832 resultados para Single walled carbon nanotubes
Syntesis of carbon nanomaterials from corn waste (DDGS). The world's largest ethanol producer (USA) uses corn as feedstock. DDGS (distillers dried grains with solubles) is the main waste generated from this process (around 32 million t/year). DDGS samples were pyrolyzed at 1000 degrees C in a furnace with controlled atmosphere. The effluent was channeled to a second furnace, in which catalyst substrates were placed. Chromatographic analysis was used to evaluate the gaseous effluents, showing that the catalyst reduced hydrocarbon emissions. The solid products formed were analyzed by SEM and TEM. Graphitic structures and carbon nanofibers, 50 mu m in length and with diameters of 80-200 nm, were formed.
Large conurbations are a significant source of the anthropogenic pollution and demographic differences between cities that result in a different pollution burden. The metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP, population 20 million) accounts for one fifth of the Brazilian vehicular fleet. A feature of MASP is the amount of ethanol used by the vehicular fleet, known to exacerbate air quality. The study describes the diurnal behaviour of the submicron aerosol and relies on total particle number concentration, particle number size distribution, light scattering and light absorption measurements. Modelled planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth and air mass movement data were used to aid the interpretation. During morning rush-hour, stagnant air and a shallow PBL height favour the accumulation of aerosol pollution. During clear-sky conditions, there was a wind shift towards the edge of the city indicating a heat island effect with implications on particulate pollution levels at the site. The median total particle number concentration for the submicron aerosol typically varied in the range 1.6 x 10(4)-3.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) frequently exceeding 4 x 10(4) cm-3 during the day. During weekdays, nucleation-mode particles are responsible for most of the particles by numbers. The highest concentrations of total particle number concentrations and black carbon (BC) were observed on Fridays. Median diurnal values for light absorption and light scattering (at 637 nm wavelength) varied in the range 12-33 Mm(-1) and 21-64 Mm(-1), respectively. The former one is equal to 1.8-5.0 mu g m(-3) of BC. The growth of the PBL, from the morning rush-hour until noon, is consistent with the diurnal cycle of BC mass concentrations. Weekday hourly median single-scattering albedo (omega(0)) varied in the range 0.59-0.76. Overall, this suggests a top of atmosphere (TOA) warming effect. However, considering the low surface reflectance of urban areas, for the given range of omega(0), the TOA radiative forcing can be either positive or negative for the sources within the MASP. On the average, weekend omega(0) values were 0.074 higher than during weekdays. During 11% of the days, new particle formation (NPF) events occurred. The analysed events growth rates ranged between 9 and 25 nm h(-1). Sulphuric acid proxy concentrations calculated for the site were less than 5% of the concentration needed to explain the observed growth. Thus, other vapours are likely contributors to the observed growth.
This study investigated the potentially detrimental effects of copper and elevated aquatic CO2 (hypercarbia), alone or in combination, on pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Fish were exposed for 48 h to control (no copper addition in normocarbia), to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1, to hypercarbic (1% CO2; PCO2=6.9 mm Hg) water and to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1+ hypercarbia. In liver the single factors caused an increase in lipid hydroperoxide concentration that was not observed when the factors were combined. Copper exposure elicited increased hepatic superoxide dismutase activity, irrespective of aquatic CO2 level. On the other hand, the effects of copper on hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity were dependent on water CO2 levels. The two stressors combined did not affect hepatic catalase activity. Hypercarbic water caused a decline in plasma glucose concentration, but this was not observed when hypercarbia was combined with copper exposure. Copper caused a decrease in branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity that was independent of water CO2 level. Copper caused an increase in branchial metallothionein concentration that was independent of water CO2 level. Thus, branchial metallothionein and Na+/K+-ATPase were effective biomarkers of copper exposure that were not affected by water CO2 level. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Elektronenemission von Nanopartikeln auf Oberflächen mittels spektroskopischen Photoelektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Speziell wurden metallische Nanocluster untersucht, als selbstorganisierte Ensembles auf Silizium oder Glassubstraten, sowie ferner ein Metall-Chalcogenid (MoS2) Nanoröhren-Prototyp auf Silizium. Der Hauptteil der Untersuchungen war auf die Wechselwirkung von fs-Laserstrahlung mit den Nanopartikeln konzentriert. Die Energie der Lichtquanten war kleiner als die Austrittsarbeit der untersuchten Proben, so dass Ein-Photonen-Photoemission ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Unsere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass ausgehend von einem kontinuierlichen Metallfilm bis hin zu Clusterfilmen ein anderer Emissionsmechanismus konkurrierend zur Multiphotonen-Photoemission auftritt und für kleine Cluster zu dominieren beginnt. Die Natur dieses neuen Mechanismus` wurde durch verschiedenartige Experimente untersucht. Der Übergang von einem kontinuierlichen zu einem Nanopartikelfilm ist begleitet von einer Zunahme des Emissionsstroms von mehr als eine Größenordnung. Die Photoemissions-Intensität wächst mit abnehmender zeitlicher Breite des Laserpulses, aber diese Abhängigkeit wird weniger steil mit sinkender Partikelgröße. Die experimentellen Resultate wurden durch verschiedene Elektronenemissions-Mechanismen erklärt, z.B. Multiphotonen-Photoemission (nPPE), thermionische Emission und thermisch unterstützte nPPE sowie optische Feldemission. Der erste Mechanismus überwiegt für kontinuierliche Filme und Partikel mit Größen oberhalb von mehreren zehn Nanometern, der zweite und dritte für Filme von Nanopartikeln von einer Größe von wenigen Nanometern. Die mikrospektroskopischen Messungen bestätigten den 2PPE-Emissionsmechanismus von dünnen Silberfilmen bei „blauer“ Laseranregung (hν=375-425nm). Das Einsetzen des Ferminiveaus ist relativ scharf und verschiebt sich um 2hν, wenn die Quantenenergie erhöht wird, wogegen es bei „roter“ Laseranregung (hν=750-850nm) deutlich verbreitert ist. Es zeigte sich, dass mit zunehmender Laserleistung die Ausbeute von niederenergetischen Elektronen schwächer zunimmt als die Ausbeute von höherenergetischen Elektronen nahe der Fermikante in einem Spektrum. Das ist ein klarer Hinweis auf eine Koexistenz verschiedener Emissionsmechanismen in einem Spektrum. Um die Größenabhängigkeit des Emissionsverhaltens theoretisch zu verstehen, wurde ein statistischer Zugang zur Lichtabsorption kleiner Metallpartikel abgeleitet und diskutiert. Die Elektronenemissionseigenschaften bei Laseranregung wurden in zusätzlichen Untersuchungen mit einer anderen Anregungsart verglichen, der Passage eines Tunnelstroms durch einen Metall-Clusterfilm nahe der Perkolationsschwelle. Die elektrischen und Emissionseigenschaften von stromtragenden Silberclusterfilmen, welche in einer schmalen Lücke (5-25 µm Breite) zwischen Silberkontakten auf einem Isolator hergestellt wurden, wurden zum ersten Mal mit einem Emissions-Elektronenmikroskop (EEM) untersucht. Die Elektronenemission beginnt im nicht-Ohmschen Bereich der Leitungsstrom-Spannungskurve des Clusterfilms. Wir untersuchten das Verhalten eines einzigen Emissionszentrums im EEM. Es zeigte sich, dass die Emissionszentren in einem stromleitenden Silberclusterfilm Punktquellen für Elektronen sind, welche hohe Emissions-Stromdichten (mehr als 100 A/cm2) tragen können. Die Breite der Energieverteilung der Elektronen von einem einzelnen Emissionszentrum wurde auf etwa 0.5-0.6 eV abgeschätzt. Als Emissionsmechanismus wird die thermionische Emission von dem „steady-state“ heißen Elektronengas in stromdurchflossenen metallischen Partikeln vorgeschlagen. Größenselektierte, einzelne auf Si-Substraten deponierte MoS2-Nanoröhren wurden mit einer Flugzeit-basierten Zweiphotonen-Photoemissions-Spektromikroskopie untersucht. Die Nanoröhren-Spektren wiesen bei fs-Laser Anregung eine erstaunlich hohe Emissionsintensität auf, deutlich höher als die SiOx Substratoberfläche. Dagegen waren die Röhren unsichtbar bei VUV-Anregung bei hν=21.2 eV. Eine ab-initio-Rechnung für einen MoS2-Slab erklärt die hohe Intensität durch eine hohe Dichte freier intermediärer Zustände beim Zweiphotonen-Übergang bei hν=3.1 eV.
Ein wesentlicher Anteil an organischem Kohlenstoff, der in der Atmosphäre vorhanden ist, wird als leichtflüchtige organische Verbindungen gefunden. Diese werden überwiegend durch die Biosphäre freigesetzt. Solche biogenen Emissionen haben einen großen Einfluss auf die chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften der Atmosphäre, indem sie zur Bildung von bodennahem Ozon und sekundären organischen Aerosolen beitragen. Um die Bildung von bodennahem Ozon und von sekundären organischen Aerosolen besser zu verstehen, ist die technische Fähigkeit zur genauen Messung der Summe dieser flüchtigen organischen Substanzen notwendig. Häufig verwendete Methoden sind nur auf den Nachweis von spezifischen Nicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen fokussiert. Die Summe dieser Einzelverbindungen könnte gegebenenfalls aber nur eine Untergrenze an atmosphärischen organischen Kohlenstoffkonzentrationen darstellen, da die verfügbaren Methoden nicht in der Lage sind, alle organischen Verbindungen in der Atmosphäre zu analysieren. Einige Studien sind bekannt, die sich mit der Gesamtkohlenstoffbestimmung von Nicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoffverbindung in Luft beschäftigt haben, aber Messungen des gesamten organischen Nicht-Methan-Verbindungsaustauschs zwischen Vegetation und Atmosphäre fehlen. Daher untersuchten wir die Gesamtkohlenstoffbestimmung organische Nicht-Methan-Verbindungen aus biogenen Quellen. Die Bestimmung des organischen Gesamtkohlenstoffs wurde durch Sammeln und Anreichern dieser Verbindungen auf einem festen Adsorptionsmaterial realisiert. Dieser erste Schritt war notwendig, um die stabilen Gase CO, CO2 und CH4 von der organischen Kohlenstofffraktion zu trennen. Die organischen Verbindungen wurden thermisch desorbiert und zu CO2 oxidiert. Das aus der Oxidation entstandene CO2 wurde auf einer weiteren Anreicherungseinheit gesammelt und durch thermische Desorption und anschließende Detektion mit einem Infrarot-Gasanalysator analysiert. Als große Schwierigkeiten identifizierten wir (i) die Abtrennung von CO2 aus der Umgebungsluft von der organischen Kohlenstoffverbindungsfaktion während der Anreicherung sowie (ii) die Widerfindungsraten der verschiedenen Nicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoff-verbindungen vom Adsorptionsmaterial, (iii) die Wahl des Katalysators sowie (iiii) auftretende Interferenzen am Detektor des Gesamtkohlenstoffanalysators. Die Wahl eines Pt-Rd Drahts als Katalysator führte zu einem bedeutenden Fortschritt in Bezug auf die korrekte Ermittlung des CO2-Hintergrund-Signals. Dies war notwendig, da CO2 auch in geringen Mengen auf der Adsorptionseinheit während der Anreicherung der leichtflüchtigen organischen Substanzen gesammelt wurde. Katalytische Materialien mit hohen Oberflächen stellten sich als unbrauchbar für diese Anwendung heraus, weil trotz hoher Temperaturen eine CO2-Aufnahme und eine spätere Abgabe durch das Katalysatormaterial beobachtet werden konnte. Die Methode wurde mit verschiedenen leichtflüchtigen organischen Einzelsubstanzen sowie in zwei Pflanzenkammer-Experimenten mit einer Auswahl an VOC-Spezies getestet, die von unterschiedlichen Pflanzen emittiert wurden. Die Pflanzenkammer-messungen wurden durch GC-MS und PTR-MS Messungen begleitet. Außerdem wurden Kalibrationstests mit verschiedenen Einzelsubstanzen aus Permeations-/Diffusionsquellen durchgeführt. Der Gesamtkohlenstoffanalysator konnte den tageszeitlichen Verlauf der Pflanzenemissionen bestätigen. Allerdings konnten Abweichungen für die Mischungsverhältnisse des organischen Gesamtkohlenstoffs von bis zu 50% im Vergleich zu den begleitenden Standardmethoden beobachtet werden.
A Mt. Everest ice core spanning 1860–2000 AD and analyzed at high resolution for black carbon (BC) using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) demonstrates strong seasonality, with peak concentrations during the winter-spring, and low concentrations during the summer monsoon season. BC concentrations from 1975–2000 relative to 1860–1975 have increased approximately threefold, indicating that BC from anthropogenic sources is being transported to high elevation regions of the Himalaya. The timing of the increase in BC is consistent with BC emission inventory data from South Asia and the Middle East, however since 1990 the ice core BC record does not indicate continually increasing BC concentrations. The Everest BC and dust records provide information about absorbing impurities that can contribute to glacier melt by reducing the albedo of snow and ice. There is no increasing trend in dust concentrations since 1860, and estimated surface radiative forcing due to BC in snow exceeds that of dust in snow. This suggests that a reduction in BC emissions may be an effective means to reduce the effect of absorbing impurities on snow albedo and melt, which affects Himalayan glaciers and the availability of water resources in major Asian rivers.
Silvicultural treatments represent disturbances to forest ecosystems often resulting in transient increases in net nitrification and leaching of nitrate and base cations from the soil. Response of soil carbon (C) is more complex, decreasing from enhanced soil respiration and increasing from enhanced postharvest inputs of detritus. Because nitrogen (N) saturation can have similar effects on cation mobility, timber harvesting in N-saturated forests may contribute to a decline in both soil C and base cation fertility, decreasing tree growth. Although studies have addressed effects of either forest harvesting or N saturation separately, few data exist on their combined effects. Our study examined the responses of soil C and N to several commercially used silvicultural treatments within the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia, USA, a site with N-saturated soils. Soil analyses included soil organic matter (SOM), C, N, C/N ratios, pH, and net nitrification. We hypothesized the following gradient of disturbance intensity among silvicultural practices (from most to least intense): even-age with intensive harvesting (EA-I), even-age with extensive harvesting, even-age with commercial harvesting, diameter limit, and single-tree harvesting (ST). We anticipated that effects on soil C and N would be greatest for EA-I and least with ST. Tree species exhibited a response to the gradient of disturbance intensity, with early successional species more predominant in high-intensity treatments and late successional species more predominant in low-intensity treatments. Results for soil variables, however, generally did not support our predictions, with few significant differences among treatments and between treatments and their paired controls for any of the measured soil variables. Multiple regression indicated that the best predictors for net nitrification among samples were SOM (positive relationship) and pH (negative relationship). This finding confirms the challenge of sustainable management of N-saturated forests.
Adding conductive carbon fillers to insulating thermoplastic resins increases composite electrical and thermal conductivity. Often, as much of a single type of carbon filler is added to achieve the desired conductivity, while still allowing the material to be molded into a bipolar plate for a fuel cell. In this study, varying amounts of three different carbons (carbon black, synthetic graphite particles, and carbon fiber) were added to Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer. The in-plane thermal conductivity of the resulting single filler composites were tested. The results showed that adding synthetic graphite particles caused the largest increase in the in-plane thermal conductivity of the composite. The composites were modeled using ellipsoidal inclusion problems to predict the effective in-plane thermal conductivities at varying volume fractions with only physical property data of constituents. The synthetic graphite and carbon black were modeled using the average field approximation with ellipsoidal inclusions and the model showed good agreement with the experimental data. The carbon fiber polymer composite was modeled using an assemblage of coated ellipsoids and the model showed good agreement with the experimental data.
The decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is temperature dependent, but its response to a future warmer climate remains equivocal. Enhanced rates of decomposition of SOM under increased global temperatures might cause higher CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and could therefore constitute a strong positive feedback. The magnitude of this feedback however remains poorly understood, primarily because of the difficulty in quantifying the temperature sensitivity of stored, recalcitrant carbon that comprises the bulk (>90%) of SOM in most soils. In this study we investigated the effects of climatic conditions on soil carbon dynamics using the attenuation of the 14C ‘bomb’ pulse as recorded in selected modern European speleothems. These new data were combined with published results to further examine soil carbon dynamics, and to explore the sensitivity of labile and recalcitrant organic matter decomposition to different climatic conditions. Temporal changes in 14C activity inferred from each speleothem was modelled using a three pool soil carbon inverse model (applying a Monte Carlo method) to constrain soil carbon turnover rates at each site. Speleothems from sites that are characterised by semi-arid conditions, sparse vegetation, thin soil cover and high mean annual air temperatures (MAATs), exhibit weak attenuation of atmospheric 14C ‘bomb’ peak (a low damping effect, D in the range: 55–77%) and low modelled mean respired carbon ages (MRCA), indicating that decomposition is dominated by young, recently fixed soil carbon. By contrast, humid and high MAAT sites that are characterised by a thick soil cover and dense, well developed vegetation, display the highest damping effect (D = c. 90%), and the highest MRCA values (in the range from 350 ± 126 years to 571 ± 128 years). This suggests that carbon incorporated into these stalagmites originates predominantly from decomposition of old, recalcitrant organic matter. SOM turnover rates cannot be ascribed to a single climate variable, e.g. (MAAT) but instead reflect a complex interplay of climate (e.g. MAAT and moisture budget) and vegetation development.
A Mt. Everest ice core spanning 1860-2000 AD and analyzed at high resolution for black carbon (BC) using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) demonstrates strong seasonality, with peak concentrations during the winter-spring, and low concentrations during the summer monsoon season. BC concentrations from 1975-2000 relative to 1860-1975 have increased approximately threefold, indicating that BC from anthropogenic sources is being transported to high elevation regions of the Himalaya. The timing of the increase in BC is consistent with BC emission inventory data from South Asia and the Middle East, however since 1990 the ice core BC record does not indicate continually increasing BC concentrations. The Everest BC and dust records provide information about absorbing impurities that can contribute to glacier melt by reducing the albedo of snow and ice. There is no increasing trend in dust concentrations since 1860, and estimated surface radiative forcing due to BC in snow exceeds that of dust in snow. This suggests that a reduction in BC emissions may be an effective means to reduce the effect of absorbing impurities on snow albedo and melt, which affects Himalayan glaciers and the availability of water resources in major Asian rivers. Citation: Kaspari, S. D., M. Schwikowski, M. Gysel, M. G. Flanner, S. Kang, S. Hou, and P. A. Mayewski (2011), Recent increase in black carbon concentrations from a Mt. Everest ice core spanning 1860-2000 AD, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L04703, doi: 10.1029/2010GL046096.
While several studies have investigated winter-time air pollution with a wide range of concentration levels, hardly any results are available for longer time periods covering several winter-smog episodes at various locations; e.g., often only a few weeks from a single winter are investigated. Here, we present source apportionment results of winter-smog episodes from 16 air pollution monitoring stations across Switzerland from five consecutive winters. Radiocarbon (14C) analyses of the elemental (EC) and organic (OC) carbon fractions, as well as levoglucosan, major water-soluble ionic species and gas-phase pollutant measurements were used to characterize the different sources of PM10. The most important contributions to PM10 during winter-smog episodes in Switzerland were on average the secondary inorganic constituents (sum of nitrate, sulfate and ammonium = 41 ± 15%) followed by organic matter (OM) (34 ± 13%) and EC (5 ± 2%). The non-fossil fractions of OC (fNF,OC) ranged on average from 69 to 85 and 80 to 95% for stations north and south of the Alps, respectively, showing that traffic contributes on average only up to ~ 30% to OC. The non-fossil fraction of EC (fNF,EC), entirely attributable to primary wood burning, was on average 42 ± 13 and 49 ± 15% for north and south of the Alps, respectively. While a high correlation was observed between fossil EC and nitrogen oxides, both primarily emitted by traffic, these species did not significantly correlate with fossil OC (OCF), which seems to suggest that a considerable amount of OCF is secondary, from fossil precursors. Elevated fNF,EC and fNF,OC values and the high correlation of the latter with other wood burning markers, including levoglucosan and water soluble potassium (K+) indicate that residential wood burning is the major source of carbonaceous aerosols during winter-smog episodes in Switzerland. The inspection of the non-fossil OC and EC levels and the relation with levoglucosan and water-soluble K+ shows different ratios for stations north and south of the Alps (most likely because of differences in burning technologies) for these two regions in Switzerland.
A technological development is described through which the stable carbon-, oxygen-, and nonexchangeable hydrogen-isotopic ratios (δ13C,δ18O,δ2H) are determined on a single carbohydrate (cellulose) sample with precision equivalent to conventional techniques (δ13 C 0.15‰,δ18O 0.30‰,δ2H 3.0‰). This triple-isotope approach offers significant new research opportunities, most notably in physiology and medicine, isotope biogeochem- istry, forensic science, and palaeoclimatology, when isotopic analysis of a common sample is desirable or when sample material is limited.
BACKGROUND Endodontic treatment involves removal of the dental pulp and its replacement by a root canal filling. Restoration of root filled teeth can be challenging due to structural differences between vital and non-vital root-filled teeth. Direct restoration involves placement of a restorative material e.g. amalgam or composite, directly into the tooth. Indirect restorations consist of cast metal or ceramic (porcelain) crowns. The choice of restoration depends on the amount of remaining tooth, and may influence durability and cost. The decision to use a post and core in addition to the crown is clinician driven. The comparative clinical performance of crowns or conventional fillings used to restore root-filled teeth is unknown. This review updates the original, which was published in 2012. OBJECTIVES To assess the effects of restoration of endodontically treated teeth (with or without post and core) by crowns versus conventional filling materials. SEARCH METHODS We searched the following databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE via OVID, EMBASE via OVID, CINAHL via EBSCO, LILACS via BIREME. We also searched the reference lists of articles and ongoing trials registries.There were no restrictions regarding language or date of publication. The search is up-to-date as of 26 March 2015. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials in participants with permanent teeth that have undergone endodontic treatment. Single full coverage crowns compared with any type of filling materials for direct restoration or indirect partial restorations (e.g. inlays and onlays). Comparisons considered the type of post and core used (cast or prefabricated post), if any. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two review authors independently extracted data from the included trial and assessed its risk of bias. We carried out data analysis using the 'treatment as allocated' patient population, expressing estimates of intervention effect for dichotomous data as risk ratios, with 95% confidence intervals (CI). MAIN RESULTS We included one trial, which was judged to be at high risk of performance, detection and attrition bias. The 117 participants with a root-filled, premolar tooth restored with a carbon fibre post, were randomised to either a full coverage metal-ceramic crown or direct adhesive composite restoration. None experienced a catastrophic failure (i.e. when the restoration cannot be repaired), although only 104 teeth were included in the final, three-year assessment. There was no clear difference between the crown and composite group and the composite only group for non-catastrophic failures of the restoration (1/54 versus 3/53; RR 0.33; 95% CI 0.04 to 3.05) or failures of the post (2/54 versus 1/53; RR 1.96; 95% CI 0.18 to 21.01) at three years. The quality of the evidence for these outcomes is very low. There was no evidence available for any of our secondary outcomes: patient satisfaction and quality of life, incidence or recurrence of caries, periodontal health status, and costs. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS There is insufficient evidence to assess the effects of crowns compared to conventional fillings for the restoration of root-filled teeth. Until more evidence becomes available, clinicians should continue to base decisions about how to restore root-filled teeth on their own clinical experience, whilst taking into consideration the individual circumstances and preferences of their patients.
Candida albicans is the most important fungal pathogen of humans. Transcript profiling studies show that upon phagocytosis by macrophages, C. albicans undergoes a massive metabolic reorganization activating genes involved in alternative carbon metabolism, including the glyoxylate cycle, β-oxidation and gluconeogenesis. Mutations in key enzymes such as ICL1 (glyoxylate cycle) and FOX2 (fatty acid β-oxidation) revealed that alternative carbon metabolic pathways are required for full virulence in C. albicans. These studies indicate C. albicans uses non-preferred carbon sources allowing its adaptation to microenvironments were nutrients are scarce. It has become apparent that the regulatory networks required for regulation of alternative carbon metabolism in C. albicans are considerably different from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae paradigm and appear more analogous to the Aspergillus nidulans systems. Well-characterized transcription factors in S. cerevisiae have no apparent phenotype or are missing in C. albicans. CTF1 was found to be a single functional homolog of the A. nidulans FarA/FarB proteins, which are transcription factors required for fatty acid utilization. Both FOX2 and ICL1 were found to be part of a large CTF1 regulon. To increase our understanding of how CTF1 regulates its target genes, including whether regulation is direct or indirect, the FOX2 and ICL1 promoter regions were analyzed using a combination of bioinformatics and promoter deletion analysis. To begin characterizing the FOX2 and ICL1 promoters, 5’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5’RACE) was used to identify two transcriptional initiation sites in FOX2 and one in ICL1. GFP reporter assays show FOX2 and ICL1 are rapidly expressed in the presence of alternative carbon sources. Both FOX2 and ICL1 harbor the CCTCGG sequence known to be bound by the Far proteins, hence rendering the motif as a putative CTF1 DNA binding element. In this study, the CCTCGG sequence was found to be essential for FOX2 regulation. However, this motif does not appear to be equally important for the regulation of ICL1. This study supports the notion that although C. albicans has diverged from the paradigms of model fungi, C. albicans has made specific adaptations to its transcription-based regulatory network that may contribute to its metabolic flexibility.
At Ocean Drilling Program Site 689 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean), d18O records of fine-fraction bulk carbonate and benthic foraminifers indicate that accelerated climate cooling took place following at least two closely spaced early late Eocene extraterrestrial impact events. A simultaneous surface-water productivity increase, as interpreted from d13C data, is explained by enhanced water-column mixing due to increased latitudinal temperature gradients. These isotope data appear to be in concert with organic-walled dinoflagellate-cyst records across the same microkrystite-bearing impact-ejecta layer in the mid-latitude Massignano section (central Italy). In particular, the strong abundance increase of Thalassiphora pelagica is interpreted to indicate cooling or increased productivity at Massignano. Because impact-induced cooling processes are active on time scales of a few years at most, the estimated 100 k.y. duration of the cooling event appears to be too long to be explained by impact scenarios alone. This implies that a feedback mechanism, such as a global albedo increase due to extended snow and ice cover, may have sustained impact-induced cooling for a longer time after the impacts.