661 resultados para Student Learning, Economics Education, Perceptions


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Esta dissertao aborda, de um ponto de vista crtico, a teoria do Conetivismo luz dos seus princpios e das respetivas implicaes na viso tradicional de aprendizagem e de conhecimento. A tese foi desenvolvida tendo em conta uma metodologia de reviso bibliogrfica das publicaes mais relevantes da autoria dos principais representantes do Conetivismo, nomeadamente George Siemens e Stephen Downes, estando sempre subjacente a preocupao em no apresentar apenas mais um estudo sintetizador da teoria, mas simultaneamente uma viso crtica do Conetivismo. Enquanto teoria de aprendizagem para uns, mera perspetiva epistemolgica para outros, o Conetivismo tem assumido um papel crescente no debate acerca daquilo que entendemos por aprendizagem em rede e das suas implicaes nos estatutos tradicionais do conhecimento e da aprendizagem e at do papel dos educadores e dos alunos. Alvo de reconhecimento para uns, de crticas para outros, o Conetivismo est ainda a dar os primeiros passos no desenvolvimento de uma viso epistemolgica inovadora, principalmente no que diz respeito partilha em rede, aprendizagem centrada em comunidades online, regidas por interesses e objetivos comuns, onde a auto-aprendizagem fundamental. Mas que consequncias traz esta nova forma de encarar a aprendizagem? At que ponto o Conetivismo uma teoria que vai mais alm das teorias de aprendizagem anteriores? Passaremos a encarar o conhecimento de modo diferente a partir daqui? Qual o verdadeiro alcance dos MOOC, cada vez mais em voga?


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A famlia o meio natural em que a criana comea sua vida e sua aprendizagem bsica por meio de uma srie de estmulos e de vivncias que a condicionam profundamente ao longo de toda a sua existncia. A escola representa o espao em que a criana consolida a sua aprendizagem e se prepara para vida futura. A cooperao entre famlia e escola constitui o pilar fundamental na construo de um processo de ensino aprendizagem de qualidade, sobre tudo para crianas com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (N.E.E). Com base nestes pressupostos o objetivo geral da presente dissertao de natureza qualitativa aferir o impato do envolvimento familiar no processo de ensino aprendizagem dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais na cidade de Benguela Angola, atravs de inquritos e entrevistas aplicadas a uma amostra constituda pelos familiares dos alunos, os respetivos alunos, professores e antigos gestores da nica escola de Ensino Especial da cidade de Benguela. Os resultados do estudo revelaram um fraco grau de envolvimento familiar, tendo em conta as orientaes da Lei, n 13/01, Lei de Bases do Sistema de Educao (L.B.S.E), e o Decreto Presidencial n 20/11, sobre o Estatuto da Modalidade de Educao Especial que recomendam a participao indispensvel da famlia na elaborao dos programas (E.M.E.E) educativos dos alunos com N.E.E, bem como os resultados de estudos que ressaltam a importncia da relao escola e famlia para melhoria da qualidade do Ensino Especial em Angola. A dissertao constitui uma abordagem pioneira no contexto em que se insere e o seu valor prtico determinado pelo contributo que os seus resultados podem aportar a compreenso e melhoria da qualidade de ensino e das relaes familiares dos alunos com N.E.E num contexto fortemente marcado por barreiras culturais e tradicionais.


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O avano das tecnologias de informao continua a mudar os paradigmas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os meios disponveis so cada vez mais diversificados e, com a necessidade de procurar novos estudantes e diversificar o pblico-alvo, as instituies de ensino superior esto a repensar os seus modelos de negcio e estratgias pedaggicas. A proliferao de dispositivos mveis catalisa uma aposta crescente no ensino a distncia (EaD) no sentido de proporcionar aprendizagens em mobilidade (m-learning). No entanto, as solues existentes para m-learning so ainda pouco adaptadas s recentes metodologias de EaD, na maioria das vezes funcionando como extenso de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ou com muito foco nos contedos. Sendo a Universidade Aberta (UAb) a nica instituio de ensino superior pblico em Portugal de ensino a distncia, com um modelo pedaggico prprio, constitui um natural caso de aplicao de tecnologia mvel em novos contextos de aprendizagem, importando por isso estudar e desenhar os mecanismos de interao mais adequados com professores e estudantes em mobilidade. Adotou-se neste trabalho a metodologia Design Science Research, tendo sido identificadas as caractersticas e comportamentos de potenciais utilizadores, e definidas as funcionalidades que devem ser disponibilizadas na primeira verso de uma aplicao para dispositivos mveis (app) no contexto do ensino a distncia. proposto o design da interface dessa app, usando o modelo da UAb como caso de aplicao, e disponibilizada uma lista de orientaes para o desenvolvimento do prottipo funcional. Da investigao realizada, concluiu-se que a interface proposta constitui um modelo vlido para o desenho de uma app para aprendizagens em mobilidade, no regime de ensino de uma universidade virtual. A partir deste modelo, as instituies de ensino superior podem desenvolver apps adaptando-se ao avano das Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao e ficarem alinhadas com as necessidades dos seus alunos e docentes, particularmente se dispuserem de oferta formativa a distncia.


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The purpose of this research was to apply a test that measures different multiple intelligences in children from two different elementary schools to determine whether there are differences between the Academicist Pedagogical Model (traditional approach) established by the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education and the Cognitive Pedagogical Model (MPC) (constructivist approach). A total of 29 boys and 20 girls with ages 8 to 12 from two different public schools in Heredia (Laboratorio School and San Isidro School) participated in this study. The instrument used was a Multiple Intelligences Test for school age children (Vega, 2006), which consists of 15 items subdivided in seven categories: linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Two-Way ANOVA) were used for the analysis of data. Significant differences were found in linguistic intelligence (F:9.47; p < 0.01) between the MPC school (3.241.24 points) and the academicist school (2.311.10 points). Differences were also found between sex (F:5.26; p< 0.05), for girls (3.251.02 points) and boys (2.521.30 points). In addition, the musical intelligence showed significant statistical differences between sexes (F: 7.97; p < 0.05). In conclusion, the learning pedagogical models in Costa Rican public schools must be updated based on the new learning trends.


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Relatrio de estgio para obteno do grau de mestre em ensino do 1. Ciclo e do 2. ciclo do ensino bsico


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Lintgration des nouvelles technologies en enseignement suprieur ne devrait pas tre vue comme un simple effet de mode, mais plutt comme un cadre de rflexion sur les orientations nouvelles donner lUniversit du 21me sicle, en termes de culture institutionnelle, de ressources organisationnelles et doprationnalisation dobjectifs de recherche et denseignement (Duderstadt et al, 2002 ; Guri-Rosenblit, 2005). En effet, lmergence dune nouvelle tendance de formation post-secondaire, quest lintgration des solutions virtuelles au prsentiel, nest pas sans incidences sur les pratiques enseignantes. Or, la littrature noffre pas de modles descriptifs satisfaisants permettant de mieux saisir la pertinence des liens entre lenseignement en contexte dapprentissage hybride et le dveloppement professionnel des enseignants universitaires. Aussi avons-nous procd par des observations participantes de deux cours en sciences de la gestion HEC Montral, dans les programmes de certificat de premier cycle ainsi que par des entretiens dexplicitation et dautoconfrontation, pendant toute la session dautomne 2014, pour respectivement recueillir des donnes sur les pratiques relles dun matre denseignement, en sociologie du travail, et dune charge de cours, en gestion de projets. Notre analyse du corpus, par catgorisations conceptualisantes, a permis la production dnoncs nomologiques rendant compte de la dynamique de relations entre ces deux phnomnes. Sur le plan scientifique, elle a apport un clairage nouveau sur les processus de construction identitaire professionnelle en pdagogie universitaire, en regard des mutations technologiques, socioculturelles et conomiques que subissent lUniversit, en gnral, et les pratiques enseignantes et tudiantes, en particulier. Lapproche inductive utilise a donc permis de dfinir la structure des interactions des deux phnomnes, selon la perspective des deux enseignants, et dlaborer des modles dintervention enracins dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Aussi sur le plan social, ces modles sont-ils lexpression dune grammaire de la pense et de laction, ancre dans les valeurs des enseignants eux-mmes. Nous avons pris en compte le paradigme de la tche relle, versus celui de la tche prescrite, en termes de mise en uvre concrte des processus pdagogiques, pour rendre les rsultats de cette recherche signifiants pour la pratique. Les modles, qui ont merg de notre configuration de la pense dialogique des participants, peuvent tre intgrs la formation des enseignants universitaires en contexte de bimodalisation de lUniversit.


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O presente captulo apresenta o que os estudos atuais sobre a literacia da informao em contexto universitrio revelam sobre as principais tendncias para esta rea. O estudo procura dar uma viso abrangente destas tendncias e das expectativas da decorrentes a partir de trs aspetos: a relao entre a educao, a aprendizagem e o ensino superior; as bibliotecas, as tecnologias e os ambientes virtuais e, por fim, reflete-se sobre a interao entre literacia da informao, emoes e cognio, num contexto social e individual.


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Relatrio de estgio para obteno do grau de mestre em ensino do 1. Ciclo e do 2. ciclo do ensino bsico


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Lintgration des nouvelles technologies en enseignement suprieur ne devrait pas tre vue comme un simple effet de mode, mais plutt comme un cadre de rflexion sur les orientations nouvelles donner lUniversit du 21me sicle, en termes de culture institutionnelle, de ressources organisationnelles et doprationnalisation dobjectifs de recherche et denseignement (Duderstadt et al, 2002 ; Guri-Rosenblit, 2005). En effet, lmergence dune nouvelle tendance de formation post-secondaire, quest lintgration des solutions virtuelles au prsentiel, nest pas sans incidences sur les pratiques enseignantes. Or, la littrature noffre pas de modles descriptifs satisfaisants permettant de mieux saisir la pertinence des liens entre lenseignement en contexte dapprentissage hybride et le dveloppement professionnel des enseignants universitaires. Aussi avons-nous procd par des observations participantes de deux cours en sciences de la gestion HEC Montral, dans les programmes de certificat de premier cycle ainsi que par des entretiens dexplicitation et dautoconfrontation, pendant toute la session dautomne 2014, pour respectivement recueillir des donnes sur les pratiques relles dun matre denseignement, en sociologie du travail, et dune charge de cours, en gestion de projets. Notre analyse du corpus, par catgorisations conceptualisantes, a permis la production dnoncs nomologiques rendant compte de la dynamique de relations entre ces deux phnomnes. Sur le plan scientifique, elle a apport un clairage nouveau sur les processus de construction identitaire professionnelle en pdagogie universitaire, en regard des mutations technologiques, socioculturelles et conomiques que subissent lUniversit, en gnral, et les pratiques enseignantes et tudiantes, en particulier. Lapproche inductive utilise a donc permis de dfinir la structure des interactions des deux phnomnes, selon la perspective des deux enseignants, et dlaborer des modles dintervention enracins dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Aussi sur le plan social, ces modles sont-ils lexpression dune grammaire de la pense et de laction, ancre dans les valeurs des enseignants eux-mmes. Nous avons pris en compte le paradigme de la tche relle, versus celui de la tche prescrite, en termes de mise en uvre concrte des processus pdagogiques, pour rendre les rsultats de cette recherche signifiants pour la pratique. Les modles, qui ont merg de notre configuration de la pense dialogique des participants, peuvent tre intgrs la formation des enseignants universitaires en contexte de bimodalisation de lUniversit.


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Link to article on publisher site: https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/portal_libraries_and_the_academy/portal_pre_print/articles/belanger.pdf


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This article reports on research which identified perceptions of reading and the teaching of reading held by trainee teachers and the impact on my provision as a teacher educator. It found that students past and present experiences of learning to read and being a reader influenced their perceptions of what reading is and of what it means to teach reading. As a teacher educator, I am not able to give students long experience of seeing children becoming readers, but I am able to give them richer experiences of reading in personally and culturally relevant contexts. This has implications for the nature of subject knowledge required by a student teacher of reading and the curriculum and practice of teacher education.


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This paper reports findings from six field courses about students perceptions of iPads as mobile learning devices for fieldwork. Data were collected through surveys and focus groups. The key findings suggest that the multi-tool nature of the iPads and their portability were the main strengths. Students had some concerns over the safety of the iPads in adverse weather and rugged environments, though most of these concerns were eliminated after using the devices with protective cases. Reduced connectivity was found to be one of the main challenges for mobile learning. Finally, students and practitioners views of why they used the mobile devices for fieldwork did not align.


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Educational institutions of all levels invest large amounts of time and resources into instructional technology, with the goal of enhancing the educational effectiveness of the learning environment. The decisions made by instructors and institutions regarding the implementation of technology are guided by perceptions of usefulness held by those who are in control. The primary objective of this mixed methods study was to examine the student and faculty perceptions of technology being used in general education courses at a community college. This study builds upon and challenges the assertions of writers such as Prensky (2001a, 2001b) and Tapscott (1998) who claim that a vast difference in technology perception exists between generational groups, resulting in a diminished usefulness of technology in instruction. In this study, data were gathered through student surveys and interviews, and through faculty surveys and interviews. Analysis of the data used Kendalls Tau test for correlation between various student and faculty variables in various groupings, and also typological analysis of the transcribed interview data. The analysis of the quantitative data revealed no relationship between age and perception of technologys usefulness. A positive relationship was found to exist between the perception of the frequency of technology use and the perception of technologys effectiveness, suggesting that both faculty members and students believed that the more technology is used, the more useful it is in instruction. The analysis of the qualitative data revealed that both faculty and students perceive technology to be useful, and that the most significant barriers to technologys usefulness include faulty hardware and software systems,lack of user support, and lack of training for faculty. The results of the study suggest that the differences in perception of technology between generations that are proposed by Prensky may not exist when comparing adults from the younger generation with adults from the older generation. Further, the study suggests that institutions continue to invest in instructional technology, with a focus on high levels of support and training for faculty, and more universal availability of specific technologies, including web access, in class video, and presentation software. Adviser: Ronald Joekel


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Previous studies into student volunteering have shown how formally organized volunteering activities have social, economic and practical benefits for student volunteers and the recipients of their volunteerism (Egerton, 2002; Vernon & Foster, 2002); moreover student volunteering provides the means by which undergraduates are able to acquire and hone transferable skills sought by employers following graduation (Eldridge & Wilson, 2003; Norris et al, 2006). Although much is known about the benefits of student volunteering, few previous studies have focused on the pedagogical value of student mentoring from the perspectives of both student mentee and mentor. Utilising grounded theory methodology this paper provides a critical analysis of an exploratory study analysing students perceptions of the pedagogical and social outcomes of student mentoring. It looks at students perceptions of mentoring, and being mentored, in terms of the learning experience and development of knowledge and skills. In doing so the paper considers how volunteering in a mentoring capacity adds value to students experiences of higher education. From a public policy perspective, the economic, educational, vocational and social outcomes of student volunteering in general, and student mentoring in particular, make this an important subject meriting investigation. In terms of employability, the role of mentoring in equipping mentors and mentees with transferable, employability competencies has not been investigated. By critiquing the mentoring experiences of undergraduates within a single institution, this paper will make an important contribution to policy debates with regards to the pedagogical and employability related outcomes of student volunteering and mentoring.


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Perceptions about the quality of learning and teaching in Higher Education has for many years focused upon the application of market based principles. This includes the notion of students as customers of the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) service. We argue that the application of the customer analogy is unhelpful however, as students this approach is likely to affect student expectations about the service and their judgements about its quality. The purpose of this paper is to propose a study consisting of a series of interventions to develop a culture of value co-creation at a UK based HEI. By introducing CCV principles, it is hoped to steer students away from seeing themselves as customers, and passive recipients of in the learning and teaching process, to one where they take responsibility for their own learning experience, to be explored and acted upon in partnership with their lecturers and other stakeholders.