892 resultados para Prison Foodservice


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The self, roles and the ongoing coordination of human action. Trying to see ‘society’ as neither prison nor puppet theatre In the article it is argued that structural North-American role-sociology may be integrated with theories emphasizing ‘society’ as ongoing processes (f. ex. Giddens’ theory of structuration). This is possible if the concept of role is defined as a recurrence oriented to the action of others standing out as a regularity in a societal process. But this definition makes it necessary to in a fundamental way understand what kind of social being the role-actor is. This is done with the help of Hans Joas’ theory of creativity and Merleau-Pontys concept of ‘flesh’ arguing that Meads concept of the ‘I’ maybe understood as an embodied self-asserting I, which at least in reflexive modernity has the creative power to split Meads ‘me’ into a self-voiced subject-me and an other voiced object-me. The embodied I communicating with the subject-me may be viewed as that role-actor which is something else than the role played. But this kind of role-actor is making for new troubles because it is hard to understand how this kind of self is creating self-coherence by using Meads concept of ‘the generalized other’. This trouble is handled by using Alain Touraines concept of the ‘subject’ and arguing that the generalized other is dissolving in de-modernized modernity. In split modernity self-coherence may instead be created by what in the article is called the generalized subject. This concept means a kind of communicative future based evaluation, which has its base in the ‘subject’ opposing the split powers of both the instrumentality of markets and of life-worlds trying to create ‘fundamentalistic’ self-identities. This kind of self is communicative because it also must respect the other as ‘subject’. It exists only in the battle against the forces of the market or a community. It never constructs an ideal city or a higher type of individual. It creates and protects a clearing that is constantly being invaded, to use the words of the old Frenchman himself. Asa kind of test-case it is by the way in the article shown how Becks concept of individualization may be understood in a deeply social and role-sociological way.


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Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.


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Os estabelecimentos prisionais brasileiros sofrem atualmente uma grande crise. Apesar da existência de normas internacionais e nacionais assegurando o respeito à dignidade do preso dentro das prisões, elas não estão sendo executadas. Nesse contexto, se apresenta a gestão de presídios por meio de contratos de Parceria Público-Privada (PPP) como alternativa ao modelo de gestão pública. O objetivo desse estudo é demonstrar que, através de contratos de PPP, é possível criar estruturas de incentivos às concessionárias mais aptas a garantir a efetividade dos direitos dos presos do que aquelas às quais os agentes públicos estão submetidos no modelo público de gestão. Em especial, é explorada a relação entre indicadores de desempenho e sistema de remuneração da concessionária. O modelo de PPP do Complexo Penal de Minas Gerais servirá como base concreta para essa análise.


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Neste artigo são discutidas formas de promover a melhoria da política pública prisional brasileira especialmente no que tange o preso provisório, com enfoque nas contribuições que a economia comportamental pode fornecer ao direito. A questão central do debate é como o modelo processual atualmente adotado não cria um ambiente favorável à liberdade, na medida em que não promove o diálogo entre o acusado e seu julgador. Os estudos econômicos, assim, podem nos fornecer importantes lições de como reverter a curva ascendente do número de presos provisórios no país e o impacto da instituição da audiência de custódia no processo penal brasileiro.


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Este estudo busca mostrar diversos aspectos do sistema prisional do Rio de Janeiro. Procura desenvolver comparação com outros momentos da história da instituição, de forma a mostrar a sua continuidade no tempo. Traz atenção à formação da cultura do presos, sua assimilação pela chamada massa carcerária e o extravasamento da mesma para a comunidade de fora dos muros. Desenvolve o papel da família na vida do preso e em sua manutenção e destaca problemas encontrados pela mesma para prestar assistência emocional ao detento. Apresenta a indiferença social em relação à cidadania e aos direitos previstos na Constituição Federal. Faz um histórico de dois estabelecimentos prisionais em que se passam as principais questões da formação do prisioneiro e de sua prisão. Lida com os conceitos de memória e apresenta dois presos que se destacam entre os demais, como sendo a elite dos que se organizam para se defender das condições precárias e violentas do sistema penitenciário. Por fim, apresenta questões inerentes ao convívio entre grupos de presos muito distintos, os políticos e os comuns.


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Pretende-se analisar a adequação do regime das medidas cautelares pessoais, introduzido pela lei 12.403/11 à Constituição por meio de uma abordagem abstrata, debruçando-se puramente sobre o texto introduzido pela referida norma, e de outra empírica, tendo-se como base uma pesquisa sobre prisões em flagrantes ocorridas no município de São Paulo. O referencial para a análise da adequação será os princípios constitucionais regentes das medidas cautelares pessoais, notadamente o da presunção de inocência e da proporcionalidade.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as peculiaridades dos cursos oferecidos pela Escola de Gestão Penitenciária do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, foi utilizado como metodologia a analise documental a partir do documento coletado na própria sede da Escola. Busca-se analisar se existe ou não alguma particularidade nas aulas oferecidas para os servidores penitenciários, tendo em vista que os mesmos realizam um trabalho de extrema importância dentro do sistema carcerário. Em um primeiro momento foi exposta a bibliografia pertinente à temática que se encontra o presente trabalho. Em seguida, foi realizada uma exposição, com base nas próprias afirmações da Escola embasadas no documento, sobre os cursos que a mesma oferece. A partir da análise minuciosa a respeito das aulas oferecidas, foi elaborada uma investigação a fim de constatar se existe ou não uma ideologia carcerária por trás da pedagogia dos cursos.


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Este artigo se propõe a refletir acerca da justiça restaurativa como um paradigma possível de reforma institucional no contexto brasileiro, diante dos inúmeros problemas estruturais existentes no sistema prisional. Inicialmente, será apresentado um diagnóstico da situação atual do sistema carcerário brasileiro e de impactos sofridos pelos indivíduos em cumprimento de pena privativa de liberdade. Em seguida, serão levantadas algumas possibilidades de reformas apresentadas por estudiosos e policy makers. Por fim, será apresentada a justiça restaurativa como alternativa ao modelo de justiça retributiva tradicional. A partir de uma breve explicitação do seu conceito e de seus valores, o objetivo é pensar se essa nova forma de lidar com o delito pode contribuir para um sistema de justiça criminal mais participativo e democrático, apontando-se desafios à implementação desse paradigma de justiça no Brasil. No final do texto, é feito um balanço da discussão apresentada, concluindo-se que a adoção da justiça restaurativa como possível reforma do sistema de justiça criminal brasileiro parece promissora, ainda que adotada de forma experimental e incremental e carente de estudos mais aprofundados que levem em conta as particularidades do país.


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Nosso problema de pesquisa neste trabalho é a avaliação do funcionamento dos principais mecanismos de controle das organizações sociais de saúde, no caso específico do Município do Rio de Janeiro. As reiteradas denúncias de irregularidades e ilegalidades pelo Tribunal de Contas do Município do Rio de Janeiro e pelo Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro levantaram dúvidas acerca da adequação dos processos de monitoramento, fiscalização e controle dessas entidades. Disto decorre nosso objetivo central de pesquisa, que é identificar as fragilidades do novo modelo de gestão por organizações sociais de saúde, no caso da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, foram analisados: o arcabouço jurídico-normativo do modelo local, a partir de análise comparativa da legislação municipal que regulamenta seu funcionamento (Lei 5.026/09) e sua contraparte federal (Lei 9.637/98); indicadores de saúde que mensurassem o desempenho das OSS; todas as inspeções realizadas pelo TCM-RJ até o fim de 2015; e o conjunto de recomendações enviado pelo MP-ERJ para a Prefeitura após deflagração da Operação Ilha Fiscal, que acarretou a desqualificação da OS BIOTECH e a prisão de seus dirigentes, acusados de desviar mais de R$48 milhões em recursos públicos. Ao final, constatouse que as fragilidades da legislação municipal e dos decretos executivos que regulamentam a atuação das OSS no MRJ não permitem o exercício efetivo do comando da parceria, em afronta, portanto, ao dispositivo constitucional que determina que a atuação de entidades privadas no âmbito do SUS pode se dar apenas de modo complementar. Ademais, verificou-se total inadequação da estrutura de controle pela Prefeitura, cuja principal consequência foi tornar o modelo de reforma gerencialista em um modelo que incentiva o comportamento patrimonialista no âmbito da saúde pública, uma vez que o controle de meios é absolutamente negligenciado.


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The theme of the research is inserted at a field of intersection between the Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Violence, having as the general objective study the sociological meaning of the conversion of prisoners that lives at the biggest prison (Prison of Alcaçuz) of Rio Grande do Norte to the evangelical churches. The research is justified, because Brazil shelter the fourth greater arrested population arrested of the world, with projections indicating that it can turn the greatest in 2034. Besides, this study about religious conversion of prisoners to the Social Sciences is too important, because is a theme little developed in Brazil and deserves attention, one time that as the arrested people as the evangelicals are in expansion in our country. Starting from the precedent observations, we guide ourselves by the following problematic of research: the religious practice in Alcaçuz presents a mere instrumental perspective, where the actions of prisoners converted was on purpose oriented to conquest material or symbolic privileges; or purely religious, where seek a moral renovation? To develop the work, the scientific methodology adopted was exploratory and explanatory, using the Goffman´s theory about total institutions and presentation of self, and Blumer´s doctrine relating to Symbolic Interacionism and the Story life method, besides considerations about evangelical religion. Having this theoretical basis, was accomplished the Field research, when were made interviews and applied questionnaires to 11 Jailer Agents, 31 prisoners, Director and Vice-Dictor (in November, 2011), the coordinator of social projects of the prison and the coordinator of evangelization at the prisons in Rio Grande do Norte. As results, it was seeing in Alcaçuz that the prisoners can be separated in two groups: the one of Pavilions and other one of the Medical Section. The Pavilions are branded for managerial and structural problems, where are found idle prisoners in collective cells and with a historical of escaping attempts, mutinies and murders. The Medical Section has some individual cells or destined for two people, besides few collective also, and the prisoners work and have a more disciplined behavior, there isn t escapes or rebellions and that, for these reasons end for have more confidence from the Administration. About the presence of evangelical prisoners, most are at Medical Section, where exist a specific place to the cults (what doesn t at Pavilions). At the end, the conclusion is that the prisoner that says himself evangelical in Alcaçuz, although can be seeing with distrust about your real conversion, he gets win a trust vote and until the opposite being demonstrated in other words, that he is not hiding himself behind the bible to divert the vigilance of Direction and practice disciplinary faults without make any suspicions, is treated with more respect and has more opportunities live at Medical Section; have work, that most of times is paid and guarantee the homologation of your payment of penalty with work, besides other benefits, diminishing his time in jail


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The realization of human rights is a prerequisite to the development of peoples, this requires legal mechanisms and techniques to its consistent and effective promotion, protection and fulfillment. So, agree that there is an institution or public agency created for the purpose of protecting those who suffer most in the face of human rights violations: the needy. In Brazil, among other institutions and public agencies, the responsibility of the Public Defender to promote the protection of human rights. The constitutional system recognizes the institution in its essence the role of the state court, whose duty is to provide guidance and legal defense of the needy. The legal system as a whole sufraga the relevance of the Ombudsman as a mainspring of human rights. In the prison system, with the ultimate regulatory changes, such as Law 12.313 of 2010 which introduced changes to the Law 7.210 of 1984, the institution must ensure the correct and humane enforcement of sentences and the security measures pertaining to the needy. With the Complementary Law 132 of 2009, to systematize other duties of the Public Defender, highlighting their contribution to the movement of access to justice. Within the OAS, to adopt Resolution 2656, 2011, characterizing, with ruler and compass, the relevance of the Ombudsman access to justice and protection of human rights. In this step, the present study concerns the role of Defender in the legal protection of human rights, through monographic and deductive methods, as there remains a technical and theoretical connection between these two points themed legal phenomenon, since the rights humans, especially after the second half of the twentieth century, form the basis of the legal system of the major Western nations in the world. This led, therefore, the emergence of technical and legal institutions aimed at realizing human rights. This applies to the Defender. Access to justice and public service provision of legal assistance are human rights, therefore, essential to humans and necessary for social inclusion. Countries such as Brazil, marked by social inequality, depend on the structuring of institutions like the Defender, designed to promote citizenship to the Brazilian people


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The gradual increase of violence in Brazilian society has being resulting in a growing of the prison population over last years, as well as the proportion of women than men. The participation of women in crime and responsibilities within her family makes this phenomenon a growing social problem. Women prisoners are mostly young, in reproductive age, making pregnancy a recurrent situation while they are serving a sentence. The studies about female criminality are poor and not helpful about its real dimension, especially when targeted to women who experienced pregnancy in this environment. Given these considerations, this research had as its object of study the experience of women in prison during pregnancy: analyze the experience of women in prison during the gestational period. This is a descriptive and qualitative study. The data were sourced through a semi-structured interview with nine incarcerated women, between August and September 2011, who met the inclusion criteria previously established, and organized according to the precepts of content analysis according to Bardin. Through this coding and classification process became a central thematic: the experience of women in prison during pregnancy, resulting in three categories: category 1 interpersonal relationships; category 2 - feelings that permeate the pregnant woman in prison; and category 3 absence of health care to incarcerated pregnant. The data were analyzed according to the available literature and the study revealed that interpersonal relationships, maintained by these women in prison, were marked by distance from family members, primarily due to socioeconomic factors, being a challenge for addressing of pregnancy in prison and reports of abuse of power by employees working in the institution. The women, who experience pregnancy in prison are more likely to experience feelings of worry, doubts, sadness and fear for baby s health due to lack of antenatal care and about the prison environment structure to meet your needs. The health care aimed at these women is poor and often does not occur, endangering the baby s life and his own mother, this is being a troubling reality in public health system. Finally, it is expected that this study can give visibility to an issue rarely discussed in the literature and contribute to the construction of specific public policies for this reality, in order to minimize the effects of incarceration during pregnancy


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Neste artigo, apresentamos um caso da literatura relativo ao internato escolar por meio do qual exemplificamos e discutimos alguns aspectos da violência e subjetividade na instituição total. Utilizamos as análises de Goffman sobre as instituições totais e algumas hipóteses psicanalíticas a respeito da agressividade para a leitura de O Jovem Törless , de Robert Musil. Instituições totais parecem ultrapassadas, mas elas persistem na atualidade: FEBENS, asilos, orfanatos, conventos, prisões, quartéis, manicômios, seminários para formação de padres, etc. Nossa pesquisa visa ao desvelamento do modo de funcionamento dessas instituições e a explicitação de seus efeitos na produção da subjetividade daqueles que delas participam. Concluímos que no paralelo que podemos estabelecer entre os fins educativos do internato escolar e os objetivos terapêutico-correcionais do hospital psiquiátrico e da prisão, existe mais do que uma simples analogia.


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The theme of this work is the study of marginal territories of the Cidade do Príncipe, sketch in time than today is constituted as the city of Caicó/RN, with the time frame the years 1880 to 1900. Our goal is to investigate the construction of these territories from multiple speech subjects practitioners of the city. Thus, we propose to discover the mapping of the deviation in the city in question, as they were drawn, those who experienced and through which practices. Investigate the construction of these spaces from the speeches, and fill a historiographical gap, allows to find stories sharp, silenced or ignored, abortions and madness in prison, repressed passions and avenged. To meet these spaces the sources are diverse, such as the newspaper O Povo, the Codes of posture, the Reports of Presidents and Heads of Provincial Police and process-crime. Regarding the methodological aspects of research, we decided by discourse analysis, discourse here conceived not only as what is said about someone or something, but as a set of statements circulating at any given time in society, articulating speech, intentions, actions and thought. The city is then considered from their territories, imagined as a space configured in/by the relations power that the dispute, but also as a space for experiences multiple, different feelings, place and non-place, the discipline and mockery, of power and resistance.