946 resultados para Serum-albumin


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Objetivo: Determinar los valores hematológicos y bioquímicos y su asociación con el estado nutricional, en escolares urbanos de Cuenca. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico, muestra aleatorizada por conglomerados, de 585 escolares entre 5 y 12 años de las escuelas urbanas de Cuenca, periodo 2012-2013. Se determinó el estado nutricional usando curvas de crecimiento para niños yadolescentes (z-score), índice de masa corporal por edad y sexo, según las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud; con los valores de los análisis hematológicos y bioquímicos practicados, se relacionaron los resultados de laboratorio con el estado nutricional. Resultados: La media de edad en la población fue de 8.87±1.9 años; promedio en valores hematológicos: glóbulos rojos 4.82±0.31 x 106/ml; glóbulos blancos 7.15±1.86 x 103/ ml; hemoglobina 13.66±1.34 g/dL; hematocrito 40.59±3.92%; volumen corpuscular medio (VCM) 83.64±4.03fl; hemoglobina corpuscular media (HCM) 38.31±1.27pg. Promedio de valores bioquímicos: proteína total 6.92±1.04g/ dL, albúmina sérica 4.37±0.7g/dL, hierro sérico 87.40±35.31μg/dL. El 19.3% presentó malnutrición (desnutrición 1.2%, sobrepeso 12.8% y obesidad 5.3%), existiendo asociación estadísticamente significativa (p<0.05) con glóbulos rojos. Existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, entre niños y niñas, en valores de hierro, VCM y HCM; y respecto de malnutrición, en hierro sérico, glóbulos rojos, glóbulos blancos, hematocrito y VCM. Conclusiones: Se encontró asociación entre el estado nutricional y los valores hematológicos y bioquímicos. Se determinó prevalencia alta de sobrepeso y obesidad en población escolar urbana de Cuenca, similar a la reportada en otros estudios.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis is a widely used approach to improve the functional, nutritionaland physiological properties of food proteins. In this study, cross-linked enzyme aggre-gates (CLEAs) have been prepared from cell-envelope proteinases (CEPs) of Lactobacillusdelbrueckii subsp. lactis 313 and their proteolytic properties have been evaluated using severalfood proteins. We have optimized cross-linking conditions including ammonium sulphateconcentration, incubation temperatures, agitation speed, glutaraldehyde cross-linker con-centration, reaction time and the addition of proteic feeders. Particularly, the presence ofBSA improves retained activity of cross-linked CEP aggregates (CLCEPAs) from 21.5% to 40.9%.Blocking unreacted cross-linking groups on aggregates is important to enhance recyclabil-ity of CLCEPAs. CLCEPAs had attractive thermal stability at 50◦C and it showed enhancedcatalytic activity over long-term storage after lyophilization. We have demonstrated thatCLCEPAs has proteolytic properties on different food proteins including complex (chickenegg albumin, skimmed-milk protein), fractionated (bovine casein, whey protein isolate), andpurified (bovine serum albumin) proteins. Being the first report of CLEAs from lactobacilliCEPs, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using LDL 313 CLCEPAs for degradation ofvarious food proteins.


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Hypersensitivity to the chicken egg is a widespread disorder mainly affecting 1-2% of children worldwide. It is the second most common food allergy in children, next to cow's milk allergy. Egg allergy is mainly caused by hypersensitivity to four allergens found in the egg white; ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme. However, some research suggests the involvement of allergens exclusively found in the egg yolk such as chicken serum albumin and YGP42, which may play a crucial role in the overall reaction. In egg allergic individuals, these allergens cause conditions such as itching, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, vomiting, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, laryngeal oedema and chronic urticaria, and anaphylaxis. Currently there is no permanent cure for egg allergy. Upon positive diagnosis for egg allergy, strict dietary avoidance of eggs and products containing traces of eggs is the most effective way of avoiding future hypersensitivity reactions. However, it is difficult to fully avoid eggs since they are found in a range of processed food products. An understanding of the mechanisms of allergic reactions, egg allergens and their prevalence, egg allergy diagnosis and current treatment strategies are important for future studies. This review addresses these topics and discusses both egg white and egg yolk allergy as a whole.


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Research using 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives has expanded rapidly in recent years owing to their cell-permeable nature, ability to target certain cellular locations and fluorescent properties. Here we describe the synthesis of three new esters of 4-hydroxy-N-propyl-1,8-naphthalimide (NAP) and the development of a simple and sensitive assay protocol to measure the activity of carboxylester hydrolases. The NAP fluorophore was esterified with short (butyrate), medium (octanoate) and long (palmitate) chain fatty acids. The esters were spectroscopically characterised and their properties investigated for their suitability as assay substrates. The esters were found to be relatively stable under the conditions of the assay and levels of spontaneous hydrolysis were negligible. Non-specific hydrolysis by proteins such as bovine serum albumin was also minimal. A simple and rapid assay methodology was developed and used to analyse a range of commercially available enzymes that included enzymes defined as lipases, esterases and phospholipases. Clear differences were observed between the enzyme classes with respect to the hydrolysis of the various chain length esters, with lipases preferentially hydrolysing the medium chain ester, whereas esterases reacted more favourably with the short ester. The assay was found to be highly sensitive with the fluorophore detectable to the low nM range. These esters provide alternate substrates from established coumarin-based fluorophores, possessing distinctly different excitation (447 nm) and emission (555 nm) optima. Absorbing at 440-450 nm also offers the flexibility of analysis by UV-visible spectrophotometry. This represents the first instance of a naphthalimide-derived compound being used to analyse these enzymes.


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Protein purification plays a crucial role in biotechnology and biomanufacturing, where downstream unit operations account for 40%-80% of the overall costs. To overcome this issue, companies strive to simplify the separation process by reducing the number of steps and replacing expensive separation devices. In this context, commercially available polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) melt-blown nonwoven membranes have been developed as a novel disposable membrane chromatography support. The PBT nonwoven membrane is able to capture products and reduce contaminants by ion exchange chromatography. The PBT nonwoven membrane was modified by grafting a poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (GMA) layer by either photo-induced graft polymerization or heat induced graft polymerization. The epoxy groups of GMA monomer were subsequently converted into cation and anion exchangers by reaction with either sulfonic acid groups or diethylamine (DEA), respectively. Several parameters of the procedure were studied, especially the effect of (i) % weight gain and (ii) ligand density on the static protein binding capacity. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and human Immunoglobulin G (hIgG) were utilized as model proteins in the anion and cation exchange studies. The performance of ion exchange PBT nonwovens by HIG was evaluated under flow conditions. The anion- and cation- exchange HIG PBT nonwovens were evaluated for their ability to selectively adsorb and elute BSA or hIgG from a mixture of proteins. Cation exchange nonwovens were not able to reach a good protein separation, whereas anion exchange HIG nonwovens were able to absorb and elute BSA with very high value of purity and yield, in only one step of purification.


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Despite the tremendous application potentials of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) proposed by researchers in the last two decades, efficient experimental techniques and methods are still in need for controllable production of CNTs in large scale, and for conclusive characterizations of their properties in order to apply CNTs in high accuracy engineering. In this dissertation, horizontally well-aligned high quality single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have been successfully synthesized on St-cut quartz substrate by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Effective radial moduli (Eradial) of these straight SWCNTs have been measured by using well-calibrated tapping mode and contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). It was found that the measured Eradial decreased from 57 to 9 GPa as the diameter of the SWCNTs increased from 0.92 to 1.91 nm. The experimental results were consistent with the recently reported theoretical simulation data. The method used in this mechanical property test can be easily applied to measure the mechanical properties of other low-dimension nanostructures, such as nanowires and nanodots. The characterized sample is also an ideal platform for electrochemical tests. The electrochemical activities of redox probes Fe(CN)63-/4-, Ru(NH3)63+, Ru(bpy)32+ and protein cytochrome c have been studied on these pristine thin films by using aligned SWCNTs as working electrodes. A simple and high performance electrochemical sensor was fabricated. Flow sensing capability of the device has been tested for detecting neurotransmitter dopamine at physiological conditions with the presence of Bovine serum albumin. Good sensitivity, fast response, high stability and anti-fouling capability were observed. Therefore, the fabricated sensor showed great potential for sensing applications in complicated solution.


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Advances in culture independent technologies over the last decade have highlighted the pivotal role which the gut microbiota plays in maintaining human health. Conversely, perturbations to the composition or actions of the ‘normal/functioning’ microbiota have been frequently associated with the pathogenesis of several disease states. Therefore the selective modulation of enteric microbial communities represents a viable target for the development of novel treatments for such diseases. Notably, while bovine whey proteins and exercise have been shown to positively influence several physiological processes, such as energy balance, their effect on the composition or functionality of the gut microbiota remains largely unknown. In this thesis, a variety of ex vivo, murine and human models are used in conjunction with high-throughput DNA sequencing-based analysis to provide valuable and novel insights into the impact of both whey proteins and exercise on enteric microbial communities. Overall the results presented in this thesis highlight that the consumption both whey protein isolate (WPI), and individual component proteins of whey such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) and lactoferrin, reduce high fat diet associated body weight gain and are associated with beneficial alterations within the murine gut microbiota. Although the impact of exercise on enteric microbial communities remains less clear, it may be that longer term investigations are required for the true effect of exercise on the gut microbiota to be fully elucidated.


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Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) are frequently used for many technical applications, but are also known for their cell toxic potential. In order to investigate a potential use of CuO-NPs as a therapeutic drug for glioma treatment, we have investigated the consequences of an application of CuO-NPs on the cellular copper content and cell viability of C6 glioma cells. CuO-NPs were synthesized by a wet-chemical method and were coated with dimercaptosuccinic acid and bovine serum albumin to improve colloidal stability in physiological media. Application of these protein-coated nanoparticles (pCuO-NPs) to C6 cells caused a strong time-, concentration- and temperature-dependent copper accumulation and severe cell death. The observed loss in cellular MTT-reduction capacity, the loss in cellular LDH activity and the increase in the number of propidium iodide-positive cells correlated well with the specific cellular copper content. C6 glioma cells were less vulnerable to pCuO-NPs compared to primary astrocytes and toxicity of pCuO-NPs to C6 cells was only observed for incubation conditions that increased specific cellular copper contents above 20 nmol copper per mg protein. Both cellular copper accumulation as well as the pCuO-NP-induced toxicity in C6 cells were prevented by application of copper chelators, but not by endocytosis inhibitors, suggesting that liberation of copper ions from the pCuO-NPs is the first step leading to the observed toxicity of pCuO-NP-treated glioma cells.


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Albumin binds low–molecular-weight molecules, including proteins and peptides, which then acquire its longer half-life, thereby protecting the bound species from kidney clearance. We developed an experimental method to isolate albumin in its native state and to then identify [mass spectrometry (MS) sequencing] the corresponding bound low–molecular-weight molecules. We used this method to analyze pooled sera from a human disease study set (high-risk persons without cancer, n= 40; stage I ovarian cancer, n = 30; stage III ovarian cancer, n = 40) to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach as a discovery method. Methods Albumin was isolated by solid-phase affinity capture under native binding and washing conditions. Captured albumin-associated proteins and peptides were separated by gel electrophoresis and subjected to iterative MS sequencing by microcapillary reversed-phase tandem MS. Selected albumin-bound protein fragments were confirmed in human sera by Western blotting and immunocompetition. Results In total, 1208 individual protein sequences were predicted from all 3 pools. The predicted sequences were largely fragments derived from proteins with diverse biological functions. More than one third of these fragments were identified by multiple peptide sequences, and more than one half of the identified species were in vivo cleavage products of parent proteins. An estimated 700 serum peptides or proteins were predicted that had not been reported in previous serum databases. Several proteolytic fragments of larger molecules that may be cancer-related were confirmed immunologically in blood by Western blotting and peptide immunocompetition. BRCA2, a 390-kDa low-abundance nuclear protein linked to cancer susceptibility, was represented in sera as a series of specific fragments bound to albumin. Conclusion Carrier-protein harvesting provides a rich source of candidate peptides and proteins with potential diverse tissue and cellular origins that may reflect important disease-related information.


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Racemic gossypol has been resolved by HPLC separation of diastereomeric (−) norepinephrine adducts on a reverse-phase column. The binding constants for the interaction of the three gossypol forms (+, − and −) with human and bovine serum albumins have been determined by fluoresence quenching studies. The KD values demonstrate that all three forms bind equally effectively to the two proteins, suggesting an absence of chiral discrimination in albumin-gossypol interactions. Circular dichroism studies of (+)-gossypol binding to the model dibasic peptides, Boc-Lys-Pro-Aib-Lys-NHMe and gramicidin S, suggesting that distortions of binaphthyl geometry may occur only for specific orientations of interacting residues at the receptor site.


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Protein nanoparticles (NPs) have found significant applications in drug delivery due to their inherent biocompatibility, which is attributed to their natural origin. In this study, bovine serum abumin (BSA) nanoparticles were introduced in multilayer thin film via layer-by-layer self-assembly for localized delivery of the anticancer drug Doxorubicin (Dox). BSA nanoparticles (similar to 100 nm) show a high negative zeta potential in aqueous medium (-55 mV) and form a stable dispersion in water without agglomeration for a long period. Hence, BSA NPs can be assembled on a substrate via layer-by-layer approach using a positively charged polyelectrolyte (chitosan in acidic medium). The protein nature of these BSA nanoparticles ensures the biocompatibility of the film, whereas the availability of functional groups on this protein allows one to tune the property of the self-assembly to have a pH-dependent drug release profile. The growth of multilayer thin film was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy, and the films were further characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The drug release kinetics of these BSA nanoparticles and their self-assembled thin film has been compared at a physiological pH of 7.4 and an acidic pH of 6.4.


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Albumin, the most abundant protein components of blood plasma, is synthesized and secreted by liver cells in vertebrates. Recently, it was demonstrated that frog Bombina maxima albumin is also expressed in skin. Both B. maxima albumins from skin and serum


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Albumin, the most abundant protein components of blood plasma, is synthesized and secreted by liver cells in vertebrates. Recently, it was demonstrated that frog Bombina maxima albumin is also expressed in skin. Both B. maxima albumins from skin and serum (BmA-skin and BmAserum) have similar biochemical characteristics except that the former contains haem b. Present studies showed that BmA-skin exhibited cytotoxic activity on H9 and C8166 cells. Pretreated with hemin to induce erythroid differentiation, K562 cells lost their resistance to cytotoxicity of BmAskin. After treating cells with BmA-skin for 48 h, 50 percentage cytotoxic concentrations (CC50) of BmA-skin on H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were 1.31±0.09, 1.59±0.08 and 2.28±0.06 μM, respectively. The cell death induced by BmA-skin was mediated by apoptosis of the tested cell lines, as demonstrated by nuclear morphological changes, DNA fragmentation and DNA hypodiploidy of apoptosis cells. At BmA-skin concentration of 2 μM, 27.3%, 19.7% and 17.8% of H9, C8166 and hemin-treated K562 cells were found to be apoptotic. In contrast, BmA-serum possessed no cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on all the cell lines tested, even with concentration used up to 15 μM. These results indicated that bound haem b in BmA-skin contributed significantly to its cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing activity on the cell lines assayed.


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Essential to the conduct of epidemiologic studies examining aflatoxin exposure and the risk of heptocellular carcinoma, impaired growth, and acute toxicity has been the development of quantitative biomarkers of exposure to aflatoxins, particularly aflatoxin B-1. In this study, identical serum sample sets were analyzed for aflatoxin-albumin adducts by ELISA, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection (HPLC-f), and HPLC with isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). The human samples analyzed were from an acute aflatoxicosis outbreak in Kenya in 2004 (n = 102) and the measured values ranged from 0.018 to 67.0, nondetectable to 13.6, and 0.002 to 17.7 ng/mg albumin for the respective methods. The Deming regression slopes for the HPLC-f and ELISA concentrations as a function of the IDMS concentrations were 0.71 (r(2) = 0.95) and 3.3 (r(2) = 0.96), respectively. When the samples were classified as cases or controls, based on clinical diagnosis, all methods were predictive of outcome (P < 0.01). Further, to evaluate assay precision, duplicate samples were prepared at three levels by dilution of an exposed human sample and were analyzed on three separate days. Excluding one assay value by ELISA and one assay by HPLC-f, the overall relative SD were 8.7%, 10.5%, and 9.4% for IDMS, HPLC-f, and ELISA, respectively. IDMS was the most sensitive technique and HPLC-f was the least sensitive method. Overall, this study shows an excellent correlation between three independent methodologies conducted in different laboratories and supports the validation of these technologies for assessment of human exposure to this environmental toxin and carcinogen.


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One of the main applications of serum proteomics is the identification of new biomarkers for animal disease or animal production. However, potential obstacles to these studies are the poor performance of affinity serum depletion methods based on human antigens when using animal samples, and loss of minor serum components bound to albumin and other proteins. In the present study, we have analyzed the efficiency and reproducibility of the ProteoMiner® beads with bovine and porcine serum samples, and compared to a traditional immunoaffinity-based albumin and IgG depletion system specific for human samples. The ProteoMiner kit is based on the use of a combinatorial peptide binding library and intends to enrich low-abundance proteins.