924 resultados para global optimization algorithms
The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. Since the first global re-analysis performed in 2009, the system has evolved and a careful delayed mode processing of the 2002-2012 dataset has been carried out using version 6 of ISAS and updating the statistics to produce the ISAS13 analysis. This last version is now implemented as the operational analysis tool at the Coriolis data centre. The robustness of the results with respect to the system evolution is explored through global quantities of climatological interest: the Ocean Heat Content and the Steric Height. Estimates of errors consistent with the methodology are computed. This study shows that building reliable statistics on the fields is fundamental to improve the monthly estimates and to determine the absolute error bars. The new mean fields and variances deduced from the ISAS13 re-analysis and dataset show significant changes relative to the previous ISAS estimates, in particular in the southern ocean, justifying the iterative procedure. During the decade covered by Argo, the intermediate waters appear warmer and saltier in the North Atlantic and fresher in the Southern Ocean than in WOA05 long term mean. At inter-annual scale, the impact of ENSO on the Ocean Heat Content and Steric Height is observed during the 2006-2007 and 2009-2010 events captured by the network.
Abstract. Two ideas taken from Bayesian optimization and classifier systems are presented for personnel scheduling based on choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for each person's assignment. Unlike our previous work of using genetic algorithms whose learning is implicit, the learning in both approaches is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. To achieve this target, the Bayesian optimization algorithm builds a Bayesian network of the joint probability distribution of the rules used to construct solutions, while the adapted classifier system assigns each rule a strength value that is constantly updated according to its usefulness in the current situation. Computational results from 52 real data instances of nurse scheduling demonstrate the success of both approaches. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approaches might be suitable for other scheduling problems.
The purpose of this report is to present the Crossdock Door Assignment Problem, which involves assigning destinations to outbound dock doors of Crossdock centres such that travel distance by material handling equipment is minimized. We propose a two fold solution; simulation and optimization of the simulation model - simulation optimization. The novel aspect of our solution approach is that we intend to use simulation to derive a more realistic objective function and use Memetic algorithms to find an optimal solution. The main advantage of using Memetic algorithms is that it combines a local search with Genetic Algorithms. The Crossdock Door Assignment Problem is a new domain application to Memetic Algorithms and it is yet unknown how it will perform.
In this thesis, we propose several advances in the numerical and computational algorithms that are used to determine tomographic estimates of physical parameters in the solar corona. We focus on methods for both global dynamic estimation of the coronal electron density and estimation of local transient phenomena, such as coronal mass ejections, from empirical observations acquired by instruments onboard the STEREO spacecraft. We present a first look at tomographic reconstructions of the solar corona from multiple points-of-view, which motivates the developments in this thesis. In particular, we propose a method for linear equality constrained state estimation that leads toward more physical global dynamic solar tomography estimates. We also present a formulation of the local static estimation problem, i.e., the tomographic estimation of local events and structures like coronal mass ejections, that couples the tomographic imaging problem to a phase field based level set method. This formulation will render feasible the 3D tomography of coronal mass ejections from limited observations. Finally, we develop a scalable algorithm for ray tracing dense meshes, which allows efficient computation of many of the tomographic projection matrices needed for the applications in this thesis.
O carcinoma do colo do útero é um dos tumores malignos mais frequentes a nível mundial. Para garantir a uniformização de critérios entre países com diferentes recursos, o estadiamento deste tumor permanece clínico, segundo as orientações da Federação Internacional de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, e tem por principal objectivo a identificação das doentes que são candidatas à cirurgia. A avaliação radiológica é amplamente recomendada, quando disponível, com o objectivo de aumentar a acuidade do diagnóstico, assegurando a optimização terapêutica, sendo também recomendada no seguimento. Importa, assim, que o radiologista tenha presente não só o protocolo técnico adequado na suspeita de carcinoma do colo do útero e o respectivo espectro de apresentação radiológica, mas também algumas características da própria doença e possíveis abordagens terapêuticas, de forma a incluir no seu relatório toda a informação relevante. A ressonância magnética permanece o principal pilar na avaliação radiológica destas doentes, embora recentemente o papel da tomografia computorizada por emissão de positrões tenha vindo a ganhar relevo, sobretudo no que respeita à avaliação ganglionar e ao despiste de recidiva. Neste artigo as autoras dão uma perspectiva aprofundada da avaliação radiológica do carcinoma do colo do útero, deste o diagnóstico ao seguimento pós-terapêutico, à luz dos estudos mais recentes.
Phylogenetic inference consist in the search of an evolutionary tree to explain the best way possible genealogical relationships of a set of species. Phylogenetic analysis has a large number of applications in areas such as biology, ecology, paleontology, etc. There are several criterias which has been defined in order to infer phylogenies, among which are the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The first one tries to find the phylogenetic tree that minimizes the number of evolutionary steps needed to describe the evolutionary history among species, while the second tries to find the tree that has the highest probability of produce the observed data according to an evolutionary model. The search of a phylogenetic tree can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem, which aims to find trees which satisfy simultaneously (and as much as possible) both criteria of parsimony and likelihood. Due to the fact that these criteria are different there won't be a single optimal solution (a single tree), but a set of compromise solutions. The solutions of this set are called "Pareto Optimal". To find this solutions, evolutionary algorithms are being used with success nowadays.This algorithms are a family of techniques, which aren’t exact, inspired by the process of natural selection. They usually find great quality solutions in order to resolve convoluted optimization problems. The way this algorithms works is based on the handling of a set of trial solutions (trees in the phylogeny case) using operators, some of them exchanges information between solutions, simulating DNA crossing, and others apply aleatory modifications, simulating a mutation. The result of this algorithms is an approximation to the set of the “Pareto Optimal” which can be shown in a graph with in order that the expert in the problem (the biologist when we talk about inference) can choose the solution of the commitment which produces the higher interest. In the case of optimization multi-objective applied to phylogenetic inference, there is open source software tool, called MO-Phylogenetics, which is designed for the purpose of resolving inference problems with classic evolutionary algorithms and last generation algorithms. REFERENCES [1] C.A. Coello Coello, G.B. Lamont, D.A. van Veldhuizen. Evolutionary algorithms for solving multi-objective problems. Spring. Agosto 2007 [2] C. Zambrano-Vega, A.J. Nebro, J.F Aldana-Montes. MO-Phylogenetics: a phylogenetic inference software tool with multi-objective evolutionary metaheuristics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. En prensa. Febrero 2016.
The production of natural extracts requires suitable processing conditions to maximize the preservation of the bioactive ingredients. Herein, a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) process was optimized, by means of response surface methodology (RSM), to maximize the recovery of phenolic acids and flavonoids and obtain antioxidant ingredients from tomato. A 5-level full factorial Box-Behnken design was successfully implemented for MAE optimization, in which the processing time (t), temperature (T), ethanol concentration (Et) and solid/liquid ratio (S/L) were relevant independent variables. The proposed model was validated based on the high values of the adjusted coefficient of determination and on the non-significant differences between experimental and predicted values. The global optimum processing conditions (t=20 min; T=180 ºC; Et=0 %; and S/L=45 g/L) provided tomato extracts with high potential as nutraceuticals or as active ingredients in the design of functional foods. Additionally, the round tomato variety was highlighted as a source of added-value phenolic acids and flavonoids.
International audience
Part 18: Optimization in Collaborative Networks
The horticultural sector has become an increasingly important sector of food production, for which greenhouse climate control plays a vital role in improving its sustainability. One of the methods to control the greenhouse climate is Model Predictive Control, which can be optimized through a branch and bound algorithm. The application of the algorithm in literature is examined and analyzed through small examples, and later extended to greenhouse climate simulation. A comparison is made of various alternative objective functions available in literature. Subsequently, a modidified version of the B&B algorithm is presented, which reduces the number of node evaluations required for optimization. Finally, three alternative algorithms are developed and compared to consider the optimization problem from a discrete to a continuous control space.
We propose a positive, accurate moment closure for linear kinetic transport equations based on a filtered spherical harmonic (FP_N) expansion in the angular variable. The FP_N moment equations are accurate approximations to linear kinetic equations, but they are known to suffer from the occurrence of unphysical, negative particle concentrations. The new positive filtered P_N (FP_N+) closure is developed to address this issue. The FP_N+ closure approximates the kinetic distribution by a spherical harmonic expansion that is non-negative on a finite, predetermined set of quadrature points. With an appropriate numerical PDE solver, the FP_N+ closure generates particle concentrations that are guaranteed to be non-negative. Under an additional, mild regularity assumption, we prove that as the moment order tends to infinity, the FP_N+ approximation converges, in the L2 sense, at the same rate as the FP_N approximation; numerical tests suggest that this assumption may not be necessary. By numerical experiments on the challenging line source benchmark problem, we confirm that the FP_N+ method indeed produces accurate and non-negative solutions. To apply the FP_N+ closure on problems at large temporal-spatial scales, we develop a positive asymptotic preserving (AP) numerical PDE solver. We prove that the propose AP scheme maintains stability and accuracy with standard mesh sizes at large temporal-spatial scales, while, for generic numerical schemes, excessive refinements on temporal-spatial meshes are required. We also show that the proposed scheme preserves positivity of the particle concentration, under some time step restriction. Numerical results confirm that the proposed AP scheme is capable for solving linear transport equations at large temporal-spatial scales, for which a generic scheme could fail. Constrained optimization problems are involved in the formulation of the FP_N+ closure to enforce non-negativity of the FP_N+ approximation on the set of quadrature points. These optimization problems can be written as strictly convex quadratic programs (CQPs) with a large number of inequality constraints. To efficiently solve the CQPs, we propose a constraint-reduced variant of a Mehrotra-predictor-corrector algorithm, with a novel constraint selection rule. We prove that, under appropriate assumptions, the proposed optimization algorithm converges globally to the solution at a locally q-quadratic rate. We test the algorithm on randomly generated problems, and the numerical results indicate that the combination of the proposed algorithm and the constraint selection rule outperforms other compared constraint-reduced algorithms, especially for problems with many more inequality constraints than variables.
This thesis studies mobile robotic manipulators, where one or more robot manipulator arms are integrated with a mobile robotic base. The base could be a wheeled or tracked vehicle, or it might be a multi-limbed locomotor. As robots are increasingly deployed in complex and unstructured environments, the need for mobile manipulation increases. Mobile robotic assistants have the potential to revolutionize human lives in a large variety of settings including home, industrial and outdoor environments.
Mobile Manipulation is the use or study of such mobile robots as they interact with physical objects in their environment. As compared to fixed base manipulators, mobile manipulators can take advantage of the base mechanism’s added degrees of freedom in the task planning and execution process. But their use also poses new problems in the analysis and control of base system stability, and the planning of coordinated base and arm motions. For mobile manipulators to be successfully and efficiently used, a thorough understanding of their kinematics, stability, and capabilities is required. Moreover, because mobile manipulators typically possess a large number of actuators, new and efficient methods to coordinate their large numbers of degrees of freedom are needed to make them practically deployable. This thesis develops new kinematic and stability analyses of mobile manipulation, and new algorithms to efficiently plan their motions.
I first develop detailed and novel descriptions of the kinematics governing the operation of multi- limbed legged robots working in the presence of gravity, and whose limbs may also be simultaneously used for manipulation. The fundamental stance constraint that arises from simple assumptions about friction and the ground contact and feasible motions is derived. Thereafter, a local relationship between joint motions and motions of the robot abdomen and reaching limbs is developed. Baseeon these relationships, one can define and analyze local kinematic qualities including limberness, wrench resistance and local dexterity. While previous researchers have noted the similarity between multi- fingered grasping and quasi-static manipulation, this thesis makes explicit connections between these two problems.
The kinematic expressions form the basis for a local motion planning problem that that determines the joint motions to achieve several simultaneous objectives while maintaining stance stability in the presence of gravity. This problem is translated into a convex quadratic program entitled the balanced priority solution, whose existence and uniqueness properties are developed. This problem is related in spirit to the classical redundancy resoxlution and task-priority approaches. With some simple modifications, this local planning and optimization problem can be extended to handle a large variety of goals and constraints that arise in mobile-manipulation. This local planning problem applies readily to other mobile bases including wheeled and articulated bases. This thesis describes the use of the local planning techniques to generate global plans, as well as for use within a feedback loop. The work in this thesis is motivated in part by many practical tasks involving the Surrogate and RoboSimian robots at NASA/JPL, and a large number of examples involving the two robots, both real and simulated, are provided.
Finally, this thesis provides an analysis of simultaneous force and motion control for multi- limbed legged robots. Starting with a classical linear stiffness relationship, an analysis of this problem for multiple point contacts is described. The local velocity planning problem is extended to include generation of forces, as well as to maintain stability using force-feedback. This thesis also provides a concise, novel definition of static stability, and proves some conditions under which it is satisfied.
This paper proposes and investigates a metaheuristic tabu search algorithm (TSA) that generates optimal or near optimal solutions sequences for the feedback length minimization problem (FLMP) associated to a design structure matrix (DSM). The FLMP is a non-linear combinatorial optimization problem, belonging to the NP-hard class, and therefore finding an exact optimal solution is very hard and time consuming, especially on medium and large problem instances. First, we introduce the subject and provide a review of the related literature and problem definitions. Using the tabu search method (TSM) paradigm, this paper presents a new tabu search algorithm that generates optimal or sub-optimal solutions for the feedback length minimization problem, using two different neighborhoods based on swaps of two activities and shifting an activity to a different position. Furthermore, this paper includes numerical results for analyzing the performance of the proposed TSA and for fixing the proper values of its parameters. Then we compare our results on benchmarked problems with those already published in the literature. We conclude that the proposed tabu search algorithm is very promising because it outperforms the existing methods, and because no other tabu search method for the FLMP is reported in the literature. The proposed tabu search algorithm applied to the process layer of the multidimensional design structure matrices proves to be a key optimization method for an optimal product development.
Previous work has shown that high-temperature short-term spike thermal annealing of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems results in higher electrical energy output. The relationship between temperature and performance of a-Si:H PVT is not simple as high temperatures during thermal annealing improves the immediate electrical performance following an anneal, but during the anneal it creates a marked drop in electrical performance. In addition, the power generation of a-Si:H PVT depends on both the environmental conditions and the Staebler-Wronski Effect kinetics. In order to improve the performance of a-Si:H PVT systems further, this paper reports on the effect of various dispatch strategies on system electrical performance. Utilizing experimental results from thermal annealing, an annealing model simulation for a-Si:Hbased PVT was developed and applied to different cities in the U.S. to investigate potential geographic effects on the dispatch optimization of the overall electrical PVT systems performance and annual electrical yield. The results showed that spike thermal annealing once per day maximized the improved electrical energy generation. In the outdoor operating condition this ideal behavior deteriorates and optimization rules are required to be implemented.
The main objective for physics based modeling of the power converter components is to design the whole converter with respect to physical and operational constraints. Therefore, all the elements and components of the energy conversion system are modeled numerically and combined together to achieve the whole system behavioral model. Previously proposed high frequency (HF) models of power converters are based on circuit models that are only related to the parasitic inner parameters of the power devices and the connections between the components. This dissertation aims to obtain appropriate physics-based models for power conversion systems, which not only can represent the steady state behavior of the components, but also can predict their high frequency characteristics. The developed physics-based model would represent the physical device with a high level of accuracy in predicting its operating condition. The proposed physics-based model enables us to accurately develop components such as; effective EMI filters, switching algorithms and circuit topologies [7]. One of the applications of the developed modeling technique is design of new sets of topologies for high-frequency, high efficiency converters for variable speed drives. The main advantage of the modeling method, presented in this dissertation, is the practical design of an inverter for high power applications with the ability to overcome the blocking voltage limitations of available power semiconductor devices. Another advantage is selection of the best matching topology with inherent reduction of switching losses which can be utilized to improve the overall efficiency. The physics-based modeling approach, in this dissertation, makes it possible to design any power electronic conversion system to meet electromagnetic standards and design constraints. This includes physical characteristics such as; decreasing the size and weight of the package, optimized interactions with the neighboring components and higher power density. In addition, the electromagnetic behaviors and signatures can be evaluated including the study of conducted and radiated EMI interactions in addition to the design of attenuation measures and enclosures.