994 resultados para Number States


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The effect of number of samples and selection of data for analysis on the calculation of surface motor unit potential (SMUP) size in the statistical method of motor unit number estimates (MUNE) was determined in 10 normal subjects and 10 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We recorded 500 sequential compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) at three different stable stimulus intensities (10–50% of maximal CMAP). Estimated mean SMUP sizes were calculated using Poisson statistical assumptions from the variance of 500 sequential CMAP obtained at each stimulus intensity. The results with the 500 data points were compared with smaller subsets from the same data set. The results using a range of 50–80% of the 500 data points were compared with the full 500. The effect of restricting analysis to data between 5–20% of the CMAP and to standard deviation limits was also assessed. No differences in mean SMUP size were found with stimulus intensity or use of different ranges of data. Consistency was improved with a greater sample number. Data within 5% of CMAP size gave both increased consistency and reduced mean SMUP size in many subjects, but excluded valid responses present at that stimulus intensity. These changes were more prominent in ALS patients in whom the presence of isolated SMUP responses was a striking difference from normal subjects. Noise, spurious data, and large SMUP limited the Poisson assumptions. When these factors are considered, consistent statistical MUNE can be calculated from a continuous sequence of data points. A 2 to 2.5 SD or 10% window are reasonable methods of limiting data for analysis. Muscle Nerve 27: 320–331, 2003


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A model describing coherent quantum tunnelling between two trapped Bose-Einstein condensates is discussed. It is not well known that the model admits an exact solution, obtained some time ago, with the energy spectrum derived through the algebraic Bethe ansatz. An asymptotic analysis of the Bethe ansatz equations leads us to explicit expressions for the energies of the ground and the first excited states in the limit of weak tunnelling and all energies for strong tunnelling. The results are used to extract the asymptotic limits of the quantum fluctuations of the boson number difference between the two Bose-Einstein condensates and to characterize the degree of coherence in the system.


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A blocking ELISA targeting an immunodominant West Nile epitope on the West Nile Virus NS1 protein was assessed for the detection of West Nile-specific antibodies in blood samples collected from 584 sentinel chickens and 238 wild birds collected in-New Jersey from May-December 2000. Ten mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) experimentally infected with West Nile virus and six uninfected controls were also tested. The ELISA proved specific in detecting WNV antibodies in 9/10 chickens and 4/4 wild birds previously confirmed as positive by Plaque Reduction Neutralization test (PRNT) at the Center for Disease Control, Division of Vector Borne Diseases, Fort Collins, CO, USA (CDC). Nine out of the ten experimentally infected mallard ducks also tested positive for WN antibodies in the blocking ELISA, while 6/6 uninfected controls did not. Additionally, 1705 wild birds, collected in New Jersey from December 2000-November 2001 and Long Island, New York between November 1999 and August 2001 were also tested for WN antibodies by the blocking ELISA. These tests identified 30 positive specimens, 12 of which had formalin-fixed tissues available to allow detection of WN specific viral antigen in various tissues by WNV-specific immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that rapid and specific detection of antibodies to WN virus in sera from a range of avian species by blocking ELISA is an effective strategy for WN Virus surveillance in avian hosts. In combination with detection of WN-specific antigens in tissues by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the blocking ELISA will also be useful for confirming WN infection in diseased birds.


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Glucocorticoids are pivotal for adipose tissue development. Rodent studies suggest that corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) modulates glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue. In humans, both genetic CBG deficiency and suppressed CBG concentrations in hyperinsulinemic states are associated with obesity. We hypothesized that CBG deficiency in humans modulates the response of human preadipocytes to glucocorticoids, predisposing them to obesity. We compared normal preadipocytes with subcultured preadipocytes from an individual with the first ever described complete deficiency of CBG due to a homozygous null mutation. CBG-negative preadipocytes proliferated more rapidly and showed greater peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-mediated differentiation than normal preadipocytes. CBG was not expressed in normal human preadipocytes. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding characteristics and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity were similar for CBG-negative and normal preadipocytes. We propose that the increased proliferation and enhanced differentiation of CBG-negative preadipocytes may promote adipose tissue deposition and explain the obesity seen in individuals with genetic CBG deficiency. Furthermore, these observations may be relevant to obesity occurring with suppressed CBG concentrations associated with hyperinsulinemia.


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The effects of the native alpha-conotoxin PnIA, its synthetic derivative [ A10L] PnIA and alanine scan derivatives of [ A10L] PnIA were investigated on chick wild type alpha7 and alpha7-L247T mutant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) expressed in Xenopus oocytes. PnIA and [A10L] PnIA inhibited acetylcholine (ACh)-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors with IC50 values of 349 and 168 nM, respectively. Rates of onset of inhibition were similar for PnIA and [ A10L] PnIA; however, the rate of recovery was slower for [ A10L] PnIA, indicating that the increased potency of [ A10L] PnIA at alpha7 receptors is conveyed by its slower rate of dissociation from the receptors. All the alanine mutants of [ A10L] PnIA inhibited ACh-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors. Insertion of an alanine residue between position 5 and 13 and at position 15 significantly reduced the ability of [ A10L] PnIA to inhibit ACh-evoked currents. PnIA inhibited the non-desensitizing ACh-activated currents at alpha7-L247T receptors with an IC50 194 nM. In contrast, [ A10L] PnIA and the alanine mutants potentiated the ACh-activated current alpha7-L247T receptors and in addition [ A10L] PnIA acted as an agonist. PnIA stabilized the receptor in a state that is non-conducting in both the wild type and mutant receptors, whereas [ A10L] PnIA stabilized a state that is non-conducting in the wild type receptor and conducting in the alpha7-L247T mutant. These data indicate that the change of a single amino acid side-chain, at position 10, is sufficient to change the toxin specificity for receptor states in the alpha7-L247T mutant.


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The design of randomized controlled trials entails decisions that have economic as well as statistical implications. In particular, the choice of an individual or cluster randomization design may affect the cost of achieving the desired level of power, other things being equal. Furthermore, if cluster randomization is chosen, the researcher must decide how to balance the number of clusters, or sites, and the size of each site. This article investigates these interrelated statistical and economic issues. Its principal purpose is to elucidate the statistical and economic trade-offs to assist researchers to employ randomized controlled trials that have desired economic, as well as statistical, properties. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The production of conditional quantum states and quantum operations based on the result of measurement is now seen as a key tool in quantum information and metrology. We propose a different type of photon number detector. It functions nondeterministically, but when successful, it has high fidelity. The detector, which makes use of an n-photon auxiliary Fock state and high efficiency homodyne detection, allows a tunable trade-off between fidelity and probability. By sacrificing probability of operation, an excellent approximation to a photon-number detector is achieved.


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We investigate nonclassical Stokes-operator variances in continuous-wave polarization-squeezed laser light generated from one and two optical parametric amplifiers. A general expression of how Stokes-operator variances decompose into two-mode quadrature operator variances is given. Stokes parameter variance spectra for four different polarization-squeezed states have been measured and compared with a coherent state. Our measurement results are visualized by three-dimensional Stokes-operator noise volumes mapped on the quantum Poincare sphere. We quantitatively compare the channel capacity of the different continuous-variable polarization states for communication protocols. It is shown that squeezed polarization states provide 33% higher channel capacities than the optimum coherent beam protocol.


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We generate a pair of entangled beams from the interference of two amplitude squeezed beams. The entanglement is quantified in terms of EPR paradox and inseparability criteria, with both results clearly beating the standard quantum limit. We experimentally analyze the effect of decoherence on each criterion and demonstrate qualitative differences. We also characterize the number of required and excess photons present in the entangled beams and provide contour plots of the efficacy of quantum information protocols in terms of these variables.


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We consider pure continuous variable entanglement with non-equal correlations between orthogonal quadratures. We introduce a simple protocol which equates these correlations and in the process transforms the entanglement onto a state with the minimum allowed number of photons. As an example we show that our protocol transforms, through unitary local operations, a single squeezed beam split on a beam splitter into the same entanglement that is produced when two squeezed beams are mixed orthogonally. We demonstrate that this technique can in principle facilitate perfect teleportation utilizing only one squeezed beam.


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Se nos estados federais os mecanismos de coopera????o e coordena????o intergovernamental j?? s??o relevantes, no caso brasileiro eles ganham centralidade ainda maior. A Constitui????o Federal de 1988 agregou complexidade ao desenho federativo brasileiro, reconhecendo o munic??pio como ente federado. Esse processo foi acompanhado por intensa descentraliza????o de pol??ticas p??blicas, pelo fortalecimento do poder local e por mecanismos pouco coordenados de rela????o vertical e horizontal entre os entes federativos. Ao mesmo tempo, a aus??ncia de pol??ticas de desenvolvimento regional acentuou as desigualdades locais e regionais observadas historicamente no pa??s. Diferentes experi??ncias de consorciamento foram levadas a cabo por munic??pios no pa??s e ainda hoje esse ?? um instrumento de larga utiliza????o. De forma diversa, as iniciativas de coopera????o entre estados s??o ainda incipientes. As limita????es institucionais e jur??dicas dos desenhos utilizados pelos munic??pios, no entanto, levaram ?? aprova????o da Emenda Constitucional n?? 19/98, que instituiu os cons??rcios p??blicos e a gest??o associada de servi??os p??blicos.


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Este texto reflete a necessidade de uma reforma profunda nos sistemas judici??rios nos pa??ses da Am??rica Latina. O autor enumera os mais consider??veis eventos pol??ticos ocorridos na regi??o ap??s a d??cada de 60, principalmente durante o per??odo dos governos militares, com ??nfase nos modelos judici??rios prevalecentes ??? comumente dependentes, manipulados e fr??geis ??? bem como nos problemas enfrentados pelos ju??zes e serventu??rios da justi??a em muitos pa??ses. Ele tamb??m descreve v??rios movimentos pela reforma legal observados em dois diferentes momentos ??? do fim da d??cada de 60 e come??o da de 70, e depois, durante a d??cada de 80, comparando seus sucessos e fracassos e enumerando uma quantidade de seguidores nacionais e internacionais. Finalmente, o leitor deparar-se-?? com uma an??lise das mudan??as econ??micas e pol??ticas que t??m incentivado esta nova preocupa????o por justi??a e pela reforma das institui????es legais, dentre outras, na Am??rica Latina, assim como as dificuldades que esse movimento deve enfrentar no sentido de alcan??ar um Estado descentralizado, eficiente e democr??tico.


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A problem??tica do emprego de cargos de livre nomea????o e exonera????o para assegurar o comando pol??tico e administrativo na m??quina p??blica tem sido objeto, tanto no Brasil quanto nos EUA, de diversos questionamentos. Este artigo debate a situa????o em ambos os pa??ses, com base em alguns dados esclarecedores obtidos pela compara????o entre as estruturas de cargos comissionados e suas quantidades e formas de provimento existentes, no n??vel do governo federal, relativos ?? quantidade, tipos e emprego dos cargos em comiss??o, destacando-se a diferencia????o no que se refere ao uso desses cargos, assim como promove, a partir da literatura da ??rea, um exame da influ??ncia da utiliza????o dos cargos de livre provimento sob o aspecto do conflito entre compet??ncia ???neutra??? e ???compet??ncia responsiva???. A partir dos avan??os alcan??ados desde 1998 no Brasil, conclui-se pela necessidade do aprofundamento da profissionaliza????o das estruturas de comissionamento, tendo em vista a possibilidade de que uma estrutura menos vulner??vel ??s injun????es da pol??tica clientelista possa melhor atender aos princ??pios da efici??ncia e da transpar??ncia.


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O estresse pode afetar qualquer pessoa, independente de idade, sexo ou etnia. O organismo humano o utiliza como uma resposta adaptativa frente a situações diversas, as quais requeiram alguma adaptação do organismo para que possa enfrentar tal situação. Dependendo do estímulo estressor, pode ser gerado no indivíduo desgastes físico, mental ou emocional, no entanto, o estresse não representa necessariamente algo ruim ou patológico; este é um mecanismo de adaptação vital para a sobrevivência da espécie humana. Porém, o número de pessoas que são afetadas de forma negativa pelo estresse tem crescido imensamente nas últimas décadas. Pesquisas destacam que nos Estados Unidos cerca de 60% a 90% dos atendimentos médicos estão relacionados de alguma maneira com o estresse, enquanto que no Brasil aproximadamente 80% da população sofre de estresse, sendo que desses, 30% encontram-se na fase mais crítica, a chamada fase de exaustão. Tendo em vista que a principal forma de identificação de estresse ainda é realizada através do uso de questionário de autorrelato. O presente estudo apresenta como contribuição uma metodologia de análise do nível de estresse baseada na variação da condutância galvânica da pele e de sinais de eletroencefalografia, sendo utilizados como parâmetros a assimetria do ritmo alfa, assim como a razão entre os ritmos beta e alfa no córtex frontal e pré-frontal. Para a gravação dos sinais de EEG foi utilizado um dispositivo portátil, com eletrodos especificamente situados nas posições aF3, F3, F4 e aF4, de acordo com o Sistema Internacional 10/20 de posicionamento de eletrodos. Os participantes deste estudo são Bombeiros Militares da 1ª Cia de Vitória-ES. Foram utilizadas três classes de estímulos emocionais positivos, calmos e negativos, através da utilização de imagens pertencentes ao banco de dados IAPS (International Affective Picture System). Os resultados de acurácia obtidos através de um classificador SVM (Support Vector Machine) chegam a 88,24% para classe de estímulos positivos, 84,09% para classe calma e de 92,86% para os estímulos negativos. Deste modo, esta pesquisa apresenta uma combinação de parâmetros que podem ser aferidos com equipamentos de baixo custo, e fornecem condições de diferenciar estímulos estressantes, podendo assim, ser utilizada para auxiliar no treinamento de profissionais da área de urgência e emergência.