934 resultados para Antunes, Ricardo L. C - Ricardo Luis Coltro - 1953


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A pesar de que el clima de la Antártida tiene características adversas al florecimiento de la vida, en ciertas áreas costeras de ese continente hay una asombrosa riqueza y abundancia de especies tanto vegetales como animales. Punta Cierva (península Antártica) es uno de los sitios con gran diversidad de especies, de interés particular para realizar estudios ecolgicos; se incluyen diversos relevamientos de flora y fauna terrestres en el lugar realizados por diferentes investigadores. Es aconsejable definir nuevos sitios de interés científico, similares a Punta Cierva, a fin de a asegurar la preservación de los ecosistemas, apuntando a una estrategia efectiva para conservar la biodiversidad. Al final del artículo de divulgación científica se adjunta pequeño glosario y lecturas sugeridas.


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Continuous research on the freshwater fisheries industry in East Africa, in common with most other African countries, did not commence until the end of the Second World War in 1945. Before the war some work on the fishes and hydrobiology of the lakes of East Africa had been undertaken by a series of scientific expeditions, which were sent out from Europe, between the years 1896 and 1939. These expeditions usually lasted for only a few months, and the collected data were published by young graduates and undergraduates, including such people as Mr. L. C. Beadle, (lately Professor Beadle of Makerere), Mr. V. E. Fuchs (now Sir Vivian Fuchs) and Mr. E. B. Worthington of Gonville and Caius College,Cambridge. Later. Dr. Worthington became Scientific Secretary to the Scientific Council for Africa, Scientific Secretary to the East African High Commission, and played a very large part in the furtherance of fisheries research and management in East Africa.


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Since 1950 onwards, a practice has grown in Sri Lanka of dividing the marine fisheries into three different classes depending on the location of the resource to be exploited viz. coastal fishing, off-shore fishing and deep-sea fishing. The author describes commercial fishing activities, paying attention to changes emerged and future prospectives.


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Microcystin-LR, a specific and potent hepatotoxin, was tested for its effects oil loach embryo-larval and juvenile development, The results of this study showed that loach embryos were more sensitive when exposed to microcystin-LR at a later than at an earlier stage of development, Juveniles were far less sensitive to MC-LR than were embryos and larvae. Mortality and developmental abnormality were proven to be dose-dependent and to be stage-specific sensitive. Among the abnormal changes noted were: pericardial edema and tubular heart, bradycardia, homeostasis, poor yolk resumption. small head, curved body and tail, and abnormal hatching, Liver and heart were the main targets of microcystin-LR toxicity. Ultrastructural analysis documented a complex set of sublethal effects of microcystin-LR on loach hepatocytes, chiefly including morphological alteration in nuclear and RER of loach liver cells. fit addition, microcystin-LR was lethal to loach juvenile in the subacute (7 days) exposure (LC50) = 593.3 mug/l). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-Al-content InxAlyGa1-x-yN (x = 1-10%, y = 34-45%) quaternary alloys were grown on sapphire by radio-frequency plasma-excited molecular beam epitaxy. Rutherford back-scattering spectrometry, high resolution x-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence were used to characterize the InAlGaN alloys. The experimental results show that InAlGaN with an appropriate Al/In ratio (near 4.7, which is a lattice-match to the GaN under-layer) has better crystal and optical quality than the InAlGaN alloys whose Al/In ratios are far from 4.7. Some cracks and V-defects occur in high-Al/In-ratio InAlGaN alloys. In the CL image, the cracks and V-defect regions are the emission-enhanced regions.


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An X-ray diffraction method, estimating the strain relaxation in an ultrathin layer, has been discussed by using kinematic and dynamical X-ray diffraction (XRD) theory. The characteristic parameter Delta Omega, used as the criterion of the strain relaxation in ultrathin layers, is deduced theoretically. It reveals that Delta Omega should be independent of the layer thickness in a coherently strained layer. By this method, we characterized our ultrathin GaNxAs1-x samples with N contents up to 5%. XRD measurements show that our GaNxAs1-x layers are coherently strained on GaAs even for such a large amount of N. Furthermore, a series of GaNxAs1-x samples with same N contents but different layer thicknesses were also characterized. It was found that the critical thickness (L-c) of GaNAs in the GaAs/GaNAs/GaAs structures determined by XRD measurement was 10 times smaller than the theoretical predictions based on the Matthews and Blakeslee model. This result was also confirmed by in situ observation of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. RHEED observation showed that the growth mode of GaNAs layer changed from 2D- to 3D-mode as the layer thickness exceeded L-c. PL measurements showed that the optical properties of GaNAs layers deteriorated rapidly as the layer thickness exceeded L-c. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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本论文以改善有机/高分子电致发光器件的载流子注入与传输平衡为目的,以具有良好成膜性、热稳定性及氧化还原性的氮硫共扼聚合物为母体,通过在氮上引入不同的侧基来研究所得聚合物的空穴传输性能,发光性能及其在电致发光器件中佩的应用。1.设计与合成出一系列不同链长的烷基取代的氮硫共扼聚合物,所得聚合物具有规整的结构,高的分子量,可溶于常见的有机溶剂且具有良好的成膜性。电化学研究表明,它们具有良好的氧化还原可逆性及稳定性,其HOMO值在5.02一5.16eV之间,与阳极ITO具有较好的匹配,说明它们有着良好的空穴注入性能。通过对“hole-only"器件(ITO/PPSA-R/C u )的研究表明随着烷基侧链的增长,所得聚合物的空穴传输能力逐渐下降。双层器件(TO/PPSA-R/Alq3几佩F/AI)研究结果表明与传统的高分子空穴传输材料聚乙烯咔叫含(PVK)相比,器件的启动电压降低,发光效率明显提高,说明烷基取代氮硫共扼聚合物具有优良的空穴传输性能。2.设计与合成出侧链悬挂有三芳胺类空穴传输小分子的氮硫共辆单体,在强酸体系下聚合后,通过核磁表征发现由于醚键断裂导致部分三芳1}5}小分子脱落,聚合物中三芳胺小分子含量降低。电化学研究表明它们具有良好的氧化还原可逆性,其HOMO值在-5.18eV左右,大于未引入二芳服时的氮硫共扼聚合物。双层器件(ITO/PPSA-TPA/Alq3/LiF/Al)研究结果表明,与未引入三芳l}}C的氮硫共扼聚合物相比,器件的启动电压升高,发光效率降低。3.设计与合成出侧链悬挂有高荧光效率的蓝色发光二苯葱小分子的氮硫单体,并通过其与可合成出高性能的空穴传输材料一的乙基取代的氮硫单体以不同比例共聚获得一系列新型的主链传输空穴而侧链发光的聚合物。它们具有高的热稳定性,良好的溶解性及成膜性,电化学研究表明它们具有良好的氧化还原可逆 性及低的起始氧化电位。通过对其发光性质的研究,我们发现在溶液荧光光谱中短波长的发射归结于二苯葱单体的发射,而长波长的发射则归结于分子内或分子间受激分子的发射;在固体膜的荧光光谱中,主要表现为激基缔合物发光,并随着二苯葱基元含量的减少光致发光亮度增加,且发光蓝移。4.设计与合成出含有N一烷基咔吟或N一芳基咔畔和不同发光中心的小分子发光材料,我们发现含葱环的发光小分子发光颜色向长波移动,含联苯结构的发光小分子的发光颜色则向短波移动。电化学研究表明,11卜畔的存在提高了发光小分子的空穴传输性能。通过将含有电子传输层的发光小分子双层器件与单层器件对比,我们发现双层器件的各项性能远高于单层器件,进一步说明了发光小分子传输性能的改善。


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本论文对文献所报道的α,ω-二梭酸根的配位方式及其构象进行了概括,提出表示其配位方式的方法(暂定为琳L).随后报道20个新型配位聚合物的合成、晶体结构,并对部分配合物做了红外、差热热重、磁性质和元素分析等表征.配合物Zn(bpy)(CSH6O4)1和Cu(bpy)(CSH6o4)2为异质同晶结构,五配位的金属原子通过戊二酸根的桥联作用形成一条带状链,相邻链间通过4,4七联毗睫形成二维层.配合物Mll(bpy)(CSH12O4)·HZO3具有与配合物1和2类似的却由辛二酸根桥联的二维层,层间存在结晶水分子.在配合物zn(bpy)(C6HSO4)4中,4,4,一联毗睫和己二酸根桥联锌原子形成具有纳米孔洞的三维框架结构,它们两度相互穿插构筑整个晶体结构.热分析表明配合物3在82一140oC区间失去结晶水分子.配合物4在180-320℃区间内失去4,4’-联毗陡.配合物3在5-30OK区间内的磁性遵循Curie-Weiss定律Xm-l4.265/(T+6.3),两个异质同晶结构配合物MZ(hmt)(HZO)2(C3HZO4)2(M=Mn(II)5,Cu(II)6)中的金属原子通过丙二酸根的桥联和鳌合作用形成二维层。继而通过六次甲基四胺桥联作用形成三维框架结构.配合物5在5一30OK区间内的磁性遵循Curie一Weiss定律Xm-1=8.99/(T+4.5).配合物[Mn(HZO)4(bpy)](C4H4O4)4H207、[Mn(H2O)4(bpy)](c4HZO4)·4H208和[Zn(H2O)4(bpy)](C4H4O4)·4H209为异质同晶结构,属于三斜晶系,均由∞1[M(H2O)4( bpy)2/2]2+阳离子链、结晶水分子和二狡酸根(丁二酸根或反丁烯二酸根)组成.未配位的二梭酸根和结晶水分子通过氢键作用形成带状阴离子链,阴、阳离子链间存在广泛的氢键作用.属于单斜晶系的配合物[Cu(H2O)4(bpy)](C4H2O4)4H2O 10和{Ni(H2O)4(bpy)〕(C4H2O4)4HZO 11,具有和配合物7--9类似的阳离子链二〔M(H2O)4(bpy)2/2]2+,然而结晶水分子和反丁烯二酸根在氢键作用下形成二维负电荷层.配合物Cu(imid)2(H2O)LL丁二酸根12,反丁烯二酸根13)为异质同晶型化合物,双端单齿的二梭酸根桥联[Cu(工mid);(H2O)〕2+形成的一维多聚链通过氢键作用组装成三维结构.而配合物Cu(imid)2(C6H8O4)14中五配位的cu原子通过己二酸根的桥联作用形成的一维多聚链止{[Cu(C3C3H4]2( C6H8O4)3/3}.配合物Cu(imid)2(C6H9O4)2巧中双端单齿的己二酸氢根桥联Cu原子形成的带状多聚链止[Cu(C3N2H4)2(C6H9O4)4/2〕,通过氢键作用组装成两度穿插的三维框架结构.配合物12的热分析表明在25一6000c区间内先脱水形成“Cu(imid)2(C4H4O4)”中间体,继而失去咪哩,残留物为CuO.配合物13和14有相似的TG曲线,加热时失去咪哇和“已二酸醉”.配合物14和15的磁性在5300K温度范围内遵循curie-w七155定律,关系式分别为m-=0.371/(T-4.6)和Xm-l:0.4095/(T-1.2).在配合物N处Cu(mal2·ZHZO 16、KZCu(mal2·3HZO 17、RbZCu(mal2H2O 18和C82Cu(mal2' 4H2O19中,丙二酸根桥联铜原子分别形成二维负电荷层(16,17)、一维阴离子链和一络阴离子.在16-19在合成过程中得到的副产物为配合物[Cu(imid)4ClCl 21,它由CI一和[Cu(imid为CI]+络阳离子组成,通过氢键和芳环堆积构筑整个晶体结构,热分析表明。配合物1企19在25一500℃的温度区间内可能具有以下的热分解过程:(I)脱水,(2)脱去丙二酸醉和甲烷,(3)草酸盐分解生成碳酸盐和CO气体.酉己合物16一19的磁性在5一300K测试温度范围内遵循Curie-Wesiss定律Xm-lC/(T-θ) 其中的韦斯常数夕分别为4.3(5)、4.2(6)、3 .0(6)和4.3(9)K,相应的居里常数C分别为0.434(1)、0.417(2)、0.423(2)和0.411(3)cm3·K.mol-1.


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马来酸酐(MAn)与烯类单体的共聚物应用于许多工业领域,这些工业生产都以自由基聚合为主,但自由基聚合的定向性差、分子量分布宽。ZieglarNatta催化剂用于烯烃的聚合可得到结构规整的、分子量分布窄的聚合物,但所采用的中心原子一般都是前过渡金属,这类催化剂在催化烯烃与极性单体共聚的时候催化效率较低,而在烯烃中插入极性单体可改善聚烯烃的性质,扩大其应用范围。本论文采用以后过渡金属铁为中心原子的乙酞丙酮铁(Fe(acac)_3)和三异丁基铝(Ali-Bu)_3)组成的双组分催化体系催化马来酸酐与烯类单体茵香脑(ANE)、降冰片烯(NBE)及异戊二烯(Ip)的共聚合反应。实验结果表明,在该催化体系中,马来酸酐与烯类单体共聚合反应的机理可初步认为是配位共聚合机理。马来酸酐与茵香脑共聚合反应的适宜条件为:苯为溶剂,n(Al/n(Fe)=8,c(M)=2.8molLc(Fe)=1.7×10~(-2)mol/Ln(MAn)/n(ANE)=1,80℃,6h。在该反应条件下,反应收率为77.0%;聚合反应对单体浓度呈一级关系,表观活化能为31.0 KJ/mol得到的共聚物是交替的,其中马来酸酐的摩尔含量为45.6%(IR、NMR),共聚物的重均分子量为2.28*10~4分子量分布为2.32(GPC)。马来酸酐与降冰片烯共聚合反应的适宜条件为:二氧六环为溶剂,70℃,n(Al/n(Fe)=14,n(CCl_4)/n(Fe)=20,n(M)/n(Fe)=100,n(MAn)/n(NBE)=1,12h收率为85.4%;CC14的加入可大幅度提高反应的收率,但分子量却大大降低,虽然共聚物的分子量较小(M_W=2713),但具有较好的溶解性,分子量‘分布为1.31,共聚物中不含CCl_4部分。马来酸酐与异戊二烯共聚合反应的适宜条件为:甲苯与二氧六环的混合溶剂(T/D=2/5),n(MAn)/n(Ip)=1,n(Al/n(Fe)=8,c(M)= 4.1molLc(Fe)=5.8×l0~(-3) molL20℃,2h,收率78.3%。在该条件下得到的共聚物中马来酸酐的摩尔含量为53.1%(元素分析),并发生部分交联,不溶于有机溶剂中,而采用极性溶剂如二氧六环时,所得共聚物能微溶于四氢吠喃中。综上所述,铁系催化体系催化马来酸酐与烯类单体的共聚合反应可得到产率高、分子量分布较小、具有一定交替度的共聚物。


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实验部分的报告Ⅰ、Ⅱ为TLS方法原理性的实验。报告Ⅰ中,采用He-Ne激光器单光束热透镜实验装置,以Zr(IV)为工作对象,讨论了盐酸酸度、水溶性有机溶剂丙酮、乙醇等对Zr(IV)-偶氮胂Ⅲ络合物的吸光度、稳定性、TLS信号强度等影响,及L-C距、激光工作电流、探测头光孔径、切光调制频率等各实验参量对TLS信号的影响。在最佳工作条件下,对Zr(IV)的分析检出限达到21ng/mt,线性工作范围0.02 ~ 0.8 μg/mt。对铜基合金中锆的含量做了测定,结果符合样品标定的含量范围,测量的相对标准偏差为8.4%。遗憾的是所选择的样品中的Zr含量较高。报告Ⅱ在Ⅰ的基础上,用同一实验装置对Co(III)-PAN/氯仿体系进行了单吸收池、双吸收池的TLS方法的对比,利用激光热透镜效应在激光束腰前后两个共焦距位置上会聚性和发散性的反对称性十分方便地实现了扣除背景的目的。单池和双池对Co(III)的最低可测浓度分别达到5ng/mt和2ng/mt。在氯仿介质中使用zmw He-Ne激光器,增强因子E值达到10。


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Subband structure and depolarization shifts in an ultrahigh mobility GaAs/Al0.24Ga0.76As quantum well are studied using magnetoinfrared spectroscopy via resonant subband Landau level coupling. Resonant couplings between the first and up to the fourth subbands are identified by well-separated antilevel-crossing split resonance, while the hy-lying subbands were identified by the cyclotron resonance linewidth broadening in the literature. In addition, a forbidden intersubband transition (first to third) has been observed. With the precise determination of the subband structure, we find that the depolarization shift can be well described by the semiclassical slab plasma model and the possible origins for the forbidden transition are discussed.


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本文研究了热带假丝酵母(C. tropicalis)和解脂假丝酵母(C. lipolytica)利用混和正烷烃(C_(10)-C_(18))生长过程中胞外乳化物的产生及作用。结果表明胞外乳化物质的大量产出现于对数生长后期和生长平衡期,热水抽提菌体所得细胞表面物质具有乳化性能,其乳化性能与细胞生长密切相关,生长旺盛细胞表面具有较高乳化性能。以冷丙酮(3:1)沉淀发酵上清液,获得胞外主要乳化物质,经反复沉淀、透析及冷冻干燥,初步纯化乳化物产率为0.5 g/LC. tropicslis胞外主要乳化物为脂蛋白-多糖复合物,其中,糖46%、脂40%、蛋白3%。脂由多种中性脂组成,糖单元为果糖及两种未知单糖,蛋白中80%为极性氨基酸,C. lipolytica胞外乳化物质主要是脂-糖蛋白复合物,主要组成:糖66%、脂17%、蛋白6%。脂由中性脂和极性脂组成,糖蛋白组成:糖95、蛋白5%。糖单元为甘露糖、果糖,蛋白中80%为极性氨基酸(主要为成糖氨基酸)。两种胞外乳化物均为水溶性大分子复合物,在低浓度(<10mg/L即具有良好乳化性能。去除蛋白后的胞外乳化物对烷烃的乳化性能降低90%,pH在中性时,乳化性能最佳。CaCl_2(10-50 mM),NaCl(1-20%), EDTA(2.5-10 mM)对C. lipolytica胞外乳化物质的乳化性能影响较大,而对C. tropiclis胞外乳化物影响较小,两种胞外提取物对产生菌利用烃生长有刺激作用。槐糖脂、C. lipolytica胞包提取乳化物对C. tropicalis利用烃的生长有刺激作用,鼠李糖脂、吐温80则表现出抑制作用。胞外生物乳化剂对酵母菌利用烷烃的生长有着重要作用。


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自养硝化过程在自然界氮素循环和污水处理系统脱氮过程中起着关键作用。因此,了解有机碳对硝化的影响和硝化菌与异养菌之间的竞争对微生物生态学和污水处理系统设计都很重要。目前对氨氧化到硝酸盐氮过程的研究文献很多,但对亚硝酸盐氧化过程在异养菌的存在下如何受到有机碳影响的研究甚少。本文从生理生化指标、基因组学、蛋白组学三方面考察了在实验室条件下有机碳(乙酸钠)对硝化细菌和异养菌组成的混合菌群的硝化性能、菌群结构及代谢功能的变化的影响。 全文分为两大部分: 第一部分为乙酸钠对游离态硝化混合菌群的硝化性能和菌群结构的短期影响。混合菌株先在自养条件下进行连续培养,两个月后硝化速率达到20 mg N/(Ld);而后离心收集菌体进行批式实验。在批式反应器中,初始亚硝氮均为126mg N/ L乙酸钠-C 与亚硝酸盐-N 的比分别为0,0.44,0.88,4.41,8.82。结果表明:在低C/N 比(0.44 和0.88)时,亚硝酸盐去除速率比C/N=0 下高,细菌呈现一次生长;而在高C/N 比(4.41 和8.82)时,出现连续的硝化反硝化,亚硝酸盐去除率仍比对照下高,细菌呈现二次生长。不同C/N 比下微生物群落明显不同,优势菌群从自养和寡营养细菌体系(包括亚硝酸盐氧化菌,拟杆菌门,α-变形菌纲,浮霉菌门和绿色非硫细菌下的一些菌株)过渡到异养和反硝化菌体系 (γ-变形菌纲的菌株尤其是反硝化菌Pseudomonas stutzeri 和P. nitroreducens 占主导)。 第二部分为乙酸钠对硝化混合菌群生物膜的硝化性能和菌群结构的长期影响。接种富集的硝化混合菌群于装有组合式填料的三角瓶中,于摇床中自养培养;两个月后填料上形成生物膜的硝化速率达到20 mg N/ (Ld);而后进行长期实验,每12 小时更换混合营养培养基(亚硝氮约200 mg N/ LC/N 比同上)。结果显示:相较于C/N 比=0 时的亚硝酸盐氧化反应来说,低C/N 比出现了部分的反硝化,而高C/N 比则是几乎完全的反硝化。与对照比,C/N=0.44 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率并未受乙酸钠的影响,反而上升了,但C/N=0.88 时亚硝酸盐氧化速率有所下降。菌群结构分析表明自养对照与混合营养下微生物群落的不同;PCR-DGGE未检测出混合营养下硝化杆菌的存在,而显示异养菌尤其是反硝化菌的大量存 在。荧光定量PCR 结果表明随C/N 比上升,硝化杆菌数量从2.42 × 104 下降到1.34× 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA,反硝化菌由0 增加至2.51 × 104 nosZgene copies/ ng DNA。SDS-PAGE 的结果表明不同C/N 比下的蛋白组较为复杂且呈现一定的差异性。 有机碳对亚硝氮氧化及微生物群落的影响很复杂,本文分别讨论了对游离态和生物膜固定态两种状态的混合菌群相应的短期和长期影响研究。研究发现,有机碳并非一定带来硝化的负影响,如果控制在适当的C/N 比范围,有机碳是有利于亚硝氮氧化的。这些发现阐明了有机碳和硝化反硝化的关系,填补了硝化微生物生态学上的空白,对污水处理系统中减少异养菌的影响并提高氮去除率有一定理论指导意义。 Nitrification plays a key role in the biological removal of nitrogen in both nature and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). So, understanding of the effect of organic carbon on nitrification and the competition between nitrifying bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria is important for both microbial ecology and WWTP design and operation. Despite the fact that the nitrification process of ammonia to nitrate has been extensively investigated, it is not known how the process of nitrite oxidization is affected by organic carbon when heterotrophic bacteria are present. By measuring different physiological and biochemical parameters, as well as using genomic DNA and proteome analysis, we investigated the influence of organic (acetate) on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under laboratory conditions. The dissertation involves two parts: Part one deals with the effect of organic matter on functional performance and bacterial community shift of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria under suspended state. The bacteria were prepared in a continuous-flow stirred reactor under autotrophic condition; after two months, the nitrification rate of the culture reached about 20 mg N/ (Ld); then the bacteria were harvested for the next batch experiments. The initial concentrations of nitrite were 126 ± 6 mg N/ L in all flasks, and sodium acetate (C) to nitrite (N) ratios were 0, 0.44, 0.88, 4.41, and 8.82, respectively. The results showed that at low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88), the nitrite removal rate was higher than that obtained under autotrophic condition and the bacteria had single growth phase, while at high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), continuous aerobic nitrification and denitrification occurred besides higher nitrite removal rates, and the bacteria had double growth phases. The community structure of total bacteria strikingly varied with the different C/N ratios; the dominant populations shifted from autotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria (NOB, and some strains of Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and green nonsulfur bacteria) to heterotrophic and denitrifying bacteria (strains of Gammaproteobacteria, especially Pseudomonas stutzeri and P. nitroreducens). Part two describes the influence of acetate on nitrite oxidizing performance, community structure and metabolic function of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria in biofilms. Bacterial enrichments was transferred into flasks with polypropylene carriers and cultured under agitated and autotrophic condition. After two month, the biofilms grown on the carriers had a nitrification rate of about 20 mg N/ (Lh); then the biofilms were refreshed with mixotrophic medium (nitrite were 200 mg N/ L in all flasks, and C/N ratios was the same as above) every 12 h. the results show: normal nitrite oxidization reactions were performed when C/N = 0, but nitrite oxidization and partial denitrification occurred with low C/N ratios (0.44 or 0.88). At high C/N ratios (4.41 or 8.82), we mainly observed denitrification. In contrast to C/N = 0, the nitrite oxidization rate was unaffected when C/N = 0.44, but decreased with C/N = 0.88. The structure of bacterial communities varied significantly between autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. Nitrobacter was hard to detect by PCR-DGGE while heterotrophs and especially denitrifiers were in the majority under mixotrophic conditions. Real-time PCR indicated that the Nitrobacter population decreased from 2.42 × 104 to 1.34 × 103 16S rRNA gene copies/ ng DNA, while the quantity of denitrifiers obviously increased from 0 to 2.51×104 nosZ gene copies/ ng DNA with an increasing C/N ratio. SDS-PAGE indicated the complexity of and a certain difference between the proteome of nitrite-oxidizing and heterotrophic bacteria at different C/N ratios. We conclude that the influence of organic matter on nitrite oxidation and the community structure of NOB and heterotrophic bacteria is complex. In this dissertation, we focused on how sodium acetate influenced the system both under suspended state and in biofilms. We observed that acetate did not necessarily have a negative impact on nitrification. Instead, an appropriate amount of acetate benefited both nitrite oxidization and denitrification. These findings provide a greater understanding about the relationship between organics and nitrification; they fill the gaps in the field of microbial ecology of nitrifying bacteria; they also provide insight into how to minimize the negative impact of heterotrophic bacteria and maximize the benefit of nitrogen removal in biological treatment systems.