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The microorganisms play very important roles in maintaining ecosystems, which explains the enormous interest in understanding the relationship between these organisms as well as between them and the environment. It is estimated that the total number of prokaryotic cells on Earth is between 4 and 6 x 1030, constituting an enormous biological and genetic pool to be explored. Although currently only 1% of all this wealth can be cultivated by standard laboratory techniques, metagenomic tools allow access to the genomic potential of environmental samples in a independent culture manner, and in combination with third generation sequencing technologies, the samples coverage become even greater. Soils, in particular, are the major reservoirs of this diversity, and many important environments around us, as the Brazilian biomes Caatinga and Atlantic Forest, are poorly studied. Thus, the genetic material from environmental soil samples of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes were extracted by direct techniques, pyrosequenced, and the sequences generated were analyzed by bioinformatics programs (MEGAN MG-RAST and WEBCarma). Taxonomic comparative profiles of the samples showed that the phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria and Planctomycetes were the most representative. In addition, fungi of the phylum Ascomycota were identified predominantly in the soil sample from the Atlantic Forest. Metabolic profiles showed that despite the existence of environmental differences, sequences from both samples were similarly placed in the various functional subsystems, indicating no specific habitat functions. This work, a pioneer in taxonomic and metabolic comparative analysis of soil samples from Brazilian biomes, contributes to the knowledge of these complex environmental systems, so far little explored


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Sulfated Polysaccharides with unique chemical structures and important biological activities has been found in a diversity of sea invertebrates. For that, to exist a huger interest on the biotechnology field in the research theses sulfated compounds isolated from sea organisms. Despite the privileged brazilian position for these compounds attainment, there are still a few scientific informations about the isolated substances and their biological activities. A head the displayed, the present work has for objectives, to evaluate the pharmacological properties of the glycosaminoglycans isolated from the sea shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti on homeostasis, blood coagulation, leukocytes migration and platelet/leukocyte adhesion. For this, yhe glycosaminoglycans were extracted from crustacean tissues by proteolysis, fractionation with acetone and later submitted to pharmacological assays. The crustacean tissues showed compounds heparin-like, with anticoagulant activity of 45 IU/mg and 90 IU/mg, respectively. These molecules showed low residual hemorrhagic effects in the tested concentration (100 µg/mL), when compared to unfractionated commercial heparin (UFH). Another dermatan sulfate-like compound, predominately constituted for disulfated disaccharides, was isolated from crustacean abdomen. This compound showed an efficient effect on leukocytes migration inhibition, in the concentration of 15 µg/mL, reducing the cellular infiltration in 65% when compared to the controlled animals. In this same concentration, the DS reduced in 60% the protein concentration of the peritoneal exudates. In the concentration, this compound of 0.5 mg/mL, it was capable to reduce in 40% platelet/leukocytes adhesion. Our data demonstrate that these sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the shrimp L. schimitti will can be used as bioactive compounds, appearing as active principles for pharmacological development, anticoagulants and inflammatory response regulators


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This master dissertation presents the study and implementation of inteligent algorithms to monitor the measurement of sensors involved in natural gas custody transfer processes. To create these algoritmhs Artificial Neural Networks are investigated because they have some particular properties, such as: learning, adaptation, prediction. A neural predictor is developed to reproduce the sensor output dynamic behavior, in such a way that its output is compared to the real sensor output. A recurrent neural network is used for this purpose, because of its ability to deal with dynamic information. The real sensor output and the estimated predictor output work as the basis for the creation of possible sensor fault detection and diagnosis strategies. Two competitive neural network architectures are investigated and their capabilities are used to classify different kinds of faults. The prediction algorithm and the fault detection classification strategies, as well as the obtained results, are presented


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This research proposed to question the development of what was defined as historical practices (commercial, social and political institutions), of the economic activity of the real estate brokerage in the Rio Grande do Norte from the progressive institutionalization of economic agents - individuals (realtors) and legal (real estate) - based on two main approaches: a) the development of economic activity as an integral segment of a fraction of capital (POULANTZAs, 1985; LESSA, 1981). This work set out from a socio-historical approach of the historical practices development the of real estate brokerage in Brazil started in the Southeast, especially in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo as a result of the "expansion of capitalist relations by the housing sector" (RIBEIRO , 1996). especially the real estate capital ; b) the historical development of relations between labor and capital within the activity, in other words, the development of the relationship between realtors and Real Estate in relation to "group of interests" and their "collective actions" (OFFE, 1984). These historical practices are defined in this research as: 1) mercantile practices, times when there was no distinction between the activity of real estate brokerage and other forms of mercantile capital; 2) social practices, which began in the 1930s, when agents of real estate are to be distinguished from each other within the activity through Taylorist division of labor between workers realtors and developers of real estate; 3) political and institutional practices, initiated in 1962, characterized by State action, in the individualization and distinction of the agents of real estate brokerage as socioprofessional category regulated throughout Brazil by Law 4.116/62 and 6.530/78. The results achieved by the present study showed that in Rio Grande do Norte, due to the specifics as to the peripheral processes of urbanization of the constitution of the land market, as well as the process of conservative modernization of the oligarchic State from the 1960s (CLEMENTINE, 1995; FERREIRA, 1996, 2010, TRINDADE, 2004), the State was led to the development of a late manifestation of the historical practices of real estate brokerage. In other words, it was a process in which historical practices, in particular social practices, not fully developed, mitigating, thus the perception of realtors from his position in the process of exploitation of labor by the Real Estate. And, as a result, of their collective interests front of them.


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This dissertation analyses the Brazilian housing policy of today s, focusing on the programmes in the socalled Social Interest Housing Subsystem in order to discuss to what extent the government has been able to grant housing constitutional rights in the country. The discussion is about housing policy and the principles in the country s Constitution regarding the role of housing as a social right, a right that must be granted by the state. This refers to land rent theory to understand the relationship between capital and property and the reasons why, under capitalism, housing becomes a commodity in the market. Then, it discusses the national housing policy, which emphasizes land ownership through financing, that is, via market, a process that excludes all low income population. In the conclusion, it is clear that, although government programmes cover extensively at least potentially the national territory as well as social group, subsidized housing programmes cannot be implemented in the city due to land prices because subsidy is too low. In this way, the law that grants housing rights to all Brazilian citizens is violated


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The goal of this study is to investigate about the existence or absence of environmental dumping in the production of fuel ethanol in Brazil, as well as identifying the reasons why the figure of ecological dumping is pernicious to the principles enumerated in constitutional economic order, in particular the principle of free competition. In the twenty-first century environmental issues gained momentum and importance in these terms, which was seen as a mere fallacy given the concern of governments of various countries, after all, environmental protection shows up as the only means of bringing about the maintenance of life at planet. Indeed, it is essential to halt the drastic effects of climate change, and think fast and efficient solutions. Undoubtedly, the contemporary requirements that resulted in the transition to a new economy brings with it the duty of enterprise search for sustainability, and this behavior can not be passive, otherwise it is imperative to work hard and incessant economic agents, even if initially costs are high, this step will ensure a production accountable, transparent and free from accusations of environmental degradation. It is also intended to study the importance of the sector not only as a source of economic growth, but mainly, its contribution to national development, without forgetting that this is devoted in the Constitution of 1988 as one of the objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil. In fact, the criticism most common perceptions about the production of biofuels, said the interests of the countries producing them in large scale, will eventually generate a exhaustion of soil and a significant increase in food prices. However, the ethanol produced in Brazil is unique in that it is produced from cane sugar, a product is not intended for human or animal, not to mention that the recovery of land just to the rotation with the planting other cultures. It is expected that environmental certifications are useful to demonstrate the quality of ethanol for export and to refute unfounded criticism. Finally, this study will be analyzed further solutions for the plants to develop an economic activity without damaging the environment and in compliance with Brazilian law


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The main objective of this research was studying the meanings of the freedom of expression and what professors of Journalism think about the way those meanings are used in pedagogical practices. The term freedom of expression is commonly used in journalism even though it is not so studied, consequently we don t have a word to define it. Therefore, we related the term freedom of expression in Journalism teaching to the condition as the object of this study, aiming to establish a connection among the term, the right, free expression and the endurance of the right. The theorical support to understand the dynamic of the meanings of the freedom of expression in the social practice of Journalism teaching was based in the Hegeliana dialetic theorical principles and in the language philosophy more specifically in Bakhtin s perspective from which we can mention the social auditorium, immediate conditions of production and a wider social horizon as the main categories of analysis. This study is a qualitative research with an interacionist perspective anchored in a semi-structured interview as a privileged method of data collecting made with ten professors from Journalism graduation. The analysis reveals that, in the interviewers perspective, there would be a deceiving practice from freedom of expression in the journalism teaching in which emerges either in speeches with handbills spreading the fear and/or under a stimulus form to concealment


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This work makes a documental analise about the relationship between families of Down syndrome students and professionals of who teach them, in order to improve the process of developing teaching-learning, in an inclusive perspective. For this, we use a qualitative approach, because we believe that the object of research is not a passive and neutral knowledge, since it has meanings and relationships whose can be better interpreted and understood by the researcher in a real and active situation. For the development of this research, a bibliographical review was made about the subject, and a case studied in two regular education schools, both of them at the city of Natal/RN, one public and another one particular. We work on these educational institutions with professionals and parents of Down syndrome students. As an instrument of building information we used a semi-structured interview and to analise the results a qualitative method. Crossing the stages, we noticed: the pedagogical coordinators who made up both analyzed schools showed interest about doing an effective work with parents, regardless of Educational Policy Project of each school, predict or not the participation on educational undertaken process; On teachers discourses, reporting the relationship with the family, we realize that one of those teachers try to keep a good relationship with parents, permeated by learning exchanges, guidance and knowledge, in relation to another one, even existing an apparent openness to dialogue, when parents have any suggestions or criticism, that attitude is not always well coming. From the parents interviews, we can emphasize, first of all, that both of them recognize the benefits of inclusion, with regard to socialization - in general from the coexistence with pairs and the process of teaching and learning, as shown in a consistent way. Regarding school meetings with teachers, the studied parents agree about importance of such appointments and try to attend them, besides the other events organized by the school, beyond keeping individual touch with the teacher, when necessary. They are always present, looking for get envolved in everything that happens at school, in order to know better what is being done, listening and may suggest alternatives to improving the educational process. We perceive, from the study undertaken, that although the school inclusion is not an easy process to be built, is something that could be achieved. For this, is necessary that professionals of education and families recognize their functions in the educational process and act jointly on this direction


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This dissertation was written for the making of a model to be used as reference to the construction and diagnoses of educational projects in on-line environments. The model approaches a series of characteristics, technical and humans, which if considered can increase the potential of awake the interests to the active use of these projects for the students and build conditions to the development of an active posture by the students, fundamental factor to the educational advances. Focused in the students, not in the technology in use, we propose this model as a guide, reference to be used in a critical way in relation with every educational context. This research was made from the qualitative category, trough the method of study of case, using as reference to the analysis the use of the website guanabara.info - website outside of the school context - by it users, heard through the internet, by the use of semi-opened interview, in a data taken of the primary type. We follow as theoretical references Paulo Freire´s work, considering his vision of education and the building of knowledge as a process which occurs between man, and Celestín Freinet, in his pedagogy of humanized and critical insertion of the technologies in the school. At the end, we show the practical utilization of the model constructed using it for the diagnostics of an educational project in the on-line educational environmental moodle


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La recherche intitulée l Histoire des femmes agées du group Aurore de La Vie: Campina Grande-PB (1940-1950) a surgit comme consequence de mon observation sur les interêts de femmes en retrouner à l école aprés qu elles étaient arrivées aux soixante ans, um moment de la vie que malgré son importance est encore considerée par trop de gens comme des moments d être seul jusqu à la fin de la vie. Alors, nous avons formulé la question la plus importante de ce travail: Quel est l histoire de l éducation des femmes agées du group Aurore de La Vie, dans le période de son education d enfant? Un group de 25 femmes qui ont étudié le projet Digna, on a fait une seletion de treize agées, entre 65 et 80 ans, qui s appellent: Perpétua, Florinda, Benta, Ambrósia, Celestine, Cordélia, Circe, Filomena, Desdêmona, Dorotéia, Ofelia, Martítius e Nausica. Beaucoup d intelectuels nous ont aidé avec la base theórico-methodologique et nous ont presenté l histoire des excludées comment une histoire en construction. Parmis ces intelectuelles on rencontre Chartier, Halbwachs, Elias, Perrot, Bosi, Bezerra, Morais et Machado. Pendant notre recherche nous avons employés des narrations, des entrevues, des questions ouvertes ou les femmes puissent parler sur l histoire de leur vie. Nous avons regardé aussi le fiche des agées, le arquive de La Secretarie Municipale de Assistence Social (SEMAS) du Hôtel de Ville de Campina Grande-PB. Nous avons aussi étudié sur la legislation relié à la tematique de la Constituition Brésilienne dans l estatute et dans la Politique Nacional de l age. Notre étude nous a donné des analises sur les themas: pauvresse, travail, sourvenirs, jeux e aussi punitions scolaires. Nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion qu à l époque de son enfance, l éducation formale était déjá determinée pour le mariage, la pró-création la famille. Enfim toujours dédans de la maison excludées du reste du monde. Nous avons compris que pesquiser cet object d étude est un contribut avec l histoire des excludées en cassant le silence des femmes lesqueles on été ignorées par presque toute la prodution historiographique


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This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of 130 patients of a gynecology clinical. It is used a multiple regression analysis as the main statistical method in order to verify the factors affecting satisfaction and loyalty. The main findings are that the quality model explain 54% of the satisfaction but the whole model explain only 31% of the loyalty. Although the results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that the satisfaction is not only one factor to explain loyalty, both the quality model to satisfaction and the factors model affecting loyalty should be improved to explain better the satisfaction and loyalty in health care service


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O interesse pelos pequenos ruminantes aumentou nos últimos anos sob os aspectos produtivo e científico. No Brasil, caprinos e ovinos são os que despertam maior interesse econômico. Assim, este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de discutir o progresso científico com caprinos e ovinos nos últimos dez anos. Foram pesquisadas várias bases de dados, entre elas as do Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), da Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO, da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE e da Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO. Na última década, os pequenos ruminantes têm merecido especial atenção dos pesquisadores, o que pode ser comprovado pelo aumento de 41% nas publicações mundiais envolvendo estas espécies, o que foi acompanhado por aumento ainda mais expressivo, 219%, em âmbito nacional. A evolução também foi observada sob os aspectos metodológicos dos projetos, ressaltando a abordagem multidisciplinar nas pesquisas mais atuais. Nos últimos dez anos, houve crescimento do aporte de recursos para editais temáticos demandados pela sociedade e pela cadeia da carne e do leite, além da preocupação com qualidade, competitividade e sustentabilidade.


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Demand for organic foods in the Brazil are growing year last, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the factor that influence the interest of the consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Manaus/AM, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 421 questionnaires, in which was realized the descriptive analysis, analysis of groupings and association analysis among variables using the test qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the majority the of consumers of supermarkets of the Manaus/AM never to purchase organic foods. Generally the consumers to have few or some knowledge about these foods, however, the level of the interest in to obtain information about the subject is high.The barriers mains in the purchase of organic products are the label fault in the product and the quality no certificate in the product. Among the profile characteristics, the variables income and level scholar are associate to interest level in the obtain information about the subject


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In the current conjuncture, the environmental factor has been changing the position of companies that are practicing or minimally adopting environmental management. Such tool has been used by companies to face the problems caused by solid waste, in particular green coconut waste, which is constantly among the material discarded by society (companies/ consumer). It is a typical tropical fruit whose fresh water is very benefic for human health, and its popularization has caused a progressive increase of its consumption. Following this stream of thought, this present work came up with an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities SWOT analysis on green coconut solid waste management at two agribusiness companies in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, aiming to know the challenges and the potentials of this kind of waste. According to the approach of the problem, this work fits a descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative research. The data collection was obtained by a questionnaire and a structured interview, in order to evaluate the strategic posture of agribusiness companies through SWOT analysis, which is an English acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT analysis is an effective tool to analyze the internal and external environment of an organization. This tool contributes to locate the company at the environment in question and when well applied it enables the detection of mistakes, the strengthening of correct procedures, the avoidance of threats, and the bet on opportunities. The studied agribusiness industries have very similar profiles, such as a long business life span, and a strategy that extends the useful life of the fruit, by using its waste for the manufacturing of new subproducts. In both, the daily quantity of waste resulted of this process reaches approximately 20 thousand units of the fruit in high season, being necessary a focus directed at use and/or treatment of these waste. Further to SWOT analysis, it was ascertained that the agribusiness company A works through a defensive marketing strategy and acts vulnerably, in other words, unable of acting before this market segment, for it has decided to stop using the waste due to a lack of equipment and technology. On the other hand, the agribusiness company B has incorporated an offensive marketing strategy because even not possessing equipments, technology, and appropriated internal installations, it still insists on use and benefits of green coconut waste in its agribusiness. Thus, it is considered that the potential of green coconut waste management for the production of several subproducts reduces the impacts produced by inappropriate placement and generates profits in a short, medium and long term. Such profits being tangible and intangible, as the interest for sustainability actions is not only a matter of obtaining return on capital, but it is an important question in order to move on into business, since it is not enough to have quality on products and process nowadays. It is necessary to establish socio-environmental practices aiming the image of the company as the prevailing role on consumers buying decision


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In general, the materials used as substrates in the project of microstrip antennas are: isotropic, anisotropic dielectrics and ferrimagnetic materials (magnetic anisotropy). The use of ferrimagnetic materials as substrates in microstrip patch antennas has been concentrated on the analysis of antennas with circular and rectangular patches. However, a new class of materials, called metamaterials, has been currently the focus of a great deal of interest. These materials exhibit bianisotropic characteristics, with permittivity and permeability tensors. The main objective of this work is to develop a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of annular ring microstrip antennas, using ferrites and metamaterials as substrates. The full wave analysis is performed in the Hankel transform domain through the application of the Hertz vector potentials. Considering the definition of the Hertz potentials and imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency, radiation pattern, return loss, and antenna bandwidth as a function of the annular ring physical parameters, for different configurations and substrates. The theoretical analysis was developed for annular ring microstrip antennas on a double ferrimagnetic/isotropic dielectric substrate or metamaterial/isotropic dielectric substrate. Also, the analysis for annular ring microstrip antennas on a single ferrimagnetic or metamaterial layer and for suspended antennas can be performed as particular cases