605 resultados para proceeds


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La presente tesis tiene por objeto generar estrategias para la distribución de usos y asignación de características de ocupación de suelo, este proceso se apoya en análisis geo estadísticos para obtener resultados más ajustados a la realidad y de esta manera comprender la dinámica de los espacios urbanos, las formas de ocupación del espacio por parte de la población, así también las dinámicas que generan ciertos elementos y el impacto en su contexto inmediato. Este estudio inicia con el desarrollo del marco teórico que aborda definiciones e investigaciones referentes a las dinámicas que los usos presentan en una ciudad.Posteriormente se analizan los elementos urbanos relevantes del área de estudio, iniciando con la delimitación y sectorización, los equipamientos, la vialidad, el transporte, las características de ocupación y la normativa vigente; mediante estos diagnósticos se llega a identificar como está conformada el área de estudio.Partiendo de estos diagnósticos se procede a realizar el estudio y análisis sistemático de los usos y la ocupación de suelo urbano, mediante la aplicación de herramientas geo estadísticas como el Kriging y MORAN-LISA. Los resultados obtenidos se representan en un corema, con la finalidad de crear un modelo espacial de análisis, apoyado también de un análisis de diversidad.Finalmente estos resultados generan estrategias apoyadas en datos estadísticos.


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This research investigates the microclimate and the morphology features of the central campus of the UFRN, in Natal-RN, through the use of bioclimatic tools of analysis in order to assist the implementation of the campus´ Master Plan. It develops a diagnosis of the evolution and growth of the urban space surveyed by analyzing its initial plan and the basic urban conception behind it, as well as the morphology and typologies utilized. The study makes a qualitative analysis of the local microclimate by using Katzschner (1997) methodology, with land-use and topography maps, building heights, vegetation and soil covering. It also makes use of the methodology proposed by Oliveira (1993), which examines, from the bioclimatic standpoint, the human environment as related to the urban form (site and built mass). It identifies zones whose climatic characteristics are representative of the local microclimate and classifies them into areas to be strictly preserved, areas to be protected and areas to be improved. By means of the methodology for spatial and environmental assessment developed by Bustos Romero (2001), the survey selects characteristic points of each area in order to register the environmental data relative to the two basic seasons found in the region where the campus is located, that is, the dry and the rainy season, so that it can evaluate changes in the environment which might have been caused by urban density growth, by arborization or by the influence of the urban form. It then proceeds to a quantitative and statistical survey of the collected data with the purpose of evaluating the degree of influence of the identified features over the environmental variables along the different scales of approach. The study shows the existence of different microclimates and emphasizes the relevance of the bioclimatic analysis of the built environment as a tool for the decision-making process along the development of the Master Plan for UFRN Central Campus


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Dans le cadre de la célébration du nouveau millénaire, la National Gallery de Londres a organisé l'exposition Encounters: New Art from Old (14 juin - 17 septembre 2000). La formule consistait à inviter vingt-cinq artistes contemporains à choisir une œuvre de la collection permanente du musée et à s'en inspirer afin d'en créer une nouvelle. Certaines des œuvres produites pour l’occasion ont été exposées près de leurs sources dans les salles historiques de la collection du musée. Ce mémoire examine comment la formule de cette exposition et son accrochage anachronique agissent de façon directe sur la temporalité de la collection historique en invitant à sa réactualisation, et à la mise en valeur de la création. Il situe cette formule dans le cadre d’un regain d’intérêt pour les collections, décortique la sélection des artistes par le musée et la sélection des œuvres de la collection par les artistes. Il propose aussi une classification des modalités par lesquelles ceux-ci ré-interprètent la tradition. Enfin, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la réception, ce mémoire considère les réponses générées par l’exposition : celles des artistes aux œuvres de leurs prédécesseurs, celles des critiques et celles du public.


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One of the unresolved issues concerning equity’s jurisdiction to set aside dispositions for mistake is the nature of the proprietary consequences that ensue. The decision in Bainbridge v Bainbridge sheds further light on this important issue, but also illustrates that some important aspects concerning the application of rescission needs further clarification. The key issue concerned the rescission of a trust, where parts of the land had been sold by the trustees who had used the proceeds of sale to buy two new plots of land. Part of the reasoning used by Master Matthews relied upon authorities, developed in the context of fraudulently induced transfers of money, which requires careful consideration of the relationship between the principle in Pitt v Holt and unjust enrichment.


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Dans le cadre de la célébration du nouveau millénaire, la National Gallery de Londres a organisé l'exposition Encounters: New Art from Old (14 juin - 17 septembre 2000). La formule consistait à inviter vingt-cinq artistes contemporains à choisir une œuvre de la collection permanente du musée et à s'en inspirer afin d'en créer une nouvelle. Certaines des œuvres produites pour l’occasion ont été exposées près de leurs sources dans les salles historiques de la collection du musée. Ce mémoire examine comment la formule de cette exposition et son accrochage anachronique agissent de façon directe sur la temporalité de la collection historique en invitant à sa réactualisation, et à la mise en valeur de la création. Il situe cette formule dans le cadre d’un regain d’intérêt pour les collections, décortique la sélection des artistes par le musée et la sélection des œuvres de la collection par les artistes. Il propose aussi une classification des modalités par lesquelles ceux-ci ré-interprètent la tradition. Enfin, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la réception, ce mémoire considère les réponses générées par l’exposition : celles des artistes aux œuvres de leurs prédécesseurs, celles des critiques et celles du public.


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Provas públicas apresentadas à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Professor Especialista, na área do Futebol.


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Cytokinesis in animal cells requires the constriction of an actomyosin contractile ring, whose architecture and mechanism remain poorly understood. We use laser microsurgery to explore the biophysical properties of constricting rings in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Laser cutting causes rings to snap open. However, instead of disintegrating, ring topology recovers and constriction proceeds. In response to severing, a finite gap forms and is repaired by recruitment of new material in an actin polymerization-dependent manner. An open ring is able to constrict, and rings repair from successive cuts. After gap repair, an increase in constriction velocity allows cytokinesis to complete at the same time as controls. Our analysis demonstrates that tension in the ring increases while net cortical tension at the site of ingression decreases throughout constriction and suggests that cytokinesis is accomplished by contractile modules that assemble and contract autonomously, enabling local repair of the actomyosin network. Consequently, cytokinesis is a highly robust process impervious to discontinuities in contractile ring structure.


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A number of laws in Canada which uphold rights are referred to as quasi-constitutional by the courts in recognition of their special importance. Quasi-constitutional statutes are enacted through the regular legislative process, although they are being interpreted and applied in a fashion which has become remarkably similar to constitutional law, and are therefore having an important affect over other legislation. Quasi-constitutionality has surprisingly received limited scholarly attention, and very few serious attempts at explaining its significance have been made. This dissertation undertakes a comprehensive study of quasi-constitutionality which considers its theoretical basis, its interpretation and legal significance, as well as its similarities to comparable forms of law in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. Part I examines the theoretical basis of quasi-constitutionality and its relationship to the Constitution. As a statutory and common law form of fundamental law, quasi-constitutionality is shown to signify an association with the Canadian Constitution and the foundational principles that underpin it. Part II proceeds to consider the special rules of interpretation applied to quasi-constitutional legislation, the basis of this interpretative approach, and the connection between the interpretation of similar provisions in quasi-constitutional legislation and the Constitution. As a statutory form of fundamental law, quasi-constitutional legislation is given a broad, liberal and purposive interpretation which significantly expands the rights which they protect. The theoretical basis of this approach is found in both the fundamental nature of the rights upheld by quasi-constitutional legislation as well as legislative intent. Part III explores how quasi-constitutional statutes affect the interpretation of regular legislation and how they are used for the purposes of judicial review. Quasi-constitutional legislation has a significant influence over regular statutes in the interpretative exercise, which in some instances results in conflicting statutes being declared inoperable. The basis of this form of judicial review is demonstrated to be rooted in statutory interpretation, and as such it provides an interesting model of rights protection and judicial review that is not conflated to constitutional and judicial supremacy.


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Summarize the available literature descriptions of neural mobilization (NM) techniques and neural provocation tests (NPT) for the Lower Limb (LL). Compilation of data was performed in May 2016 using MEDLINE data base, Google Scholar and the library of the European University of Madrid. After application of inclusion/exclusion criterions 5 books and 14 journal publications where found to be of interest and used during data extraction.Results: a list of 8 different LLNM techniques are applied in a rhythmic alternating oscillatory cycle fashion, starting in the initial position from where the therapist proceeds to move the limb in order to achieve a final position. LL NPTs are useful tools for differential diagnose and selecting the proper LLNM procedure. There is no consensus about the time frame of repetition intervals or amount of tensile strength during NPT never the less it is found to normally be performed at a rate of 2-4 seconds per complete cycle of movement, during 1-5 minutes, 3-5 times a week. LLNM treatment techniques all thou increasingly popular in clinical practice are found to be frugally described and lack proper standardization in regards to therapeutic dosification.


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L’objectif du chapitre consiste à dresser un bilan des acquis concernant les relations entre lecture-compréhension et écriture-rédaction. Deux approches sont envisagées. La première s’appuie sur des évaluations globales des dimensions relatives dites au bas niveau (au code : écriture et décodage) et des dimensions de haut niveau (compréhension et production textuelle). Elle met en évidence des relations fortes entre les premières, mais plutôt faibles entre les secondes. La seconde approche procède à la mise en relation entre composantes des deux activités : lexique (en lecture et en production), syntaxe, structure des textes, etc. Elle fait apparaître une plus grande complexité des relations et une relative indépendance des composantes. Elle conduit à reposer la question des impacts respectifs et réciproques de la lecture-compréhension sur l’écriture-rédaction. Elle amène à s’interroger sur ce que seraient les effets d’une pratique accordant une priorité à la production plutôt qu’à la lecture-compréhension et à rechercher les modalités d’intervention visant à améliorer l’une à partir de l’autre, et réciproquement.


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Résumé : À l’aube des études humiennes, Norman Kemp Smith appelait à représenter Hume « suivant toutes ses nombreuses activités », comme s’il pressentait que l’étude de la pensée humienne pouvait s’avérer un labyrinthe dans lesquels les commentaires pouvaient s’égarer et se perdre de vue. Ce pressentiment, on peut le dire aujourd’hui, s’est avéré juste, et il porte avec lui une clé de lecture : pour dépasser la représentation parcellaire, fragmentée et ultimement incohérente d’un Hume kaléidoscopique, le mieux est peut-être de s’intéresser à ses activités. La présente thèse vise à circonscrire la pratique humienne de la philosophie, ou, pourrait-on dire, du travail épistémologique et conceptuel, dans l’espace de son magnum opus, et cela à l’aide d’une clé de lecture : celle du réductionnisme. Si le Traité est une oeuvre que l’on peut qualifier d’empiriste, on ne saurait la lire seulement par ce biais ou par celui de questions localisées, et nous montrons que le projet du Traité ne peut se comprendre qu’en voyant comment Hume tente d’y réduire la et les connaissances à des dépendances ou à des parties de sa propre théorie de la nature humaine. Pour cela, nous procédons via quatre chapitres. D’abord, nous tentons de circonscrire les caractéristiques les plus importantes du projet humien, c’est-à-dire de ce que Hume avait l’intention de développer à travers les contenus particuliers du Traité ; ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur la base dont Hume part et dont il se servira pour accomplir des réductions, base que l’on peut appeler une théorie des perceptions doublée d’une théorie de l’esprit (principes, facultés, relations) ; ces deux théories, couplées à un standard strict pour obtenir le statut de « vraie idée » ou d’idée intelligible, semblent amener de par leurs prémisses assez directement au scepticisme, et c’est pourquoi on traitera du scepticisme avant d’évoquer les aspects « naturalistes » du Traité au-delà des éléments de base de la théorie des perceptions et de l’esprit, soit une manoeuvre qui ne suit pas tout à fait l’ordre humien d’exposition mais nous semble suivre un certain ordre des raisons ; enfin, la quatrième partie nous permettra de passer en revue diverses réductions opérées par Hume, celles qui mènent au scepticisme pyrrhonien mises à part, ce qui nous permettra de voir quelles sont les limites et les problèmes afférents à son réductionnisme particulier. Refondateur, systématique et totalisant dans ses intentions, le Traité suit bien plus qu’un projet simplement empiriste, et on verra que dans la démarche humienne l’empirisme apparaît davantage dans les conclusions qu’au point même de départ. En le lisant comme le lieu et la conséquence d’une orientation que l’on peut dire réductionniste, on peut trouver dans le Traité un fil conducteur qui, en dépit de problèmes plus ou moins importants rencontrés en cours de route, ne se rompt pas.


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Hydrogen is considered as an appealing alternative to fossil fuels in the pursuit of sustainable, secure and prosperous growth in the UK and abroad. However there exists a persisting bottleneck in the effective storage of hydrogen for mobile applications in order to facilitate a wide implementation of hydrogen fuel cells in the fossil fuel dependent transportation industry. To address this issue, new means of solid state chemical hydrogen storage are proposed in this thesis. This involves the coupling of LiH with three different organic amines: melamine, urea and dicyandiamide. In principle, thermodynamically favourable hydrogen release from these systems proceeds via the deprotonation of the protic N-H moieties by the hydridic metal hydride. Simultaneously hydrogen kinetics is expected to be enhanced over heavier hydrides by incorporating lithium ions in the proposed binary hydrogen storage systems. Whilst the concept has been successfully demonstrated by the results obtained in this work, it was observed that optimising the ball milling conditions is central in promoting hydrogen desorption in the proposed systems. The theoretical amount of 6.97 wt% by dry mass of hydrogen was released when heating a ball milled mixture of LiH and melamine (6:1 stoichiometry) to 320 °C. It was observed that ball milling introduces a disruption in the intermolecular hydrogen bonding network that exists in pristine melamine. This effect extends to a molecular level electron redistribution observed as a function of shifting IR bands. It was postulated that stable phases form during the first stages of dehydrogenation which contain the triazine skeleton. Dehydrogenation of this system yields a solid product Li2NCN, which has been rehydrogenated back to melamine via hydrolysis under weak acidic conditions. On the other hand, the LiH and urea system (4:1 stoichiometry) desorbed approximately 5.8 wt% of hydrogen, from the theoretical capacity of 8.78 wt% (dry mass), by 270 °C accompanied by undesirable ammonia and trace amount of water release. The thermal dehydrogenation proceeds via the formation of Li(HN(CO)NH2) at 104.5 °C; which then decomposes to LiOCN and unidentified phases containing C-N moieties by 230 °C. The final products are Li2NCN and Li2O (270 °C) with LiCN and Li2CO3 also detected under certain conditions. It was observed that ball milling can effectively supress ammonia formation. Furthermore results obtained from energetic ball milling experiments have indicated that the barrier to full dehydrogenation between LiH and urea is principally kinetic. Finally the dehydrogenation reaction between LiH and dicyandiamide system (4:1 stoichiometry) occurs through two distinct pathways dependent on the ball milling conditions. When ball milled at 450 RPM for 1 h, dehydrogenation proceeds alongside dicyandiamide condensation by 400 °C whilst at a slower milling speed of 400 RPM for 6h, decomposition occurs via a rapid gas desorption (H2 and NH3) at 85 °C accompanied by sample foaming. The reactant dicyandiamide can be generated by hydrolysis using the product Li2NCN.


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Entre los meses de marzo y setiembre del 2004, el Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Universidad Nacional (CINPE-UNA) elaboró el estudio Valoración económica de los recursos hI’dricos en las cuencas de los rfos Banano y Bananito3 . El objetivo general de éste responde a “estimar el valor del recurso hídrico en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito, en función de los usos prioritarios, para la recomendación de mecanismos efectivos para la sostenibilidad de un sistema de compensación por los servicios hidrológicos”. Para cumplir con este objetivo se plantean los siguientes objetivos específicos: (1) identificar el método de valoración económica para el recurso hídrico más apropiado dadas las condiciones de la zona, (2) cuantificar los servicios hidrológicos en las cuencas de los ríos Banano y Bananito en función de los principales usos, y (3) recomendar un mecanismo de pago voluntario por el servicio ambiental hídrico, basado en los resultados del estudio, que provea al Área de Conservación La Amistad Caribe (ACLA-C) los elementos para el desarrollo de una experiencia concreta.Producto de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica y dados los objetivos del estudio se seleccionó el Análisis de Múltiples Criterios (AMC), como la metodología marco para la valoración económica. Esto implica la aplicación de un método no tradicional, que permite combinar variables cuantitativas y cualitativas. A este respecto, el uso de una metodología participativa y multisectorial hizo posible la participación de los principales grupos de actores usuarios del agua. que se clasificaron en cinco grupos: (1) Asociaciones Administradoras de Acueductos Rurales (ASADAS) y acueductos rurales, (2) ONG’s y organizaciones comunales, (3) sociedad civil, (4) empresa privada y (5) sector público.Luego de sistematizar la información recabada durante las 23 sesiones de consulta participativa. se procede al análisis de los datos, que sirven de insumos para realizar la valoración económica y, finalmente, el diseño de la propuesta de mecanismos de cobro por grupo de usuarios para el pago por servicios ambientales. Los resultados finales se presentan mediante el uso de matrices y gráficos de telaraña.Este informe presenta los avances correspondientes al primer objetivo específico. Asimismo, incluye los comentarios y las sugerencias realizadas durante y posterior al taller de discusión con representantes de PROARCA-APM, TNC y ACLA-C. El documento contiene la caracterización económica y social del área en estudio, una revisión de estudios de valoración, y métodos, así como el método de valoración seleccionado y su forma de aplicación.A bstract:Between March and September 2004, the International Center of Economic Policy for Sustainable Development of the National University (CINPE.IJNA) elaborated the study Economic Valuation of ihe Water Resources in ihe Basins of ihe rivers Banano and Bananito4. The general objcctive of it answers to “estimate the value of the water resource in the basin of the rivers Banano and Bananito, depending on the prior uses, for the recommendation of effective mechanisms for the sustainability of a system of compensation for the hydrological serv ices”.The following specific objectives appear to reach the general objective: (1) To identify the most appropriate method of economic valuation for water resource given (he conditions of the zone. (2) To quantify the hydrological services in the basins of the rivers Banano and Bananito depending on (he principal uses. And (3) to recommend a mechanism of voluntary payment for the environmental water service based on the results of the study, which provides to La Amistad Caribe Conservation Area (ACLA-C), the elements for the development of a concrete experience.Product and given of an exhaustive bibliographical review, the Analysis of Multiple Criteria (AMC) is selected as (he methodology for the economic valuation. It implies (he application of a not traditional method, which allows combining quantitative and qualitative variables. In this regard, the use of a participatory methodoiogy there made possible the participation of the principal groups of actors users of the water, who quatified ¡n five groups to knowing, (1) administrative associations of rural aqueducts (ASADAS), (2) ONG and communal organizations, (3) civil society, (4) private sector and (5) public sector.After systematizing the information obtained during 23 meetings of participatory consultation. one proceeds to the analysis of the information, which use as ¡nputs to realize the economic valuation. Finally, the design of the offer of collection mechanisms for user group for the payment for environmental services is presented. The final results appear by means of the use of counterfoils and spider web graphs.This repon includes the commentaries and suggestions realized during and later to ihe workshop of discussion with representatives of PROARCA-APM, TNC and ACLA-C. The document also contains the economic and social characterization of the area under study, a review of studies of valuation, and methods. as well as the method of valuation selected and its form of application.


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En este artículo se plantean los elementos fundamentales que deben contener un plan de transporte, dentro del contexto de los Planes Reguladores en Costa RicaSe pretende que este documento sirva de guía metodológica en la elaboración de los planes reguladores, en la sección correspondiente al transporte y la vialidad. Actualmente existe un vacío teórico metodológico que se refleja en una ambigüedad conceptual y en una falta de rigurosidad metodológica, provocada por la interpretación que cada uno hace de las diferentes leyes de la planificación urbana que existen en nuestro país. Con el traspaso de los recursos obtenidos de la ley de bienes inmuebles a las municipalidades, se hace imperativo que la mayoría de las municipalidades, que no han elaborado un plan regulador, se aboquen a hacerlo y que numerosos consultores privados e institutos y escuelas universitarias ofrezcan esos servicios.El trabajo recoge la experiencia de varios años de investigación en ese campo y la participación en numerosos congresos y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional.ABSTRACT:This article dcals with the principal elements which a transportation plan should contain, within the context of regulatory plan in Costa Rica.It is hoped that thís document wilI gcncrally serve as a methological guide for the design of thosc rcgulatory plans, and particulary with regard to the scction dealing with transportation and roadways.There exists at prcsent a theoretical and methodological vacuum in this area which is reflected in a conceptual ambiguity and lack of methodological discipline, due to the various individual interpretations applied to ihose urban planning laws which do exist in this country.Statutory revisions now prov ide for the allocation of proceeds from real property taxes to the municipalities, thus making it emperative that those local governments which have not done so, promptly design their own regulatory plan, and that public and private consultants, as well as institutions of learning and research, offer their specialized expertise to this effort.Morever, this anide presents the results of many years of research in Ihis area in addition to the lessons learned from a continuing participation in conferences, seminars and events of a similar nature, heid at both national and international leveis.


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Section 1 is focused on the bis-alkoxycarbonylation reaction of olefins, catalyzed by aryl α-diimine/Pd(II) complexes, for the synthesis of succinic acid ester derivatives, important compounds in many industrial fields. The opening chapter (Chapter 1) of this thesis presents an overview of the basic chemistry of organopalladium compounds and carbonylation reactions, focusing on oxidative bis-alkoxycarbonylation processes. In Chapter 2 the results obtained in the bis-alkoxycarbonylation of 1,2-disubstituted olefins are reported. The reaction proceeds under very mild reaction conditions, using an aryl α-diimine/Pd(II) catalyst and p-benzoquinone as oxidant, in the presence of a suitable alcohol. This process proved to be very efficient, selective and diastereospecific and various 2,3-disubstituted succinic esters have been obtained in high yields. In Chapter 3 the first bis-alkoxycarbonylation reaction of acrylic esters and acrylic amides, leading to the synthesis of 2-alkoxycarbonyl and 2-carbamoyl succinates respectively, is reported. Remarkably, the utilized aryl α-diimine/Pd(II) catalyst is able to promote the carbonylation of both the β- and the generally non-reactive α- positions of these alkenes. The proposed catalytic cycle is supported by DFT calculations. Section 2 is mainly focused on the Ni-catalyzed difunctionalization of unactivated alkenes tethered to unstabilized ketones. This reaction allows for a wide range of pharmaceutically useful cyclic architectures to be obtained. Chapter 4 consists of an introduction to the difunctionalization reactions of unactivated olefins. In particular, intramolecular reactions will be discussed in detail. In Chapter 5 the results obtained from the Ni-catalyzed difunctionalization of unactivated alkenes tethered to unstabilized ketones are reported. The reaction proceeds through the formation of a zinc-enolate compound, followed by a cyclization/cross-coupling reaction, which takes place in the presence of a phosphine/Ni(II) complex and an (hetero)aryl electrophile, leading to different cyclic and bicyilc architectures. In Chapter 6, preliminary results concerning the anionic cyclization of zinc enolates tethered to unactivated alkenes are presented.