961 resultados para Infant mortality rate
Introducción y objetivos: Universalmente se evidencia un aumento en la incidencia de cáncer prostático, consecuencia de una mayor expectativa de vida y del uso del tamizaje con el antígeno prostático específi co. La mortalidad secundaria es variable y constituye un problema de salud pública. El presente estudio busca describir la evolución de la mortalidad por cáncer de próstata en Colombia en el ámbito nacional y regional. Materiales y métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio ecológico mixto, teniendo como grupos de estudio: el país, sus regiones y departamentos, con una serie temporal de 1997 a 2012 para el país, y de 2008 a 2012 para las regiones y departamentos; se incluyeron todas las defunciones relacionadas con el código CIE-10 C61 de la base de estadísticas del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas. Resultados: Se encontró una tasa de mortalidad nacional entre el 8,9 y el 10,9 por cada 100.000 habitantes hombres en la serie temporal. En las regiones pacífica y andina, se encuentran las mayores tasas de mortalidad. Los departamentos del César y Valle concentran las mayores tasas de mortalidad. La tasa estandarizada de mortalidad nacional es similar a otros países de características socioeconómicas semejantes. Conclusiones: La tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de próstata en Colombia ha disminuido en los últimos 4 años. Se deben optimizar las estrategias de atención médica en regiones con predominio de raza negra y población rural, donde las tasas son superiores al promedio.
La mortalidad materno-perinatal es indicador del bienestar, condiciones de salud de una población, entorno de la madre y calidad en servicios de salud. Las metas del milenio (ONU) proponen disminuir en dos tercios mortalidad infantil y materna en tres cuartas partes para 2015. La razón mundial es 400 defunciones maternas por 100.000 nacidos vivos. Para Colombia la tasa de mortalidad materna es 104.9 por 100.000 nacidos vivos, en Bogotá 2004 fue 66 por 100.000 nacidos vivos. En Sudamérica Chile tuvo una tasa de mortalidad perinatal de 8,8 por 1.000 nacidos vivos, Bolivia continuó con 55 de años previos. Colombia año 2000 24 muertes por 1.000 nacidos vivos, con disminución a 17 para 2003. Para Bogotá la tasa de mortalidad perinatal 2005 fue 11 por 1.000 nacidos vivos. La SDS, política de cero indiferencia con la mortalidad materno perinatal pretende reducir tasas de mortalidad materna a menos de 55 y perinatal evitable en 50%.
Introducción: El cáncer de seno es la primera causa de cáncer entre las mujeres, además es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer entre las hispanas y la segunda entre otras razas, sin contar con el gran impacto social y económico que conlleva esta patología. Esto motiva la realización de estudios propios, que permitan ampliar nuestro conocimiento y aportar a la literatura colombiana, una publicación que refleje los factores asociados a la recaída en el cáncer de mama. Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles en el que se tomaron 267 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de seno, clasificadas según estadio clínico y expresión molecular del tumor, se analizaron los factores más fuertemente asociados a la recaída. Resultados: La población total consistió en 267 mujeres de las cuales 58 presentaron recaída, con un relación caso – control, 1:3. Al evaluar los grupos se evidencia homogeneidad en cuanto a edad, tipo de neoplasia, paridad e histología con lo que concluimos que estos grupos son comparables. Se presentó una tasa de mortalidad de 13,8 % en las pacientes que presentaron recaída tumoral vs un 0% de mortalidad en aquellas pacientes sin recaída. Adicionalmente se evidencia una relación entre la presencia del receptor HER 2 y recaída tumoral, que aunque no es estadísticamente significativa (p = 0.112) es importante tener en cuenta por su significancia clínica. Por su parte la presencia de receptor de estrógenos y progestágenos no es un predictor de recaída. La realización de cirugía se muestra como un factor de protección (OAR: 0.046 p = 0.008). Finalmente se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa como variables de asociación a recaída tumoral: la edad (p=0.009), el estadio clínico en el momento del diagnóstico (p= <0.001) y la clasificación molecular del tumor (p= 0.016). Conclusiones: Se identificaron como factores asociados a recaída tumoral en pacientes con cáncer de mama de una institución de Bogotá, Colombia a: la edad, el estadio clínico en el momento del diagnóstico y la clasificación molecular del tumor, confirmando la agresividad de los tumores triple negativos. Todos los hallazgos son compatibles a lo descrito en la literatura mundial. Esto permite definir la necesidad de generar en nuestro país estrategias de salud pública, que permitan la educación a todos los grupos etarios para el tamizaje en población joven que está siendo afectada, la detección en estadios tempranos del cáncer de mama, asociados a priorización del manejo y mejoras en la ruta de atención de las pacientes que permitan impactar positivamente en el desenlace y calidad de vida de las mujeres con esta patología. Adicionalmente estos resultados impulsan a la continua investigación de nuevas tecnologías y medicamentos que permitan combatir los tumores más agresivos molecularmente hablando.
Dengue and Chikungunya viruses cause the most important arthropod-borne viral infections for humans. These viruses are predominant in tropical and subtropical regions. In addition, these viruses are predominant in tropical and subtropical regions. Dengue mortality rate is around 1.2 to 3.5% and deaths due to chikungunya fever are around 1 in 1000; however, half of chikungunya-infected patients evolve into a chronic state that can persist for months up to years. There are no antiviral drugs available for DENV and CHIKV treatment and prevention. Moreover, vector control strategies have failed so far. Thus, the development of potent inhibitors for a broad spectrum of RNA viruses is urgently needed. We established and characterized a new embryonic insect cell line from Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito. Also we established the flaviviruses and alphavirus replication, both in C6/36 and Lulo insect cell lines, as well as in Vero cell line. In addition we carried out a reference compound library and reference panel of assays and data for DENV, which provides a benchmark for further studies. During this study, a panel of 9 antiviral molecules, with proven in vitro anti-dengue virus activity and that act at different stages of the DENV life cycle, was selected. Finally, Favipiravir or T-705, was identified as inhibitor in vitro and in vivo of alphaviruses and the mutation K291R in nsP4, which is responsible of the polymerase activity, was found as the mode of action in CHIKV. Interestingly, lysine in motif F1 is also highly conserved in positive-stranded RNA viruses and this might explain the broad spectrum of T-705 antiviral activity.
As esplenopatias são doenças comuns em canídeos que tanto podem estar associadas com doenças benignas com excelente prognóstico, como doenças com alto grau de malignidade com elevada taxa de mortalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a população de canídeos esplenectomizados num hospital de referência na área da grande Lisboa. A população foi constituída por 73 indivíduos da espécie Canis familiaris sujeitos a esplenectomia total ou parcial. A população foi analisada e distribuída segundo vários parâmetros, como o a raça, o sexo, a idade, o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico, o diagnóstico histopatológico, o hematócrito pré cirúrgico e por fim a sobrevida. Da análise total de canídeos, observou-se que, a maioria dos canídeos esplenectomizados eram do género masculino, de raça indeterminada e com uma média de 10 anos de idade. Constatou-se que cerca de metade dos canídeos esplenectomizados sobreviveram após um ano da cirurgia e que o diagnóstico histopatológico mais comum foi o hemangiossarcoma, seguido do hematoma esplénico. Através dos testes estatísticos conclui-se que o hematócrito não apresenta qualquer relação com a sobrevida dos animais, embora possa estar relacionado com o diagnóstico histopatológico. Este estudo visou ainda uma caracterização detalhada dos canídeos diagnosticados com hemangiossarcoma. Os animais mais afectados nesta amostra, eram do género masculino com 9anos de idade e eram da raça Boxer e Labrador. Confirmou-se ainda que esta é uma doença com mau prognóstico, apresentando uma taxa de mortalidade de 80%.
Hoje em dia, o uso abusivo de corticosteroide nos vários tipos de choque(hipovolémico,distributivo e séptico) tem levado a debates polémicos. Ao comparar, os resultados dos inúmeros autores que abordaram este tema, não é possível tirar uma conclusão unânime. A opinião de cada um diverge, havendo autores que apoiam e outros que refutam a sua utilização no choque. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em verificar se o uso metilprednisolona vai surtir algum benefício na reversão e sobrevivência do choque, nos animais, em que a terapêutica inicial de abordagem ao choque não tenha surtido efeito. O presente estudo foi realizado no Hospital Veterinário da Arrábida (HVA), em Azeitão, ao longo de um período de 7 meses, decorrido entre 1 de Setembro de 2011 até 31 Março de 2012. Durante esse tempo, procedeu-se ao acompanhamento de 57 animais em choque hipovolémico, distributivo ou séptico. Nas primeiras horas após ser instituído a fluidoterapia de choque e vasopressores, existiram animais em estudo que não conseguiu estabilizar a pressão arterial média (PAM) dentro dos valores normais de referência. Nestes casos foi administrado um tratamento adjuvante com metilprednisolona. Através da análise descritiva da população em estudo verificou-se que a taxa de mortalidade foi menor no grupo de canídeos e felídeos em que não se efetuou o tratamento adjuvante com metilprednisolona.
A toxoplasmose é uma das parasitoses mais comuns em gatos sendo que a sua seroprevalência mundial varia entre 5,5% e 97,4%. Em Portugal, existem poucos estudos sobre a prevalência da toxoplasmose e, por isso, este estudo tem como objetivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento da seroprevalência de base clínica no nosso país. Para a sua realização, foram colhidas amostras de soro de 63 gatos e recolhidos dados epidemiológicos sobre a idade, a raça, o género, o tipo de alimentação, o acesso ao exterior e o tipo de habitat dos progenitores. As amostras de soro foram analisadas através da técnica de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo sido encontrados 25 gatos seropositivos, correspondendo a uma seroprevalência de base clínica de 41%. O único fator de risco identificado foi o acesso ao exterior. A idade do animal não foi estatisticamente significativa como fator de risco, mas observou-se um aumento da prevalência em animais até aos 6 anos de idade. Os gatos de progenitores com acesso ao exterior, animais de género feminino e com alimentação de risco apresentaram maior número de seropositivos, no entanto, estes resultados não foram estatisticamente significativos.
Foram avaliados no Hospital Veterinário da Arrábida (HVA) em Azeitão, entre o período de 1 de Outubro de 2010 a 28 de Fevereiro de 2011, 64 animais em emergência, dos quais 21 pertenciam à espécie felina e 43 à espécie canina. Procedeu-se à medição dos níveis de lactato sérico tipo A durante a triagem nos 64 animais, com o objectivo de se estabelecer uma correlação com o prognóstico. Todos os animais entraram com o Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistémica (SRIS) e alguns apresentaram Sepsis. Da análise da população total, observou-se que para níveis de lactato sanguíneo entre os 2,5 e os 5 mmol/L, a taxa de mortalidade foi de 4%, já para níveis de lactato entre os 5 e os 7 mmol/L esta subiu para os 25 % e finalmente para níveis de lactato maiores que 7 mmol/L a taxa de mortalidade atingiu os 72%. A morbilidade foi definida com base na média do número de dias de internamento e complicações associadas de cada animal, sendo que para níveis de lactato entre os 0 e 2,5 mmol/L a espécie canina apresentou 2 dias e a felina apresentou 0, uma vez que não houve casos. Para níveis de lactato sanguíneo entre os 2,5 e 5 mmol/L os cães exibiram 2,3 e os gatos 2,8 dias. Entre 5 e 7 mmol/L os cães exibiram 3dias e os gatos 3,6. Para níveis séricos maiores que 7 mmol/L os cães apresentaram 6,1 dias enquanto que os gatos exibiram 4,3.
The effectiveness of a formulated product containing spores of the naturally occurring fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus, strain 251, was evaluated against root-knot nematodes in pot and greenhouse experiments. Decrease of second-stage juveniles hatching from eggs was recorded by using the bio-nematicide at a dose of 4 kg ha(-1), while a further decrease was recorded by doubling the dose. However, the mortality rate decreased by increasing the inoculum level. Application of P. lilacinus and Bacillus firmus, singly or together in pot experiments, provided effective control of second-stage juveniles, eggs or egg masses of root-knot nematodes. In a greenhouse experiment, the bio-nematicide was evaluated for its potential to control root-knot nematodes either as a stand-alone method or in combination with soil solarization. Soil was solarized for 15 d and the bio-nematicide was applied just after the removal of the plastic sheet. Soil solarization for 15 d either alone or combined with the use of P. lilacinus did not provide satisfactory control of root-knot nematodes. The use of oxamyl, which was applied 2 weeks before and during transplanting, gave results similar to the commercial product containing P. lilacinus but superior to soil solarization. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Poor glucose tolerance may be an under-researched contributory factor in the high (10% to 20%) pre-weaning mortality rate observed in pigs. Insulin resistance commences at around week 12 of gestation in the sow, although there are conflicting reports in the literature about the extent to which insulin resistance is modulated by maternal diet. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of supplementing the maternal diet with different dietary oils during either the first half or the second half of gestation on the glucose tolerance of the sow. Sows were offered the control (C: n = 5) diet as pellets or the C diet plus 10% extra energy (h = 16 per group) derived from either. (i) extra pellets; (ii) palm oil; (iii) olive oil; (iv) sunflower oil; or (v) fish oil. Experimental diets were fed during either the first (G1) or second (G2) half of gestation. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was conducted on day 108 of gestation by administering 0.5g/kg glucose i.v. Blood samples were taken every 5 to 10 min for 90 min post administration. The change in body weight and backfat thickness during gestation was similar but both type and timing of dietary supplementation influenced litter size and weight. With the exception of the sunflower oil group, supplementing the maternal diet in G1 resulted in larger and heavier litters, particularly in mothers offered palm oil. Basal blood glucose concentrations tended to be more elevated in G1 than G2 groups, whilst plasma insulin concentrations were similar Following a GTT, the adjusted area under the curve was greater in G1 compared to G2 sows, despite no differences in glucose clearance. Maternal diet appeared to influence the relationship between glucose curve characteristics following a GTT and litter outcome. In conclusion, the degree of insulin sensitivity can be altered by both the period during which maternal nutritional supplementation is offered and the fatty acid profile of the diet.
The effectiveness of a formulated bio-nematicide product containing lyophilized bacteria spores of Bacillus firmus was evaluated against root-knot nematodes (RKN) in greenhouse and field experiments. A decrease of second stage juveniles hatching from eggs was recorded by using the bio-nematicide at a dose of 0.9 g kg(-1) of soil while further a decrease was recorded by doubling the dose. However, the mortality rate decreased as the inoculurn level increased. Exposure of either second stage juveniles or egg masses to temperatures of 35-40 degrees C for 1-4 weeks had a marked effect on their survival. In a field experiment, the bio-nematicide was evaluated for its potential to control RKN either as a stand-alone method or in combination with soil solarization. The latter was tested for 15-30 days and the bionematicide was applied just before soil coverage with the plastic sheet or just after its removal. Soil solarization either for 15-30 days provided satisfactory control of RKN. The combination of soil solarization with the bio-nematicide improved nematode control and gave results similar to the chemical treatment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Estimates of seed bank depletion rates are essential for modelling and management of plant populations. The seed bag burial method is often used to measure seed mortality in the soil. However, the density of seeds within seed bags is higher than densities in natural seed banks, which may elevate levels of pathogens and influence seed mortality. The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of fungi and seed density within buried mesh bags on the mortality of seeds. Striga hermonthica was chosen as the study species because it has been widely studied but different methods for measuring seed mortality in the soil have yielded contradictory estimates. 2. Seed bags were buried in soil and exhumed at regular time intervals to monitor mortality of the seeds in three field experiments during two rainy seasons. The effect of fungal activity on seed mortality was evaluated in a fungi exclusion experiment. Differences in seed-to-seed interaction were obtained by using two and four densities within the seed bags in consecutive years. Densities were created by mixing 1000 seeds with 0, 10, 100 or 1000 g of coarse sand. 3. The mortality rate was significantly lower when fungi were excluded, indicating the possible role of pathogenic fungi. 4. Decreasing the density of seeds in bags significantly reduced seed mortality, most probably because of decreased seed-to-seed contamination by pathogenic fungi. 5. Synthesis and applications. Models of plant populations in general and annual weeds in particular often use values from the literature for seed bank depletion rates. These depletion rates have often been estimated by the seed bag burial method, yet seed density within seed bags may be unrealistically high. Consequently, estimates of seed mortality rates may be too high because of an overestimation of the effects of soil or seed-borne pathogens. Species that have been classified from such studies as having short-lived seed banks may need to be re-assessed using realistic densities either within seed bags or otherwise. Similarly, models of seed bank dynamics based on such overestimated depletion rates may lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the seed banks and, perhaps, the management of weeds and rare species.
The emergence in 2009 of a swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus as the first pandemic of the 21st Century is a timely reminder of the international public health impact of influenza viruses, even those associated with mild disease. The widespread distribution of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in the avian population has spawned concern that it may give rise to a human influenza pandemic. The mortality rate associated with occasional human infection by H5N1 virus approximates 60%, suggesting that an H5N1 pandemic would be devastating to global health and economy. To date, the H5N1 virus has not acquired the propensity to transmit efficiently between humans. The reasons behind this are unclear, especially given the high mutation rate associated with influenza virus replication. Here we used a panel of recombinant H5 hemagglutinin (HA) variants to demonstrate the potential for H5 HA to bind human airway epithelium, the predominant target tissue for influenza virus infection and spread. While parental H5 HA exhibited limited binding to human tracheal epithelium, introduction of selected mutations converted the binding profile to that of a current human influenza strain HA. Strikingly, these amino-acid changes required multiple simultaneous mutations in the genomes of naturally occurring H5 isolates. Moreover, H5 HAs bearing intermediate sequences failed to bind airway tissues and likely represent mutations that are an evolutionary "dead end." We conclude that, although genetic changes that adapt H5 to human airways can be demonstrated, they may not readily arise during natural virus replication. This genetic barrier limits the likelihood that current H5 viruses will originate a human pandemic.
Indian Asians living in the UK have a 50% higher CHD mortality rate compared with the indigenous Caucasian population, which cannot be attributed to traditional risk factors. Instead, features of the metabolic syndrome, including raised plasma triacylglycerol, reduced HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and an increased proportion of small dense LDL particles, together with insulin resistance and central obesity, are prevalent among this population. The present review examines evidence to support the hypothesis that an imbalance in dietary PUFA intake, specifically a higher intake of n-6 PUFA in combination with a lower intake of the long-chain (LC) n-3 PUFA, plays an important role in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome observed in Indian Asians. Data are presented to illustrate the impact of manipulation of the background n-6 PUFA intake (moderate or high n-6 PUFA) and the subsequent response to supplementation with LC n-3 PUFA on blood lipids and insulin action in a group of Indian Asian volunteers. The results demonstrate that supplementation with LC n-3 PUFA had no impact on insulin action in those subjects consuming either the moderate-or high-n-6 PUFA diet. In the postprandial phase reductions in plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were greater in those consuming the high-n-6 PUFA background diet subsequent to fish oil supplementation. The present study concludes that, contrary to the central hypothesis, the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities in Indian Asians compared with Caucasians may not be attributable to differences in intakes of n-6 and n-3 PUFA.
Models which define fitness in terms of per capita rate of increase of phenotypes are used to analyse patterns of individual growth. It is shown that sigmoid growth curves are an optimal strategy (i.e. maximize fitness) if (Assumption 1a) mortality decreases with body size; (2a) mortality is a convex function of specific growth rate, viewed from above; (3) there is a constraint on growth rate, which is attained in the first phase of growth. If the constraint is not attained then size should increase at a progressively reducing rate. These predictions are biologically plausible. Catch-up growth, for retarded individuals, is generally not an optimal strategy though in special cases (e.g. seasonal breeding) it might be. Growth may be advantageous after first breeding if birth rate is a convex function of G (the fraction of production devoted to growth) viewed from above (Assumption 5a), or if mortality rate is a convex function of G, viewed from above (Assumption 6c). If assumptions 5a and 6c are both false, growth should cease at the age of first reproduction. These predictions could be used to evaluate the incidence of indeterminate versus determinate growth in the animal kingdom though the data currently available do not allow quantitative tests. In animals with invariant adult size a method is given which allows one to calculate whether an increase in body size is favoured given that fecundity and developmental time are thereby increased.