999 resultados para Sobreposição semântica


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L'objectiu és desenvolupar i avaluar una sèrie de components de l'arquitectura de la informació per a la web semàntica. Aquest components són genèrics i permeten als usuaris explorar conjunts de dades semàntiques sense necessitat de conèixer l'estructura ni tenir coneixements tècnics. S'ha desenvolupat seguint una metodologia de disseny centrat en l'usuari


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Actualmente nadie pone en duda la interrelación de los componentes sintáctico y semántico, y en esta línea las diátesis se han mostrado como un medio eficaz para acceder a la semántica a partir de la sintaxis. En el trabajo que presentamos partimos de la hipótesis de que la semántica verbal condiciona el tipo de estructuras sintagmáticas en que un verbo puede aparecer; asimismo, consideramos que se puede identificar la clase semántica de un verbo en función de las diferentes diátesis en que puede participar. El desarrollo de la investigación requiere, en primer lugar, definir las estructuras de diátesis necesarias para la identificación de las clases semánticas y el establecimiento de los papeles temáticos que caracterizarán cada una de las clases y que permitirán la conexión entre la sintaxis y la semántica. En esta comunicación presentamos la metodología seguida para el establecimiento de las clases verbales de las lenguas implicadas en el proyecto Pirápides, y además aportamos una primera propuesta de organización y especificación de las diátesis generales del español y del catalán.


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En este artículo se presenta una clase de predicados, la de cambio, a partir de los elementos que hemos definido como básicos para la descripción del comportamiento verbal (componentes de significado, diátesis y estructura eventual). Se parte de la hipótesis de que los tres aspectos citados interaccionan entre sí y que son fundamentales a la hora de dar cuenta del uso real de los predicados. Esta información ha sido incorporada en la entrada léxica de una base de conocimiento léxico, de la cual presentamos la implementación.


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A newspaper content management system has to deal with a very heterogeneous information space as the experience in the Diari Segre newspaper has shown us. The greatest problem is to harmonise the different ways the involved users (journalist, archivists...) structure the newspaper information space, i.e. news, topics, headlines, etc. Our approach is based on ontology and differentiated universes of discourse (UoD). Users interact with the system and, from this interaction, integration rules are derived. These rules are based on Description Logic ontological relations for subsumption and equivalence. They relate the different UoD and produce a shared conceptualisation of the newspaper information domain.


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La arquitectura de la información (IA), aunque presente en cierta manera desde hace más de 50 años, ha tomado especial relevancia con la llegada de la Web y el aumento de la cantidad de información a nuestro alcance. La disciplina cuenta ya con unos pilares claros, que se fundamentan en los contenidos gestionados pero sobre todo en los usuarios, sin olvidar su contexto. También se identifica una serie de componentes a combinar a la hora de elaborar una IA y una metodología básica. Pero la cantidad de información a nuestro alcance no para de crecer, así que se continúa innovando en nuevas formas de organización, buscadores más eficaces o tecnologías de web semántica que permiten a los ordenadores encargarse de la parte menos creativa de enfrentarse a esa avalancha de información.


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Quality management has become a strategic issue for organisations and is very valuable to produce quality software. However, quality management systems (QMS) are not easy to implement and maintain. The authors' experience shows the benefits of developing a QMS by first formalising it using semantic web ontologies and then putting them into practice through a semantic wiki. The QMS ontology that has been developed captures the core concepts of a traditional QMS and combines them with concepts coming from the MPIu'a development process model, which is geared towards obtaining usable and accessible software products. Then, the ontology semantics is directly put into play by a semantics-aware tool, the Semantic MediaWiki. The developed QMS tool is being used for 2 years by the GRIHO research group, where it has manages almost 50 software development projects taking into account the quality management issues. It has also been externally audited by a quality certification organisation. Its users are very satisfied with their daily work with the tool, which manages all the documents created during project development and also allows them to collaborate, thanks to the wiki features.


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Semantic Web applications take off is being slower than expected, at least with respect to “real-world” applications and users. One of the main reasons for this lack of adoption is that most Semantic Web user interfaces are still immature from the usability and accessibility points of view. This is due to the novelty of these technologies, but this also motivates the exploration of alternative interaction paradigms, different from the “traditional” Web or Desktop applications ones. Our proposal is realized in the Rhizomer platform, which explores the possibilities of the object–action interaction paradigm at the Web scale. This paradigm is well suited for heterogeneous resource spaces such as those common in the Semantic Web. Resources, described by metadata, correspond to the objects in the paradigm. Semantic web services, which are dynamically associated to these objects, correspond to the actions. The platform is being put into practice in the context of a research project in order to build an open application for media distribution based on Semantic Web technologies. Moreover, its usability and accessibility have been evaluated in this real setting and compared to similar systems.


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Semantic Web technology is able to provide the required computational semantics for interoperability of learning resources across different Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Object Repositories (LOR). The EU research project LUISA (Learning Content Management System Using Innovative Semantic Web Services Architecture) addresses the development of a reference semantic architecture for the major challenges in the search, interchange and delivery of learning objects in a service-oriented context. One of the key issues, highlighted in this paper, is Digital Rights Management (DRM) interoperability. A Semantic Web approach to copyright management has been followed, which places a Copyright Ontology as the key component for interoperability among existing DRM systems and other licensing schemes like Creative Commons. Moreover, Semantic Web tools like reasoners, rule engines and semantic queries facilitate the implementation of an interoperable copyright management component in the LUISA architecture.


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In recent years, Semantic Web (SW) research has resulted in significant outcomes. Various industries have adopted SW technologies, while the ‘deep web’ is still pursuing the critical transformation point, in which the majority of data found on the deep web will be exploited through SW value layers. In this article we analyse the SW applications from a ‘market’ perspective. We are setting the key requirements for real-world information systems that are SW-enabled and we discuss the major difficulties for the SW uptake that has been delayed. This article contributes to the literature of SW and knowledge management providing a context for discourse towards best practices on SW-based information systems.


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Awareness is required for supporting all forms of cooperation. In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), awareness can be used for enhancing collaborative opportunities across physical distances and in computer-mediated environments. Shared Knowledge Awareness (SKA) intends to increase the perception about the shared knowledge, students have in a collaborative learning scenario and also concerns the understanding that this group has about it. However, it is very difficult to produce accurate awareness indicators based on informal message exchange among the participants. Therefore, we propose a semantic system for cooperation that makes use of formal methods for knowledge representation based on semantic web technologies. From these semantics-enhanced repository and messages, it could be easier to compute more accurate awareness.


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In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just to model the usage licenses granted by content providers to end-users. Thus, they ignore the copyright framework that lies behind and the whole value chain from creators to end-users. Our proposal is to use a semantic approach based on semantic web ontologies. We detail the development of a copyright ontology in order to put this approach into practice. It models the copyright core concepts for creation, rights and the basic kinds of actions that operate on content. Altogether, it allows building a copyright framework for the complete value chain. The set of actions operating on content are our smaller building blocks in order to cope with the complexity of copyright value chains and statements and, at the same time, guarantee a high level of interoperability and evolvability. The resulting copyright modelling framework is flexible and complete enough to model many copyright scenarios, not just those related to the economic exploitation of content. The ontology also includes moral rights, so it is possible to model this kind of situations as it is shown in the included example model for a withdrawal scenario. Finally, the ontology design and the selection of tools result in a straightforward implementation. Description Logic reasoners are used for license checking and retrieval. Rights are modelled as classes of actions, action patterns are modelled also as classes and the same is done for concrete actions. Then, to check if some right or license grants an action is reduced to check for class subsumption, which is a direct functionality of these reasoners.


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En este artículo se analiza un grupo de alternancias de diátesis que denotan la misma oposición de significado: el cambio de foco de los participantes en el evento. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un estudio de 1.000 verbos del castellano, el inglés y el catalán. Nuestro objetivo es poner de manifiesto la relación semántica existente entre diversas construcciones que tradicionalmente han sido estudiadas de manera independiente debido a sus diferencias formales pero que expresan una misma oposición semántica. La elección de una u otra alternancia corresponde a diferentes finalidades comunicativas.


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D’acord amb dos llibres notarials del fons parroquial de Sant Martí de Vilaverd (1342 i 1358-1359), s’estudien els cognoms d’aquest poble, concretament el sistema formal de denominació de l’antroponímia cercada, l’anàlisi tipològica i freqüència dels prenoms i la classificació semàntica, freqüència i filiació lingüística dels cognoms.


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En aquest article presentem el projecte ReSim: representació simbòlica de preguntes, que ha consistit en la creació d'un sistema automàtic capaç de representar en un llenguatge formal una pregunta en llenguatge natural. Tenint en compte la complexitat de l'objectiu, el projecte es va centrar en un àmbit temàtic concret. El tipus de representació usada està basada en el model de les Estructures Lèxico-Conceptuals de Jackendoff 1990.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és defensar la responsabilitat del component lèxic pel que fa a la presència (o l'absència) del clític en la construcció anticausativa. Es presenten proves que justifiquen que les argumentacions sobre aquest fenomen des de la semàntica o l'estructura eventual, que són les més prolíferes en la bibliografia, no són vàlides per a tots els verbs que participen en l'estructura sintàctica esmentada. Es considera que ni la sintaxi ni la morfologia tampoc poden donar llum dels fets i es proposa que l'explicació de la manca d'uniformitat pel que fa a l'aparició del pronom ha de trobar-se a partir de fenòmens que no es poden discernir en observar només l'estat actual de la llengua.