837 resultados para Hypothesis generation


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Water scarcity and food insecurity are pervasive issues in the developing world and are also intrinsically linked to one another. Through the connection of the water cycle and the carbon cycle this study illustrates that synergistic benefits can be realized by small scale farmers through the implementation of waste water irrigated agroforestry. The WaNuLCAS model is employed using La Huerta agroforestry site in Texcoco, South Central Mexico, as the basis for parameterization. The results of model simulations depicting scenarios of water scarcity and waste water irrigation clearly show that the addition of waste water greatly increases the agroforestry system’s generation of crop yields, above- and below-ground biomass, soil organic matter and carbon storage potential. This increase in carbon sequestration by the system translates into better local food security, diversified household income through payments for ecosystem services and contributes to the mitigation of global climate change.


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With the development of high-level languages for new computer architectures comes the need for appropriate debugging tools as well. One method for meeting this need would be to develop, from scratch, a symbolic debugger with the introduction of each new language implementation for any given architecture. This, however, seems to require unnecessary duplication of effort among developers. This paper describes Maygen, a "debugger generation system," designed to efficiently provide the desired language-dependent and architecture-dependent debuggers. A prototype of the Maygen system has been implemented and is able to handle the semantically different languages of C and OPAL.


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En esta monografía se analizan las acciones y decisiones impulsadas por el gobierno colombiano para fomentar y fortalecer la industria cinematográfica colombiana. Primero se hará un recuento de la historia del cine colombiano desde la llegada del cinematógrafo al país, poniendo especial énfasis en los intentos de fomento a la industria cinematográfica nacional antes de la entrada en vigor de la Ley General de Cultura y la Ley del Cine, que se analizan por separado, para ver de qué manera funcionan como bases para una política pública para la cinematografía nacional, para finalizar con un inventario de la producción cinematográfica a partir de 1997 para observar el efecto de la regulación en la materia en general. El texto tiene como base estos tres objetivos principales que se desarrollan por separado en uno de los capítulos. El trabajo es de carácter descriptivo analítico por lo cual se cuenta tanto con datos estadísticos como con entrevistas, entre otros, combinando datos cuantitativos y cualitativos para generar un análisis lo más completo posible sobre el tema. Lo que se intenta mostrar con esta monografía es que con la expedición de la Ley General de Cultura (397 del 97) y de la Ley del Cine (814 de 2003) se sientan las bases para una política pública para la cinematografía nacional, ya que se crean e implementan mecanismos de fomento a la industria del cine en todas sus etapas (desarrollo, preproducción, producción, postproducción, distribución y exhibición), que están en proceso de consolidación y generación de resultados.


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Este documento examina la hipótesis de sostenibilidad fiscal para 8 países de Latinoamérica. A partir de un modelo de datos panel, se determina si los ingresos y gasto primario de los Gobiernos entre 1960 - 2009 están cointegrados, es decir, si son sostenibles a largo plazo. Para esto, se utilizaron pruebas de raíz unitaria y cointegración de segunda generación con datos panel macroeconómicos, lo que permite tener en cuenta la dependencia cruzada entre los países, así como los posibles quiebres estructurales en la relación que estén determinados de manera endógena; en particular, se usan la prueba de estacionariedad de Hadri y Rao (2008) y la prueba de cointegración de Westerlund (2006). Como resultado del análisis se encontró evidencia empírica de que en el período bajo estudio el déficit primario en los 8 países latinoamericanos es sostenible pero en sentido débil.


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ognyline) There is an increasing pressure on university staff to provide ever more information and resources to students. This study investigated student opinions on (audio) podcasts and (video) vodcasts and how well they met requirements and aided learning processes. Two experiments within the Aston University looked at student opinion on, and usage of, podcasts and vodcasts for a selection of their psychology lectures.


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PowerPoint slides for Hypothesis Testing. Examples are taken from the Medical Literature


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PowerPoint Slides for Hypothesis testing Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science


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This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.


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This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.


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This talk will present an overview of the ongoing ERCIM project SMARTDOCS (SeMAntically-cReaTed DOCuments) which aims at automatically generating webpages from RDF data. It will particularly focus on the current issues and the investigated solutions in the different modules of the project, which are related to document planning, natural language generation and multimedia perspectives. The second part of the talk will be dedicated to the KODA annotation system, which is a knowledge-base-agnostic annotator designed to provide the RDF annotations required in the document generation process.


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Title: Data-Driven Text Generation using Neural Networks Speaker: Pavlos Vougiouklis, University of Southampton Abstract: Recent work on neural networks shows their great potential at tackling a wide variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. This talk will focus on the Natural Language Generation (NLG) problem and, more specifically, on the extend to which neural network language models could be employed for context-sensitive and data-driven text generation. In addition, a neural network architecture for response generation in social media along with the training methods that enable it to capture contextual information and effectively participate in public conversations will be discussed. Speaker Bio: Pavlos Vougiouklis obtained his 5-year Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2013. He was awarded an MSc degree in Software Engineering from the University of Southampton in 2014. In 2015, he joined the Web and Internet Science (WAIS) research group of the University of Southampton and he is currently working towards the acquisition of his PhD degree in the field of Neural Network Approaches for Natural Language Processing. Title: Provenance is Complicated and Boring — Is there a solution? Speaker: Darren Richardson, University of Southampton Abstract: Paper trails, auditing, and accountability — arguably not the sexiest terms in computer science. But then you discover that you've possibly been eating horse-meat, and the importance of provenance becomes almost palpable. Having accepted that we should be creating provenance-enabled systems, the challenge of then communicating that provenance to casual users is not trivial: users should not have to have a detailed working knowledge of your system, and they certainly shouldn't be expected to understand the data model. So how, then, do you give users an insight into the provenance, without having to build a bespoke system for each and every different provenance installation? Speaker Bio: Darren is a final year Computer Science PhD student. He completed his undergraduate degree in Electronic Engineering at Southampton in 2012.


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La idea de negocio consiste en ofrecer al mercado una bebida refrescantemente novedosa. La bebida consiste en un concentrado de fruta hecho a base de pulpa natural el cual rinde seis veces su contenido, siendo ideal para la familia en general y establecimientos en los que se sirvan bebidas. Se estima que hay alrededor de 200 mil familias que podrían ajustarse al perfil de consumidores potenciales en Bogotá. Para comprobar el potencial del producto se hizo una validación de este en la Ciclovia específicamente en un punto donde practicarían deporte familias con características a las preestablecidas en la descripción de clientes potenciales, favorablemente las apreciaciones hacia el producto fueron positivas hasta el punto en que se genero expectativa por el lanzamiento del producto al mercado, además se validaron hipótesis planteadas durante la formulación del modelo de negocio. El enfoque inicial de la empresa seria desarrollar el mercado, comercializar la bebida atreves de sus canales, realizar constantes investigaciones de mercado con el fin de entender las necesidades de sus clientes y de esta forma fidelizarlos.