771 resultados para Estratégia Saúde da Família


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The programs of conditional cash transfer are widespread in developing countries in Latin America with emphasis on Brazil as a new paradigm in social p olicies for poverty eradication . Consist of transferring monetary funds from the government directly to poor families by fulfilling the condition alities on education and health . In health, even wi th variations between countries , conditionality targeting public pregnant women and children with a view to improving health indic ators maternoinfantil as growth , infant mortality and prenatal care. The objectives of this study are to compare the transfer progr am conditional Brazilian income , the Family and similar programs in Latin A merica in relation to it s effects on growth in children , and to evaluate the effect of Bolsa Família in the prevalence of use of services ( conditionalities ) of prenatal care in Brazilian health services whose teams joined the Programa de Acesso e Melhoria da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ - AB) . For the first objective a systematic review , we selec ted ten articles between 1007 ( one thousand and seven ) found in the databases Embase , PubMed, Scopus , Scielo and Lilacs databases was performed . Articles are ob servational epidemiological studies of transverse descriptive and analytical types of cohort and case - co ntrol. For the second objective, for it is a prevalence study , a statistical analysis using Poisson regression with robust variance was performed to i nvestigate how the prevalence of compliance with conditionalities on health was influenced b y various explanatory variables . Ratios , crude and adjusted prevalence , with their respective confidence i ntervals of 95 % were estimated . The family joined the sch olarship program was considered as the main expo sure variable . Confounding variables were: maternal age , race / color, paid employment , marital status and region of residence . In d ata analysis software R 3.0.1 (RDevelopment Core Team 2013 ) was used . Rega rding the comparison of the Bolsa Família with other programs in Latin America , the review found similar results regarding the positive effect of income transfer in the nutritional status o f beneficiary children programs , and these effects are more evident in children under two years old and belonging to familie s of lower socioeconomic status . For the prevalence of conditionalities entres different groups of users of the Bolsa Família and nonusers results showed no statistically significant difference betwe en respondents (with children under two years ) registered and not registered in PBF on issues relating to: me et at least six prenatal visits , meet and participate in health education activities . It follows from side to increase minimum income for families in extreme poverty showed positive impact on children's health in Brazil and Latin America. The o ther is not confirmed in Brazil , an increase in conditionality expressed in use of primary care by the user s of the Bolsa Família services.


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The interprofessional education still represents a great challenge for the health education. This paper aims at implementing the Interprofessional Cardiology Visit (VIC, acronym in Portuguese) as a teaching strategy for the interprofessional education in the undergraduate and graduate courses of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, acronym in Portuguese). It is a prospective and exploratory study held from March 2013 to November 2014, in the cardiology department of HUOL (Portuguese acronym for Onofre Lopes University Hospital), including health professionals from the mentioned hospital (doctor, psycologist, physiotherapist, dentist, social assistant, nutritionist, pharmacist and nurse), undergraduate and graduate students from the health courses of UFRN. The study happened in three parts: interprofessional activity planning; Implementation of the activity “Interprofessional Cardiology Visit (VIC)”; and Activity evaluation, this last one was made through focus groups. The process of planning and implementation of the VIC was described during the implementation phase: 60 meetings in which 1324 participants discussed one specific patient per meeting. After each case presentation, an interprofessional discussion was held, pointing out each professional’s specific point of view towards improving the overall care of that discussed patient. From the focus group analysis, five categories emerged: Recognition of previous participations in interprofessional activities; Conceptual vision of interprofessional activities; Impacts of the VIC to the patient’s care; Contributions of VIC to the professional training; and Challenges of VIC continuation. The making and planning of VIC process has reached its goals, despite of some health professional’s participation not being systematic due to work overload, such as the nurses’ case, as well as schedule difficulties. The VIC was praised as a successful experience and considered an initiative with positive impact for improving the care of patients with heart diseases. It is clear, from analyzing the discourses, that the VIC is a strategy which positively impacts both the care and the teaching. However, some difficulties remain, such as the lack of human resources and the challenge of making it systematic.


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The balance between the demands of two important spheres of human life, work and family, has become a challenge due to the pressures of the contemporary that is expanding around the difficulties of reconciling these two comínios. In this sense, this research aimed to understand the work-family interaction in the perception of executive secretaries. The analysis approach used was qualitative research, by worrying about a reality that can not be quantified due to the subjectivity of his goal. The data collection technique used was the semistructured interview to twenty executive secretaries, servants of a Federal Institution of Higher Education. For the understanding and interpretation of the data, we used the technique of content analysis. The results of both analyzes identified the existence of conflict as enrichment in this interaction. The time was identified as the largest generator of conflict work. The overload, relationship stress and conflict emerged as elements common to both domains. As main implications of labor disputes, were revealed: problamas health for secretaries and stress. As main implications of family conflicts emerged: motivation for work, lower performance and lack of concentration. The attempt at balance was identified as the strategy most used by secretaries to minimize work-family conflict. The work-family enrichment was seen as resources that contribute to improving the lives of the secretary in both domains. The opportunity to add knowledge was highlighted as enriching element of work and family values ​​as elements enriching family. The support and experience emerged as enrichment items common to both domains. Regarding the implications of enrichment resulting from the interaction of work and family, the more perceived by respondents were: increased knowledge and skills, material and psychological benefits, improved quality of life and personal and professional fulfillment. From the perception of executive secretaries, work and family spheres of human life are essential and complementary, and that help is contrary, however, this relationship is the primary management of conflicts, ie, how the individual sees and manages the negative side of the work-family


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A interdisciplinaridade é uma estratégia para a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde. A consciência das diferenças dentro dos grupos homogêneos favorecem ações mais congruentes, como proposta de superação da dificuldade de união entre a ciência e a complexidade em saúde. Sugere um repensar sobre a fragmentação do conhecimento na saúde e uma reflexão que fortaleça as parcerias entre os múltiplos profissionais com enfoque em melhores condições de saúde e vida da população. Neste artigo, objetivou-se descrever a abordagem interdisciplinar no processo de cuidar culturalmente competente a pessoa vivendo com HIV; e compreender, na percepção do enfermeiro, a relação entre a interdisciplinaridade e o processo de cuidar culturalmente competente. O estudo foi do tipo descritivo e exploratório, realizado em serviços de infeciologia referência em Portugal. As informações foram coletadas por observações participantes do contexto social e durante as reuniões de equipa. Também foram realizadas 18 entrevistas semiestruturadas com os enfermeiros dos serviços. Todos os preceitos éticos do estudo com seres humanos foram respeitados. Os dados foram tematizados com suporte da análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011) e apresentam-se como dois temas: Implicações práticas do trabalho interdisciplinar e Facilidades/dificuldades no cuidar interdisciplinar. Estas temáticas demonstraram a importância da atitude dialógica entre profissionais-instituição-utente, num contexto de confronto de ideias e conhecimentos essenciais para aprimorar a qualidade dos cuidados em saúde por meio da maestria cultural.


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The objective of this study was to analyze if the pro equity program of gender and race in the PMC, changed the perception of the servants on the conception of sexual division of labor. The sexual division of labor is the concept that allows identifying and understanding the hierarchical relations (principal of hierarchization) based on the attribution of social and economic value most male occupations in relation female, besides that, considerers the female work‟s secondary and her salary supplement to the family income. And the principle of separation identifying the places occupies by man and woman in the institution (productive, reproductive, and domestic work) agreeing with the historical and social construction that associates woman to occupational sectors like “mastertship”, nursering and social assistance, considered an extension of the family functions like taking care and family affections. And the man is associate to engineer, technology information and occupations related to exact science all professions associate to reason, creating a bias of gender in labor relations. To identify possible inequalities of gender in the work ambiance, I have compared the initial basic duration of some careers, the ascension process to higher positions and the salary that both servants and servers in the PMC. Was also investigated the perception of implements and beneficiaries of the program, over the sexual labor division. The methodology used for conduct the investigation was the qualitative research interpretive character using the structured and semi structured interviewed as instruments of data collect. The interview was divided in two groups, to follow: a) implements of pro-equity program of gender and race and b) professors and engineers beneficiaries. The analyzes of documents provided by the Secretaria de Politícas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República and by the PMC complemented the investigative path of this research. Bring as result a perception of beneficiaries servants and implementing on a policy which provides for cultural changes in the institution and in the management of people. It should be noted that the program foresees that in its objectives identify the discriminatory relations of race, sexual orientation, generation and disable person who were not examined in this study. Factor that enables the continuation of the investigation process and is a suggestion for a future research.


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The balance between the demands of two important spheres of human life, work and family, has become a challenge due to the pressures of the contemporary that is expanding around the difficulties of reconciling these two comínios. In this sense, this research aimed to understand the work-family interaction in the perception of executive secretaries. The analysis approach used was qualitative research, by worrying about a reality that can not be quantified due to the subjectivity of his goal. The data collection technique used was the semistructured interview to twenty executive secretaries, servants of a Federal Institution of Higher Education. For the understanding and interpretation of the data, we used the technique of content analysis. The results of both analyzes identified the existence of conflict as enrichment in this interaction. The time was identified as the largest generator of conflict work. The overload, relationship stress and conflict emerged as elements common to both domains. As main implications of labor disputes, were revealed: problamas health for secretaries and stress. As main implications of family conflicts emerged: motivation for work, lower performance and lack of concentration. The attempt at balance was identified as the strategy most used by secretaries to minimize work-family conflict. The work-family enrichment was seen as resources that contribute to improving the lives of the secretary in both domains. The opportunity to add knowledge was highlighted as enriching element of work and family values ​​as elements enriching family. The support and experience emerged as enrichment items common to both domains. Regarding the implications of enrichment resulting from the interaction of work and family, the more perceived by respondents were: increased knowledge and skills, material and psychological benefits, improved quality of life and personal and professional fulfillment. From the perception of executive secretaries, work and family spheres of human life are essential and complementary, and that help is contrary, however, this relationship is the primary management of conflicts, ie, how the individual sees and manages the negative side of the work-family


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Comunitaria


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Relatório de Estagio apresentado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Comunitaria


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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O Programa Bolsa Família foi criado com a finalidade de possibilitar a melhoria das condições socioeconômicas das famílias, tendo apresentado nos últimos anos uma evolução significativa, tanto nos dispêndios quanto no número de pessoas atendidas, fato que demonstrou sua priorização como política de governo. O programa, contudo, tem sido alvo de diversas críticas que demandam uma investigação mais aprofundada. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar alguns aspectos presentes no Bolsa Família a fim de compreender como esses aspectos estão sendo operacionalizados para o alcance do objetivo do programa, que é a melhoria das condições socioeconômicas das famílias. Para isso foram analisados: a) as condicionalidades, seu acompanhamento e possíveis resultados; b) a focalização do programa e; c) a política de reajuste do valor do benefício. As conclusões foram no sentido de que, no que se refere aos aspectos condicionalidades e focalização, a qualidade e a forma de sua operacionalização foram positivas. Deve ser melhor pensada, contudo, a necessidade de exigência das condicionalidades dissociada de maiores investimentos por parte do poder público nas áreas de saúde e educação, como também serem definidos critérios mais objetivos para reajuste do valor do beneficio e das linhas de pobreza.


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Analisa a necessidade do controle da obesidade, principalmente da obesidade infantil, que deve começar em casa, com a mudança dos hábitos de toda a família


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Avalia o relatório elaborado pelo TCU acerca da consulta formulada pela CSSF/CD(TC 046.061/2012‐6). Procura a pacificação de entendimento no âmbito do Congresso Nacional.


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Apresenta os temas de proposições em tramitação na Comissão de Seguridade Social e Família (CSSF) da Câmara dos Deputados em 15 de março de 2016. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, para demonstrar a viabilidade da utilização de dados sobre tramitação de proposições em comissão permanente, a fim de que se tenha uma visão geral da agenda que está colocada para a comissão no início dos trabalhos do ano, de modo a facilitar a organização de suas atividades.


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O Centro Cirúrgico é um serviço especializado com estrutura física e organizacional complexa, normas e rotinas rigorosas, intensa atividade técnica, aparato tecnológico que requer profissionais treinados. A pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo os fatores de riscos ocupacionais e os problemas de saúde decorrentes do trabalho, identificados pelos profissionais de enfermagem de um Centro Cirúrgico de um Hospital Universitário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos foram: analisar os fatores de riscos ocupacionais que possibilitam o aparecimento de problemas de saúde nos profissionais de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico segundo esses trabalhadores; descrever as características sociodemográficas dos profissionais lotados no Centro Cirúrgico; levantar os fatores de risco do ambiente cirúrgico identificados pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico de um Hospital Universitário; e, discutir a relação entre os riscos do ambiente de trabalho e os problemas de saúde autoreferidos por trabalhadores de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico. A metodologia usada foi uma pesquisa não-experimental, de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em um centro cirúrgico de um hospital universitário federal da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A população escolhida foi composta de trabalhadores da equipe de enfermagem, lotados no mínimo há seis meses neste serviço e que aceitassem participar da pesquisa. O questionário de coleta de dados utilizado foi adaptado por Mauro dos Guias e Avaliação de riscos em indústrias de Boix e Vogel. O estudo foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) do Hospital Universitário em estudo, através Parecer Consubstanciado no. 287/10, protocolo no. 217/09. Os dados foram analisados através do Programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 13.0. Os riscos biológicos foram os mais apontados pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, seguidos dos riscos químicos, ergonômicos e de acidentes ou mecânicos. As doenças provocadas pelo trabalho mais referidas foram o estresse, a lombalgia, as varizes, a fadiga muscular e os problemas de articulação. As doenças agravadas pelo trabalho mais citadas foram as varizes, a lombalgia, os problemas de articulação, o estresse, as lesões de coluna vertebral, os problemas digestivos e os transtornos do sono. Conclui-se que o Serviço estudado possui riscos inerentes às atividades desenvolvidas que caracterizam os problemas relacionados pelos trabalhadores, e que são passíveis de controle através da intensificação de um Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais voltado para o Centro Cirúrgico. A partir da NR 17 e a 32, pode-se consultar as diretrizes para prevenção dos riscos encontrados. Uma estratégia de reposição digna de pessoal de enfermagem é imprescindível, assim como estudo e implantação de um Programa de Prevenção de Riscos laborais aos trabalhadores do Centro Cirúrgico, e utilização do questionário aos demais membros da equipe multiprofissional.