1000 resultados para Representações sociais


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Neste estudo, busco desvelar a relao entre formao continuada de professores e a prtica de leitura, considerando a instituio do ato de ler e suas implicaes e relacionando conceitos, fatos, causas e efeitos. Apresento uma retrospectiva da iniciao s letras no mundo, pontuando conceitos e as diferentes metodologias utilizadas para o desenvolvimento da indissocivel dupla leitura e escrita, considerando os aspectos sociais e as exigncias de cada poca. Tomo como base os escritos de Alberto Manguel, Uma histria da leitura, e a obra Formao do Brasil Colonial, de Arno Wheling & Maria Jos C.M. Wheling, que direcionam a sntese da implementao da aquisio de leitura e escrita no Brasil e conduzem o discurso para um breve histrico da formao continuada na rede estadual de So Paulo. A instituio da formao continuada e a concepo do conceito de formao continuada, segundo a literatura especfica, permitem a percepo de algumas mudanas nas representações sociais assumidas pelos docentes em relao educao, ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem e ao seu papel como indivduo ativo historicamente situado. Exemplifico a formao continuada de professores com a anlise do programa EMR Ensino Mdio em Rede. O estudo inclui inicialmente a observao, seguida da anlise, das opinies expressas em questionrios e entrevistas de professores com participao efetiva no programa EMR. A histria da vida de trs professores, enfocando a formao leitora, auxilia no entendimento do processo de leitura e sua influncia na constituio dos sujeitos enquanto leitores e o impacto da prtica de leitura em sua atividade docente. A identificao das situaes que envolvem o processo de leitura e escrita, bem como dos elementos que corroboram ou no para seu aprimoramento, contribui para uma discusso relevante para a efetiva ampliao da prtica de leitura.(AU)


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Nos ltimos anos, estudos sobre o ensino da linguagem escrita abordaram as prticas de leitura como uma produo cultural, que se originam nos contextos sociais de comunicao e se constituem em um instrumento de incluso social e de participao poltica. Essas ideias foram apropriadas pelos discursos oficiais e amplamente divulgadas no meio educacional no Estado de So Paulo em diversos programas de formao continuada. Nesse contexto, esta pesquisa fundamentou-se na teoria das representações sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici, para investigar os sentidos atribudos ao ato de ler por um grupo de professoras que leciona nos quatro primeiros anos do ensino fundamental. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foram consideradas as prticas e preferncias leitoras das professoras, a histria do ensino da leitura, as representações sociais sobre o ato de ler entre as mulheres e as suas relaes com o processo de profissionalizao do magistrio. Por meio da metodologia da anlise de contedo foi possvel desvelar as representações da leitura presentes nos discursos das professoras, contribuindo para conhecer suas formas de conceber a prtica de ler.(AU)


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The thematization of public space in the Maior So Joo do Mundo in Campina Grande - PB stimulates the economy and the local tourism from the transformation of a common public space in a setting that has the traditional June festivals based. To do so, contributes to promotion of existing creative sectors in the city and the design of a new city that is projected from the festivities of So Joo. In this research we propose to determine the influence of the thematization of public space in the local economy, particularly in creative sectors present in the Maior So Joo do Mundo and assess their importance for the development of local creative economy. We chose the case study, from an ethnographic approach, using different research techniques such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews with open questions and the analysis of social representations of respondents. The methodology used is mixed because it involves qualitative and quantitative data. We could notice at the end of this research, the thematization of public space in the Maior So Joo do Mundo is the main reference factor for the event, stimulating the local economy and changing the city's image in three levels: political, economic and social. Also realize that the thematization of public space is the key binding factor between the creative sectors as well as between them and the related activities. All these sectors serve as a link between the products and services, creating a harmonic whole that transforms the city's image, stimulates the economy, promotes social inclusion, cultural integration and keeps the Maior So Joo do Mundo as a traditional event in the tourist calendar regional and national.


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The inequalities that mark the womens lives in societies around the world have been the subject of intense discussion by the feminist movement, with developments in questioning about possibilities of full citizenship. In this scenario the Brazilian feminist movement has achieved steadily, in recent decades, an effort to participate in the formulation of the public policy agenda, as well as the realization of demands to institutionalize the legal parameters as regulations for the issue of violence against women. On the grounds of social justice, many discourses are made with a focus on reframing the institutional role of the state in the areas of constitutional law and criminal law. Considering these discourses, proposals were reformulated and the action of the state was resized, what ended in the enactment of Law 11,340 / 2006 (Maria da Penha Law), with a great impact on the Brazilian criminal justice system. Taking this perspective as its starting point, this research is focused on understanding the struggles for access to the legal field regarding the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law. This qualitative and quantitative research analyses the way the social practices and social representations which involve activists of the feminist movement and operators from the justice system are established in Juazeiro/ BA and Petrolina/PE before the institutional reshuffles of the state. As a result, it was revealed that, despite inconsistencies in the performance of the criminal justice system, the positioning of feminist activism is grounded on the assumption.


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The notion of habitus, developed by Pierre Bourdieu, and laying it down with the teaching practice and vice versa comprise the analysis undertaken here. Naturally, concepts such as field, capital and symbolic power, also prepared by him throughout their sociological research, represent important tools in this research work about the components that make up the Faculty practice. Thus, we focus on the actions that characterize this practice and which has the habitus its triggering mechanism, i.e. a device that not only produces the actions, but also changes from them. Based on this perspective, therefore, we are using as methodological feature the collective subject discourse (DSC) and your software (Qualiquantsoft), which aim to understand how certain collective thinking regarding the issues that afflict him. In addition, we undertook during the fieldwork, participant observation techniques as a tool to capture some nuances that permeate the school environment. Our proposal was to observe in what circumstances the objective conditions experienced by teachers in elementary schools I in Parnamirim-RN, tend to conflict with the provisions incorporated by them in their daily life. To put it another way, it means that it is not always the practice can reconcile Professorial what had previously been prescribed and thus widely accepted, with the way to perceive, evaluate and act for each. Although usually pass unnoticed, this disharmony is more common than you think. Proof of this are the looks directed those who fortuitously doubters fail to adapt immediately to regulations imposed by the education system (SE).


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This research has the delimitation of erotic space on printed paper as a general proposition, amidst the poetic text, and therefore the real world. To do so, it proposes the comparison of two transgressor writing styles, putting together the Portuguese writer Maria Teresa Horta and the Brazilian writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade by an erotic plot, by an atopic and declassed speech to which both of them produced works, respectively, Educao Sentimental (1975) and O amor natural (1992). Has the eroticism as a combination of the masculine and feminine voices in a heterosexual relationship. It is intended to probe how the literary universe represents man and woman, and if this representation is actually socially imposed or brings to light something new. If each point of view is the view of a point, each author will talk from the top of its point of observation and experimentation, the most comfortable for itself. Therefore, it seeks to investigate eroticism itself and its relationship to everyday life, also delimiting it from what separates or near it from pornography and obscenity.


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The official documents that guide the teaching and learning process of a Foreign Language in Brazil, Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Lngua Estrangeira, suggest a linguistic and intercultural communication as the main objective of teaching a foreign language inorderto contribute withareflexive formation of the students.Toachieve this goal, a Virtual Interchange was realized connecting distant places like Crdoba, in Argentina, and Natal in Brazil, between High School students through Moodle platform and Facebook. The Interchange is based in the Intercomprehension in Romance Languages(IC) guidelines, inthiscase between Portuguese and Spanish, according to which every student speaks their own language and makes an effort to comprehend the others througha collaborative process thatgo es beyond the limits of mere linguistic objectives and favors the students reality acceptance before the diversity. This qualitative study with thno graphic characteristic stries to know whe ther differentiate projects can increase students interest to learn the target language. It was also set as an aim of this study to develop the intercultural competence of our students and foster the respect for different cultures. In the case of Argentinian and Brazilian students, wetried to promote reflection about social representation trying to destroy stereotypes between both groups. As methodological resources, we used interviews, questionnaires and intercomprehension activities during the Project, as well as a participant observation of the interactions betweenthe students of both countries.Webe lieve tobe contributing towards the integral formation ofth student asacriticalcitizenthatthinksa bouttheir posture before the world, which is one of the formal education aims according to Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Our theoretical foundation is based on Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (IC) as a plurilingualism didactics, (JAMET AND SPI 2010; ARAJO AND S et al., 2003; CAPUCHO, 2010; ANDRADE etal.,2003), some the oriesaboutinter culturalisman didentity(Vallespir, 1999;DUARTE&SANCHES,2004; REVUZ,1998;SILVA,2000;CHAU2006; SERRANI-INFANTE 1998), motivation and second language learning (DECI & RYAN, 1985; DRNYEI AND OTT, 1998; DRNYEI, 2000, 2001; 2011) and Significant Learning Theory (AUSUBEL, 1968). The results show an increase of students motivation when in contact with the target language through dynamic activities in an IC context. Moreover, we noticed that a deeper thinking aboutthe Argentinian culture helped to deconstruct previous cultural representation.


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Augusto Boal (Brasil) y Heiner Mller (Alemania) son dramaturgos del siglo XX que vivieron en pases y contextos evidentemente distintos. Sin embargo, con la crisis del teatro burgus y de las condiciones de legitimidad del rgimen de produccin de este teatro, ambos presentan puntos de contacto en sus lneas y vectores teatrales que, frente a la universalidad cuestionable de la dramatizacin, llevan a la concepcin de un teatro mltiple y perturbador del orden de lo sensible. Los procesos de escenificacin contempornea exige un adelantamiento del sentido poltico, desviando del juego de representaciones sociales, para dar lugar al trabajo deconstructor de imgenes como cisin entre la palabra y lo representado, entre lo legible y lo visible. Frente al expuesto, las escritas escnicas y, por eso, literarias de estos autores, sitios de singularizacin no con ausencia de paradojas capaces de movilizar manifestaciones e impases cuanto a las imgenes que ordenan o desordenan los textos dramticos, traen para la contemporaneidad tensiones que llevan al teatro mismo, tanto a interpelarse como, en su fuerza plural, a encontrar pasajes para el nuevo. Llevar a la superficie aspectos polticos en las imgenes de los textos dramticos, considerndolos en su inscripcin literaria: La misin: recuerdos de una revolucin, de Heiner Mller, y de El hombre que era una fbrica, de Augusto Boal, se hace un desafo, una vez que las imgenes pretendidas son aquellas con formas o materialidades todava no visibles en la escena, podramos decir, en estado virtual. Como imgenes pensantes, ellas suceden en el plan de inmanencia del lenguaje (Deleuze y Guattari). Siendo lo poltico una perturbacin en lo sensible, contrario a la poltica (Rancire), la dramaturgia se abala en multiplicidades, desplazando y desnaturalizando las funciones de autor/dramaturgo y lector/actor, teatro/literatura. Dramaturgia simultnea, imagen, fragmento y colaje se muestran como procedimientos artsticos y literarios creativos que se encuentran apropiados sea en la teora del teatro del oprimido (Boal), sea en el teatro pos-dramtico (Hans-ThiesLehmann), a pesar de que, al confrontarlas, sobresalan en desentendimientos: la primera coincide con la lgica de la identidad y la segunda, esta se desarticula, movida por la difora, contestacin, o desacuerdo. Tales relaciones no apriorsticas se suceden en cuanto acontecimiento de la lectura o de la literatura como acontecimiento en que lo poltico en las imgenes se da, antes, en las lagunas y obscuridades, aludiendo a lo que est ms all de lo sentido, de la escena del gesto y de la palabra. El lector no se para para atribuir sentido, se interroga frente a las metamorfosis y formas oblicuas de acontecimientos insospechables que componen lo poltico estableciendo la gestin colectiva de la enunciacin. En este caso, el texto de Boal y el texto de Mller se inscriben en la produccin de una literatura menor, o de un teatro menor, o que los califica como agentes de devenires revolucionarios, agitando, a travs de la poltica en las imgenes, e irrumpiendo contra el problema del poder en las artes.


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This study makes an approach to the Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) located in Catalo city(GO) rural area where stands the Maria Brbara Sucena Municipal School. This school center is a result of getting together several small and isolated schools, which worked, scattered in many rural communities in the region. After this centralization in a single school, many students had to move along inconvenient distance to get their classes. Morro Agudo Community (Cisterna) was outstanding at garlic cultivation throughout the 1990`s when eventually this activity came to a decline. The region is constituted by properties of small tract of land. The landowners come from a Portuguese background and there are, in addit ion, migrant workers from the northeast region of Brazil. These northeasterners work for these local landowners, and that brings an additional meaning to the social relations in the region and to the rural schooling. The social and cultural diversity of the region has a feedback at the school arising tensions in many ways. In the teaching and learning process the school deals with this diversity, combined with rules and goals that, in the end, delivers a geography teaching not able to value the local knowledge accumulated in the region by its own inhabitants. New methodological approaches to rural school communities emerged out of the analysis of these unmet expectations. Furthermore, this study takes into consideration some residues, that means not all events are fit into programs; there are unintended consequences in an open process. All these are object of deep review in this doctoral dissertation. In this community, an analysis of the public policies implemented by Federal and municipal governments to rural schools communities in Brazil was conducted. The way in which public policies toward rural communities are implemented at the schools was reviewed; the goals they pursue and the role played by textbooks are also object of analysis. This study questions the relevance of this tools, mainly if they meet the real needs of the local people. The social representations of teachers and students are considered carefully based on their everyday lives and experiences.


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RODRIGUES, M. P.; LIMA, K. C.; RONCALLI, A. G. A representao social do cuidado no programa sade da famlia na cidade de Natal. Cinc. Sade Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82. 2008. ISSN 1413-8123.


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RODRIGUES, Maisa Paulino; LIMA, Kenio Costa de; RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. A representaao social do cuidado no programa sade da familia na cidade de Natal. Cincia & Sade Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82, 2008.Disponivel em: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_pdf&pid=S1413-81232008000100>. Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações da Mulher no discurso cientfico, em particular nas Cincias Sociais e do Comportamento. Metodologia: Optmos por um estudo de caso com uma abordagem metodolgica de anlise de contedo qualitativa, com recursos a informaes quantitativas utilizando o software informtico MAXQDA 12. A anlise foi desenvolvida a partir de uma grelha de categorizao que delinemos. Amostra: A nossa amostra composta por um conjunto de 122 artigos publicados em 9 revistas cientficas portuguesas na rea da Psicologia no ano de 2015. Resultados: Atrves da anlise dos 122 artigos, no conjunto das 9 revistas, obtivemos uma predominncia da categoria Famlia, seguida do Gnero e por posteriormente da Agresso. Em comparao com o nmero de artigos em que as categorias esto presentes, obtivemos algumas diferenas. A categoria Famlia a mais frequente, depois Feminino e por fim a Agresso, sendo estas tambm as que tiveram em destaque em maior parte das revistas analisadas. Verificmos que em algumas revistas havia mais que uma categoria prevalecente. Destacamos tambm que mais de metade das categorias no revelaram predominncia nem relevncia ao longo do estudo. Concluso: O dicurso em relao Mulher nos estudo cientficos das Cincias Sociais e do Comportamento continua a manter-se ligado s representações sociais tradicionais, associadas famlia e ao feminino. No verificmos uma verdadeira transformao nos Estudo da Mulher, mas antes um eco de outros discursos e representações societariamente aceites. / Objectives: This study aimed to analyse the representations of Women in scientific discourse, particularly in Social and Behavioural Sciences. Methodology: We developed a case study using a methodological approach with qualitative content analysis, with resources to quantitative information using computer software MAXQDA 12. The analysis was developed from a grid of categorization that we outlined. Sample: Our sample is composed of a set of 122 articles published in 9 Portuguese scientific journals in Psychology in 2015. Results: Through the analysis of 122 articles in the nine journals, we obtained a relevance of the "Family" category, followed by "Gender" and "Aggression". Comparing the number of articles in which the categories are present, we found some differences. "Family" is the most frequent, followed by "Female" and "Aggression", which are also the categories that were highlighted in most of the journals analysed. We found that in some journals had more than a prevailing category. We also note that more than half of the categories did not show dominance or relevance throughout the study. Conclusions: The discourse on women in scientific studies of Social and Behavioural Sciences continues to remain linked to traditional social representations associated with the family and the female. We not noticed a real change in the Women's Study, but an echo of other speeches and corporate aspects accepted representations.


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The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies


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Esta investigao visa tomar como ponto de partida a diversidade de lnguas faladas em Espanha e que coabitam em muitas das comunidades autnomas (Sigun, 2001) contribuindo, desta forma, para a riqueza em termos lingusticos e culturais da Pennsula Ibrica em geral e de Espanha em particular. Com este projeto nossa inteno contribuir para a implementao de prticas educativas que promovam, na sala de aula de espanhol como lngua estrangeira no ensino secundrio portugus, a (re)construo das representações dos alunos face s lnguas romnicas faladas em Espanha como lnguas oficiais, atravs do desenvolvimento da competncia plurilingue (Alarco, Andrade, Arajo e S, Melo-Pfeifer, & Santos, 2010). Neste estudo pretendemos, atravs de uma metodologia de ndole qualitativa, analisar as representações dos alunos de espanhol iniciao do ensino secundrio em Portugal face s lnguas oficiais faladas em Espanha e sua competncia plurilingue, recorrendo a inquritos por questionrio. Visa-se, para alm disso, evidenciar uma mostra de possveis prticas didtico-pedaggicas e materiais que possibilitem um trabalho sistemtico e pr-ativo no mbito da (re)construo das representações sobre as lnguas oficiais faladas em Espanha, que promovam o desenvolvimento da competncia plurilingue dos alunos e que sejam potenciadoras de cidados conscientes do mundo que os rodeia (Gadotti, 2003). Para tal, sero criados e implementados materiais fsicos e digitais com alunos do 10. e 11. ano de escolaridade, a frequentar a disciplina de espanhol iniciao, num agrupamento de escolas da regio de Aveiro. Os resultados mostram que prticas e materiais desta natureza podem favorecer a (re)construo das representações dos alunos, fomentando o desenvolvimento da sua competncia plurilingue.


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Neste livro apresentam-se os temas, as teorias, os conceitos, os autores e a investigao que tem sido realizada no mbito da sociologia da sade em Portugal e escala internacional. A Introduo Sociologia da Sade aborda um conjunto diversificado de problemticas, organizadas em quatro captulos: 1. A perspetiva sociolgica e a construo social da sade e da doena; 2. Sade e desigualdades sociais; 3. Organizaes e profisses de sade; 4. Polticas de sade. Trata-se de uma publicao dirigida a um universo abrangente de leitores - socilogos, estudantes e docentes em cursos de sade ou de cincias sociais; profissionais de sade ou outros profissionais envolvidos direta e indiretamente neste setor, investigadores na rea da sade; decisores e pblico em geral com interesse e curiosidade pelos temas focados ou que pretenda aumentar o seu conhecimento acerca da dimenso social da sade.