725 resultados para workplace-based learning
This paper presents a study that was undertaken to examine human interaction with a pedagogical agent and the passive and active detection of such agents within a synchronous, online environment. A pedagogical agent is a software application which can provide a human like interaction using a natural language interface. These may be familiar from the smartphone interfaces such as ‘Siri’ or ‘Cortana’, or the virtual online assistants found on some websites, such as ‘Anna’ on the Ikea website. Pedagogical agents are characters on the computer screen with embodied life-like behaviours such as speech, emotions, locomotion, gestures, and movements of the head, the eye, or other parts of the body. The passive detection test is where participants are not primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent within the online environment. The active detection test is where participants are primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent. The purpose of the study was to examine how people passively detected pedagogical agents that were presenting themselves as humans in an online environment. In order to locate the pedagogical agent in a realistic higher education online environment, problem-based learning online was used. Problem-based learning online provides a focus for discussions and participation, without creating too much artificiality. The findings indicated that the ways in which students positioned the agent tended to influence the interaction between them. One of the key findings was that since the agent was focussed mainly on the pedagogical task this may have hampered interaction with the students, however some of its non-task dialogue did improve students' perceptions of the autonomous agents’ ability to interact with them. It is suggested that future studies explore the differences between the relationships and interactions of learner and pedagogical agent within authentic situations, in order to understand if students' interactions are different between real and virtual mentors in an online setting.
Computer game technology is poised to make a significant impact on the way our youngsters will learn. Our youngsters are ‘Digital Natives’, immersed in digital technologies, especially computer games. They expect to utilize these technologies in learning contexts. This expectation, and our response as educators, may change classroom practice and inform curriculum developments. This chapter approaches these issues ‘head on’. Starting from a review of the current educational issues, an evaluation of educational theory and instructional design principles, a new theoretical approach to the construction of “Educational Immersive Environments” (EIEs) is proposed. Elements of this approach are applied to development of an EIE to support Literacy Education in UK Primary Schools. An evaluation of a trial within a UK Primary School is discussed. Conclusions from both the theoretical development and the evaluation suggest how future teacher-practitioners may embrace both the technology and our approach to develop their own learning resources.
Conventional taught learning practices often experience difficulties in keeping students motivated and engaged. Video games, however, are very successful at sustaining high levels of motivation and engagement through a set of tasks for hours without apparent loss of focus. In addition, gamers solve complex problems within a gaming environment without feeling fatigue or frustration, as they would typically do with a comparable learning task. Based on this notion, the academic community is keen on exploring methods that can deliver deep learner engagement and has shown increased interest in adopting gamification – the integration of gaming elements, mechanics, and frameworks into non-game situations and scenarios – as a means to increase student engagement and improve information retention. Its effectiveness when applied to education has been debatable though, as attempts have generally been restricted to one-dimensional approaches such as transposing a trivial reward system onto existing teaching materials and/or assessments. Nevertheless, a gamified, multi-dimensional, problem-based learning approach can yield improved results even when applied to a very complex and traditionally dry task like the teaching of computer programming, as shown in this paper. The presented quasi-experimental study used a combination of instructor feedback, real time sequence of scored quizzes, and live coding to deliver a fully interactive learning experience. More specifically, the “Kahoot!” Classroom Response System (CRS), the classroom version of the TV game show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”, and Codecademy’s interactive platform formed the basis for a learning model which was applied to an entry-level Python programming course. Students were thus allowed to experience multiple interlocking methods similar to those commonly found in a top quality game experience. To assess gamification’s impact on learning, empirical data from the gamified group were compared to those from a control group who was taught through a traditional learning approach, similar to the one which had been used during previous cohorts. Despite this being a relatively small-scale study, the results and findings for a number of key metrics, including attendance, downloading of course material, and final grades, were encouraging and proved that the gamified approach was motivating and enriching for both students and instructors.
The power of computer game technology is currently being harnessed to produce “serious games”. These “games” are targeted at the education and training marketplace, and employ various key game-engine components such as the graphics and physics engines to produce realistic “digital-world” simulations of the real “physical world”. Many approaches are driven by the technology and often lack a consideration of a firm pedagogical underpinning. The authors believe that an analysis and deployment of both the technological and pedagogical dimensions should occur together, with the pedagogical dimension providing the lead. This chapter explores the relationship between these two dimensions, and explores how “pedagogy may inform the use of technology”, how various learning theories may be mapped onto the use of the affordances of computer game engines. Autonomous and collaborative learning approaches are discussed. The design of a serious game is broken down into spatial and temporal elements. The spatial dimension is related to the theories of knowledge structures, especially “concept maps”. The temporal dimension is related to “experiential learning”, especially the approach of Kolb. The multi-player aspect of serious games is related to theories of “collaborative learning” which is broken down into a discussion of “discourse” versus “dialogue”. Several general guiding principles are explored, such as the use of “metaphor” (including metaphors of space, embodiment, systems thinking, the internet and emergence). The topological design of a serious game is also highlighted. The discussion of pedagogy is related to various serious games we have recently produced and researched, and is presented in the hope of informing the “serious game community”.
Computer game technology provides us with the tools to create web-based educational materials for autonomous and collaborative learning. At Worcester, we have researched the use of this technology in various educational contexts. This paper reports one such study; the use of the commercial game engine “Unreal Tournament 2004” (UT2004) to produce materials suitable for education of Architects. We map the concepts and principles of Architectural Design onto the affordances (development tools) provided by UT2004, leading to a systematic procedure for the realization of buildings and urban environments using this game engine. A theory for the production of web-based learning materials which supports both autonomous and collaborative learning is developed. A heuristic evaluation of our materials, used with second-year students is presented. Associated web-pages provide on-line materials for delegates.
Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressé à l’utilisation des TIC, plus précisément du Tableau Numérique Interactif (TNI), en géométrie, par des groupes d’élèves de deux classes du primaire en pédagogie Freinet. S’inspirant d’une revue de littérature concernant la pédagogie dialogique, qui se rapproche de la pédagogie Freinet, trois unités d’observation, qui se rapportent aux trois types de discussion (cumulatif, disputationnel et exploratoire) au sein des groupes, ont été analysées. Le but de l’étude est de comprendre en quoi les discussions des groupes d’élèves autour du TNI, dans un contexte dit dialogique, peuvent être exploratoires (un type de discussion qui favoriserait les apprentissages). Pour cela, une activité d’apprentissage, appelée situation-problème, impliquant six groupes d’élèves autour du TNI, a été créée en collaboration avec les enseignants en géométrie. Nos résultats indiquent, entres autres, que les aspects pédagogiques de la technologie en question, ici le TNI, sont à différencier des aspects pédagogiques du logiciel utilisé, ici Tinkercad en mathématiques. Ce mémoire remet en relief toute la complexité de prendre en compte un unique facteur (l’analyse des discussions) pour discuter des apprentissages des élèves autour du TNI.
Urgency to embed awareness of sustainability principles and practice across society, and need for digital literacy and advocacy for sustainability are reshaping ESD. These, together with developments in learning and teaching, demand new tools to support implementation of project-based learning and more interactive approaches. This investigation explores the evolution of susthingsout.com, an online magazine for students, academics and expert practitioners, developed by the University of Worcester. This comprises two parts; the first, a private site specifically for students involved in sustainability learning on-campus; the second, an open-access site developed to deliver sustainability information and good practice across campus, community and not-for-profit and commercial organisations. This paper involves only the private site i.e. the equivalent of an in-house VLE specifically designed to support the teaching of sustainability to multi-disciplinary first and second year undergraduate students. It reports on the progress of the VLE, following three years of use and initial improvements, in terms of the student support and engagement, as well as considering the practical issues affecting these. The results fall into four categories of pedagogical, operational, cultural and external factors, which are synthesised to capture and share emerging knowledge of good practice offering insights to other developers of online sustainability materials.
This interactive symposium will focus on the use of different technologies in developing innovative practice in teacher education at one university in England. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a field of educational policy and practice that has the power to ignite diametrically opposing views and reactions amongst teachers and teacher educators, ranging across a spectrum from immense enthusiasm to untold terror. In a field where the skills and experience of individuals vary from those of digital natives (Prensky 2001) to lags and lurkers in digital spaces, the challenges of harnessing the potential of TEL are complex. The challenges include developing the IT skills of trainees and educators and the creative application of these skills to pedagogy in all areas of the curriculum. The symposium draws on examples from primary, secondary and post-compulsory teacher education to discuss issues and approaches to developing research capacity and innovative practice using different etools, many of which are freely available. The first paper offers theoretical and policy perspectives on finding spaces in busy professional lives to engage in research and develop research-informed practice. It draws on notions of teachers as researchers, practitioner research and evidenc-ebased practice to argue that engagement in research is integral to teacher education and an empowering source of creative professional learning for teachers and teacher educators. Whilst acknowledging the challenges of this stance, examples from our own research practice illustrate how e-tools can assist us in building the capacity and confidence of staff and students in researching and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment practice. The second paper discusses IT skills development through the TEL pathway for trainee teachers in secondary education across different curriculum subjects. The lead tutor for the TEL pathway will use examples of activities developed with trainee teachers and university subject tutors to enhance their skills in using e-tools, such as QR codes, Kahoot, Padlet, Pinterest and cloud based learning. The paper will also focus on how these skills and tools can be used for action Discussant - the wider use of technologies in a university centre for teacher education; course management, recruitment and mentor training. research, evaluation and feedback and for marking and administrative tasks. The discussion will finish with thoughts on widening trainee teachers’ horizons into the future direction of educational technology. The third paper considers institutional policies and strategies for promoting and embedding TEL, including an initiative called ‘The Learning Conversation’, which aims ‘to share, highlight, celebrate, discuss, problematise, find things out...’ about TEL through an online space. The lead for ‘The Learning Conversation’ will offer reflections on this and other initiatives across the institution involving trainee teachers, university subject tutors, librarians and staff in student support services who are using TEL to engage, enthuse and support students on campus and during placements in schools. The fourth paper reflects on the use of TEL to engage with trainee teachers in post-compulsory education. This sector of education and training is more fragmented than primary and secondary schools sectors and so the challenges of building a community of practice that can support the development of innovative practice are greater.
Se analiza la emergencia del concepto de “articulador” dentro de la estrategia pedagógica del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP). A través de esta los miembros de un grupo de trabajo recuperan información que les permite examinar un problema desde distintos puntos de vista. Mediante la experiencia de trabajo entre profesores, entre estudiantes y entre ambos, el articulador funciona como eje de integración de conocimientos que responden a aspectos particulares del problema, que son definidos y reflexionados por el grupo. Abstract The article of analyzes the emergence of the concept ≪articulator≫ in the pedagogical strategy of problem-based learning (ABP). Through this strategy the members of a working group recover information that allows them to examine a problem from different points of view. Through the experience of work between professors, between students and between them, the articulator works like axis of integration of knowledge that respond to particular aspects of the problem, which are defined and reflected by the group.
El estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la efectividad relativa del ABP, comparado con el método tradicional para desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas en el aprendizaje de las aplicaciones de la solución de triángulos en el grado 10º de la Institución Educativa El Progreso, de El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia. La enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas sustentadas con la estrategia didáctica Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas permite a los estudiantes y docentes aproximarse al conocimiento de una manera similar a como lo hacen los científicos; el primer paso es una situación de duda, perplejidad del estudiante provocada por la Situación Problema planteada por el docente, el segundo un momento de “sugerencias” en las que la mente salta hacia adelante en busca de una posible solución (Dewey, 1933, p. 102). El tercer paso “intelectualización” de la dificultad que se ha percibido para convertirlo en un problema que debe solucionarse (Dewey, 1933, p. 103). La cuarta es “la idea conductora o hipótesis”, las cuales se basan en la formulación de explicaciones sugeridas o soluciones posibles (Dewey, 1933, p. 104). El quinto paso sería el “razonamiento”, consiste en la elaboración racional de una idea que se va desarrollando de acuerdo a las habilidades de cada persona (Dewey, 1933, p. 105). El paso final es la “comprobación de hipótesis” en situaciones reales. Este proceso se evidenció a través de cuatro Situaciones-Problema enfocadas desde un contexto auténtico “la remodelación del parque principal de El Carmen de Viboral” con el objetivo de motivar a los estudiantes para el aprendizaje de algunos conceptos matemáticos y el desarrollo de habilidades de resolución de problemas. La metodología de la investigación fue un diseño cuasi-experimental con grupo experimental compuesto por 38 estudiantes del grado 10º2 y grupo control con 37 estudiantes del grado 10º1. Se empleó como técnica de recolección de la información una prueba pre-test antes del tratamiento y una prueba post-test que se aplicó después del tratamiento a ambos grupos; se aplicó también una escala de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la metodología tradicional en ambos grupos y una escala de satisfacción con la estrategia didáctica ABP sólo al grupo experimental; la observación directa, y el portafolio que evidenciaba todas las construcciones de los estudiantes. La aplicación de la estrategia didáctica experimental se aplicó durante 4 meses, con una intensidad horaria de cuatro horas semanales, tiempo durante el cual se implementaron las cuatro Situaciones-Problema. Se concluyó entre otros aspectos que el 86,5% de los estudiantes encuentran las clases de matemáticas como interesantes, contextualizadas, aplicables y significativas, mientras que antes del tratamiento sólo el 44,4% se encontraba satisfecho con las clases de matemáticas, con una diferencia en cambio de actitud de 42,1% frente a las clases de matemáticas con la metodología tradicional. En el análisis comparativo de adquisición de competencias específicas se demuestra que el grupo experimental demostró ser matemáticamente más competente con respecto al grupo control en todas las competencias evaluadas: capacidad de modelación, inductiva, comunicativa y habilidad procedimental. Además, el proyecto de investigación tuvo un valor agregado: 10 estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer más sobre su cultura ceramista mediante el diseño y construcción de mosaicos que los ofreció la casa de la cultura en forma gratuita.
W zależności od ujęcia projekt jest metodą lub strategią nauczania (Nowacki i wsp, 1999). W niektórych źródłach zaliczany do grupy metod nauczania przez dociekanie (ang. inquiry based learning) (Bransford i in., 2000). Metody nauczania oparte na dociekaniu zyskują coraz bardziej na popularności, także w dydaktyce akademickiej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę jakościową 25 projektów zajęć dydaktycznych opracowanych przez doktorantów Wydziału Biologii UAM, w których projekt badawczy był składnikiem projektu edukacyjnego, a całość była propozycją zajęć dla studentów tegoż wydziału.
Research on the impact of the Project Approach on young children with disabilities or children who are at-risk is limited. Mixed methods were used to study the impact of the Project Approach on the social interactions, challenging behaviors, and language development of eight focal children in two inclusive classrooms. Child participants were two children with IEPs and two children identified as at-risk from each class. Adult participants were six professionals who received high quality supports to implement the Project Approach. Adults were interviewed prior to the beginning of the study and again mid-, and post-implementation. Choice time observations were videotaped twice per week over 14 weeks to assess the impact of the Project Approach on play levels and MLUm. Results revealed that social interactions, challenging behaviors, vocabulary, MLUm, were positively impacted following implementation of the Project Approach. Limitations of the study and suggestions for research and practice are discussed.