869 resultados para design science research
We evaluate whether society can adequately be conceptualized as a component of social-ecological systems, given social theory and the current outputs of systems-based research. A mounting critique from the social sciences posits that resilience theory has undertheorized social entities with the concept of social-ecological systems. We trace the way that use of the term has evolved, relating to social science theory. Scientometic and network analysis provide a wide range of empirical data about the origin, growth, and use of this term in academic literature. A content analysis of papers in Ecology and Society demonstrates a marked emphasis in research on institutions, economic incentives, land use, population, social networks, and social learning. These findings are supported by a review of systems science in 18 coastal assessments. This reveals that a systems-based conceptualization tends to limit the kinds of social science research favoring quantitative couplings of social and ecological components and downplaying interpretive traditions of social research. However, the concept of social-ecological systems remains relevant because of the central insights concerning the dynamic coupling between humans and the environment, and its salient critique about the need for multidisciplinary approaches to solve real world problems, drawing on heuristic devices. The findings of this study should lead to more circumspection about whether a systems approach warrants such claims to comprehensiveness. Further methodological advances are required for interdisciplinarity. Yet there is evidence that systems approaches remain highly productive and useful for considering certain social components such as land use and hybrid ecological networks. We clarify advantages and restrictions of utilizing such a concept, and propose a reformulation that supports engagement with wider traditions of research in the social sciences.
It is well-accepted in academic and public debate that society has overused natural resources. Business managers in consequence face a normative framework where products need to become more ‘sustainable’. The paper characterises the mechanisms and logic that make ‘[environmentally] sustainable innovation strategies’. Those mechanisms highlight multiple value creation and sustaining value beyond the original new product lifecycle. They yield as much utility as possible from the embedded natural resources. And they avoid creating waste. ‘Multiple value creation’ asks managers to revaluate the attrite product or to make customers change their use patterns. The paper then demonstrates how to extend the ‘old’ logic of innovation with a phase of revaluation: a phase promoting further use of the product and/or material. Our concept is empirically illustrated by two industry case examples. Namely, the copier industry and the emerging automotive lithium-ion batteries industry. We provide a patent analysis in order to demonstrate the assessment of extended life cycles, for the case of ‘recovery of raw materials from disposed products’.
A two stage approach to performing ab initio calculations on medium and large sized molecules is described. The first step is to perform SCF calculations on small molecules or molecular fragments using the OPIT Program. This employs a small basis set of spherical and p-type Gaussian functions. The Gaussian functions can be identified very closely with atomic cores, bond pairs, lone pairs, etc. The position and exponent of any of the Gaussian functions can be varied by OPIT to produce a small but fully optimised basis set. The second stage is the molecular fragments method. As an example of this, Gaussian exponents and distances are taken from an OPIT calculation on ethylene and used unchanged in a single SCF calculation on benzene. Approximate ab initio calculations of this type give much useful information and are often preferable to semi-empirical approaches, since the nature of the approximations involved is much better defined.
The stratigraphic architecture of deep sea depositional systems has been discussed in detail. Some examples in Ischia and Stromboli volcanic islands (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy) are here shown and discussed. The submarine slope and base of slope depositional systems represent a major component of marine and lacustrine basin fills, constituting primary targets for hydrocarbon exploration and development. The slope systems are characterized by seven seismic facies building blocks, including the turbiditic channel fills, the turbidite lobes, the sheet turbidites, the slide, slump and debris flow sheets, lobes and tongues, the fine-grained turbidite fills and sheets, the contourite drifts and finally, the hemipelagic drapes and fills. Sparker profiles offshore Ischia are presented. New seismo-stratigraphic evidence on buried volcanic structures and overlying Quaternary deposits of the eastern offshore of the Ischia Island are here discussed to highlight the implications on marine geophysics and volcanology. Regional seismic sections in the Ischia offshore across buried volcanic structures and debris avalanche and debris flow deposits are here presented and discussed. Deep sea depositional systems in the Ischia Island are well developed in correspondence to the Southern Ischia canyon system. The canyon system engraves a narrow continental shelf from Punta Imperatore to Punta San Pancrazio, being limited southwestwards from the relict volcanic edifice of the Ischia bank. While the eastern boundary of the canyon system is controlled by extensional tectonics, being limited from a NE-SW trending (counter-Apenninic) normal fault, its western boundary is controlled by volcanism, due to the growth of the Ischia volcanic bank. Submarine gravitational instabilities also acted in relationships to the canyon system, allowing for the individuation of large scale creeping at the sea bottom and hummocky deposits already interpreted as debris avalanche deposits. High resolution seismic data (Subbottom Chirp) coupled to high resolution Multibeam bathymetry collected in the frame of the Stromboli geophysical experiment aimed at recording seismic active data and tomography of the Stromboli Island are here presented. A new detailed swath bathymetry of Stromboli Island is here shown and discussed to reconstruct an up-to-date morpho-bathymetry and marine geology of the area, compared to volcanologic setting of the Aeolian volcanic complex. The Stromboli DEM gives information about the submerged structure of the volcano, particularly about the volcano-tectonic and gravitational processes involving the submarine flanks of the edifice. Several seismic units have been identified around the volcanic edifice and interpreted as volcanic acoustic basement pertaining to the volcano and overlying slide chaotic bodies emplaced during its complex volcano-tectonic evolution. They are related to the eruptive activity of Stromboli, mainly poliphasic and to regional geological processes involving the geology of the Aeolian Arc.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
Wheat occupies a principal place in the diet of humans globally, contributing more to our daily calorie and protein intake than any other crop. For this reason, preventing weed induced yield losses in wheat has high significance for world food sustainability. Herbicides and tillage play an important role in weed control, but their use has often unacceptable consequences for humans and the wider environment. Additionally, the range of herbicides effective on key weeds is dwindling due to the evolution of herbicide resistance. Elevating crop competitiveness against weeds, through a combination of wheat breeding and innovative planting design (planting density, row spacing and orientation), has strong potential to reduce weed-induced yield losses in wheat. The last decade of research has provided a solid foundation for the breeding of weed suppressive wheat cultivars, and continued research in this area should be a focus for the future. In the interim, there is cause for optimism that weeds can be effectively suppressed using existing wheat varieties, through careful cultivar selection and choice of planting design. Further research is required to define the nature of relationships between cultivar traits and competitive planting strategies, across diverse weed flora in multiple countries, sites and seasons. Investment in such innovation promises to produce benefits, not only in terms of sustained wheat yields, but also in terms of human and ecosystem health, through ameliorating chemical and sediment contamination, soil degradation, and CO2 pollution.
Nos países ocidentais, a pesquisa científica financiada com recursos públicos vem sofrendo reformas dramáticas nas últimas duas décadas (Simpson, 2003). Considerando os resultados dessas reformas, este artigo investiga como as mesmas aconteceram no Brasil, como os programas de pesquisa foram afetados e qual estilo de organização emergiu das reformas. Pretende-se analisar essas questões empiricamente, usando um estudo de caso. Então, o objetivo específico desse artigo é analisar as inovações organizacionais criadas dentro de um programa de pesquisa público brasileiro – o Programa de melhoraento genético da cana-de-açúcar do IAC (PROCANA) – para enfrentar as reformas nos modelos de atuação do Estado na área de C&T, superar os limites geográficos da pesquisa agrícola, dar mais eficiência à P&D e gerar produtos adaptados às necessidades dos usuários.
Open Access zu öffentlich geförderten wissenschaftlichen Publikationen ist unter dem Vorzeichen der „Openness“ Teil einer zunehmend bedeutsamen globalen Entwicklung mit strukturellen Folgen für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Bildung. Dabei bedingen die jeweiligen fachkulturellen Ausgangslagen und ökonomischen Interessenskonstellationen sehr stark, in welcher Weise, mit welcher Reichweite und Akzeptanz sich das Open-Access-Paradigma konkret materialisiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht dieser Frage am Beispiel des inter- bzw. pluridisziplinären Feldes der Erziehungswissenschaft/Bildungsforschung nach. Zum einen werden die fachlichen und soziokulturellen Konstellationen des Publizierens im disziplinären Feld, die verlagswirtschaftlichen Marktkonstellationen sowie die informationsinfrastrukturellen Bedingungen des Fachgebietes analysiert und ein differenziertes Gesamtbild erstellt. Gestützt auf eine Online-Befragung der Fachcommunity Erziehungswissenschaft/Bildungsforschung werden weitergehende Erkenntnisse über vorhandene Open-Access-Erfahrungen im Fachgebiet und Hemmnisse bzw. Anforderungen an das neue Publikationsmodell aus der Sicht der Wissenschaftler/innen selbst – sowie explorativ aus Sicht der Studierenden und der Bildungspraxis - ermittelt. Wesentliche Faktoren bei der Betrachtung der Potenziale und Effekte von Open Access im Fachgebiet bilden die Faktoren akademischer Status und Funktion, Interdisziplinarität und fachliche Provenienz sowie das Verhältnis von Bildungspraxis und akademischem Sektor. (DIPF/Orig.)
Cymo andreossyi is found both in the live and dead branching corals of coral Pacillopora, Acropora and Montipora. Compared to the occurrence its compatriot C. melanodactylus, this species found in large numbers. The relationship is mutualistic, with the species occupying a niche similar to that occupied by the more colorful Trapezia species.
Labroides dimidiatus, is one of several species of cleaner wrasses found on coral reefs from Eastern Africa and the Red Sea to French Polynesia, for the first time from Iran (Persian Gulf, Kish Island). Like other cleaner wrasses, it eats parasites and dead tissue off larger fishes’ skin in a mutualistic relationship that provides food and protection for the wrasse, and considerable health benefits for the other fishes. Some fish mimic cleaner wrasses. For example, a species of blenny called Aspidontus taeniatus has evolved the same behavior to tear small pieces of flesh from bigger fish. Cleaner wrasses are usually found at cleaning stations. Cleaning stations are occupied by different units of cleaner wrasses, such as a group of youths, a pair of adults, or a group of females accompanied by a dominant male. When visitors come near the cleaning stations, the cleaner wrasses greet the visitors by performing a dance-like motion in which they move their rear up and down. The visitors are referred to as "clients". Blue streak cleaner wrasses clean to consume ectoparasites on client fish for food. The bigger fish recognise them as cleaner fish because they have a lateral stripe along the length of their bodies and by their movement patterns.
The Striped Catfish can be recognized by its striped coloration, barbels around the mouth, and its body shape which tapers to a point posteriorly. Small juveniles are black and large adults may be less distinctly striped. Plotosus lineatus can reach a maximum length of 32 cm (13 in) and about 40cm in Persian Gulf. The body is brown with cream-colored or white longitudinal bands. The most striking feature of this species is in the fins; in fact the second dorsal, caudal and anal are fused together as in eels. In the rest of the body is quite similar to a freshwater catfish: the mouth is surrounded by four pairs of barbells, four on the upper jaw and four on the lower jaw. The first dorsal and each of the pectoral fins have a highly venomous spine. They may even be fatal. Juveniles of P. lineatus form dense ball-shaped schools of about 100 fish, while adults are solitary or occur in smaller groups of around 20 and are known to hide under ledges during the day. Adult P. lineatus search and stir the sand incessantly for crustaceans, mollusks, worms, and sometimes fish. Striped eel catfish is an oviparous fish; this species has demersal eggs and planktonic larvae. This species has evolved long ampullary canals in its electrosensory organs.
Electric rays, thought to be the most primitive of the skates and rays, have stout tails but have rather expansive disc. This group is distinguished by the presence of powerful electric organs, derived from branchial muscles in head region. Torpedo sinuspersici found inshore in sandy bottoms, and well offshore from the surf zone down to 200 m. Also on or near coral reefs (like Kish Island in Persian Gulf). Common in shallow sandy areas. Occasionally hooked by anglers, more often seen by divers; can deliver a strong shock. Flesh is edible. T. sinuspersici can survive for hours after being stranded on the beach. Little is known of the life history of the Gulf torpedo. It is a sluggish predator of bony fishes. At night it actively hunts for food, sculling slowly through the water about a meter above the bottom; during the day it usually rests on the bottom and opportunistically ambushes unwary prey. It uses its broad pectoral fins to envelop the target fish before delivering an electric shock to stun it. Usually solitary, they may form groups during the mating season. Reproduction is a placental viviparous, with the developing embryos initially surviving on their yolk sacs, and then on enriched uterine fluid produced by the mother. Litters of 9-22 young are birthed in the summer. Newborns measure about 10 cm wide; males mature at a disc width of 39 cm and females at 45 cm.
Chrysiptera unimaculata, an algivorous species also living on the coral reef flat and being territorial but not considered as a strict farmer in this location. Maximum length is 8 cm in Persian Gulf. It is living in close association with macrophytes. Adults are found solitarily or in small groups among coastal algal reefs, rubble or over open beach-rock of reef flats exposed to moderate surge and feeds mainly on benthic algae. C. unimaculata is oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding. Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate. Males guard and aerate the eggs.
Many aquarists know this fish as Ambylgobius hectori but accepted name is actually Koumansetta hectori. K. hectori, Hector's goby, is a species of goby native to the Indian Ocean (including the Red Sea), first record from Persian Gulf (Kish Island, Iran) to the islands of Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean. It can be found on sheltered coral reefs at depths of from 3 to 30 meters (though usually between 5 to 20 meters). This species reaches a length of 8.5 centimeters (3.3 in) SL. This attractive little fish measures only 2” at maturity and spends its time hovering over rocks and substrates out in the open water column. Known for their bold yellow stripes, peaceful disposition, the diminutive Hector’s Goby is a nano reef favorite. It can also be found in the aquarium trade.