974 resultados para relief in the bottom
Evidence for the dissolution of biogenic silica at the base of pelagic sections supports the hypothesis that much of the chert formed in the Pacific derives from the dissolution and reprecipitation of this silica by hydrothermal waters. As ocean bottom waters flow into and through the crust, they become warmer. Initially they remain less saturated with respect to dissolved silica than pore water in the overlying sediments. With the diffusion of heat, dissolved ions, and to some extent the advection of water itself, biogenic silica in the basal part of the sedimentary section is dissolved. Upon conductively cooling, these pore waters precipitate chert layers. The most common thickness for the basal silica-free zone (20 m) lies below the most common height of the top of the chert interval above basement (50 m). This mode of chert formation explains the frequent occurrence of chert layers at very shallow subbottom depths in pelagic sections of the Pacific. It is also consistent with the common occurrence of cherts =150 m above basement.
This paper deals with the presence and distribution of Thecosomatous Pteropods in the Indian Ocean. 122 plankton-samples, taken by R.V. "Meteor" during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) in 1964-65 were investigated. They contain a total number of about 45000 Thecosomata, belonging to 22 species and 5 families. Some species (e.g. Creseis acicula and Limacina inflata) are common in the entire area, others (e.g. Creseis chierchiae and Desmopterus gardinieri) show a quite distinct distribution. From several species only one single specimen was captured, others are completely lacking in the collection though they have been reported frequently from the same area by other expeditions. This may be due to seasonal variations and to the fact that no bathial tows were taken. In spite of these restrictions the extensive material from a relatively small area offers the possibility to compare specific and nonspecific features in related species and to question their taxonomic value.
The "CoMSBlack-95" dataset is based on samples collected in the summer of 1995. The whole dataset is composed of 81 samples (28 stations) with data of zooplankton species composition, abundance and biomass. Samples were collected in discrete layers 0-10, 0-20, 0-50, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100 and from bottom up to the surface at depths depending on water column stratification and the thermocline depth. Zooplankton samples were collected with vertical closing Juday net,diameter - 36 cm, mesh size 150 µm. Tows were performed from surface down to bottom meters depths in discrete layers. Samples were preserved by a 4% formaldehyde sea water buffered solution. Sampling volume was estimated by multiplying the mouth area with the wire length. Mesozooplankton abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber which is a rectangle form for taxomomic identification and count. Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Oceanology by Asen Konsulov and Lyudmila Kamburska using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972). Taxon-specific abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber which is a rectangle form for taxomomic identification and count. Copepods and Cladoceras were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Oceanology by Asen Konsulov and Lyudmila Kamburska using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972).
Ever since its discovery, Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2; ~53.7 Ma) has been considered as one of the "little brothers" of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) as it displays similar characteristics including abrupt warming, ocean acidification, and biotic shifts. One of the remaining key questions is what effect these lesser climate perturbations had on ocean circulation and ventilation and, ultimately, biotic disruptions. Here we characterize ETM2 sections of the NE Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 550) using multispecies benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes, grain size analysis, XRF core scanning, and carbonate content. The magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (0.85-1.10 per mil) and bottom water warming (2-2.5°C) during ETM2 seems slightly smaller than in South Atlantic records. The comparison of the lateral d13C gradient between the North and South Atlantic reveals that a transient circulation switch took place during ETM2, a similar pattern as observed for the PETM. New grain size and published faunal data support this hypothesis by indicating a reduction in deepwater current velocity. Following ETM2, we record a distinct intensification of bottom water currents influencing Atlantic carbonate accumulation and biotic communities, while a dramatic and persistent clay reduction hints at a weakening of the regional hydrological cycle. Our findings highlight the similarities and differences between the PETM and ETM2. Moreover, the heterogeneity of hyperthermal expression emphasizes the need to specifically characterize each hyperthermal event and its background conditions to minimalize artifacts in global climate and carbonate burial models for the early Paleogene.
Morphology, ecology, range and species composition of diatom algae mass accumulations that are biotypically associated with the lower surface of Arctic sea ice are discussed. Materials were obtained by skindivers in the Central Arctic Basin at drift stations SP-23 in August 1977 and SP-22 in July 1980.
An extensive radiograph study of 24 undisturbed, up to 206-cm long box and gravity cores from the western part of the Strait of Otranto revealed a great variety of primary bedding structures and secondary burrowing features. The regional distribution of the sediments according to their structural, textural, and compositional properties reflects the major morphologic subdivisions of the strait into shelf, slope, and trough bottom (e.g., the bottom of the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough, which extends from the northeastern Ionian Sea into the Strait of Otranto): (1) The Apulian shelf (0 to -170m) is only partly covered by very poorly sorted, muddy sands without layering. These relict(?) sands are rich in organic carbonate debris and contain glauconite and reworked (?Pleistocene) ooids. (2) The slope sediments (-170 to -1,000 m) are poorly sorted, sandy muds with a high degree of burrowing. One core (OT 5) is laminated and shows slump structures. An origin of these slumped sediment masses from older deposits higher on the slope was inferred from their abnormal compaction, color, texture, organic content, and mineral composition. (3) Cores from the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough (-980 to -1,060 m) display a few graded sand layers, 2-5 cm (maximum 30 cm) thick with parallel and ripple-cross-laminations, deposited by oceanic bottom or small-scale turbidity currents. They are intercalated with homogeneous lutite. (4) Hemipelagic sediments prevail in the more southerly part of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough and on the "Apulian-Ionian Ridge", the southern submarine extension of the Apulian Peninsula. Below a core depth of 160 cm, these cores have a laminated ("varved") zone, representing an Early Holocene (Boreal-Atlanticum) "stagnation layer" (14C age approximately 9,000 years). The terrigenous components of the surface sediments as well as those of the deeper sand layers can be derived from the Apulian shelf and the Italian mainland (Cretaceous Apulian Plateau and Gargano Mountains, southern Apennines, volcanic province of the Monte Vulture). Indicated by the heavy mineral glaucophane, a minor proportion of the sedimentary material is probably of Alpine origin. If this portion is considered to be first-cycle clastic material it reaches the Strait of Otranto after a longitudinal transport of 700 km via the Adriatic Sea. The lack of phyllosilicates in the coarse- to medium-grained shelf samples might be explained by the activity of the "Apulian Current" (surface velocities up to 4 knots) which in the past possibly has affected the bottom almost down to depths of the shelf edge. The percentage of planktonic organisms, and also the plankton: benthos ratio in the sediments is a useful indicator for bathymetry (depth zonation).
This paper presents data on concentrations and composition of organic substances, lipids, and hydrocarbons, in the snow-ice cover of fast ices and continental lakes of Antarctic. It was shown that organic compounds were accumulated in layers with the most intense autochthonous processes (mainly at the snow-ice and ice-water boundaries). These zones remain active at a biogeochemical medium even at low temperatures. The maximum content of organic compounds (10-20 times that of the snow-ice cover of other regions) and a sharp change in the proportions of their migration forms in the ice volume were detected in the regions of penguin colonies (fast ice in the Buromsky Island and a lake in the Haswell Island). Contents and composition of hydrocarbons in Antarctic ices were compared with those of Arctic ices.
Die Genese von Mangan-Eisen-Akkumulaten der Kieler Bucht wurde durch In-situ-Experimente vor allem in Tauchgängen unter Berücksichtigung der hydrographischen und sedimentologischen Gegebenheiten sowie natürlicher Akkumulatvorkommen und Krusten auf künstlichen Substraten untersucht. An den diagenetisch gebildeten Akkumulaten wurden chemische Zusammensetzung, Mineralogie, physikalische Parameter, Morphologie und Internstrukturen untersucht. Wichtige Faktoren für die Entstehung der Mangan-Eisen-Akkumulate sind geringe Sedimentationsraten am Entstehungsort, das Vorhandensein geeigneter Anlagerungskerne sowie ausreichende Zufuhr von gelöstem Mangan und anderen Metallen durch Diffusion aus dem Sediment und durch lateralen Transport im freien Wasser vor allem im Sommer und Frühherbst infolge absinkender Sauerstoffgehalte im Bodenwasser der Rinnen. Die Experimente ergaben eine saisonale Abscheidungscharakteristik der Mangan-Eisen-Oxide in Abhängigkeit von der hydrographischen Jahresentwicklung mit niedrigen Zuwachsraten im Winter und Frühjahr und hohen Werten im Sommer und Herbst. Die 1981 experimentell ermittelte Wachstumsrate liegt im Bereich der südlichen Kieler Bucht (Boknis Eck) bei ca. 20 mm/1000 a. Für das Vorkommen vor Schleimünde wurden in Anlehnung an SUESS & DJAFARI (1977) 30-50 mm/1000 a berechnet. Unter reduzierenden Bedingungen infolge Sedimentüberdeckung können Mangan-Eisen-Akkumulate partiell oder vollständig wieder aufgelöst werden. Für den Verbleib der Akkumulate an der Sedimentoberfläche wird die Bedeutung der Seenelke Metridium senile nachgewiesen.
The data collection "Deep Drilling of Glaciers: Soviet-Russian projects in Arctic, 1975-1995" was collected by the following basic considerations: - compilation of deep (>100 m) drilling projects on Arctic glaciers, using data of (a) publications; (b) archives of IGRAN; (c) personal communication of project participants; - documentation of parameters, references. Accuracy of data and techniques applied to determine different parameters are not evaluated. The accuracy of some geochemical parameters (up to 1984 and heavy metalls) is uncertain. Most reconstructions of ice core age and of annual layer thickness are discussed; - digitizing of published diagrams (in case, when original numerical data were lost) and subsequent data conversion to equal range series and adjustment to the common units. Therefore, the equal-range series were calculated from original data or converted from digitized chart values as indicated in the metadata. For the methodological purpose, the equal-range series obtained from original and reconstructed data were compared repeatedly; the systematic difference was less then 5-7%. Special attention should be given to the fact, that the data for individual ice core parameters varies, because some parameters were originally measured or registered. Parameters were converted in equal-range series using 2 m steps; - two or more parameter values were determined, then the mean-weighted (i.e. accounting the sample length) value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered independently from the parameter values in depth intervals which over- and underlie it, then the value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered for two adjoining depth intervals, then the specific value is assigned to the depth interval, which represents >75% of sample length ; if each of adjoining depth intervals represents <75% of sample length, then the correspondent parameter value is assigned to both intervals of depth. This collection of ice core data (version 2000) was made available through the EU funded QUEEN project by S.M. Arkhipov, Moscow.
The variability in size and shape of shells of the polar planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma have been quantified in 33 recent surface sediment samples throughout the northern Atlantic Ocean and correlated with the properties of the ambient surface waters. The aim of the study was to determine whether any of the morphological features could be used to reconstruct sea surface properties in the polar realm of the North Atlantic, where most paleotemperature proxies appear to fail. The analyses revealed that shell morphology is only weakly controlled by habitat properties, whereas shell size showed a strong correlation with sea surface temperature. The regression of mean shell size on sea surface temperature revealed the presence of two trends among the sinistrally coiled shells: a continuous increase in shell size with decreasing SST in sediments deposited under polar water masses and a continuous increase in shell size with increasing SST in samples from transitional waters. The second trend mirrors the trend observed for dextrally coiled shells, which are frequent in the same samples and signal the presence of N. incompta. The identical mean shell size trends among the sinistral and dextral specimens in the temperate samples confirms the results of earlier genetic studies which indicated the existence of a small but distinct proportion of opposite coiling in N. incompta, to which the sinistral shells in the temperate samples could be attributed. The linear correlation between mean shell size and sea surface temperature in the polar domain (summer SST < 9 °C) has been used to develop an empirical formula for the reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures from shell sizes in fossil samples. The standard error of the residuals of the linear regression is 2.36 °C (1 sigma), which implies a much larger error than for most paleothermometers, but enough precision to allow resolution between results by individual paleothermometers in the polar domain. The resulting regression model has been applied on two sediment cores spanning the interval from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present day. The results from core PS1906-1 are consistent with ice-free conditions during the LGM in the Norwegian Sea. The SST estimates for the LGM inferred from N. pachyderma shell size are similar or slightly higher than those for the latest Holocene. The results do not indicate anomalously high SST during the glacial and the LGM reconstructions thus appear more consistent with the results from foraminiferal transfer functions and geochemical proxies. Both sediment cores show the highest reconstructed SST during the early Holocene insolation optimum.