993 resultados para 497
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da adesão ao seguimento nutricional ambulatorial pós-cirúrgico e avaliar sua associação com fatores selecionados em indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva com base na revisão de dados pós-operatórios de 241 prontuários de adultos submetidos à gastroplastia redutora com derivação em Y de Roux entre 2006 e 2008. Considerou-se aderente o indivíduo que compareceu a quatro ou mais consultas nutricionais nos 12 primeiros meses após a cirurgia. Para investigar a associação entre adesão ao seguimento nutricional e idade, sexo, estado conjugal, escolaridade, situação empregatícia, distância entre a residência e o hospital, estratégias para perda de peso no período pré-operatório, índice de massa corporal no pré-cirúrgico imediato, presença de comorbidades e duração da internação pós-operatória, foram calculadas razões de prevalência e utilizou-se regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de adesão foi de 56% (IC95%=49,7-62,3) nessa população predominantemente feminina (80,9%), com média de idade de 44,4 anos (DP=11,6) e de IMC pré-operatório de 47,2kg/m² (DP=6,2). Dos fatores estudados, somente a duração da internação pós-operatória igual ou superior a 6 dias mostrou-se significativamente associada à adesão após análise ajustada por sexo e idade (RP=1,46; IC95%=1,15-1,86). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de adesão encontrada foi semelhante às de estudos internacionais, mas baixa considerando-se 75% como referência. A maior adesão observada nos indivíduos com internação pós-operatória prolongada pode sugerir que o maior contato com a equipe multiprofissional aumente a percepção da necessidade de cuidados com a saúde em longo prazo.
O presente artigo visa analisar o novo fenômeno da pluralidade das ordens jurídicas, enfocando os aspectos de convergência e divergência entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Nacional. Por fim, o artigo defende a possibilidade de harmonia entre as ordens jurídicas plurais, com base uma nova perspectiva na relação entre o Direito Internacional e o Direito Interno.
BACKGROUND: Studies in men are not consistent regarding the effects of thyroid hormone on the production of gonadotropins. In hypothyroidism consequent to diverse causes, an increase or no change in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) have been reported. The attempt to explain the mechanisms involved in this pathology using rats as an experimental model also seems to repeat this divergence, since hypothyroidism has been shown to induce hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a hypergonadotropic state, or not to affect the basal levels of LH. Notably, the promoter region of the gene encoding the Lh beta subunit and GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing factor) does not contain a thyroid responsive element. Therefore, we investigated the hypothesis that, in male rats, posttranscriptional mechanisms of LH synthesis are altered in hypothyroidism. We also attempted to determine if hypothyroidism directly affects testicular function in male rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats, 60 days old, were thyroidectomized or sham-operated. After 20 days, they were decapitated, and the pituitaries were collected and analyzed for Lh mRNA, LH content, poly(A) tail length, and polysome profile. The testes were collected and analyzed for Lh receptor mRNA, LH receptor content, and histology using morphometric analyses. The testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and ventral prostate were weighed, and serum concentrations of LH, testosterone, thyrotropin (TSH), and triiodothyronine (T3) were measured. RESULTS: Hypothyroidism was associated, in the pituitary, with an increase in Lh mRNA expression, a reduction in Lh mRNA poly(A) tail length, a reduction in the number of LH transcripts associated with polysomes. Pituitary LH was decreased but serum LH was increased from 102 to 543 pg/mL. Despite this, serum testosterone concentrations were decreased from 1.8 to 0.25 ng/mL. A decreased germinative epithelium height of the testes and a reduced weight of androgen-responsive tissues were observed (ventral prostrate: 74 vs. 23 mg/100 g body weight [BW]; seminal vesicle undrained: 280 vs. 70 mg/100 g BW; and seminal vesicle drained: 190 vs. 60 mg/100 g BW). CONCLUSIONS: Hypothyroidism in adult male rats has dual effects on the pituitary testicular axis. It alters posttranscriptional mechanisms of LH synthesis and probably has a direct effect on testicular function. However, these data suggest the possibility that reduced LH bioactivity may account in part for impaired testicular function.
Introdução. A maioria das crianças com pleocitose tem meningite viral, não bacteriana. O Escore de Meningite Bacteriana (EMB) é uma ferramenta clínica para identificar crianças com pleocitose de muito baixo risco para meningite bacteriana (MB). Crianças são consideradas de muito baixo risco para MB se, de acordo com o EMB, não tiverem nenhum dos cinco parâmetros - presença de convulsões à admissão, neutrófilos no liquor > 1000/mm3, neutrófilos no sangue >10000/mm3, coloração de Gram demonstrando bactérias e proteínas no LCR > 80 mg/dL. Objetivo. Avaliar a performance do EMB para distinguir meningite viral de bacteriana em crianças com pleocitose. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte retrospectivo em um departamento de emergência de hospital secundário de ensino. Foram identificadas crianças entre 1 mês e 15 anos incompletos entre 2001 e 2011 com pleocitose (mais de 10 células/mm3 no liquor). Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos positivo e negativo do EMB. Resultados. Foram identificados 497 crianças com meningite, sendo 43 (8,6%; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95% 7-13%) com MB e 454 (91,4%; IC 95% 87-93%) com meningite asséptica. Das 208 crianças de muito baixo risco para MB de acordo com o EMB, nenhuma tinha MB (sensibilidade 100%, IC 95% 92-100%; especificidade 62%, IC 95% 57- 67%; valor preditivo negativo 100%; IC 95% 98-100%). Conclusões. O EMB identificou com acurácia elevada crianças de muito baixo risco para MB. Este modelo pode ser utilizado para ajuda na diferenciação entre MB e meningite viral, principalmente em regiões com cobertura incompleta vacinal para meningococo e pneumococo.
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde überprüft, ob Broschüren, die negative Konsequenzen unzureichender Hautselbstuntersuchung (HSU) betonen (Verlustrahmung), besser geeignet sind, die Früherkennung von Hautkrebs zu fördern als Broschüren, die positive Konsequenzen bei richtig durchgeführter HSU schildern (Gewinnrahmung). Geschlecht und die Bewältigungsdispositionen Vigilanz und kognitive Vermeidung wurden als mögliche Moderatorvariablen untersucht. Nach Erfassung von Baseline- und Hintergrundvariablen lasen 180 Teilnehmer jeweils eine der Broschüren, die ihnen per Zufall zugeteilt wurde. Diese variierten in Rahmung (Gewinn/Verlust) und Bedrohungsgrad (gering/hoch), so dass vier unterschiedliche Versionen vorlagen. Rahmung und Bedrohungsgrad wirkten sich in Abhängigkeit von Vigilanz, d.h. der Disposition, bedrohungsbezogene Informationen systematisch zu verarbeiten, auf die Intention aus. Deutlicher war die Wirkung der Rahmung auf die berichtete Häufigkeit von HSU, die zwei Monate nach dem Lesen erneut erfragt worden war. In der Verlustbedingung stieg die berichtete Häufigkeit von HSU bei Personen mit hoher Vigilanz, bei Personen mit niedriger Vigilanz dagegen sank sie. In der Gewinnbedingung profitierten Personen mit niedriger Vigilanz, während Personen mit hoher Vigilanz weniger HSU berichteten als zuvor. Diese Effekte korrespondierten zwar mit Änderungen der eigenen Risikowahrnehmung, der Erinnerungsleistung und der Beschäftigung mit dem Studienthema, jedoch ließ sich für keine dieser Variablen eine vermittelnde Wirkung nachweisen. Einstellung und Anforderung von Informationsmaterialien blieben unbeeinflusst.
Randomized trials suggested a different benefit of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and intra-arterial thrombolysis (IAT) between men and women with anterior circulation stroke because of a worse outcome of women in the control group.
After decades of confusion in lymphoma classification clearness was achieved with the publication of the REAL classification 1994 and of the WHO classification 2001. The revised 4th edition 2008 features some additional new categories. The WHO classification comprises B- and T-lymphoblastic neoplasms, mature B-cell lymphomas, mature T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas and Hodgkin lymphomas. A modern diagnostic work-up of lymphomas is based on morphology, immunohistochemistry and increasingly on molecular studies. Last but not least the evaluation of all these findings by an expert haematopathologist, who collaborates closely with the treating clinicians, is essential. The aim is to give an overview of the most frequent mature B-cell lymphomas and the most important classical Hodgkin lymphomas with focus on morphology and immunohistochemistry.
Objective Malnutrition is common in HIV-infected children in Africa and an indication for antiretroviral treatment (ART). We examined anthropometric status and response to ART in children treated at a large public-sector clinic in Malawi. Methods All children aged <15 years who started ART between January 2001 and December 2006 were included and followed until March 2008. Weight and height were measured at regular intervals from 1 year before to 2 years after the start of ART. Sex- and age-standardized z-scores were calculated for weight-for-age (WAZ) and height-for-age (HAZ). Predictors of growth were identified in multivariable mixed-effect models. Results A total of 497 children started ART and were followed for 972 person-years. Median age (interquartile range; IQR) was 8 years (4–11 years). Most children were underweight (52% of children), stunted (69%), in advanced clinical stages (94% in WHO stages 3 or 4) and had severe immunodeficiency (77%). After starting ART, median (IQR) WAZ and HAZ increased from −2.1 (−2.7 to −1.3) and −2.6 (−3.6 to −1.8) to −1.4 (−2.1 to −0.8) and −1.8 (−2.4 to −1.1) at 24 months, respectively (P < 0.001). In multivariable models, baseline WAZ and HAZ scores were the most important determinants of growth trajectories on ART. Conclusions Despite a sustained growth response to ART among children remaining on therapy, normal values were not reached. Interventions leading to earlier HIV diagnosis and initiation of treatment could improve growth response.
The aim of this analysis was to assess the effect of body mass index (BMI) on 1-year outcomes in patients enrolled in a contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention trial comparing a sirolimus-eluting stent with a durable polymer to a biolimus-eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer. A total of 1,707 patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to treatment with either biolimus-eluting stents (n = 857) or sirolimus-eluting stents (n = 850). Patients were assigned to 1 of 3 groups according to BMI: normal (<25 kg/m(2)), overweight (25 to 30 kg/m(2)), or obese (>30 kg/m(2)). At 1 year, the incidence of the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization was assessed. In addition, rates of clinically justified target lesion revascularization and stent thrombosis were assessed. Cox proportional-hazards analysis, adjusted for clinical differences, was used to develop models for 1-year mortality. Forty-five percent of the patients (n = 770) were overweight, 26% (n = 434) were obese, and 29% (n = 497) had normal BMIs. At 1-year follow-up, the cumulative rate of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization was significantly higher in the obese group (8.7% in normal-weight, 11.3% in overweight, and 14.5% in obese patients, p = 0.01). BMI (hazard ratio 1.47, 95% confidence interval 1.02 to 2.14, p = 0.04) was an independent predictor of stent thrombosis. Stent type had no impact on the composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and clinically justified target vessel revascularization at 1 year in the 3 BMI groups (hazard ratio 1.08, 95% confidence interval 0.63 to 1.83, p = 0.73). In conclusion, BMI was an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events at 1-year clinical follow-up. The higher incidence of stent thrombosis in the obese group may suggest the need for a weight-adjusted dose of clopidogrel.