783 resultados para Paraguay – foreign relations – 21st century
The diversity of social relations in the Amazon region is responsible for the complexity that generalized and simplified ideas conceal in the understanding of its Environmental History. Recent historiography on the North of Brazil shows that this diversity is not to be neglected, under the risk of perpetuating stereotypes and reproducing in common sense social and economic aspects that often lie at the basis of cultural actions, projects and values that push the destruction of the environment, the fragility of citizenship and the uncertainties about the future that hover over the Amazon in the 21st century.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der ASEAN und Indonesiens im Zeitraum von 1967rnbis ins frühe 21. Jahrhundert sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Um der Frage nachrndem indonesischen Einflusspotenzial in der ASEAN im 21. Jahrhundert nachgehenrnund dann einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Rolle Indonesiens in der ASEAN gebenrnzu können, bedarf es zunächst einer Analyse dessen, was in der Vergangenheitrndazu führte, dass Indonesien in der Region als primus inter pares wahrgenommenrnwurde, und der Rolle, die Indonesien im Rahmen der Erweiterung und Vertiefung der ASEAN bisher spielte. So ist der Fokus der Arbeit auf vier Phasen gerichtet: (1) die Gründungszeit der ASEAN sowie die Etablierung Indonesiens als einer der einflussreichsten Mitgliedstaaten; (2) die asiatische Finanzkrise, die nicht nur der Entwicklung der ASEAN als erstem Erfolgsmodell regionaler Kooperation in Südostasien vorläufig ein Ende setzte, sondern auch Indonesien in große wirtschaftliche wie politische Turbulenzen trieb; (3) die überregionale Erweiterung der ASEAN und der Beginn der politischen Transformation in Indonesien sowie (4) die Vertiefung der ASEAN-Kooperation und die Stabilisierung Indonesiens als demokratischer Akteur. rnFür alle vier Phasen werden das materielle Machtprofil, die institutionellen Verknüpfungen sowie ideelle Faktoren des Einflusspotenzials Indonesiens untersucht, um sich einer Antwort auf die Frage zu nähern, über welches Einflusspotenzial Indonesien in der ASEAN des 21. Jahrhunderts verfügt. Die Analyse bringt zutage, dass es Indonesien vor der Asienkrise trotz erheblicherrnEntwicklungsrückstände möglich war, gestaltenden Einfluss auf die ASEANrnauszuüben und an regionaler Bedeutsamkeit sowie Einflusspotenzial in der ASEANrnzu gewinnen. Trotz deutlich erkennbarer Entwicklungsfortschritte ist dasrngegenwärtige Indonesien jedoch nicht in der Lage, sein Einflusspotenzial in derrnASEAN zu steigern, sich als relevanter Akteur zu etablieren und erneut einernSchlüsselrolle einzunehmen. Die Akteure der ASEAN folgen nicht wie einst denrnIdeen Indonesiens, und die regionale Fremdwahrnehmung Indonesiens wird ganzrnerheblich vom derzeitigen politischen und sozialen Wertesystem beeinflusst, mit dem sich kein anderer ASEAN-Staat ohne Einschränkung identifizieren kann. rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit führen letztlich zu dem Fazit, dass es aktuell kaum Raum für eine Steigerung des indonesishen Einflusse innerhalb des ostasiatischenrnRegionalismus gibt. Für die Gegenwart und vielleicht die kommenden Dekaden mussrnfür Indonesien attestiert werden, dass es sich mit der Rolle als Teilnehmer in den ASEAN-Prozessen begnügen muss.
Cross-sectoral interorganizational relationships in post-conflict situations occur regularly. Whether formal task forces, advisory groups or other ad hoc arrangements, these relations take place in chaotic and dangerous situations with urgent and turbulent political, economic and social environments. Furthermore, they typically involve a large number of players from many different nations, operating across sectors, and between multiple layers of bureaucracy and diplomacy. The organizational complexity staggers many participants and observers, as do the tasks they are charged with completing. Reform efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina starting in 1995 may serve as the archetype model of conflict, transition and development for the 21st century. It wins this honor due not to its particular programmatic successes and failures, rather to the interorganizational complexity of the International Community. From the massive response to the crisis, to the modern nation-building policies it spawned, and the development assistance practices and institutional arrangements it created, the Bosnian development experience has much to offer by way of lessons learned. This manuscript frames the unique Bosnian development situation, and provides lessons learned from the experience of nation building given local realities. Pettigrew (1992) called this "contextualizing." While network and/or organizational structure, strategy and process explain many interorganizational relationship issues, the development variables identified in this manuscript prove equally important, yet elusive and difficult to measure despite their very real and overt presence.
This study reports the implementation of a Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance (TICT) for upper-secondary school students and the empirical evaluation of its effectiveness. The TICT program was developed to counteract increasing interethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia. It is based on the theoretical and empirical framework of social psychology and cross-cultural psychology. The training effectiveness was assessed by conducting pre- and post-surveys among the training participants. The results indicate that TICT contributes to the development of a positive ethnic identity and the formation of a civic identity among the participating youth. It also increases their optimism regarding the future of interethnic relations in Russia and the subjective level of intercultural competence of majority group youth towards minority cultures. Thus, the evaluation of the training effectiveness of the TICT has shown that the aims of the training have been achieved to a large extent and that the Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance can be effectively used to prevent interethnic conflicts and promote interethnic relations in multicultural schools. Suggestions for the practical implementation of the TICT as well as for future research on the training's effectiveness are discussed.
It is a well-documented fact that the Middle Ages have had a long history of instrumentalisation by nationalisms. 19th-century Eu¬rope in particular witnessed an origins craze during the process of nation-building. In the post-Shoah, post-modern West, on the other hand, we might expect this kind of medievalist master nar¬rative to have been consigned to the dustbin of history. And yet, as nationalism surges again in Europe, negotiations of national identi¬ties in medieval dress seem to have become fashionable once more. In order to come to terms with the fragmented and often contradictory presence of the Middle Ages in these discourses of national identity, I propose we consider medievalism a utilitarian product of the cultural memory. Rather than representing any ‘real’ Middle Ages, then, medievalism tailors available knowledge of the medieval past to the diverse social needs and ideologies of the present. This paper looks at a selection of Scottish examples of present-day medievalism in an attempt to investigate, in particular, the place of the medieval Wars of Scottish Independence in contemporary negotiations of ‘Scottishness’. Both the relationships envisioned between self and other and the role played by ‘the land’ in these cultural, social and political instances of national introspection offer starting points for critical inquiry. Moreover, the analysis of a scholarly intervention in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum indicates an intriguing dialogue of academic and non-academic voices in the context of Scottish medievalist cultural memory. We thus find a wide array of uses of the Scottish Middle Ages, some of which feed into the burgeoning nationalism of recent years, while others offer more pensive and ambivalent answers to the question of what it means to be Scottish in the 21st century.
Se deslizaban los últimos años de un siglo que llegaba a su fin, sus últimos estertores se hacían oír, mientras se podía vislumbrar que un mundo nuevo quería nacer desde las disputas entre regiones manifiestas en las relaciones de poder y las transformaciones emergentes en sus territorios. América Latina como reservorio de recursos naturales, capaz de autosustentarse, desde su destino como continente estratégico productor para los países consumidores de energéticos, alimentos y, por qué no, de inteligencia, plantea escenarios permanentes de cambios. Lentamente pasada la magia que ha envuelto el inicio de un nuevo milenio, determinó, impuso y manifestó la puesta en valor -desde el camino recorrido por varias décadas- de los resultados obtenidos por la evolución de la línea de investigación que fuera objeto constante de reflexión.
Se deslizaban los últimos años de un siglo que llegaba a su fin, sus últimos estertores se hacían oír, mientras se podía vislumbrar que un mundo nuevo quería nacer desde las disputas entre regiones manifiestas en las relaciones de poder y las transformaciones emergentes en sus territorios. América Latina como reservorio de recursos naturales, capaz de autosustentarse, desde su destino como continente estratégico productor para los países consumidores de energéticos, alimentos y, por qué no, de inteligencia, plantea escenarios permanentes de cambios. Lentamente pasada la magia que ha envuelto el inicio de un nuevo milenio, determinó, impuso y manifestó la puesta en valor -desde el camino recorrido por varias décadas- de los resultados obtenidos por la evolución de la línea de investigación que fuera objeto constante de reflexión.
Se deslizaban los últimos años de un siglo que llegaba a su fin, sus últimos estertores se hacían oír, mientras se podía vislumbrar que un mundo nuevo quería nacer desde las disputas entre regiones manifiestas en las relaciones de poder y las transformaciones emergentes en sus territorios. América Latina como reservorio de recursos naturales, capaz de autosustentarse, desde su destino como continente estratégico productor para los países consumidores de energéticos, alimentos y, por qué no, de inteligencia, plantea escenarios permanentes de cambios. Lentamente pasada la magia que ha envuelto el inicio de un nuevo milenio, determinó, impuso y manifestó la puesta en valor -desde el camino recorrido por varias décadas- de los resultados obtenidos por la evolución de la línea de investigación que fuera objeto constante de reflexión.
Cambodia has experienced high economic growth in the last decade. Because most of its industries were destroyed during the Pol Pot regime and civil war, in the last 20 years the country has been working hard to liberalize its economy to attract foreign investors With its efforts to join the regional and international community and with changes in the international trade environment, Cambodia started to grow its economy in the late 1990s. Now, in the early 21st century, the Cambodian economy seems to be prepared to take off. We can observe a kind of industrial agglomeration occurring, even though still at a small scale. In this paper, first, I will review the history of Cambodia’s economic development since the late 1980s. Second, I will examine the economic policies, laws, rules, and other environmental factors which have influenced industrial development and industrial location in Cambodia. Third, I will introduce industrial location in the late 2000s. Lastly, I will introduce some statistical data for the future analysis of industrial location in Cambodia.
La tesis doctoral “La construcción de la transparencia. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa / SANAA” estudia, desde diferentes perspectivas, esta obra de los arquitectos japoneses Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. El museo, proyectado y construido entre 1999 y 2004, supone un referente arquitectónico de gran relevancia en el cambio de siglo, y está considerado un manifiesto construido en el que resuenan ecos culturales y sociales de su época. La investigación toma como constante el Museo del Siglo 21 de Kanazawa y a través de él se realizan una serie de miradas transversales a modo de narrativas interconectadas. Estas visiones múltiples colaboran, a través de las relaciones que se producen entre ellas, a generar un entendimiento global de esta obra y sus efectos sobre la cultura arquitectónica contemporánea. La tesis se estructura en dos partes: la primera estudia de manera analítica la obra en su contexto cultural, el proceso de proyecto y el edificio construido. La segunda parte propone una triple lectura interpretativa del edificio en relación a temas de especial relevancia para el proyecto y al modelo de espacio que constituye, tomando de nuevo como constante la noción de transparencia. La tesis partirá de la interpretación que hace del museo su directora artística Yuko Hasegawa, cuya colaboración activa durante el proceso de diseño resultó de gran relevancia para el resultado final. Hasegawa define la obra como la materialización de una situación cultural característica del nuevo siglo basada en tres conceptos: La Coexistencia, la Consciencia y la Inteligencia Colectiva. A partir de dichas ideas entenderemos la transparencia no sólo desde el punto de vista de las cualidades físicas y materiales del espacio sino también, desde una perspectiva más amplia: como estrategia utilizada para clarificar la organización funcional del edificio y las relaciones entre sus partes como posición política, catalizadora del espacio público; la producción de consciencia a través de la experiencia del arte y la arquitectura; y como medio de representación y generación de una identidad colectiva basada en la visibilidad mediática. Las conclusiones de esta investigación, extraídas de las confluencias y puntos de intersección de las diferentes miradas transversales proyectadas sobre la obra, determinan una clara voluntad por parte de los arquitectos de construir un espacio donde lo público se entiende como el ensamblaje de diferentes individualidades. De manera similar al proceso de proyecto, la multiplicidad y las relaciones entre elementos autónomos generan un consciencia colectiva del espacio donde, a través de la organización programática, la construcción y el uso de los materiales y la luz, la arquitectura tiene la voluntad de desvanecerse para ofrecer protagonismo a sus usuarios y a las relaciones y encuentros que se producen entre ellos y con el espacio que habitan. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis “The construction of transparency. 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa / SANAA” studies, from different perspectives, this work, realized by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA. The museum, designed and built between 1999 and 2004, had a huge relevance as an architectural referent in the swift of the century, being considered a built manifesto that echoes the culture and society of its time. The research takes as a constant the 21st Century Museum in Kanazawa and it is studied throughout a series of transversal readings as interconnected narratives. These multiple approaches and the relations among them, help to generate a global understanding of the building and its effects on contemporary architectural culture. The dissertation is structured in two parts: the first one studies from an analytical perspective the project in its cultural context, the process of design and the built work. The second part proposes a triple interpretative reading of the building in relation to topics that are especially relevant for the project and the spatial model that it constitutes, taking again the notion of transparency as a constant concept. The thesis departs from the interpretation expressed by the artistic director of the museum, Yuko Hasegawa, whose active collaboration during the design process had special relevance for the final result. She defines the work as the materialization of the cultural context of the new century based in three concepts: Co-existence, Consciousness and Collective Intelligence. From these concepts we will understand transparency, not only from the point of view of the physical and material qualities of the space, but also from a broader perspective: as an strategy used to clarify the functional organization of the building and the relation of its parts as political stand that catalyzes the public space; the production of consciousness based on the experience of art and architecture; and as a method of representation and construction of a collective identity based in the media visibility. The conclusions of this research -extracted from the confluences and intersections of the different transversal readings projected on the work- determine a clear intention by the architects to build a space where the public is understood as an assembly of different individualities. In a similar way as it happens in the design process, the multiplicity of relations between autonomous elements generate a collective consciousness of the space. Throughout the programmatic organization, the construction and the use of light and materials, the architecture has the will of disappearance to yield protagonist the users and the relations and encounters that happen among them and the space they inhabit.
In the late 20th century and early 21st century, contemplative education/studies courses, concentrations, and initiatives have emerged in the academy. Although there has been significant discussion of postsecondary courses and programs that have integrated contemplative views and practices in the literature, there have been few studies of contemplative curricula and pedagogy in higher education. Additionally, there have been even fewer inquiries of the influence of contemplative education on performing arts training within conservatories and college and university departments. The aim of this qualitative study was two-fold: (1) to describe, interpret, and appraise the impact of contemplative education on the curricula of an interdisciplinary conservatory level performing arts program, MFA Contemporary Performance, at Naropa University; and (2) to disclose, compare, and analyze MFA student perceptions of the influence of contemplative education on their professional and personal development. The following questions guided this study: (1) How do faculty and students characterize contemplative education within the MFA in Theater: Contemporary Performance Program? (2) How does contemplative education impact the intended and operational curricula of courses within the MFA Contemporary Performance Program? (3) How do graduate students perceive the effects of contemplative education, offered by the MFA Contemporary Performance Program, on the development of their communication abilities, presence-in-performance, sociolinguistic perspectives, and aesthetic perspectives? Based on the research methodology of educational criticism and connoisseurship, this investigation provides a vivid description and interpretation of the intended and operational curricula of three core courses within the MFA program. These curricula were examined through five dimensions: intentional, curricular, pedagogical, structural, and evaluative. In order to shape our understanding of the contemplative and performative nature of the curricula, the significant and subtle qualities of the courses were further captured by preparation, context-building, reflective, showing, and closing conventions. Since the courses were grounded in postmodern view, they were evaluated according to Doll's criteria of richness, recursion, relations, and rigor for the evaluation of postmodern curricula. MFA first- and second-year students primarily characterized contemplative education as body/mind training for performance and personal development, sitting meditation, and cultivation of mindfulness and awareness. Student perceptions of the impact of contemplative education on the development of their communication abilities, presence-in-performance, sociolinguistic perspectives, and aesthetic perspectives, throughout the course of their two-year training, are presented in a dimensional analysis. The research reveals eight different themes that intersect the three core curricula and interviews with MFA students and faculty. These thematics include inclusivity, nowness, silence, improvisation, goodness, heart, training, and space. The beginning letter of each theme combines to form the acronym, insights. The framework of insights connects and illuminates the most potent aspects of MFA Contemporary Performance values and training.
Tese de doutoramento, História (História de Arte), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e cidadãos, individulamente ou em grupo, lutam pelos seus objectivos estabelecendo relações de poder. Os media sempre tiveram um papel instrumental neste contexto e o novo media do séc. XXI – o ciberespaço – não é excepção. As características estruturais e funcionais deste instrumento criaram novas condições para a mobilização e participação políticas, reavivando a crença na acção libertadora da técnica. Por outro lado, nenhuma outra tecnologia promoveu tanta concentração de poder nas grandes empresas da indústria digital, ou criou semelhantes condições para a vigilância activa dos cidadãos por parte dos Estados. Este artigo reune algumas reflexões sobre a importância do ciberespaço como dimensão de poder.