999 resultados para fluxo de energia
Uma célula simples para adaptação de eletrodos seletivos comerciais em sistemas de análises em fluxo
A simple flow cell for potentiometric detection is described. It was assembled by making use of two perspex pieces fixed together by means of four screws, and allow the connection of plane membrane conventional electrodes to flow system. Details about its construction are presented. The device performance was evaluated by making use of a cyanide ion-selective electrode. The relative standard deviation was about 0.5% with a detection limit of 8.0 x 10-6 mol CN- dm-3. Under experimental conditions, the linear range was 10-5 to10-2 mol dm-3.
A new automated system for acid-base flow titrations is proposed. In the operation mode, several sample to titrant volumetric ratios are injected in an air segmented plug. Five three way solenoid valves and three acrilic junctions, assembled in a hidrodynamic injection system, were accountable for the monosegmented reagents plug formation. A turbulent flow reactor was used for a perfect mix of reagents in the plug. The detector system employed a glass combined electrode fitted in an acrilic holder. Titrations of hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids, in several concentrations, were performed with standard sodium hidroxide, for evaluation of the efficiency of the system. The relative standard deviation of the determinations was about ±0,5% and each titration was carried out in 3-4 minutes. A Quick BASIC 4.5® program was developed for the titrator control.
Tässä työssä tutkitaan maasulkuvirtoja sekä niiden vaikutusta ja kehitystä Haminan Ener-gia Oy:n keskijänniteverkossa. Lisäksi tarkastellaan erilaisia mahdollisuuksia rajoittaa maasulkuvirtojen suuruuksia. Tutkimusalueena käytetään koko Haminan Energia Oy:n keskijänniteverkkoaluetta. Maasulkuvirtojen suuruuden ja vaikutusten tutkimiseksi suori-tetaan erilaisin lähtökriteerein maasulkujen vikavirtalaskennat verkkotietojärjestelmällä. Verkon kehittymisen analysoimiseksi selvitetään sen ikätietoja, kaava-alueiden muutok-sia sekä päämuuntaja- ja varasyöttökapasiteetteja. Analyysien pohjalta saatujen tulosten perusteella työssä laaditaan arvio maasulkuvirtojen kehityksestä tulevaisuudessa. Maasulkuvirtojen kompensoimiseksi päädytään rakenta-maan uusi päämuuntaja Laurilan sähköasemalle sekä parantamaan eräiden muuntamoiden ja erottimien maadoituksia. Nämä parannusehdotukset toteuttamalla pystytään sähkötur-vallisuusmääräykset täyttämään maasulkujen osalta pitkälle tulevaisuuteen sekä vähentä-mään asiakkaiden kokemia keskeytyksiä. Lisäksi työssä tehdään ohjeistus Haminan Energia Oy:lle maasulkuvirtojen laskentaa varten.
A on-line thermostatization system that use simples materials, for flow injection and continuous flow analysis is described. The proposed system showed good performance between 10 to 40ºC.
The aim of this report is to classify analytical methods based on flowing media and to define (standardize) terminology. After the classification and a discussion of terms describing the systems and component parts, a section is devoted to terms describing the performance of flow systems. The list of terms included is restricted to the most relevant ones; especially "self-explanatory" terms are left out. It is emphasised that the usage of terms or expressions that do not adequately describe the processes or procedures involved should be strongly discouraged. Although belonging to the category of methods based on flowing media, chromatographic methods are not comprised in the present document. However, care has been taken that the present text is not in conflict with definitions in that domain. In documents in which flow methods are described, it should be clearly indicated how the sample and/or reagent is introduced and how the sample zone is transported. When introducing new techniques in the field, or variants of existing techniques, it is strongly recommended that descriptive terms rather than trivial or elaborate names are used.
The chemical and biological properties of energy-rich phosphate compounds, e.g. ATP and acetyl phosphate, were revised. The role of water in the formation of this class of energy-rich compounds in biological systems is also discussed.
An on-line electrodissolution procedure implemented in a flow injection system for determination of copper, zinc and lead in brasses alloys by ICP-AES is described. Sample dissolution procedure was carried out by using a PTFE chamber and a DC power supply with constant current. Solid sample was attached to chamber as anode and a gold tubing coupled in the chamber was used as cathode. An electrolytic solution flowing through the gold tubing closed the electric circuit with sample, in order to provide condition for electric dissolution when the DC power supply was switched on. The best results were achieved by using a 1.5 mol l-1 nitric acid solution as electrolyte and a 2.5 A current intensity. The procedure presented a good performance characterized by a relative standard deviation better than < 5% (n=5) and a sample throughput of 180 determinations per hour for Cu, Zn and Pb. Results were in agreement with those obtained by conventional acid dissolution (99% confidence level).
A flow injection (FI) spectrophotometric procedure is proposed for the determination of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) in pharmaceutical preparations. Powdered samples containing from 2.5 to 4.5 mg, were previously dissolved in 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0) and a volume of 500 muL was injected directly into a carrier stream consisting of this same phosphate buffer solution, flowing at 4.4 mL min-1. The stable blue indophenol dye produced in the oxidation of pyridoxine hydrochloride by potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) and N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine solution was directly measured at 684 nm. Vitamin B6 was determined in five pharmaceutical preparations in the 0.5 to 6.0 mg L-1 concentration range (calibration graph: A= -0.00499 + 0.11963 C; r= 0.9991, where A is the absorbance and C is the vitamin B6 concentration in mg L-1), with a detection limit of 0.02 mg L-1 (3 Sblank/slope). The recovery of this vitamin from three samples ranged from 97.5 to 103.3 %. The analytical frequency was 62 h-1 and r.s.d. were less than 2% for solutions containing 1.0 and 3.0 mg L-1 vitamin B6 (n= 10). The results obtained for the determination of vitamin B6 in commercial formulations were in good agreement with those obtained by a spectrophotometric procedure (r=0.9997) and also with the label values (r= 0.9998).
This paper presents a system for electrochemical hydride generation using flow-injection and atomic absorption spectrometry to determine selenium in biological materials. The electrolytic cell was constructed by assembling two reservoirs, one for the sample and the other for the electrolytic solution separated by a Nafion membrane. Each compartment had a Pt electrode. The sample and electrolyte flow-rates, acidic media, and applied current were adjusted to attain the best analytical performance and ensure the membrane lifetime. The atomisation system used a T quartz tube in an air-LPG flame. The composition of the flame, the observation height, and the argon flow rate used to carry the hydrides were critically investigated. The system allowed to perform thirty determinations per hour with a detection limit of 10 mug L-1 of Se. Relative standard deviations were in general lower than 1.5% for a solution containing 20.0 and 34.0 mug L-1 of Se in a typical sample digest. Accuracy was assessed analysing the certified materials: rice flour (NIST-1568) from National Institute of Standard and Technology and dried fish (MA-A-2), whole animal blood (A-2/1974) from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
A simple and low cost flow cell is proposed for measurements by solid-phase spectrophotometry employing a conventional spectrophotometer. The flow cell geometry allows the employment of a large amount of the solid support without causing both excessive attenuation of the radiation beam and increasing of the back-pressure. The adaptation of the flow cell in the optical path of the spectrophotometer in order to increase the precision is discussed. The flow cell characteristics were demonstrated by measurements of Co(II), employing 1-(2-tiazolylazo)-2-naphthol (TAN) immobilized on C18 bonded silica as solid support. The apparent molar absorptivity and coefficient of variation were estimated as 1.86 x 10(5) L mol-1 cm-1 and 1.4 % (n=15). A sample throughput of 40 determinations per hour and a detection limit of 15 mug L-1 (99.7 % confidence level) were achieved.
Didactic experiments are proposed in order to demonstrate the characteristics of flow injection analysis and to extend the applications of FIA to the determination of physical chemistry parameters in undergraduate labs. All experiments can be performed with the same flow manifold by employing usual FIA devices. Analytical characteristics are presented by means of the determination of iron in river water, employing 1,10-phenantroline as chromogenic reagent. Physical chemistry applications were the determination of reaction stoichiometries by continuous variation and mole-ratio methods and the evaluation of the pH and ionic strength effects on the kinetic of the reduction of hexacianoferrate(III) by ascorbic acid.
A flow injection spectrophotometric method was developed for determining aspartame in sweeteners. Sample was dissolved in water and 250 µL of the solution was injected into a carrier stream of 5.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 sodium borate solution. The sample flowed through a column (14 cm x 2.0 mm) packed with Zn3(PO4)2 immobilized in a polymeric matrix of polyester resin and Zn(II) ions were released from the solid-phase reactor by formation of the Zn(II)-aspartame complex. The mixture merged with a stream of borate buffer solution (pH 9.0) containing 0.030 % (m/v) alizarin red S and the Zn(II)-alizarin red complex formed was measured spectrophotometrically at 540 nm. The calibration graph for aspartame was linear in the concentration range from 10 to 80 µg mL-1 with a detection limit of 4 µg mL-1 of aspartame. The RSD was 0.3 % for a solution containing 40 µg mL-1 aspartame (n = 10) and seventy results were obtained per hour. The proposed method was applied for determining aspartame in commercial sweeteners.
Anodic electrodissolution procedure in a flow injection system for determination of constituents in alloys is discussed. This approach implement sample preparation procedure by using a chamber and a DC power supply with constant direct current. Solid sample was attached to chamber as anode. In this review a general overview of these procedure is presented. The procedure presented a good performance characterized by a high sample throughput determinations, good accuracy and relative standard deviation.
The objective of this study was to evaluate a flow injection system for determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil amended with lime material. It was used a closed system were the CO2 released from soil sample acidified with 0.5 mol L-1 HCl was capted in a 0.2 mol L-1 NaOH solution. After 16h the capted CO2 was determined by conductivimetry using a flow injection system. The results obtained by the proposed method were significantly correlated with those reported in soil samples used by the International Soil Analytical Exchange Programe. The regression equation was: y = 0.987x -- 0.075 r = 0.996, P > 0.01. For acid soils amended with CaCO3 the method showed a deviation error of 2.7%, detection limit was 0.077 mmol kg-1 of CO3(2-), and a recovery of 99.7% of the total CO3(2-) added in soil sample. The method was easily adapted for routine determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil samples with an analytical frequency of 40 samples per hour.