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Työmme tavoitteena on analysoida Kiinan ja EU:n keskinäisen kaupan kasvua viimeisinä vuosikymmeninä ja lähitulevaisuudessa. Lisäksi tutkimme kauppaa ja sen rakennetta molemmista näkökulmista, jotta voisimme havaita molemmille osapuolille saavutettavat hyödyt, haitat ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuudet. Työssä pyrittiin käyttämään lähteenä aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta ja tuoreita artikkeleita. Maiden välisen kaupan kasvu perustuu suuresti Kiinan talouden uudistusohjelmaan, jonka ansiosta Kiina avautui huomattavasti kansainväliselle liiketoiminnalle. Suhteellisen edun teorian mukaisesti tuotanto alkoi siirtyä Kiinaan yhä enemmän, ja samalla Kiinan talous lähti huimaan kasvuun. Kiina on viime vuosikymmenen aikana noussut EU:n tärkeimmäksi tuontimaaksi, ja tulevaisuudessa Kiinan vienti tulee lisääntymään entisestään. Joidenkin arvioiden mukaan Kiina tulee tulevaisuudessa ottamaan paikan maailman suurimpana talousmaana. Tärkeimmät kahdenkeskeiseen kaupankäyntiin vaikuttavat seikat ovat Kiinan valuutan aliarvostus ja tuontirajoitukset. Kaupan rakenteeseen vaikuttaa merkittävästi Kiina ja EU:n taloudellisten suhteellisten etujen eroavaisuudet.


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Les erreurs innées du métabolisme (EIM) sont dues à des mutations de gènes codant pour des enzymes du métabolisme et sont classées selon trois grands groupes de maladies: 1) intoxications; 2) déficit énergétique et 3) déficit de synthèse ou catabolisme des maladies complexes. Le progrès thérapeutique des vingt dernières années a permis d'améliorer le pronostic des enfants atteints d'EIM. Ces enfants grandissent et doivent être pris en charge à l'adolescence et à l'âge adulte par des équipes spécialisées. Cette médecine métabolique pour adultes est une discipline relativement nouvelle avec une information limitée chez l'adulte. Les recommandations pédiatriques sont extrapolées à la prise en charge des adultes tout en intégrant les différentes étapes de vie (indépendance sociale, grossesse, vieillissement et éventuelles complications tardives). Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are due to mutations of genes coding for enzymes of intermediary metabolism and are classified into 3 broad categories: 1) intoxication, 2) energy defect and 3) cellular organelles synthesis or catabolism defect. Improvements of therapy over these last 20 years has improved prognosis of children with IEM. These children grow up and should have their transition to specialized adult care. Adult patients with IEM are a relatively new phenomenon with currently only limited knowledge. Extrapolated pediatric guidelines are applied to the adult population taking into account adult life stages (social independence, pregnancy, aging process and potential long-term complications).


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Newly generated olfactory receptor axons grow from the peripheral to the central nervous system aided by olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). Thus, OEC transplantation has emerged as a promising therapy for spinal cord injuries and for other neural diseases. However, these cells do not present a uniform population, but, instead, a functionally heterogeneous population that exhibits a variety of responses including adhesion, repulsion and crossover during cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Some studies report that the migratory properties of OECs are compromised by inhibitory molecules and potentiated by chemical gradients. Here, we demonstrated that rodent OECs express all the components of the Nogo Receptor complex and that their migration is blocked by Myelin. Next, we used cell tracking and traction force microscopy to analyze OEC migration and its mechanical properties over Myelin. Our data relate the absence of traction force of OEC with lower migratory capacity, which correlates with changes in the F-Actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion distribution. Lastly, OEC traction force and migratory capacity is enhanced after cell incubation with the Nogo Receptor inhibitor NEP1-40.


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Recent large scale studies questioning the presence of intracellular bacteria of the Chlamydiales order in ticks and fleas revealed that arthropods, similarly to mammals, reptiles, birds or fishes, can be colonized by Chlamydia-related bacteria with a predominant representation of the Rhabdochlamydiaceae and Parachlamydiaceae families. We thus investigated the permissivity of two insect cell lines towards Waddlia chondrophila, Estrella lausannensis and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, three bacteria representative of three distinct families within the Chlamydiales order, all documented in ticks and/or in other arthropods. We demonstrated that W. chondrophila and E. lausannensis are able to very efficiently multiply in these insect cell lines. E. lausannensis however induced a rapid cytopathic effect, which somehow restricted its replication. P. acanthamoebae was not able to grow in these cell lines even if inclusions containing a few replicating bacteria could occasionally be observed.


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Declining agricultural productivity, land clearance and climate change are compounding the vulnerability of already marginal rural populations in West Africa. 'Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration' (FMNR) is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils and protection of biodiversity. It involves selecting and protecting the most vigorous stems regrowing from live stumps of felled trees, pruning off all other stems, and pollarding the chosen stems to grow into straight trunks. Despite widespread enthusiasm and application of FMNR by environmental management and development projects, to date, no research has provided a measure of the aggregate livelihood impact of community adoption of FMNR. This paper places FMNR in the context of other agroforestry initiatives, then seeks to quantify the value of livelihood outcomes of FMNR. We review published and unpublished evidence about the impacts of FMNR, and present a new case study that addresses gaps in the evidence base. The case study focuses on a FMNR project in the district of Talensi in the semi-arid Upper East Region in Ghana. The case study employs a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis, which identifies proxy financial values for non-economic as well as economic benefits. The results demonstrate income and agricultural benefits, but also show that asset creation, increased consumption of wild resources, health improvements and psycho-social benefits created more value in FMNR-adopting households during the period of the study than increases in income and agricultural yields.


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Estrella lausannensis is a new member of the Chlamydiales order. Like other Chlamydia-related bacteria, it is able to replicate in amoebae and in fish cell lines. A preliminary study investigating the pathogenic potential of Chlamydia-related bacteria found a correlation between antibody response to E. lausannensis and pneumonia in children. To further investigate the pathogenic potential of E. lausannensis, we determined its ability to grow in human macrophages and its intracellular trafficking. The replication in macrophages resulted in viable E. lausannensis; however, it caused a significant cytopathic effect. The intracellular trafficking of E. lausannensis was analyzed by determining the interaction of the Estrella-containing inclusions with various endocytic markers as well as host organelles. The E. lausannensis inclusion escaped the endocytic pathway rapidly avoiding maturation into phagolysosomes by preventing both EEA-1 and LAMP-1 accumulation. Compared to Waddlia chondrophila, another Chlamydia-related bacteria, the recruitment of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum was minimal for E. lausannensis inclusions. Estrella lausannensis appears to use a distinct source of nutrients and energy compared to other members of the Chlamydiales order. In conclusion, we hypothesize that E. lausannensis has a restricted growth in human macrophages, due to its reduced capacity to control programmed cell death.


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The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge.


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Aquest projecte es basa en l'aplicació de models de simulació de processos a un exemple d'empresa de producció i la seva adaptació en dimensió i recursos al mercat en un entorn de poca capacitat d'inversió i finançament, de forma que l'entorn de simulació digital aporti valor a la presa de decisions emmarcada en l'estratègia de l'empresa en cada escenari de mercat en que aquesta es trobi. Es realitza el treball sobre el cas d'una empresa, INNOVANAUTIC, dedicada a la innovació, desenvolupament i producció de sistemes de propulsió d'embarcacions. La simulació es una tècnica que permet optimitzar els processos, representant-ne i comprovant el funcionament dels processos, tant entorns físics, de producció com dels serveis associats o subcontractacions de diferents processos i els seus impactes en la disponibilitat de recursos, espais i terminis d'entrega, sense haver de recórrer a procediments de prova i error sobre sistemes reals que impliquen costos a tots nivells en l'empresa. Aquestes metodologies son habitualment emprades en d'altres països o també en el nostre país però en empreses de gran tamany. El present treball, emmarcat dins un entorn socioeconòmic convuls, amb grans limitacions financeres i de recursos per les empreses, demostra com la utilització d'eines de simulació és útil per a PIMES en aquest entorn i permet el dimensionament i la modelització dels processos de forma que es permeti trobar els punts òptims en els que l'empresa ha de donar un pas de creixement en alguns dels paràmetres. La metodologia amb que s'elabora el present treball es la de plantejar una simulació complerta del procés, i definir diversos escenaris de mercat per als productes fabricats, cercant els punt òptims de canvi de dimensió de l'empresa atenent a espai físic, sotscontractació de processos, personal i recursos.


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The evolution of cooperation is thought to be promoted by pleiotropy, whereby cooperative traits are coregulated with traits that are important for personal fitness. However, this hypothesis faces a key challenge: what happens if mutation targets a cooperative trait specifically rather than the pleiotropic regulator? Here, we explore this question with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cooperatively digests complex proteins using elastase. We empirically measure and theoretically model the fate of two mutants-one missing the whole regulatory circuit behind elastase production and the other with only the elastase gene mutated-relative to the wild-type (WT). We first show that, when elastase is needed, neither of the mutants can grow if the WT is absent. And, consistent with previous findings, we show that regulatory gene mutants can grow faster than the WT when there are no pleiotropic costs. However, we find that mutants only lacking elastase production do not outcompete the WT, because the individual cooperative trait has a low cost. We argue that the intrinsic architecture of molecular networks makes pleiotropy an effective way to stabilize cooperative evolution. Although individual cooperative traits experience loss-of-function mutations, these mutations may result in weak benefits, and need not undermine the protection from pleiotropy.


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Seventy-five percent of breast cancers are estrogen receptor α positive (ER(+)). Research on these tumors is hampered by lack of adequate in vivo models; cell line xenografts require non-physiological hormone supplements, and patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) are hard to establish. We show that the traditional grafting of ER(+) tumor cells into mammary fat pads induces TGFβ/SLUG signaling and basal differentiation when they require low SLUG levels to grow in vivo. Grafting into the milk ducts suppresses SLUG; ER(+) tumor cells develop, like their clinical counterparts, in the presence of physiological hormone levels. Intraductal ER(+) PDXs are retransplantable, predictive, and appear genomically stable. The model provides opportunities for translational research and the study of physiologically relevant hormone action in breast carcinogenesis.


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Obligate or facultative intracellular bacteria are fastidious organisms that do not or poorly grow on conventional culture media. Some of them may be the cause of frequent and potentially severe infections, such as tuberculosis (Myco- bacterium tuberculosis), community-acquired respiratory infections (Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae) or blood culture-negative endocarditis (Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella spp., Tropheryma whipplei). The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive summary of the available and recommended diagnostic tests for the detection of these fastidious organisms in clinical practice.


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Mountain ecosystems have been less adversely affected by invasions of non-native plants than most other ecosystems, partially because most invasive plants in the lowlands are limited by climate and cannot grow under harsher high-elevation conditions. However, with ongoing climate change, invasive species may rapidly move upwards and threaten mid- then high-elevation mountain ecosystems. We evaluated this threat by predicting current and future potential distributions of 48 invasive plant species distributed in Switzerland (CH) and New South Wales (NSW), two areas where climate interacts differently with the elevation gradient. Using a species distribution modeling approach combining two scales, which builds on high-resolution data (< 250 m) but accounts for the global climatic niche of species, we found that different environmental drivers limit the elevation range of invasive species in the two regions, leading to region-specific species responses to climate change. Whereas the optimal suitability for plant invaders is predicted to markedly shift from the lowland to the montane or subalpine zone in CH, such an upward shift is far less pronounced in NSW where montane and subalpine elevations are currently already suitable. Non-native species able to invade the upper reaches of mountains in a future climate will be cold-tolerant in the Swiss Alps but preferring wet soils in the Australian Alps. Other plant traits were only marginally associated with elevation limits. These results demonstrate that a more systematic consideration of future distributions of invasive species is required in conservation plans of not yet invaded mountainous ecosystems.


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The advent of the Internet had a great impact on distance education and rapidly e-learning has become a killer application. Education institutions worldwide are taking advantage of the available technology in order to facilitate education to a growing audience. Everyday, more and more people use e-learning systems, environments and contents for both training and learning. E-learning promotes educationamong people that due to different reasons could not have access to education: people who could nottravel, people with very little free time, or withdisabilities, etc. As e-learning systems grow and more people are accessing them, it is necessary to consider when designing virtual environments the diverse needs and characteristics that different users have. This allows building systems that people can use easily, efficiently and effectively, where the learning process leads to a good user experience and becomes a good learning experience.


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Copaiba oil is a resin extracted from the trunk of trees of Copaifera species which grow in Brazil where it is widely used in popular medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic anti-bactericidal, diuretic, dermatological, expectorant, and anti-infective. The comparative study of the composition of commercial copaiba oils was carried out by high resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) and high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HRGC-MS) analysis. The commercial oils were compared with authentic oils, collected from the southeast and northern regions of Brazil. Sixteen commercial oils were analysed and two of them revealed adulterations with fatty acids. Using the chromatographic profile of authentic copaiba species oils, it is possible to analyse commercial oils and determine the authenticity of these materials.


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Yritykset toimivat yhä enemmän dynaamisessa ja jatkuvasti muuttuvassa yritysympäristössä, joka asettaa erittäin suuria haasteita yritysjohdolle, tilanteet ovat yhä vaikeammin ennustettavissa ja päätöksenteosta on tullut entistä haasteellisempaa. Nykypäivän kilpailuympäristössä yritykset hakevat kilpailuetua tiedon avulla. Yritysten käytettävissä olevan tiedon määrä on jatkuvassa kasvussa ja oleellisen tiedon erottaminen epäoleellisesta on yhä vaativampaa. Yritystä on vaikea johtaa tehokkaasti, jos yrityksessä ei ole käytössä oikeanlaista tietoa oikeaan aikaan oikeilla ihmisillä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia sitä, että millaista informaatiota ja tietoa tulisi kohdeyrityksen johdolla olla nykyhetkellä yrityksen toiminnan ohjaamiseen, suunnitteluun ja päätöksenteon tueksi. Tutkimusta on tarkasteltu johdon laskentatoimen näkökulmasta ja työssä on keskitytty teorian ja empirian pohjalta kohdeyrityksen johdon strategisen päätöksenteon pohjalla olevan oleellisen liiketoimintatiedon kartoittamiseen ja sen hallintaan. Yritysten toimiessa informaatioähky yhteiskunnassa, liiketoimintatiedon hallinnalla voidaan saavuttaa merkittävää kilpailuetua. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinta on käytäntöjä, toimintoja ja prosesseja, joilla yrityksen tärkeää liiketoimintatietoa hankitaan, jalostetaan ja jaetaan sekä liiketoiminnan johtamista että päätöksentekoa varten. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan yhtenä tietolähteenä toimii yrityksen sisäinen tietopääoma, joka tehokkaasti yhdisteltynä yrityksen ulkopuoliseen tietoon mahdollistaa yritysjohdolle laadukkaamman ja kokonaisvaltaisemman tiedon saamisen päätöksenteon tueksi. Tutkituissa yrityksissä käytettiin päätöksenteon tukena erittäin paljon taloudellisia tunnuslukuja, ns. kovia mittareita. Hiljaisia ja heikkoja signaaleja pidettiin myös tärkeinä, mutta ongelmana koettiin niiden havaitseminen, keruu ja raportointi. Yrityksen sisältä ja yrityksen ulkopuolelta raportoitavat tiedot tulisi jatkossa kohdistua enemmän tulevaisuuteen kuin menneisyyteen.