under small impact energy values. However, in the case of damage tolerance, the residual compressive strength after impact does not present significant differences to that of conventional straight fibre laminates. This indicates that the strength reduction is driven mainly by the damage caused by the impact event rather than by the influence of manufacturing-induced defects
Leishmaniasis is widely spread disease found in bath tropical and temperate regions but limited to the habitat of its sand fly vector. lt affects over 12 million people with 2 million new cases each year. As cutaneous leishmaniasis patients show varying levels of immunity to the disease after recovery, the development of a vaccine has much promise as a prevention strategy. Unfortunately however, existing anti-leishmanial vaccines are plagued by safety issues and have only ever shown limited efficacy .So, despite much effort, no effective vaccine is currently available. Recent studies suggest a correlation between the presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) and the development of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), which is characterised by the presence of secondary lesions in nasal and buccal mucosa, causing destructive and disfiguring facial lesions. Moreover, recent research has associated the viral presence to treatment fa ilure in patients. ln the first part of this work, we propose that these viral particles may serve as promising vaccine candidates due to their powerful TLR-3 antigenicity, launching an early cell-mediated attack on stimulated cells and thus eliminating their virulent complications. The second part of this work discusses a preliminary study on the lymphocyte immune response against Leishmania guyanensis infection. The lymphocyte response (and in particular, the raie of CDS+ T cells) is controversial and varies greatly between Leishmania species. Here, we illustrate the importance of a small CDS+ T cell subpopulation, expressing the CDSaa+ receptor. These intraepithelial lymphocytes are mainly present in the skin, vagina and intestinal tissue and are best known for their raie in the early immune response against pathogens. Similarly to traditional CDS+ cells, they secrete the tissue-destructive enzymes, perforin and granzyme, which can result in a hyper-inflammatory cutaneous lesion, raising a possibility for their raie in Leishmania infection. lndeed, our initial results in a murine mode( of Leishmania guyanensis infection suggest a pathogenic raie for CDSaa+ T cells. Further research into species-specific immune responses against the various Leishmania parasites is critical to realising the clinical potential of immunotherapy in the treatment and prevention of this disfiguring disease . -- La Leishmaniose est une maladie infectieuse causée par le parasite Leishmania. Elle est localisée dans les régions où son vecteur se reproduit, c'est-à-dire dans des régions tropicales ou tempérées. Cette pathologie affecte 12 millions des personnes dans le monde et 2 millions de nouveaux cas sont recensés chaque année. D'autres facteurs, tels la déforestation, les conditions d'hygiène ou encore l'accès limité aux médicaments, aggravent la pathologie et renforcent sa propagation. Les patients affectés par la leishmaniose et qui arrivent à en guérir, présentent une protection contre une réinfection. Pour cette raison, le développement d'un vaccin reste la meilleure solution pour combattre ce fléau. Mais, à ce jour, et malgré beaucoup d'efforts, aucun vaccin efficace n'a encore été développé. Un autre facteur responsable de l'aggravation de la pathologie et de la résistance de ces parasites aux drogues est un virus qui peut infecter certaines souches de Leishmania. Ce virus, appelé Leishmania RNA virus, peut induire une réponse inflammatoire exagérée, ce qui a comme résultat l'aggravation de la pathologie, la survie et la dissémination de ce parasite au sein de l'hôte infecté. Vu l'absence d'un vaccin contre ce parasite, Leishmania, nous proposons de développer un vaccin non pas contre le parasite lui- même mais contre l'agent qui provoque l'exacerbation de la pathologie, c'est-à-dire le virus. Dans cette étude, nous décrivons le développement d'un vaccin contre LRV, qui empêche le parasite d'induire des inflammations exagérées dans les souris. En d'autres mots, nous essayons de prévenir toutes les complications générées par cet hyperpathogène qu'est le LRV, en utilisant sa capside comme cible pour le développement d'un vaccin. Dans la deuxième partie de ce manuscrit, nous avons aussi étudié plus en détail la réponse immunitaire, et en particulier la réponse des lymphocytes T COB suite à l'infection du parasite Leishmania guyanensis porteur du LRV.
This paper describes the development and characterisation of Ni-Co coatings to be used as anodes in water electrolysis. Chemical oxidation of the surface was performed through thermal treatment at 400ºC for 10 h. The resulting surfaces were analysed by X-ray diffraction, EDX, SEM, cyclic voltammetry and constant current electrolysis. The electrochemical oxidation occurring on bare surfaces during electrolysis promotes the formation of thick oxide layers resulting in loss of activity. In oxidised surfaces the chemical Ni-Co oxide grown during the thermal treatment prevents further oxidation thus retaining their activity towards oxygen evolution. An optimum condition for the growth of mixed oxide with high activity was found for the bath containing 50 g L-1 CoSO4.
Results on the optimization of analytical methods for the determination of phosphorus in phosphino-polycarboxylate (PPCA), used frequently as scale inhibitor during oil production, by ICP-AES and ICP-MS are presented. Due to the complex matrix of production waters (brines) and their high concentration in inorganic phosphorus, the separation of organic phosphorus prior to its determination is necessary. In this work, minicolumns of silica immobilized C18 were used. Optimization of the separation step resulted in the following working conditions: (1) prewashing of the column with methanol (80% v/v); (2) use of a flow rate of 5 mL/min and 10 mL/min, respectively, for the preconditioning step and for percolation of the water sample; (3) final elution of organic phosphorus with 7 mL of buffer of H3BO3/NaOH (0.05 M, pH 9) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Sample detection limits (3s) for different combinations of nebulizers and spectrometric methods, based on 10 mL water aliquots, are: ICP-AES -Cross flow (47 mg/L) and Ultrasonic (18 mug/L); ICP-MS -Cross flow (1.2 mug/L), Cyclonic (0.7 mug/L) and Ultrasonic (0.5 mug/L). Typical recoveries of organic phosphorus are between 90 and 95% and the repeatability of the whole procedure is better than 10%. The developed methodology was applied successfully to samples from the oil-well NA 46, platform PNA 2, Campos basin, Brazil. Assessment of the PPCA inhibitor was possible at lower concentrations than achieved by current analytical methods, resulting in benefits such as reduced cost of chemicals, postponed oil production and lower environmental impacts.
Thermal baths to decrease ambient temperature are an indispensable tool for most research and teaching laboratories, especially those in tropical or equatorial regions. A simple and inexpensive thermal bath has been developed based on a scratched compressor. It has three possible setups for cooling: sample immersed into the bath, sample flowing through the bath, and cooling liquid flowing in a jacket around the sample. It has been tested for 40 months. The temperature ranges from room temperature to 0 °C, when using water. The repeatability is better than 3% and the precision varies from 0.5% to 2%.
A systematic electrochemical study of a novel cyanide free galvanic plating solution of alkaline zinc is presented. Cell Hull tests and potentiodynamic linear polarization measurements were carried out to evaluate the influence of operational parameters, such as concentration, current efficiency and degradation of additives. The stability of the bath was assessed by a long term test during 40 h at 200 A m-2. The morphology of the coatings was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed good performance of the plating solution. The cost is similar to that of the commercial cyanide bath and lower than that of the commercial cyanide free bath.
In this work a simple and versatile procedure is described for treating water samples using small polypropylene (PP) vials (4 mL) for determining heavy metals by square wave voltammetry (SWV). This procedure involves treatment with nitric acid (0.2 mol L-1) and boiling in a water-bath (~ 100 ºC). This process is completed after one hour and allows the pretreatment of several samples simultaneously. The accuracy was estimated using addition/recovery studies and certified water sample analysis, yielding an agreement near to 100%.
Copper selenide (berzelianite) films were prepared on the title substrates using the chemical bath deposition technique (CBD). Film composition was determined by energy dispersion of x-rays. The kinetics of film growth is parabolic and film adherence limits the film thickness. On titanium, copper selenide forms islands that do not completely cover the surface, unless the substrate is prepared with a tin oxide layer; film composition also depends on the titanium oxide layer. On vitreous carbon, CBD and mechanical immobilization techniques lead to films with similar resistances for the electron transfer across the film/substrate interface. On gold, composition studies revealed that film composition is always the same if the pH is in the range from 8 to 12, in contrast to films prepared by an ion-ion combination route. On copper, a new procedure for obtaining copper selenide films as thick as 5 µm has been developed.
A study on optimization of bath parameters for electrodeposition of Fe-W-B alloys from plating baths containing ammonia and citrate is reported. A 2³ full factorial design was successfully employed for experimental design analysis of the results. The corrosion resistance and amorphous character were evaluated. The bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with good corrosion resistance were: 0.01 M iron sulfate, 0.10 M sodium tungstate and 0.60 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 12% current efficiency. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.841 V and Rp 1.463 x 10(4) Ohm cm². The deposit obtained under these conditions had an amorphous character and no microcracks were observed on its surface. Besides this, the bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with the highest deposition efficiency were: 0.09 M iron sulfate, 0.30 M sodium tungstate and 0.50 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 50% current efficiency, with an average composition of 34 wt% W, 66 wt% Fe and traces of boron. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.800 V and Rp 1.895 x 10³ Ohm cm². Electrochemical corrosion tests verified that the Fe-W-B alloy deposited under both conditions had better corrosion resistance than Fe-Mo-B.
A simple cloud point extraction procedure is presented for the preconcentration of copper in various samples. After complexation by 4-hydroxy-2-mercapto-6-propylpyrimidine (PTU), copper ions are quantitatively extracted into the phase rich in Triton X-114 after centrifugation. Methanol acidified with 0.5 mol L-1 HNO3 was added to the surfactant-rich phase prior to its analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Analytical parameters including concentrations for PTU, Triton X-114 and HNO3, bath temperature, centrifugation rate and time were optimized. The influences of the matrix ions on the recoveries of copper ions were investigated. The detection limits (3SDb/m, n=4) of 1.6 ng mL-1 along with enrichment factors of 30 for Cu were achieved. The proposed procedure was applied to the analysis of environmental samples.