887 resultados para 3D Computer Graphics
The use of computer-assisted technologies such as CAD - Computed Aided Design, CAM - Computed Aided Manufacturing, CAE - Computed Aided Engineering and CNC - Computed Numerical Control, are priorities in engineering and product designers. However, the dimensional measurement between the virtual and the real product design requires research, and dissemination procedures among its users. This work aims to use these technologies, through analysis and measurement of a CNC milling machine, designed and assembled in the university. Through the use of 3D scanning, and analyzing images of the machined samples, and its original virtual files, it was possible to compare the sizes of these samples in counterposition to the original virtual dimensions, we can state that the distortions between the real and virtual, are within acceptable limits for this type of equipment. As a secondary objective, this work seeks to disseminate and make more accessible the use of these technologies.
A mail survey was conducted to assess current computer hardware use and perceived needs of potential users for software related to crop pest management in Nebraska. Surveys were sent to University of Nebraska-Lincoln agricultural extension agents, agribusiness personnel (including independent crop consultants), and crop producers identified by extension agents as computer users. There were no differences between the groups in several aspects of computer hardware use (percentage computer use, percentage IBM-compatible computer, amount of RAM memory, percentage with hard drive, hard drive size, or monitor graphics capability). Responses were similar among the three groups in several areas that are important to crop pest management (pest identification, pest biology, treatment decision making, control options, and pesticide selection), and a majority of each group expressed the need for additional sources of such information about insects, diseases, and weeds. However, agents mentioned vertebrate pest management information as a need more often than the other two groups. Also, majorities of each group expressed an interest in using computer software, if available, to obtain information in these areas. Appropriate software to address these needs should find an audience among all three groups.
Selective modulation of liver X receptor beta (LXR beta) has been recognized as an important approach to prevent or reverse the atherosclerotic process. In the present work, we have developed robust conformation-independent fragment-based quantitative structure-activity and structure-selectivity relationship models for a series of quinolines and cinnolines as potent modulators of the two LXR sub-types. The generated models were then used to predict the potency of an external test set and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results, indicating the potential of the models for untested compounds. The final 2D molecular recognition patterns obtained were integrated to 3D structure-based molecular modeling studies to provide useful insights into the chemical and structural determinants for increased LXR beta binding affinity and selectivity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a technique for performing analog design synthesis at circuit level providing feedback to the designer through the exploration of the Pareto frontier. A modified simulated annealing which is able to perform crossover with past anchor points when a local minimum is found which is used as the optimization algorithm on the initial synthesis procedure. After all specifications are met, the algorithm searches for the extreme points of the Pareto frontier in order to obtain a non-exhaustive exploration of the Pareto front. Finally, multi-objective particle swarm optimization is used to spread the results and to find a more accurate frontier. Piecewise linear functions are used as single-objective cost functions to produce a smooth and equal convergence of all measurements to the desired specifications during the composition of the aggregate objective function. To verify the presented technique two circuits were designed, which are: a Miller amplifier with 96 dB Voltage gain, 15.48 MHz unity gain frequency, slew rate of 19.2 V/mu s with a current supply of 385.15 mu A, and a complementary folded cascode with 104.25 dB Voltage gain, 18.15 MHz of unity gain frequency and a slew rate of 13.370 MV/mu s. These circuits were synthesized using a 0.35 mu m technology. The results show that the method provides a fast approach for good solutions using the modified SA and further good Pareto front exploration through its connection to the particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Objectives: The objective of this study is to compare subjective image quality and diagnostic validity of cone-beam CT (CBCT) panoramic reformatting with digital panoramic radiographs. Materials and methods: Four dry human skulls and two formalin-fixed human heads were scanned using nine different CBCTs, one multi-slice CT (MSCT) and one standard digital panoramic device. Panoramic views were generated from CBCTs in four slice thicknesses. Seven observers scored image quality and visibility of 14 anatomical structures. Four observers repeated the observation after 4 weeks. Results: Digital panoramic radiographs showed significantly better visualization of anatomical structures except for the condyle. Statistical analysis of image quality showed that the 3D imaging modalities (CBCTs and MSCT) were 7.3 times more likely to receive poor scores than the 2D modality. Yet, image quality from NewTom VGi® and 3D Accuitomo 170® was almost equivalent to that of digital panoramic radiographs with respective odds ratio estimates of 1.2 and 1.6 at 95% Wald confidence limits. A substantial overall agreement amongst observers was found. Intra-observer agreement was moderate to substantial. Conclusions: While 2D-panoramic images are significantly better for subjective diagnosis, 2/3 of the 3D-reformatted panoramic images are moderate or good for diagnostic purposes. Clinical relevance: Panoramic reformattings from particular CBCTs are comparable to digital panoramic images concerning the overall image quality and visualization of anatomical structures. This clinically implies that a 3D-derived panoramic view can be generated for diagnosis with a recommended 20-mm slice thickness, if CBCT data is a priori available for other purposes.
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir aspectos do processo de projeto e sua representação gráfica, num momento em que softwares de projeto 3D vem se tornando hegemônicos na prática do arquiteto e no ensino de arquitetura, em contraponto às práticas de desenho em prancheta. Os motivos e circunstâncias não são objeto do trabalho, cujo foco está numa prática de projeto e representação gráfica 2D, mas que tem muito a contribuir para o debate do quadro acima: os desenhos de projeto de Frank Lloyd Wright. Casos de estudo: quatro pranchas desenhadas por FLLW. É importante notar que, no vasto quadro da historiografia wrightiana, análises e interpretações originais, pioneiras, da arquitetura vem surgindo nas últimas décadas, mas ainda há poucos textos sobre desenhos e representação gráfica do arquiteto. Este constitui uma primeira aproximação do autor acerca de tema que oferece abrangente potencial. São exemplos em que, na relação imagem-objeto, a representação bidimensional constrói o projeto tridimensional. A arquitetura emerge como experimentação sem cair na especulação formal. Demonstram uma prática mais lenta, reflexiva e laboriosa do que a oferecida pelos software 3D atuais – mas onde cada traço, textura e grafismo implica um significado de espaço e materialidade.
[EN] This paper describes a wildfire forecasting application based on a 3D virtual environment and a fire simulation engine. A new open source framework is presented for the development of 3D graphics applications over large geographic areas offering high performance 3D visualization and powerful interaction tools for the Geographic Information Systems community. The application includes a remote module that allows simultaneous connection of several users for monitoring a real wildfire event. The user is enabled to simulate and visualize a wildfire spreading on the terrain under conditions of spatial information on topography and fuels along with weather and wind files.
[EN] This abstract describes the development of a wildfire forecasting plugin using Capaware. Capaware is designed as an easy to use open source framework to develop 3D graphics applications over large geographic areas offering high performance 3D visualization and powerful interaction tools for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) community.
[EN] In this paper we present a variational technique for the reconstruction of 3D cylindrical surfaces. Roughly speaking by a cylindrical surface we mean a surface that can be parameterized using the projection on a cylinder in terms of two coordinates, representing the displacement and angle in a cylindrical coordinate system respectively. The starting point for our method is a set of different views of a cylindrical surface, as well as a precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. The proposed variational technique is based on an energy minimization where we balance on the one hand the regularity of the cylindrical function given by the distance of the surface points to cylinder axis, and on the other hand, the distance between the projection of the surface points on the images and the expected location following the precomputed disparity map estimation between pair of images. One interesting advantage of this approach is that we regularize the 3D surface by means of a bi-dimensio al minimization problem. We show some experimental results for large stereo sequences.
[EN] In this paper, we present a vascular tree model made with synthetic materials and which allows us to obtain images to make a 3D reconstruction.We have used PVC tubes of several diameters and lengths that will let us evaluate the accuracy of our 3D reconstruction. In order to calibrate the camera we have used a corner detector. Also we have used Optical Flow techniques to follow the points through the images going and going back. We describe two general techniques to extract a sequence of corresponding points from multiple views of an object. The resulting sequence of points will be used later to reconstruct a set of 3D points representing the object surfaces on the scene. We have made the 3D reconstruction choosing by chance a couple of images and we have calculated the projection error. After several repetitions, we have found the best 3D location for the point.
[EN] In this paper we present a method for the regularization of 3D cylindrical surfaces. By a cylindrical surface we mean a 3D surface that can be expressed as an application S(l; µ) ! R3 , where (l; µ) represents a cylindrical parametrization of the 3D surface. We built an initial cylindrical parametrization of the surface. We propose a new method to regularize such cylindrical surface. This method takes into account the information supplied by the disparity maps computed between pair of images to constraint the regularization of the set of 3D points. We propose a model based on an energy which is composed of two terms: an attachment term that minimizes the difference between the image coordinates and the disparity maps and a second term that enables a regularization by means of anisotropic diffusion. One interesting advantage of this approach is that we regularize the 3D surface by using a bi-dimensional minimization problem.
[EN] In the last years we have developed some methods for 3D reconstruction. First we began with the problem of reconstructing a 3D scene from a stereoscopic pair of images. We developed some methods based on energy functionals which produce dense disparity maps by preserving discontinuities from image boundaries. Then we passed to the problem of reconstructing a 3D scene from multiple views (more than 2). The method for multiple view reconstruction relies on the method for stereoscopic reconstruction. For every pair of consecutive images we estimate a disparity map and then we apply a robust method that searches for good correspondences through the sequence of images. Recently we have proposed several methods for 3D surface regularization. This is a postprocessing step necessary for smoothing the final surface, which could be afected by noise or mismatch correspondences. These regularization methods are interesting because they use the information from the reconstructing process and not only from the 3D surface. We have tackled all these problems from an energy minimization approach. We investigate the associated Euler-Lagrange equation of the energy functional, and we approach the solution of the underlying partial differential equation (PDE) using a gradient descent method.
[EN] In this paper we present a method for the regularization of a set of unstructured 3D points obtained from a sequence of stereo images. This method takes into account the information supplied by the disparity maps computed between pairs of images to constraint the regularization of the set of 3D points. We propose a model based on an energy which is composed of two terms: an attachment term that minimizes the distance from 3D points to the projective lines of camera points, and a second term that allows for the regularization of the set of 3D points by preserving discontinuities presented on the disparity maps. We embed this energy in a 2D finite element method. After minimizing, this method results in a large system of equations that can be optimized for fast computations. We derive an efficient implicit numerical scheme which reduces the number of calculations and memory allocations.
[EN]This paper describes a wildfi re forecasting application based on a 3D virtual environment and a fi re simulation engine. A novel open source framework is presented for the development of 3D graphics applications over large geographic areas, off ering high performance 3D visualization and powerful interaction tools for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) community. The application includes a remote module that allows simultaneous connection of several users for monitoring a real wildfi re event.
In questa tesi descriveremo e analizzeremo il motore grafico OGRE, acronimo di Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. La scelta di analizzare proprio questo motore grafico è legata a diverse considerazioni. Innanzitutto, OGRE è rilasciato con licenza open source e quindi rende disponibile il suo codice sorgente. Questo è molto importante, in un contesto di studio e sperimentazione come quello universitario, perché permette di comprendere e analizzare anche il funzionamento interno del motore grafico. Inoltre, OGRE è un progetto maturo e stabile con una vasta comunità di sviluppatori e utilizzatori alle spalle. Esiste molta documentazione a riguardo, tra wiki, libri e manuali, e un forum molto attivo per la richiesta di aiuto e consigli. A conferma, sia della bontà del progetto che delle ottime prestazioni del motore grafico, basta dire che OGRE è utilizzato anche da applicazioni commerciali, come videogame, editor 3D e simulatori. Infine, la caratteristica che contraddistingue OGRE da tutti gli altri motori grafici è il fatto di essere "solamente" un motore di rendering puro. Ciò significa che qualsiasi funzionalità non direttamente legata al rendering, come ad esempio la gestione degli input dell'utente, non è supportata da OGRE. Anche se questo può sembrare un difetto, in realtà ciò permetterà di concentrarci solamente sugli aspetti legati al rendering che, in un motore grafico, costituiscono la parte fondamentale.