660 resultados para Photography, Visual Art, Contemporary Practice
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La Universidad tiene el reto de servir a la sociedad y por ello no basta que se dedique a una labor simplemente profesionalizante. En Cuba constituye un reto para la pedagoga contempornea la bsqueda y puesta en prctica de nuevos enfoques para incentivar la Motivacin Profesional. La investigacin que se presenta parte de un estudio realizado sobre las necesidades educativas de los estudiantes, que cursan la carrera de Agronoma en la Facultad Agropecuaria de Montaa del Escambray con el objetivo de proporcionarles una orientacin profesional que se corresponda con las demandas que deben enfrentar. Se declara la metodologa cualitativa como fundamento en la realizacin de este trabajo y se describe el proceso de investigacin seguido. Los resultados del diagnstico realizado llevan a la presentacin de una Propuesta de Estrategia Educativa para la Motivacin Profesional de los estudiantes que ingresan y se valora la misma mediante una experiencia piloto.
Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la combinaci del control visual i la llum estructurada. El control visual clssic assumeix que elements visuals poden ser fcilment extrets de les imatges. Aix fa que objectes d'aspecte uniforme o poc texturats no es puguin tenir en compte. En aquesta tesi proposem l's de la llum estructurada per dotar d'elements visuals als objectes independentment de la seva aparena. En primer lloc, es presenta un ampli estudi de la llum estructurada, el qual ens permet proposar un nou patr codificat que millora els existents. La resta de la tesi es concentra en el posicionament d'un robot dotat d'una cmara respecte diferents objectes, utilitzant la informaci proveda per la projecci de diferents patrons de llum. Dos configuracions han estat estudiades: quan el projector de llum es troba separat del robot, i quan el projector est embarcat en el robot juntament amb la cmara. Les tcniques proposades en la tesi estan avalades per un ampli estudi analtic i validades per resultats experimentals.
This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. When the vehicle is close to the underwater terrain, it constructs a visual map (so called "mosaic") of the area where the mission takes place while, at the same time, it localizes itself on this map, following the Concurrent Mapping and Localization strategy. The proposed methodology to achieve this goal is based on a feature-based mosaicking algorithm. A down-looking camera is attached to the underwater vehicle. As the vehicle moves, a sequence of images of the sea-floor is acquired by the camera. For every image of the sequence, a set of characteristic features is detected by means of a corner detector. Then, their correspondences are found in the next image of the sequence. Solving the correspondence problem in an accurate and reliable way is a difficult task in computer vision. We consider different alternatives to solve this problem by introducing a detailed analysis of the textural characteristics of the image. This is done in two phases: first comparing different texture operators individually, and next selecting those that best characterize the point/matching pair and using them together to obtain a more robust characterization. Various alternatives are also studied to merge the information provided by the individual texture operators. Finally, the best approach in terms of robustness and efficiency is proposed. After the correspondences have been solved, for every pair of consecutive images we obtain a list of image features in the first image and their matchings in the next frame. Our aim is now to recover the apparent motion of the camera from these features. Although an accurate texture analysis is devoted to the matching pro-cedure, some false matches (known as outliers) could still appear among the right correspon-dences. For this reason, a robust estimation technique is used to estimate the planar transformation (homography) which explains the dominant motion of the image. Next, this homography is used to warp the processed image to the common mosaic frame, constructing a composite image formed by every frame of the sequence. With the aim of estimating the position of the vehicle as the mosaic is being constructed, the 3D motion of the vehicle can be computed from the measurements obtained by a sonar altimeter and the incremental motion computed from the homography. Unfortunately, as the mosaic increases in size, image local alignment errors increase the inaccuracies associated to the position of the vehicle. Occasionally, the trajectory described by the vehicle may cross over itself. In this situation new information is available, and the system can readjust the position estimates. Our proposal consists not only in localizing the vehicle, but also in readjusting the trajectory described by the vehicle when crossover information is obtained. This is achieved by implementing an Augmented State Kalman Filter (ASKF). Kalman filtering appears as an adequate framework to deal with position estimates and their associated covariances. Finally, some experimental results are shown. A laboratory setup has been used to analyze and evaluate the accuracy of the mosaicking system. This setup enables a quantitative measurement of the accumulated errors of the mosaics created in the lab. Then, the results obtained from real sea trials using the URIS underwater vehicle are shown.
Tomando los estudios sobre la economa de las drogas ilcitas como referente metodolgico, el artculo discute preliminarmente la nocin de trfico en relacin a cuatro aspectos del cruce de fronteras entre la antropologa y el arte contemporneo. 1. Transportar o movilizar bienes en este caso, simblicos, esto es bsicamente ideas, categoras y conceptos pero tambin estrategias de apropiacin y recontextualizacin pertinentes tanto a la etnografa como al arte contemporneo. 2. Describir el carcter contaminante que tales bienes eventualmente adquieren cuando circulan en diferentes contextos (acadmico, gestin cultural, artes visuales), provocando por ello estrategias defensivas entre unos y otros. 3. Dar cuenta del carcter conflictivo de las micro-prcticas que se ponen a prueba durante el dilogo entre distintos saberes sancionados acadmicamente como campos o disciplinas. 4. Discutir los cdigos de la ilegalidad que acompaan a la calidad de traficante y el capital simblico que se deriva de ello.
In this paper, we introduce a novel high-level visual content descriptor which is devised for performing semantic-based image classification and retrieval. The work can be treated as an attempt to bridge the so called semantic gap. The proposed image feature vector model is fundamentally underpinned by the image labelling framework, called Collaterally Confirmed Labelling (CCL), which incorporates the collateral knowledge extracted from the collateral texts of the images with the state-of-the-art low-level image processing and visual feature extraction techniques for automatically assigning linguistic keywords to image regions. Two different high-level image feature vector models are developed based on the CCL labelling of results for the purposes of image data clustering and retrieval respectively. A subset of the Corel image collection has been used for evaluating our proposed method. The experimental results to-date already indicates that our proposed semantic-based visual content descriptors outperform both traditional visual and textual image feature models.
This article explores the Foucauldian notions of practices of the self and care of the self, read via Deleuze, in the context of Iyengar yoga (one of the most popular forms of yoga currently). Using ethnographic and interview research data the article outlines the Iyengar yoga techniques which enable a focus upon the self to be developed, and the resources offered by the practice for the creation of ways of knowing, experiencing and forming the self. In particular, the article asks whether Iyengar yoga offers possibilities for freedom and liberation, or whether it is just another practice of control and management. Assessing Iyengar yoga via a critical function, a function of struggle and a curative and therapeutic function, the article analyses whether the practice might constitute a mode of care of the self, and what it might offer in the context of the contemporary need to live better, as well as longer.
From the 1950s up to the early 1990s the All-India data show an ever-declining share of informal credit in the total outstanding debt of rural households. Contemporaneous micro-level studies, using more qualitative research methodologies, provide evidence that questions the strength of this trend, and more recent All-India credit surveys show, first, a levelling, and then a rise, in the share of rural informal credit in 1990/91 and 2000/01, respectively. By reference to findings of a study of village moneylenders in Rajasthan, the paper notes lessons to be drawn. First, informal financial agents have not disappeared from the rural financial landscape in India. Second, formal-sector financial institutions can learn much about rural financial service needs from the financial products and processes of their informal counterparts. Third, a national survey of informal agents, similar to that of the 1921 Census survey of indigenous bankers and moneylenders, would provide valuable pointers towards policy options for the sector. A recent Reserve Bank of India Report on Moneylender Legislation not only explores incentive mechanisms to better ensure fair practice, but also proposes provision for a new category of loan providers that would explicitly link the rural informal and formal financial sectors.
We use a detailed study of the knowledge work around visual representations to draw attention to the multidimensional nature of `objects'. Objects are variously described in the literatures as relatively stable or in flux; as abstract or concrete; and as used within or across practices. We clarify these dimensions, drawing on and extending the literature on boundary objects, and connecting it with work on epistemic and technical objects. In particular, we highlight the epistemic role of objects, using our observations of knowledge work on an architectural design project to show how, in this setting, visual representations are characterized by a `lack' or incompleteness that precipitates unfolding. The conceptual design of a building involves a wide range of technical, social and aesthetic forms of knowledge that need to be developed and aligned. We explore how visual representations are used, and how these are meaningful to different stakeholders, eliciting their distinct contributions. As the project evolves and the drawings change, new issues and needs for knowledge work arise. These objects have an `unfolding ontology' and are constantly in flux, rather than fully formed. We discuss the implications for wider understandings of objects in organizations and for how knowledge work is achieved in practice.
How does the manipulation of visual representations play a role in the practices of generating, evolving and exchanging knowledge? The role of visual representation in mediating knowledge work is explored in a study of design work of an architectural practice, Edward Cullinan Architects. The intensity of interactions with visual representations in the everyday activities on design projects is immediately striking. Through a discussion of observed design episodes, two ways are articulated in which visual representations act as 'artefacts of knowing'. As communication media they are symbolic representations, rich in meaning, through which ideas are articulated, developed and exchanged. Furthermore, as tangible artefacts they constitute material entities with which to interact and thereby develop knowledge. The communicative and interactive properties of visual representations constitute them as central elements of knowledge work. The paper explores emblematic knowledge practices supported by visual representation and concludes by pinpointing avenues for further research.