998 resultados para III-Nitride


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A new method of measuring the thickness of GaN epilayers on sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates by using double crystal X-ray diffraction was proposed. The ratio of the integrated intensity between the GaN epilayer and the sapphire substrate showed a linear relationship with the GaN epilayer thickness up to 2.12 mum. It is practical and convenient to measure the GaN epilayer thickness using this ratio, and can mostly eliminate the effect of the reabsorption, the extinction and other scattering factors of the GaN epilayers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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(1 1 (2) over bar 0) GaN/InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) were grown on (1 (2) over bar 0 2) sapphire by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The excitation-intensity-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of these samples was measured, and no peak shift was observed. This phenomenon was attributed to the absence of piezoelectric field (PEF) along the growth orientation of the (1 1 (2) over bar 0) face MQWs. Our experimental results showed that PEF was the main reason causing peak blueshift in excitation-intensity-dependent PL spectrum of (0 0 0 1) InGaN/GaN NIQWs. It was expected that fabricating (1 1 (2) over bar 0) face nitride device should be a method to avoid PEF and get low-threshold, high-quantum-efficiency and stable-emission-wavelength light-emission devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Morphology of Gallium Nitride (GaN) in initial growth stage was observed with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), It was found that the epilayer developed from islands to coalesced film. Statistics based on AFM observation was carried out to investigate the morphology characteristics. It was found that the evolution of height distribution could be used to describe morphology development. Statistics also clearly revealed variation of top-face growth rate among islands. Indium-doping effect on morphology development was also statistically studied. The roughening and smoothing behavior in morphology development was explained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen behavior in unintentionally doped GaN epilayers on sapphire substrates grown by NH3-MBE is investigated. Firstly, we find by using nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) that with increasing hydrogen concentration the background electron concentration increases, which suggests that there exists a hydrogen-related donor in undoped GaN, Secondly, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) reveal Further that hydrogen atom is bound to nitrogen atom in GaN with a local vibrational mode at about 3211 cm(-1) Hence, it is presumed that the hydrogen-related complex Ga. . .H-N is a hydrogen-related donor candidate partly responsible for high n-type background commonly observed in GaN films. Finally, Raman spectroscopy results of the epilayers show that ill addition to the expected compressive biaxial strain, in some cases GaN films suffer from serious tensile biaxial strain. This anomalous behavior has been well interpreted in terms of interstitial hydrogen lattice dilation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Point defects in III-V compound semiconductors were analyzed systematically in this paper. The effects of substitutes, antisites, interstitials, and vacancies on lattice parameters in III-V compound semiconductors were calculated with a simple model. The formation energies of vacancies in compound semiconductors can be obtained by this calculation. A practical technique established on this model has been utilized for measuring the stoichiometry in GaAs. The relationship between stoichiometry and deep level centers in GaAs was also investigated.


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A KrF (248 nm) excimer laser with a 38 ns pulse width was used to study pulsed laser annealing (PLA) on Mg-doped cubic GaN alms. The laser-induced changes were monitored by photoluminescence (PL) measurement. It indicated that deep levels in as-grown cubic GaN : Mg films were neutralized by H and PLA treatment could break Mg-H-N complex. The evolution of emissions around 426 and 468 nm with different PLA conditions reflected the different activation of the involved deep levels. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in N-2 atmosphere reverts the luminescence of laser annealed samples to that of the pre-annealing state. The reason is that most H atoms still remained in the epilayers after PLA due to the short duration of the pulses and reoccupied the original locations during RTA. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.72.Vv; 61.72.Cc; 18.55. -m.


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A quasi-thermodynamic analysis of the MOVPE growth of AlxGa1-xN alloy using TMGa, TMA1 and ammonia has been proposed. The effect of varying growth conditions (growth temperature, reactor pressure, input V/III ratio, hydrogen pressure fraction in the carrier gas and the decomposed fraction of ammonia) on the distribution coefficient of Al has been calculated. In the case of AlxGa1-xN, preferential incorporation of Al is predicted. The calculated relationship between input vapour and deposited solid composition has been compared with data in the literature. A good agreement between the calculated and the experimental composition shows that our improved model is suitable for applying to the AlxGa1-xN alloy grown by MOVPE. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of MOCVD GaInAsSb and AlGaAsSb was studied by the growth rate as a function of growth temperature and partial pressure of III and V MO species. The diffusion theory was used to explain the mass transport processes in MOCVD III-V quaternary antimonides. On the basis of the discussion about their growth kinetics and epilayer properties, the good quality multi-epilayers of these two quaternary antimonides and their photodetectors and arrays with wavelength of 1.8 similar to 2.3 mu m and detectivities of D* > 10(9) cm Hz(1/2) W-1 were obtained.


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The room temperature Raman spectra of the Ga(0.5)Al(0.5)AS and the In0.52Al0.48As epilayer grown on [n11]-oriented substrates were measured in various back scatterng geometries, The relative intensity of TO modes and LO modes in those samples shows a regular Variation with differently oriented substrates in the experiments. By comparing experimental data with Raman scattering selection rules for the zincblende structure epilayer grown on [n11]-oriented substrates, it was found that the present calculations are in good agreement with the experimental results.


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The effect of using an indium flux during the MBE growth of GaN layers was investigated. The properties of these layers were studied using electron probe microanalysis, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence. The optical properties of the GaN layers are shown to improve as compared with undoped GaN layers grown under nominally the same conditions but without an additional indium flux.


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A systematic investigation of crystallographic and magnetic properties of nitride R3Fe29-xCrxN4 (R=Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy) has been performed. The lattice constants and unit cell volume decrease with increasing rare earth atomic number from Nd to Dy, reflecting the lanthanide contraction. After nitrogenation the relative volume expansion of each nitride is around between 5% and 7%. The nitrogenation results in a good improvement in the Curie temperature, the saturation magnetization and anisotropy fields at 4.2 K, and room temperature for R3Fe29-xCrxN4. Magnetohistory effects of R3Fe29-xCrxN4 and R3Fe29-xCrx (R=Nd and Sm) are observed in a low field of 0.04 T. First order magnetization process occurs in Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0N4 in magnetic fields of 2.8 T at 4.2 K. After nitrogenation, the easy magnetization direction of Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0 is changed from the easy-cone structure to the uniaxial. The good intrinsic magnetic properties of Sm3Fe24.0Cr5.0N4 make this compound a hopeful candidate for new high-performance hard magnets. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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The qualities of GaSb substrates commonly used for the preparation of III-V antimonide epilayers were studied before and after growing GaInAsSb multi-layers by MOCVD using PL, FTIR and DCXD together with the electrical properties and EPD value. The correlation between the substrate qualities and epilayer properties was briefly discussed. The good property epilayers of GaInAsSb and, then, the high preformance of 2.3 um photodetectors were achieved only using the good quality GaSb wafers as the substrates.


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Raman scattering, photoluminescence (PL), and nuclear reaction analysis (MA) have been employed to investigate the effects of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on GaN films grown on sapphire (0001) substrates by gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy, The Raman spectra showed the presence of the E-2 (high) mode of GaN and shift of this mode from 572 to 568 cm(-1) caused by annealing. The results showed that RTA has a significant effect on the strain relaxation caused by the lattice and thermal expansion misfit between the GaN epilayer and the substrate. The PL peak exhibited a blueshift in its energy position and a decrease in the full width at half maximum after annealing, indicating an improvement in the optical quality of the film. Furthermore, a green luminescence appeared after annealing and increased in intensity with increasing annealing time. This effect was attributed to H concentration variation in the GaN film, which was measured by NRA. A high H concentration exists in as-grown GaN, which can neutralize the deep level, and the H-bonded complex dissociates during RTA, This leads to the appearance of a luminescent peak in the PL spectrum. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Bulge test combined with a refined load-deflection model for long rectangular membrane was applied to determine the mechanical and fracture properties of PECVD silicon nitride (SiNx) thin films. Plane-strain modulus E-ps prestress s(0), and fracture strength s(max) of SiNx thin films deposited both on bare Si substrate and on SiO2-topped Si substrate were extracted. The SiNx thin films on different substrates possess similar values of E-ps and s(0) but quite different values of s(max). The statistical analysis of fracture strengths were performed by Weibull distribution function and the fracture origins were further predicted.