998 resultados para Armando Discépolo


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Samples of shells of oysters and mussels from sea farm around the Santa Catarina Island in south Brazil were collected and analyzed by DRX, FRX, SEM, CHN-S, FTIR, TG, AAS/Flame and AAS /GF. The results showed that the crystalline structure of mussel's shells is mainly formed by aragonite and the oyster's shells by calcite. The calcium percentage in both shells species was in the range of 33 to 35% and also 850 and 1200 mg/kg of strontium was detected in the shells of oysters and mussels, respectively. The content of organic matter was larger in the mussel's shells and the thermal degradation of both shells species occurred by three events at different temperatures from 250 to 830 ºC.


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Interlaboratorial comparison of the determination of hardness and chloride in water had been performed by 38 and 37 laboratories, respectively. In all cases the participating laboratories used its routine methods. Homogeneity and stability testing were performed on the samples sent to the laboratories. The codified results are graphically reported and compared to assigned value, determined by the consensus of the laboratories. Satisfactory results were obtained for 71 and 73% of the laboratories, considering hardness and chloride determination, respectively.


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An HPLC method was developed and validated aiming to quantify the cyclosporine-A incorporated into intraocular implants, released from them; and in direct contact with the degradation products of PLGA. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using acetonitrile/water (70:30) as mobile phase, a C18 column at 80 ºC and UV detection at 210 nm. The method provided selectivity based on resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 2.5-40.0 µg/mL. The quantitation and detection limits were 0.8 and 1.2 µg/mL, respectively. The recovery was 101.8% and intra-day and inter-day precision was close to 2%.


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In this study, an analytical method was developed and validated for quantitation of the drug bevacizumab (Avastin®) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC column was a BioSuite 250® HR SEC, 300 x 7.8 mm x 5 µm (Waters, USA). The mobile phase consisted of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The results revealed that the method was specific, precise, accurate, robust and linear (r² = 0.998) from 5 to 75 µg mL-1. Therefore, this method can be used in drug release studies or in quality control ampoules of the drug.


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Cyclosporine-A-loaded PLGA implants were developed intended for ocular route. Implants were prepared using solvent extraction/evaporation technique followed by casting of the cake into rods in a heated surface. XRD patterns showed that cyclosporine-A was completely incorporated into PLGA. FTIR and DSC results indicated alterations on drug molecular conformation aiming to reach the most stable thermodynamic conformation at polymer/drug interface. Implants provided controlled/sustained in vitro release of the drug. During the first 7 weeks, the drug release was controlled by the diffusion of the cyclosporine-A; and between 7-23 week period, the drug diffusion and degradation of PLGA controlled the drug release.


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Metalloids have characteristics between metals and non-metals which give them, in some cases, specific properties. At least two of this chemical elements, boron and silicon, are essential to a significant number of living organisms and since some years ago it has been observed that the same metalloids may be involved in the synthesis and stabilization of some molecules relevant to the origin of life.


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A method using HPLC-UV was developed and validated for the determination of etoposide incorporated into polycaprolactone implants. The method was carried out in isocratic mode using a C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm; 5 µm), at 25 ºC, with acetonitrile and acetic acid 4% (70:30) as mobile phase, a flow rate of 2 mL/min, and UV detection at 285 nm. The method was linear (r² > 0.99) over the range of 5 to 65 µg/mL, precise (RSD < 5%), accurate (recovery of 98.7%), robust, selective regarding excipient of the sample, and had a quantitation limit equal to 1.76 µg/mL. The validated method can be successfully employed for routine quality control analyses.


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In this work, the fatty acid quantity and composition of six freshwater microalgae and soybean grains was determined by direct transesterification and gas chromatography analysis. The results showed that all the freshwater microalgae species presented a higher quantity of fatty acid than soybean grain. Choricystis sp. (A) provides 115% more fatty acids per gram of biomass than soybean grain. With regard to the fatty acid composition, Choricystis sp. (A) showed an adequate proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, with lower quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids and, akin to some marine microalgae, constitutes an alternative raw material for biodiesel production.


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We propose an analytical method based on fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy to detect the adulteration of petrodiesel and petrodiesel/palm biodiesel blends with African crude palm oil. The infrared spectral fingerprints from the sample analysis were used to perform principal components analysis (PCA) and to construct a prediction model using partial least squares (PLS) regression. The PCA results separated the samples into three groups, allowing identification of those subjected to adulteration with palm oil. The obtained model shows a good predictive capacity for determining the concentration of palm oil in petrodiesel/biodiesel blends. Advantages of the proposed method include cost-effectiveness and speed; it is also environmentally friendly.


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Spent nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries and salts of nickel and cadmium were placed in two different columns of soil for a period of two years. A leaching solution was passed through them at ambient temperature in this period. The behavior of metals in each column was then evaluated. Under the conditions of the experiment, cadmium and nickel demonstrated the potential to contaminate and affect the natural cycles of soil. The disposal of Ni-Cd batteries directly to the soil also increased the concentration of nickel (349 mg kg-1) and cadmium (2890 mg kg-1), sometimes exceeding the intervention values defined in CONAMA resolution 420/09.


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The chemical study of the orchid Maxillaria picta resulted in the isolation of the bioactive stilbenes phoyunbene B and phoyunbene C, in addition to four phenolic acids, one xanthone, steroidal compounds and two triterpenes. Crude extract, fractions, subfractions and the isolated xanthone were evaluated for anticancer activity against human tumor cell lines and against evolutionary forms of T. cruzi and L. amazonensis. The structures of the compounds were determined by GC-MS, and ¹H NMR, 13C NMR spectral methods as well as bidimensional techniques.


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The measurement of nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in an anisotropic media, such as residual dipolar coupling (RDC), has proven to be an excellent methodology for the refinement of chemical structures, being used as a complementary tool in the determination of the relative configuration, conformation, and constitution of organic compounds. In this study, we applied this methodology to determine the relative configuration of α-santonin, a natural product with four stereocenters, while assigning its prochiral methylene protons using only the RDCs obtained in a polyacrylonitrile polymer gel swollen in DMSO-d6.


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O efeito do agente causal do crestamento bacteriano comum na eficiência fotossintética e na produção do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) foi quantificado. Dois experimentos de campo foram conduzidos durante a safra das águas de 1997, em Piracicaba-SP, com duas cultivares, IAC-Carioca e Rosinha. Diferentes níveis de severidade foram obtidos variando-se o número de inoculações com o patógeno. A severidade da doença, avaliada com auxílio de escala diagramática, não apresentou relação linear significativa (P>0,01) com a produção, enquanto a duração da área foliar sadia (HAD) relacionou-se linearmente de forma significativa (P<=0,01) com a produção nos dois experimentos (R² entre 0,66 e 0,78). A fotossíntese foi relacionada com área foliar doente por meio da equação Px/P0=(1-x )beta, onde Px é a fotossíntese líqüida da folha com severidade x, P0 é a fotossíntese líquida média das folhas sadias, x é a severidade da doença e beta expressa a relação entre lesão virtual e lesão visual. Os valores de beta, determinados por regressão não-linear, foram de 3,19±0,14 e 3,08±0,18 para as cultivares IAC-Carioca e Rosinha, respectivamente. A incorporação de beta ao cálculo de HAD, de modo geral, não melhorou significativamente o ajuste dos dados.


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O patossistema tropical difere do patossistema temperado tanto em estrutura quanto em comportamento. Nesta revisão, ambos os patossistemas são caracterizados e, com base nessa caracterização, o risco de origem e de seleção de resistência a fungicidas é discutido para ambas as situações. As características diferenciais relevantes para análise foram: sobrevivência I (entre estações de cultivo); sobrevivência II (entre ciclos do patógeno); taxa aparente de infecção; via anti-horária de infecção; ingresso e/ou manutenção de mutantes resistentes; via horária de infecção; persistência de mutantes resistentes; adaptabilidade dos mutantes resistentes. Conclui-se que o patossistema tropical não apresenta risco maior para a seleção de mutantes resistentes, mas pode, em alguns casos, apresentar risco maior de origem de mutantes resistentes.


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O efeito da mancha foliar de Phaeosphaeria, causada por Phaeosphaeria maydis, na taxa líquida de fotossíntese e na transpiração de folhas de milho (Zea mays) foi avaliado no campo em três híbridos e uma linhagem de milho. A taxa líquida de fotossíntese foi relacionada à severidade da doença por meio do modelo Px/Po=(1-x )beta, onde Px representa a taxa fotossintética líquida de folhas com severidade de doença x (em proporção), Po representa a taxa fotossintética líquida média de folhas sadias e beta representa a relação entre a lesão virtual (área foliar com fotossíntese nula) e a lesão visual (área foliar coberta por sintomas). O parâmetro beta caracteriza o efeito do patógeno em toda a gama de severidade de doença. Os valores de beta determinados por regressão não-linear (R² de 0,73 a 0,85 para os diferentes materiais) variaram entre 2,46 e 2,69. Esses valores indicam que houve redução da eficiência fotossintética não apenas no tecido lesionado, mas também em parte do tecido verde remanescente de folhas infetadas. Folhas com severidade de doença no intervalo de 10-20% mostraram reduções de 40% na taxa líquida de fotossíntese. A taxa de redução da transpiração foi proporcional à redução do tecido sadio. Houve relação linear negativa significativa (R² de 0,59 a 0,75 para os diferentes materiais) entre a taxa de transpiração e a severidade da doença.