985 resultados para Individual ability


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Vivre, c'est passer d'un espace à un autre en essayant le plus possible de ne pas se cogner déclamait George Pérec. Cet énoncé poétiquement géographique pourrait résumer d'une certaine façon le défi de connaissance saisi par cette recherche. L'enjeu consiste effectivement à envisager le fait à'habiter, entendu dans son acception du « faire avec de l'espace » de la part des individus, comme n'allant pas de soi, de mettre en exergue le caractère problématique que constitue la pratique d'un lieu pour un individu. A ce titre, l'une des propositions de ce travail est de considérer tout lieu comme un assemblage d'épreuves spatiales face auxquelles les individus sont confrontés. La question se pose alors de savoir comment les individus font avec ces épreuves spatiales. L'hypothèse défendue dans ce travail est celle de la mobilisation, par ces derniers, de compétences - ressortissant d'une « capacité à » telle qu'exprimée par Wittgenstein dans le domaine linguistique, c'est-à-dire d'une « maîtrise technique » - et d'un capital spatial - que l'on peut faire synthétiquement correspondre à l'expérience accumulée par un individu en terme de pratique de lieux. L'argumentation étaye l'hypothèse que les manières d'habiter touristiquement une métropole dépendent notamment de ces deux éléments interdépendants dont dispose tout individu de façon variable et évolutive ; leur importance, sans déterminer aucunement des pratiques spécifiques, participe d'une maîtrise accrue de l'espace, d'une facilité pour faire avec les épreuves spatiales, atténuant le caractère potentiellement contraignant de ces dernières. Il s'agit donc d'une enquête menant une réflexion tout à la fois sur la dimension actorielle des individus, mais également sur le lieu en tant qu'espace habité : travailler sur cette question revient à investir la question de l'agencement urbain d'un lieu, c'est-à-dire d'appréhender la façon dont une configuration urbaine (les épreuves spatiales coïncidant avec les principales caractéristiques de cette dernière) est habitée, et plus particulièrement en l'occurrence ici, est habitée touristiquement. Pour aborder empiriquement cette problématique, l'enquête se focalise donc sur les touristes : d'une part pour leur faible degré de familiarité avec le lieu pratiqué (faire avec cet espace ne relève donc pas d'une routine) et d'autre part parce que leur présence dorénavant massive au sein des métropoles a des effets sur l'agencement de ces lieux qu'il est nécessaire d'envisager. Le laboratoire utilisé est celui de Los Angeles, cette aire urbaine de 18 millions de résidents : son étalement considérable, l'absence d'un centre-ville historiquement important, et la forte prégnance de sa métrique automobile étant des caractéristiques qui font de ce lieu un « exceptionnel normal » aux épreuves spatiales particulièrement proéminentes. La recherche avance à ce titre des arguments permettant d'en souligner un agencement, par les manières d'habiter des touristes, différencié du modèle classique de la métropole touristique : pour exprimer cette singularité, l'enquête étaye l'hypothèse consistant à qualifier ce lieu de métapole touristique. - Living is moving from one space to another while trying not to collide claimed George Pérec. This poetically geographic statement could in a way sum up the challenge seized by this research. The challenge is indeed to consider the fact of dwelling, in the sense of "make do with space" on the part of individuals, as not an evidence but highlighting the problematic characteristics of the practice of a place by people. Accordingly, one of the proposals of this work is to consider each place as a gathering of spatial stakes against which individuals are faced. The question then arises how are individuals facing these spatial stakes. The hypothesis debated in this work is that of the mobilization of skills such as "the ability of' as expressed by Wittgenstein in the linguistic field, i.e. a "technical mastery" - and a spatial capital - that can synthetically correspond to the experience accumulated by one single individual in terms of practice of places. Argument supports the hypothesis that the ways of touristically dwelling a metropolis depend on these two interdependent elements which everyone deal with in a variable and scalable manner; their importance, without determining any specific practices, participates in an increased proficiency of space, easing to make do with the space stakes, moderating the potentially binding character of the latter. It is therefore a survey leading a reflection both on the actorial dimension of individuals, but also on the place as a living space: working on this issue is exploring the question of the urban layout of a place, i.e. to understand how an urban configuration (the space stakes coinciding with the main features of the latter) is inhabited, and in particular in the present case, is touristically dwelled. To empirically address this issue, the inquiry therefore focuses on tourists: on the one hand for their low degree of familiarity with the place (make do with this space is therefore not a routine) and secondly because their now massive presence within the metropolis has effects on the layout of these places that is necessary to consider. The laboratory used is that of Los Angeles, this urban area of 18 million residents: its considerable spread, the absence of an historically important downtown» and high salience of "automobile metric" are features that make this place a "normal exceptional" with particularly prominent space stakes. Hence, research advances the arguments underlining the layout, by the ways of tourists dwelling different from the classical model of the metropolis: to express this uniqueness, the survey supports hypothesis to describe this place as a tourist metapolis.


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This paper shows how recently developed regression-based methods for thedecomposition of health inequality can be extended to incorporateindividual heterogeneity in the responses of health to the explanatoryvariables. We illustrate our method with an application to the CanadianNPHS of 1994. Our strategy for the estimation of heterogeneous responsesis based on the quantile regression model. The results suggest that thereis an important degree of heterogeneity in the association of health toexplanatory variables which, in turn, accounts for a substantial percentageof inequality in observed health. A particularly interesting finding isthat the marginal response of health to income is zero for healthyindividuals but positive and significant for unhealthy individuals. Theheterogeneity in the income response reduces both overall health inequalityand income related health inequality.


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In this introductory editorial, we provide a brief overview of the history of individual difference research in leadership. We explain the major challenges that trait research faced, and why it was revived primarily because of methodological advancements. Next, we argue that leadership individual difference research is at a cusp of a renaissance. We explain why we are at this cusp and what researchers should do reify the renaissance in terms of theoretical extensions of trait models, the application of robust methodological advancements, and the development of process models linking distal (i.e., traits) predictors to proximal predictors (e.g., behaviors, skills, attitudes), and the latter to leader outcomes. We then summarize the papers we accepted for the special issue, and conclude with an optimistic note for leadership individual difference research.


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Kirton's Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) is a widely-used measure of "cognitive style." Surprisingly, there is very little research investigating the discriminant and incremental validity of the KAI. In two studies (n = 213), we examined whether (a) we could predict KAI scores with the "big five" personality dimensions and (b) the KAI scores predicted leadership behavior when controlling for personality and ability. Correcting for measurement error, we found that KAI scores were predicted mostly by personality and gender (multiple R = 0.82). KAI scores did not predict variance in leadership while controlling for established predictors. Our findings add to recent literature that questions the uniqueness and utility of cognitive style or similar "style" constructs; researchers using such measures must control for the big five factors and correct for measurement error to avoid confounded interpretations.


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The concept of authority crosses many social sciences, but there is a lack of common taxonomy and definitions on this topic. The aims of this review are: (1) to define the basic characteristics of the authority relationship, reaching a definition suitable for the different domains of social psychology and social sciences; (2) to bridge the gap between individual and societal levels of explanation concerning the authority relationship, by proposing an interpretation within the framework of social representations. The authority relationship can be conceived as a negotiation of meanings and it is closely linked to shared value orientation and the attribution of meanings negotiated within a society. We assume that the authority relationship is socially constructed and represents both a shared representation of society and a normative principle of social life. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted, crossing definitions and studies provided in sociology, political science, law and social psychology.


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Aquest treball fa un repàs a les diferents teories relacionades amb el camp d’estudi de les estratègies d’aprenentatge de segones llengües i respon a preguntes de recerca relacionades amb la freqüència d’ús de les estratègies i la relació amb les diferències individuals. La primera part és una introducció on s’hi plantegen les preguntes de recerca en les quals es basa el treball. La segona part, consisteix en un resum de les teories relacionades amb el tema de les estratègies d’estudi de segones llengües, i una posada en comú d’aquestes per mostrar les dificultats que hi ha per trobar consens en quant a la identificació i classificació de les estratègies. La tercera part, presenta la metodologia utilitzada per a la recollida de dades per tal de contestar les preguntes de recerca. En la quarta part es desenvolupa la recerca duta a terme; i finalment es presenten les conclusions extretes de cada pregunta de recerca plantejada.


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Iowa Individual Income Tax Statistical Report 2007


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Objective The aim is to analyze and compare individual BMI growth patterns of adults from Switzerland and the U.S. Methods The analyses are based on data from two population representative longitudinal household surveys, one from Switzerland, the other from the U.S. Each data set contains up to four data points for each adult individual. We use multilevel models for growth. Results It can be shown that growth patterns are different in different cohorts in the two countries: there are only small growth differences in the youngest and oldest, but large differences in the middle ages. The individual BMI increase of the middle age Swiss amounts to only half of that in the comparable U.S. individuals. Conclusion Given the much higher BMI level especially in the youngest cohort, this points to severe obesity problems in the U.S. middle aged population in the near future. A positive correlation between individual BMI level and growth may aggravate this fact.


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Els alumnes elaboren produccions de qualitat superior quan treballen en parelles que quan ho fan individualment. Sota aquesta màxima, l’estudi demostra que quan els alumnes escriuen textos científics descriptius, justificatius i descriptius-justificatius en parella milloren aspectes relacionats amb determinades habilitats inherents a qualsevol tipus de text, com l’estructuració de la informació i l’adequació del llenguatge al context, i d’altres específiques de textos descriptius i justificatius. És sorprenent constatar que aquesta millora es dóna en tot tipus d’alumnes, tant aquells amb hàbits d’estudi superiors com aquells amb dificultats d’aprenentatge, i que els avantatges d’aquesta metodologia de treball no es circumscriuen tan sols a l’àmbit acadèmic; els alumnes prefereixen treballar en parella perquè els permet compartir punts de vista i ajudar-se mútuament. Per tant, els resultats demostren que complementar les classes de ciències amb el treball en parella possibilita assolir amb més garanties l’aprenentatge significatiu dels nostres alumnes.


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Preface In this thesis we study several questions related to transaction data measured at an individual level. The questions are addressed in three essays that will constitute this thesis. In the first essay we use tick-by-tick data to estimate non-parametrically the jump process of 37 big stocks traded on the Paris Stock Exchange, and of the CAC 40 index. We separate the total daily returns in three components (trading continuous, trading jump, and overnight), and we characterize each one of them. We estimate at the individual and index levels the contribution of each return component to the total daily variability. For the index, the contribution of jumps is smaller and it is compensated by the larger contribution of overnight returns. We test formally that individual stocks jump more frequently than the index, and that they do not respond independently to the arrive of news. Finally, we find that daily jumps are larger when their arrival rates are larger. At the contemporaneous level there is a strong negative correlation between the jump frequency and the trading activity measures. The second essay study the general properties of the trade- and volume-duration processes for two stocks traded on the Paris Stock Exchange. These two stocks correspond to a very illiquid stock and to a relatively liquid stock. We estimate a class of autoregressive gamma process with conditional distribution from the family of non-central gamma (up to a scale factor). This process was introduced by Gouriéroux and Jasiak and it is known as Autoregressive gamma process. We also evaluate the ability of the process to fit the data. For this purpose we use the Diebold, Gunther and Tay (1998) test; and the capacity of the model to reproduce the moments of the observed data, and the empirical serial correlation and the partial serial correlation functions. We establish that the model describes correctly the trade duration process of illiquid stocks, but have problems to adjust correctly the trade duration process of liquid stocks which present long-memory characteristics. When the model is adjusted to volume duration, it successfully fit the data. In the third essay we study the economic relevance of optimal liquidation strategies by calibrating a recent and realistic microstructure model with data from the Paris Stock Exchange. We distinguish the case of parameters which are constant through the day from time-varying ones. An optimization problem incorporating this realistic microstructure model is presented and solved. Our model endogenizes the number of trades required before the position is liquidated. A comparative static exercise demonstrates the realism of our model. We find that a sell decision taken in the morning will be liquidated by the early afternoon. If price impacts increase over the day, the liquidation will take place more rapidly.


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The Neolithic was marked by a transition from small and relatively egalitarian groups to much larger groups with increased stratification. But, the dynamics of this remain poorly understood. It is hard to see how despotism can arise without coercion, yet coercion could not easily have occurred in an egalitarian setting. Using a quantitative model of evolution in a patch-structured population, we demonstrate that the interaction between demographic and ecological factors can overcome this conundrum. We model the coevolution of individual preferences for hierarchy alongside the degree of despotism of leaders, and the dispersal preferences of followers. We show that voluntary leadership without coercion can evolve in small groups, when leaders help to solve coordination problems related to resource production. An example is coordinating construction of an irrigation system. Our model predicts that the transition to larger despotic groups will then occur when: (i) surplus resources lead to demographic expansion of groups, removing the viability of an acephalous niche in the same area and so locking individuals into hierarchy; (ii) high dispersal costs limit followers' ability to escape a despot. Empirical evidence suggests that these conditions were probably met, for the first time, during the subsistence intensification of the Neolithic.


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The Internet and new communication technologies are deeply affecting healthcare systems and the provision of care. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possibility that cyberhealth, via the development of widespread easy access to wireless personal computers, tablets and smartphones, can effectively influence intake of medication and long-term medication adherence, which is a complex, difficult and dynamic behaviour to adopt and to sustain over time. Because of its novelty, the impact of cyberhealth on drug intake has not yet been well explored. Initial results have provided some evidence, but more research is needed to determine the impact of cyberhealth resources on long-term adherence and health outcomes, its user-friendliness and its adequacy in meeting e-patient needs. The purpose of such Internet-based interventions, which provide different levels of customisation, is not to take over the roles of healthcare providers; on the contrary, cyberhealth platforms should reinforce the alliance between healthcare providers and patients by filling time-gaps between visits and allowing patients to upload and/or share feedback material to be used during the visits. This shift, however, is not easily endorsed by healthcare providers, who must master new eHealth skills, but healthcare systems have a unique opportunity to invest in the Internet and to use this powerful tool to design the future of integrated care. Before this can occur, however, important issues must be addressed and resolved, for example ethical considerations, the scientific quality of programmes, reimbursement of activity, data security and the ownership of uploaded data.