1000 resultados para BCTMP-process
A beautiful smile is directly related with white teeth. Nowadays oral care has increased and developed processes for beautiful smiles. Dental bleaching is frequently used in odontology, not just for health care also for aesthetic treatment. With the possibility of teeth bleaching, now the importance is in, how white the tooth is? Because color is relate to an individual perception. In order to assets teeth correct color identification has been developed many color guides, models, spaces and analytical methods. Spite all of these useful tools the color interpretation depends on environmental factors, position of the sample in the data acquisition and most importantly the instrument sensitivity. The commons methods have proved to be useful. They are easy to handle, some are portable but they do not have a high sensitivity. The present work is based on the integration of a new analytical technique for color acquisition. High spectral Image (HSI) is able to performed image analysis with high quality and efficiency. HSI is used in many fields and we used it for color image analysis within the bleaching process. The main comparison was done with the HSI and the colorimeter through the processes of two different bleaching protocols. The results showed that HSI has higher sensitivity than the colorimeter. During the analysis the dental surface with the HSI we were able to notice surface changes. These changes were analyzed by roughness studies.
A study was conducted to determine the possibility of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) cloning by air-layering and influence of IBA (indol-butyric acid) on this process. It was adopted a completely randomized design with 4 treatments, 10 air layers each and 4 replications, reaching 160 air layers. The IBA levels on the treatments were, as follow: 0, 1000, 3000 and 5000 mg.kg-1. It was evaluated: survival, callus and rooting percentage, average number and length of roots. The highest survival rate (67.5%) was registered with no growth regulator and IBA at 1000 mg.kg-1, while the best rooting percentage (82%) referred to 1000 mg.kg-1. In spite of average number and length of roots, the highest results were observed with IBA at 5000 mg.kg-1. IBA concentrations had no influence on cashew air-layering formation.
El procés biològic bàsic subjacent de l’envelliment va ésser avançat per la teoria de l’envelliment basada en els radicals lliures l’any 1954: la reacció dels radicals lliures actius, produïts fisiològicament en l’organisme, amb els constituents cel·lulars inicia els canvis associats a l’envelliment. La implicació dels radicals lliures en l’envelliment està relacionada amb el seu paper clau en l’origen i l’evolució de la vida. La informació disponible avui en dia ens mostra que la composició específica de les macromolècules cel·lulars (proteïnes, àcids nucleics, lípids i carbohidrats) en les espècies animals longeves tenen intrínsicament una resistència elevada a la modificació oxidativa, la qual cosa probablement contribueix a la longevitat superior d’aquestes espècies. Les espècies longeves també mostren unes taxes reduïdes de producció de radicals lliures i de lesió oxidativa. D’altra banda, la restricció dietària disminueix la producció de radicals lliures i la lesió molecular oxidativa. Aquests canvis estan directament associats a la reducció de la ingesta de proteïnes dels animals sotmesos a restricció, que alhora sembla que són deguts específicament a la reducció de la ingesta de metionina. En aquesta revisió s’emfatitza que una taxa baixa de generació de lesió endògena i una resistència intrínsecament elevada a la modificació de les macromolècules cel·lulars són trets clau de la longevitat de les espècies animals.
Understanding how best to support immature writers in the development of their understanding of the writing process is an important concern for researchers and teachers. Social technologies have become key features of leisure and work place writing, yet knowledge about how to design educational settings that take full advantage of the affordances of web 2.0 technologies to support early writing is scarce. This paper presents a small scale study that investigated how writing in a wiki environment might facilitate and support students’ use of composition and revision strategies. Our findings show that wiki can enlarge young writers’ experience of the process of composition and revision both through their own efforts and by observing the process in others. In this study students employed a wide range of types of revisions both surface and text based changes. These revisions took place during the process of composition as well as at the end. It is argued here that writing in a wiki not only provides young writers with experience of a mode of composition prevalent in the contemporary work environment, but breaks up the process of writing in a way that may support students’ understanding of the processes of composition and revision.
L'ensenyament de la traducció s'ha utilitzat tradicionalment en algunes titulacions de filologia com a eina d'aprenentatge d'habilitats de la llengua. Aquesta circumstància, però, no ha d'estar renyida amb la producció d'una traducció acceptable. En aquest article es pretén analitzar si pot aconseguir-se aquest objectiu mitjançant la incorporació d'informació extratextual en l'enunciat de l'exercici de traducció. Els resultats obtinguts amb un grup d'estudiants de filologia mostren que en les seves decisions lingüístiques va tenir un pes important el tipus d'informació extratextual adjunta als textes originals anglesos. Si bé caldria fer un esforç investigador més sistemàtic per poder afirmar-ho categòricament, aquest estudi intenta esbossar la qüestió tan discutida de fins on l'aprenentatge d'una llengua s'ha de realitzar junt amb l'aprenentatge de la traducció. Aquest estudi, també, planteja la necessitat d'incorporar informació extratextual en l'aprenentatge de la traducció, independentment de la titulació que en aquests estudis s'insereixen.
Today's business environment has become increasingly unexpected and fast changing because of the global competition. This new environment requires the companies to organize their control differently, e.g. by logistic process thinking. Logistic process thinking in software engineering applies the principles of production process to immaterial products. Processes must be optimized, so that every phase adds value to the customer, and the lead times can be cut shorter to meet the new customer requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and optimize the testing processes of software engineering concentrating on module testing, functional testing and their interface. The concept of logistic process thinking is introduced through production process, value added model and process management. Also theory of testing based on literature is presented, concentrating on module testing and functional testing. The testing processes of the Case Company are presented together with the project models in which they are implemented. The real life practices in module testing and functional testing and their interface are examined through interviews. These practices are analyzed against the processes and the testing theory, through which ideas for optimizing the testing process are introduced. The project world of the Case Company is also introduced together with two example testing projects in different life cycle phases. The examples give a view of how much effort of the project is put in different types of testing.
Mauritia vinifera (buriti) is a palm tree that grows wild in different areas of Brazil, particularly in the Amazonian region. The buriti oil is rich in carotenoids, especially in β-carotene. The growing interest in other natural sources of β-carotene has stimulated the industrial use of buriti as a raw material for pulp oil extraction. Most processes are based on the conventional technologies, involving drying and pressing the pulp for oil recovery and further separation of carotenoids in a liquid phase using organics solvents. In the present work, the ethanol-based process was evaluated for simultaneous carotenoids recovering and fractionating from buriti pulp. The raw material and ethanol, 1:4 ratio, were placed in an erlenmeyer flask and maintained at 30rpm for 1 hour in a temperature-controlled bath at 65ºC. The mixture was filtered under vacuum and cooling at 10ºC to allow for the separation of the solvent in two phases. Carotenoids composition, determined by HPLC, has indicated a β-carotene concentration about 12 times greater in the lower phase than in the upper phase. The profile of the carotenoids in the denser phase is quite similar to that of raw buriti oil, and the concentration of total carotenoids is 40% higher than that of the original raw oil, making the ethanol-based process particularly attractive for industrial applications.
Given the cost constraints of the European health-care systems, criteria are needed to decide which genetic services to fund from the public budgets, if not all can be covered. To ensure that high-priority services are available equitably within and across the European countries, a shared set of prioritization criteria would be desirable. A decision process following the accountability for reasonableness framework was undertaken, including a multidisciplinary EuroGentest/PPPC-ESHG workshop to develop shared prioritization criteria. Resources are currently too limited to fund all the beneficial genetic testing services available in the next decade. Ethically and economically reflected prioritization criteria are needed. Prioritization should be based on considerations of medical benefit, health need and costs. Medical benefit includes evidence of benefit in terms of clinical benefit, benefit of information for important life decisions, benefit for other people apart from the person tested and the patient-specific likelihood of being affected by the condition tested for. It may be subject to a finite time window. Health need includes the severity of the condition tested for and its progression at the time of testing. Further discussion and better evidence is needed before clearly defined recommendations can be made or a prioritization algorithm proposed. To our knowledge, this is the first time a clinical society has initiated a decision process about health-care prioritization on a European level, following the principles of accountability for reasonableness. We provide points to consider to stimulate this debate across the EU and to serve as a reference for improving patient management.
In this work, we have studied the texturization process of (100) c-Si wafers using a low concentration potassium hydroxide solution in order to obtain good quality textured wafers. The optimization of the etching conditions have led to random but uniform pyramidal structures with good optical properties. Then, symmetric heterojunctions were deposited by Hot-Wire CVD onto these substrates and the Quasi-Steady-State PhotoConductance technique was used to measure passivation quality. Little degradation in the effective lifetime and implicit open circuit voltage of these devices (< 20 mV) was observed in all cases. It is especially remarkable that for big uniform pyramids, the open-circuit voltage is comparable to the values obtained on flat substrates.
The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies
Tämä diplomityö määrittelee teknologiaseurantaprosessin, jolla korkean teknologian yritys voi ohjata toimintaansa. Korkean teknologian yrityksille on olennaista seurata teknologian kehitystä. Tällaiset yritykset tarvitsevat hyvin määritellyn järjestelmän, jolla ne voivat seurata ja ennustaa teknologista kehitystä.Työssä esitetään, että teknologiaseuranta ja kilpailuseuranta (competitive intelligence) ovat business intelligencen osa-alueita, jotka täydentävät ja tukevat toisiaan. Tärkeä havainto on, että business intelligence -prosessi on ennen kaikkea organisaation oppimisprosessi. Tästä seuraa, että minkä tahansa BI-prosessin tulisi perustua niihin prosesseihin, joiden avulla organisaatiot oppivat. Työssä esitetään myös, miten business intelligence, tietojohtaminen (knowledge management) ja organisaatioiden oppiminen liittyvät toisiinsa.Teknologiaseuranta on elintärkeä toiminto korkean teknologian yritykselle; sitä tarvitaan monella strategisen johtamisen osa-alueella, ainakin teknologia-, markkinointi- ja henkilöstöjohtamisessa. Teknologiaseurannan havaitaan myös olevan korkean teknologian yritykselle erittäin tärkeä ydinosaamisalue, jota ei voi kokonaan ulkoistaa.Työssä esitellään teknologiaseurantaprosessi, joka perustuu yleiselle business intelligence -prosessille ja siitä johdetulle kilpailuseurantaprosessille. Työssä myös esitetään ehdotus siitä, kuinka teknologiaseuranta voitaisiin järjestää korkean teknologian yrityksessä. Esitetty ratkaisu perustuu Community of practice -käsitteeseen. Community of practice on vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuva tiimi, jonka jäseniä yhdistää kiinnostus johonkin asiaan ja oppimishalu. Esimerkkiyrityksessä on tunnistettu selkeä tarve yhtenäiseen ja koordinoituun teknologiaseurantaan. Työssä esitetään alustava teknologiaseurantaprosessi esimerkkiyritykselle ja tunnistetaan teknologiaseurantaprosessin asiakkaat ja tekijät.
BlueGiga Technologies on uusi Bluetooth -teknologiaa soveltava pk-yritys. Yrityksen tuotekehitysprosessia täydentämään tarvittiin testausprosessi. Testausprosessin luominen oli haastavaa, koska Bluetooth -teknologia on uutta ja yritys on vielä nuori. Lisäksi se integroi kovo- ja ohjelmistokomponentteja tuotteissaan. Testaus aloitettiin evaluoimalla standardinmukaista tapaa dokumentoida testit. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin BlueGigan ohjelmistokehitysprosessin suhdetta olemassa oleviin ohjelmistokehitysprosesseihin. Samanaikaisesti perehdyttiin Bluetooth -kvalifikaation testaukselle asettamiin vaatimuksiin. Tämän seurauksena TTCN:ää kokeiltiin helppolukuisen testitapauksen määrittelyssä. Käyttötapauksiin perustuvan testauksen sopivuutta Wireless Remote Access Platform:in (WRAP) testaamiseen arvioitiin kokeilemalla sitä Man-to-Machine -käyttötapauksen testaamisessa. Yllämainittujen tehtävien aikana kerätyn tiedon ja hankittujen kokemusten pohjalta laadittiin testausprosessi, joka kattaa yksikkö-, integraatio- ja järjestelmätason testauksen. Painopiste on järjestelmätason testauksessa. Prosessi määrittelee myös vastuuhenkilön tai -henkilöt eri testaustasoille.