990 resultados para Sensorial qualities


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Objective The purpose of this research was to make a cross-cultural adaptation of the Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) for psychiatric patients to the Brazilian context. Methods The procedure consisted of four phases: translation of the original scale, back-translation, review by an Expert Committee and Pre-test study with a patients’ sample. Results The Expert Committee corrected the items’ translation when necessary and modified the scale administration format and its instructions from self-report to face-to-face interview form in order to ensure easy understanding by the target population. During Pre-test, the instructions and most of the items were properly understood by patients, with the exception of three of them which had to be changed in order to ensure better understanding. The Pre-test sample was composed by 30 psychiatric patients, with severe and persistent disorders mainly single (46.7%), female (60.0%), with a mean age of 43.8 years old and an average of five years of education. Conclusion The Brazilian version of MARS scale is now adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese language and culture and is easily understood by the psychiatric target population. It is necessary to do further research to evaluate the scale psychometric qualities of validity and reliability in order to use it in Brazil.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitectónica)


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Mestrado em Marketing


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El objetivo del trabajo es el desarrollo de productos cárnicos bajos en sodio, adicionados con sustancias prebióticas y bacterias con capacidad probiótica,se trabajará con cultivos inciadores comerciales y con cepas microbianas indígenas, provenientes de fabricas de chacinados, aisladas e identificadas, a las que se le probarán sus capacidades probióticas en ensayos in Vitro, a partir de las que mejores resultados se obtengan se elaborarán diferentes productos cárnicos (emulsiones cárnicas y embutidos crudo-curados) sobre la base de formulaciones regionales modificadas en su contenido de sodio (2,5 %, 2%, 1,5%, 1%, 0,5 %) y con el agregado de fibra de cítricos en diferentes concentraciones (0,5%, 1%, 2.5% y 5 %), a nivel escala piloto y en condiciones de producción industrial de volúmenes controlados, se compararán con productos elaborados a partir de la incorporación de cultivos iniciadores comerciales con capacidad probiótica ,con la misma formulación, a fin de comparar los resultados obtenidos con los diferentes inóculos. Se realizarán las siguientes determinaciones analíticas: pH, color, TPA (análisis instrumental de perfil de textura), humedad, proteínas y lípidos totales, contenido de sodio, recuento de microorganismos probióticos durante las etapas de elaboración y almacenamiento para determinar viabilidad de los mismos en el producto final. También se realizará la evaluación sensorial de los productos obtenidos A través del proyecto se pretende atender la demanda de los consumidores, con mayor variedad de productos que posean características que sean benéficas para la salud.


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Desde hace ya tres décadas se conoce que el neonato, aún desde los primeros minutos de vida, puede responder a una gran variedad de olores, entre los cuales se encuentra el alcohol, con reacciones comportamentales y neurovegetativas específicas y que es capaz también de diferenciarlo de otros estímulos, lo que se puso de manifiesto a través de un proceso de habituación. La habituación, que es un proceso de aprendizaje no asociativo, se ha transformado en un parámetro valioso en el estudio del desarrollo de la plasticidad neurocomportamental en distintas especies, tanto en períodos perinatales como prenatales. En la esfera humana, se ha comprobado que el recién nacido puede habituar o sensitizar una respuesta refleja y responder de manera compleja a estimulación sensorial específica. Estudios realizados con claves olfatorias, tanto nóveles como biológicas, demuestran que el neonato puede reconocer y distinguir distintos olores y que la manera en que éste responde varía de acuerdo ala experiencia previa con el estímulo, manifestando preferencia por el olor que le resulta familiar, sin que necesariamente sea éste un olor materno. Estas tempranas capacidades de aprendizaje han sido útiles para evaluar la integridad del SNC fetal y neonatal, utilizando, por ejemplo, índices de habituación hacia distintos estímulos. Basándose en los resultados de estas investigaciones surge el objetivo general del proyecto: realizar un relevamiento de las capacidades de aprendizaje y memoria neonatales utilizando paradigmas de aprendizaje no asociativo como la habituación a claves olfativas nóveles (alcohol y limón), analizando la respuesta a los olores a través de patrones comportamentales y neurovegetativos presentes en el neonato a término. Este objetivo se irá desarrollando a lo largo de etapas experimentales consecutivas. En la primera de ellas, actualmente en ejecución, el propósito es evaluar respuestas habituatorias y de recuperación espontánea frente a la presentación secuencial de los aromas. En las etapas subsiguientes se pretenderá detectar también deshabituación y habituación ala deshabituación. Este proyecto forma parte de un plan de actividades mayor referido a reconocimiento, retención y discriminación de claves olfativas a nivel neonatológico. A largo plazo se procura diseñar, valiéndose de las tempranas capacidades de aprendizaje presentes en neonatos normales, pruebas que se utilicen para evaluar el desempeño neurocomportamental de recién nacidos donde se sospeche un Sistema Nervioso Central dañado por efectos de la exposición prenatal de alcohol y/o por episodios hipóxicos pre o perinatales.


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El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar nuevas formulaciones de productos cárnicos con bajo contenido de sodio, adicionados con sustancias prebióticas y bacterias potencialmente probióticas. Los productos cárnicos crudo-curados se elaborarán con dos tipos de microorganismos estárters: comerciales e indígenas (aislados de fábricas de chacinados y seleccionadas por sus capacidades probióticas in vitro), con diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de sodio (entre 2,5% y 0,5%), y con diferentes concentraciones de fibras de cítricos (entre 0,5% y 5,0%). Los ensayos se realizarán a nivel escala piloto y en condiciones de producción industrial de volúmenes controlados. Se compararán los atributos básicos de calidad, de los productos elaborados en los ensayos con una formulación de origen comercial para determinar similitudes y mejoras. Para dicho estudio se realizarán las siguientes determinaciones analíticas: pH, color, TPA (análisis instrumental de perfil de textura), humedad, proteínas y lípidos totales, contenido de sodio, recuento de microorganismos probióticos (determinación de viabilidad en el proceso y produto final) y, complementariamente, se llevará a cabo la evaluación sensorial de los productos. A través del proyecto se pretende atender la demanda de los consumidores, con mayor variedad de productos que posean características que sean benéficas para la salud.


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La hipoxia perinatal se considera hoy una de las causas de mayor morbimortalidad en el recién nacido estando altamente asociada con déficits de orden neuro-psico-sensorial. Un adecuado tratamiento y rehabilitación implica la detección temprana de los déficits apuntando a la prevención. La neonatología actual se está orientando hacia técnicas no invasivas que valoran la respuesta hacia estímulos de diferentes cualidades sensoriales y permiten indagar capacidades tempranas de aprendizaje y memoria. La precoz madurez del sistema olfativo facilita el trabajo con estas claves brindando asímismo un panorama de la integración cortical. Hipótesis: Las capacidades de habituación-deshabituación olfativa reflejan el estado del SNC neonatal y se convierten en un indicador temprano de la funcionalidad cerebral en niños con alto riesgo neurológico. Objetivos: Evaluar la integridad funcional del cerebro de recién nacidos con riesgo neurológico mediante técnicas no invasivas de habituación-deshabituación. Estas téncicas se tomarán como indicadores del estado del SNC neonatal comparando sus resultados con los arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el primer año de vida. Asímismo, se relacionarán los resultados con las valoraciones clínicas y de imágenes (ecografía y RMN) obtendias. El objetivo último implica determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo del test de Habituación-Deshabituación para el daño cerebral . Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluarán pacientes con antecedentes perinatales de hipoxia pertenecientes al Servicio del Neonatología del HUMN y al Hospital Materno Neonatal (Pcia de Córdoba) caracterizados por apgar < 3 a los 5 minutos ó < 5 a los 5 minutos, Ph de cordón < 7 ó entre 7 y 7,10 ó >7,10 con alguno de los criterios anteriores presentes y niños con manifestaciones sistémicas de asfixia o déficit de base en gas arterial superior a -15 Meq/L. De manera posterior a la firma del consentimiento informado se aplicará un esquema olfativo de habituación-deshabituación antes y después de las 6 horas de vida consistente en 10 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a limón o vainilla seguidos de 5 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a vainilla o limón que actúan como estímulos deshabituatorios. Se filmará la conducta motriz que será considerada como variable dependiente. Asímismo se evaluarán parámetros fisiológicos como presión areterial, saturación de oxígeno, frecuencia cardíaca y ritmo respiratorio. La evaluación de la habituación se complementará con estudios clínicos y ecografía cerebral antes de las 48 hs y 1 vez por semana. Todos estos bebés serán seguidos por el equipo de Seguimiento del Recién Nacido de Alto Riesgo. A los 6 meses y al año de vida se evaluará el desarrollo integral con el Test de Bayley . Resultados Esperados: Se espera encontrar diferencias en los patrones habituacionales en función del estado cerebral del bebé. Aquellos bebés con riesgo leve tenderán a mostrar patrones habituatorios que se acercan a los normales mientras que los que presenten riesgo moderado o grave exhibiran patrones habituacionales defectuosos. Estos resultados se correlacionarán con los estudios de seguimiento realizados y con los indices de desarrollo mental y motor arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el año de vida. Importancia del Proyecto: Definir precozmente al niño con riesgo neurológico permite intervenir a tiempo con la estimulación y rehabilitación adecuada. Teniendo en cuenta la valoración del examen clínico, los antecedentes perinatales y los estudios de imágenes que se realizan en el bebé junto a los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas habituacionales, el proyecto brinda la posibilidad de la construcción de un score de riesgo neurológico sencillo y de fácil utilización.


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1 - Colour, by itself, does not constitute a solid ground for judging of the age of a brandy because the more or less pronounced colour it acquires through aging can also be obtained by the addition of oack essence to newly distilled brandy. 2 - Urder the same conditions, colour intensity of a brandy wiU depend upon the nature of the wood and the condition of the storage. 3 - In accordance with the experimental results obtained by the present writers it rests no doubt that fermentation facility ferment resistence, produce and quality of the brendy all are factors depending upon the variety of the sugar cane. In addition, the authors presume that the variety of sugar cane has also influence upon the alteration of composition of the brandy submitted to aging. 4 - All aging phenomena of the brandy are accompanied by volume decreasing, what happens in a slow and continuous manner depending upon storage and environment conditions 5 - During brandy aging the alcoholic degree is greatly af- fected by evaporation, increasing or decreasing in accordance to the hygrometric state of the air and the teriperature in the place where the tuns are stored. 6 - The specific weight of the brandy is inversely proportio- nal to its alcoholic degree, but directly proportional to the extracts since the latter indicates the amount of dissolved residues. 7 - Brandy which shows high specific weight together with high alcoholic degree cannot be considered as aged. It may, however, be takens for brandy artificially coloved in order to conceal its actual age. 8 - The amount of extracts increases with aging, since it is the result of the solvent action of the brandy upon the soluble extractive substances of the wood. Notwithstanding that the extract, considered alone, has no value in determining the age of a brandy, since nothing easier is ohan to nake it change artificially. 9 -During aging the brandy get acidity in physiological as well as in physical way, but never by the action of microorganisms. 10 - The estturs produced during aging by the action of acids upon alcohols are the mean factors of the savour (bouquet) of a brandy and therefore every thing shall be done tor fhr estherification of a preserved brandy being not limited. 11 - Aeration increases esther formation, reduces the aging- time and turn better the taste qualities of the brandy. 12 - Due to the great proportion of high alcohols ordinarily found in the brandy, their analytical discrimination will be greatly important. 13 - The high alcohols are not responsable for the disastrous consequences of the alcoholism, but the high percentage of uthyl alcohol present in the brandy. 14 - The aldehydes appear always in high rate in the brazilian brandys in consequence of some intermediary products of the oxydation of the alcohols being left in the brandys during aging. 15 - The age has little or no influence on the quantity of phurphurol present in a brandy whose amount varies greatly the manner in which the wines to be distilled are treated. Wines centrifugalized or filtered before distillation always give rise to brandys poorer in phurphurol as compared with those distilled without these treatments. 16 - Though greatly variable, brandys of good qualities generally show a high residues coefficient, never under 200 mmg 17 - Lusson - Rocques oxydation coefficient cannot be indis- criminately applied to any brandy class, being, on the contrary, specifically destined to cognacs.


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This paper deals with problems on population genetics in Hymenoptera and particularly in social Apidae. 1) The studies on populations of Hymenoptera were made according to the two basic types of reproduction: endogamy and panmixia. The populations of social Apinae have a mixed method of reproduction with higher percentage of panmixia and a lower of endogamy. This is shown by the following a) males can enter any hive in swarming time; b) males of Meliponini are expelled from hives which does not need them, and thus, are forced to look for some other place; c) Meliponini males were seen powdering themselves with pollen, thus becoming more acceptable in any other hive. The panmixia is not complete owing to the fact that the density of the breeding population as very low, even in the more frequent species as low as about 2 females and 160 males per reproductive area. We adopted as selection values (or survival indices) the expressions according to Brieger (1948,1950) which may be summarised as follows; a population: p2AA + ²pq Aa + q2aa became after selection: x p2AA + 2pq Aa + z q²aa. For alge-braics facilities Brieger divided the three selective values by y giving thus: x/y p2 AA + y/y 2 pq Aa + z/y q²aa. He called x/y of RA and z/y of Ra, that are survival or selective index, calculated in relation to the heterozygote. In our case all index were calculated in relation to the heterozygote, including the ones for haploid males; thus we have: RA surveval index of genotype AA Ra surveval index of genotype aa R'A surveval index of genotype A R'a surveval index of genotype a 1 surveval index of genotype Aa The index R'A ande R'a were equalized to RA and Ra, respectively, for facilities in the conclusions. 2) Panmitic populations of Hymenoptera, barring mutations, migrations and selection, should follow the Hardy-Weinberg law, thus all gens will be present in the population in the inicial frequency (see Graphifc 1). 3) Heterotic genes: If mutation for heterotic gene ( 1 > RA > Ra) occurs, an equilibrium will be reached in a population when: P = R A + Ra - 2R²a _____________ (9) 2(R A + Ra - R²A - R²a q = R A + Ra - 2R²A _____________ (10) 2(R A + Ra - R²A - R²a A heterotic gene in an hymenopteran population may be maintained without the aid of new mutation only if the survival index of the most viable mutant (RA) does not exced the limiting value given by the formula: R A = 1 + √1+Ra _________ 4 If RA has a value higher thah the one permitted by the formula, then only the more viable gene will remain present in the population (see Graphic 10). The only direct proof for heterotic genes in Hymenoptera was given by Mackensen and Roberts, who obtained offspring from Apis mellefera L. queens fertilized by their own sons. Such inbreeding resulted in a rapid loss of vigor the colony; inbred lines intercrossed gave a high hybrid vigor. Other fats correlated with the "heterosis" problem are; a) In a colony M. quadrifasciata Lep., which suffered severely from heat, the percentage of deths omong males was greater .than among females; b) Casteel and Phillips had shown that in their samples (Apis melifera L). the males had 7 times more abnormalities tian the workers (see Quadros IV to VIII); c) just after emerging the males have great variation, but the older ones show a variation equal to that of workers; d) The tongue lenght of males of Apis mellifera L., of Bombus rubicundus Smith (Quadro X), of Melipona marginata Lep. (Quadro XI), and of Melipona quadrifasciata Lep. Quadro IX, show greater variationthan that of workers of the respective species. If such variation were only caused by subviables genes a rapid increasse of homozigoty for the most viable alleles should be expected; then, these .wild populations, supposed to be in equilibrium, could .not show such variability among males. Thus we conclude that heterotic genes have a grat importance in these cases. 4) By means of mathematical models, we came to the conclusion tht isolating genes (Ra ^ Ra > 1), even in the case of mutations with more adaptability, have only the opor-tunity of survival when the population number is very low (thus the frequency of the gene in the breeding population will be large just after its appearence). A pair of such alleles can only remain present in a population when in border regions of two races or subspecies. For more details see Graphics 5 to 8. 5) Sex-limited genes affecting only females, are of great importance toHymenoptera, being subject to the same limits and formulas as diploid panmitic populations (see formulas 12 and 13). The following examples of these genes were given: a) caste-determining genes in the genus Melipona; b) genes permiting an easy response of females to differences in feeding in almost all social Hymenoptera; c) two genes, found in wild populations, one in Trigona (Plebéia) mosquito F. SMITH (quadro XII) and other in Melipona marginata marginata LEP. (Quadro XIII, colonies 76 and 56) showing sex-limited effects. Sex-limited genes affecting only males do not contribute to the plasticity or genie reserve in hymenopteran populations (see formula 14). 6) The factor time (life span) in Hymenoptera has a particular importance for heterotic genes. Supposing one year to be the time unit and a pair of heterotic genes with respective survival indice equal to RA = 0, 90 and Ra = 0,70 to be present; then if the life time of a population is either one or two years, only the more viable gene will remain present (see formula 11). If the species has a life time of three years, then both alleles will be maintained. Thus we conclude that in specis with long lif-time, the heterotic genes have more importance, and should be found more easily. 7) The colonies of social Hymenoptera behave as units in competition, thus in the studies of populations one must determine the survival index, of these units which may be subdivided in indice for egg-laying, for adaptive value of the queen, for working capacity of workers, etc. 8) A study of endogamic hymenopteran populations, reproduced by sister x brother mating (fig. 2), lead us to the following conclusions: a) without selection, a population, heterozygous for one pair of alleles, will consist after some generations (theoretically after an infinite number of generation) of females AA fecundated with males A and females aa fecundated with males a (see Quadro I). b) Even in endogamic population there is the theoretical possibility of the presence of heterotic genes, at equilibrium without the aid of new mutations (see Graphics 11 and 12), but the following! conditions must be satisfied: I - surveval index of both homozygotes (RA e Ra) should be below 0,75 (see Graphic 13); II - The most viable allele must riot exced the less viable one by more than is permited by the following formula (Pimentel Gomes 1950) (see Gra-fic 14) : 4 R5A + 8 Ra R4A - 4 Ra R³A (Ra - 1) R²A - - R²a (4 R²a + 4 Ra - 1) R A + 2 R³a < o Considering these two conditions, the existance of heterotic genes in endogamic populations of Hymenoptera \>ecames very improbable though not - impossible. 9) Genie mutation offects more hymenopteran than diploid populations. Thus we have for lethal genes in diploid populations: u = q2, and in Hymenoptera: u = s, being u the mutation ratio and s the frequency of the mutant in the male population. 10) Three factors, important to competition among species of Meliponini were analysed: flying capacity of workers, food gathering capacity of workers, egg-laying of the queen. In this connection we refer to the variability of the tongue lenght observed in colonies from several localites, to the method of transporting the pollen in the stomach, from some pots (Melliponi-ni storage alveolus) to others (e. g. in cases of pillage), and to the observation that the species with the most populous hives are almost always the most frequent ones also. 11) Several defensive ways used for Meliponini to avoid predation are cited, but special references are made upon the camouflage of both hive (fig. 5) and hive entrance (fig. 4) and on the mimetism (see list in page ). Also under the same heading we described the method of Lestrimelitta for pillage. 12) As mechanisms important for promoting genetic plasticity of hymenopteran species we cited: a) cytological variations and b) genie reserve. As to the former, duplications and numerical variations of chromosomes were studied. Diprion simile ATC was cited as example for polyploidy. Apis mellife-ra L. (n •= 16) also sugests polyploid origen since: a) The genus Melipona, which belongs to a" related tribe, presents in all species so far studied n = 9 chromosomes and b) there occurs formation of dyads in the firt spermatocyte division. It is su-gested that the origin of the sex-chromosome of Apis mellifera It. may be related to the possible origin of diplo-tetraploidy in this species. With regards to the genie reserve, several possible types of mutants were discussed. They were classified according to their survival indices; the heterotic and neutral mutants must be considered as more important for the genie reserve. 13) The mean radius from a mother to a daghter colony was estimated as 100 meters. Since the Meliponini hives swarm only once a year we may take 100 meters a year as the average dispersion of female Meliponini in ocordance to data obtained from Trigona (tetragonisca) jaty F. SMITH and Melipona marginata LEP., while other species may give different values. For males the flying distance was roughly estimated to be 10 times that for females. A review of the bibliography on Meliponini swarm was made (pg. 43 to 47) and new facts added. The population desity (breeding population) corresponds in may species of Meliponini to one male and one female per 10.000 square meters. Apparently the males are more frequent than the females, because there are sometimes many thousands, of males in a swarm; but for the genie frequency the individuals which have descendants are the ones computed. In the case of Apini and Meliponini, only one queen per hive and the males represented by. the spermatozoos in its spermateca are computed. In Meliponini only one male mate with the queen, while queens of Apis mellijera L. are fecundated by an average of about 1, 5 males. (Roberts, 1944). From the date cited, one clearly sees that, on the whole, populations of wild social bees (Meliponini) are so small that the Sewall Wright effect may become of great importance. In fact applying the Wright's formula: f = ( 1/aN♂ + 1/aN♀) (1 - 1/aN♂ + 1/aN♀) which measures the fixation and loss of genes per generation, we see that the fixation or loss of genes is of about 7% in the more frequent species, and rarer species about 11%. The variation in size, tergite color, background color, etc, of Melipona marginata Lep. is atributed to this genetic drift. A detail, important to the survival of Meliponini species, is the Constance of their breeding population. This Constance is due to the social organization, i. e., to the care given to the reproductive individuals (the queen with its sperm pack), to the way of swarming, to the food storage intended to control variations of feeding supply, etc. 14) Some species of the Meliponini are adapted to various ecological conditions and inhabit large geographical areas (e. g. T. (Tetragonisca jaty F. SMITH), and Trigona (Nanno-trigona testaceicornis LEP.) while others are limited to narrow regions with special ecological conditions (e. g. M. fuscata me-lanoventer SCHWARZ). Other species still, within the same geographical region, profit different ecological conditions, as do M. marginata LEP. and M. quadrifasciata LEP. The geographical distribution of Melipona quadrifasciata LEP. is different according to the subspecies: a) subsp anthidio-des LEP. (represented in Fig. 7 by black squares) inhabits a region fron the North of the S. Paulo State to Northeastern Brazil, ,b) subspecies quadrifasciata LEP., (marked in Fig. 7 with black triangles) accurs from the South of S. Paulo State to the middle of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (South Brazil). In the margined region between these two areas of distribution, hi-brid colonies were found (Fig. 7, white circles); they are shown with more details in fig. 8, while the zone of hybridization is roughly indicated in fig. 9 (gray zone). The subspecies quadrifasciata LEP., has 4 complete yellow bands on the abdominal tergites while anthidioides LEP. has interrupted ones. This character is determined by one or two genes and gives different adaptative properties to the subspecies. Figs. 10 shows certains meteorological isoclines which have aproximately the same configuration as the limits of the hybrid zone, suggesting different climatic adaptabilities for both genotypes. The exis-tance of a border zone between the areas of both subspecies, where were found a high frequency of hybrids, is explained as follows: being each subspecies adapted to a special climatic zone, we may suppose a poor adaptation of either one in the border region, which is also a region of intermediate climatic conditions. Thus, the hybrids, having a combination of the parent qualities, will be best adapted to the transition zone. Thus, the hybrids will become heterotic and an equilibrium will be reached with all genotypes present in the population in the border region.


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The present Bachelor thesis gives an overview of the influence of some starch esters (acetylated distarch phosphate (E 1414) and adipate (E1422)) as stabilizing agents in a salmon-emulsion-cream. The aim of this work was the development of an optimal recipe. Different concentrations of starches were used in combination with xanthan gum. The methods were used to describe the rheological, microphotographical, microbiological, chemical and sensorial characteristics of the spread. The analysis of determination and development of droplet size showed a significant reduction in coalescence process. Rheological experiments indicated that high concentrations of E 1414 are necessary getting a slightly higher viscosity than in case of the E 1422 creams. The microbiological results showed minimal differences. All tested samples showed high stability against oxidation. For the use of a new recipe acetylated distarch adipate is the better choice in this case.


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Fiambre de frango foi obtido com carne mista, separada manualmente do peito, coxas e pernas, através de elaboração de emulsão, cura e defumação. Foram utilizadas duas formulações (sem e com pele). O rendimento final na obtenção do produto foi de 110-122%, respectivamente, em relação à carne mista; em relação à carcaça resfriada, de 38-42%. A composição química do produto final apresentou pequena variação entre as duas formulações, com os seguintes valores médios aproximados: umidade, 64,9_; proteína, 18,4%; relação umidade/proteína, 3,5; gordura,12,6%; cloreto de sódio, 2,4%; nitrito de sódio, 63 ppm; pH, 6,1. O fiambre foi submetido à análise sensorial, não tendo havido diferença significativa entre as duas formulações, para os atributos de qualidade considerados; quanto à qualidade geral, o produto foi classificado entre bom e muito bom. O fiambre foi estocado a -25° C por 30 dias, sem alteração aparente da sua qualidade organoletica.


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The first agglutination experiments (Tables 1 and 2) showed that the serum obtained with any one strain of Leishmania, agglutinates all the others even of another species. This finding reveals the existence of a common antigen. However as the titre of agglutination did not permit a sharp differentiation of species we tried the adsorption method. The first adsorption tests made demonstrated differences in antigenic constitution between a strain of. L. donovani on one hand and strains of L. tropica or L. brasiliensis on the other. Further experiments in which L. chagasi was tested against the other species revealed that the former was antigenically different from the others. These tests were performed by adsorbing an anti-chagasi serum with organisms belonging to the other species or, conversely, adsorbing with L. chagasi sera prepared against the other species (See Tables 9 to 24). On the other hand, the adsorption of a serum prepared against one strain of l. chagasi by another of the same species showed that they had identifical antigenie constitution. These findings suggested the possibility of separating different species of Leishmania by this method. However, tests to separate the other species from one to another gave inconclusive results. (See Tables 27 to 35). It was soon observed that all the strains of L. chagasi were of recent isolation while all the others had been maintained in artificial culture media for a long time. We were led to believe that this condition was responsible for the differences in behaviour encountered. Accordingly, recently isolated strains of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani were tested and shown to be antigenically similar to strains of L. chagasi also recently isolated. The conclusion may be drawn that all strains have the same antigenic constitution when freshly isolated. It has been noted that when a serum which has been prepared against a freshly isolated is adsorbed with an old strain, the amount of agglutinins left free, is much smaller than when a serum prepared against an old strain is adsorbed with a newly isolated strain. At first, we thought to explain this by the low titre of the serum. However, the amount of agglutinins left free was not larger when higher titre serum was tested. The results do not corroborate the view of a special antigen being present in recently isolated strains (vi antige) but rather that the phenomenon is dependent on differences of the amount of the common antigen, more abundant in recent strains. In order to make this clear, experiments were made in which equal amounts of a serum prepared against a newly isolated strain were adsorbed by equal amounts, by weight, of, on one hand, a new strain, and the other an old strain. The resulting adsorbed sera were then titrated. (Table 44). Results showed that newly isolated strains adsorb a larger amount of agglutinins (Tables 44, 45). Two hypothesis have bem advanced to explain the stronger adsorbing qualities of the newly isolated strains. 1° - these strains possess larger amounts of the common antigen and 2° - they contain a vi antigen which adsorbed by the new strain together with the common antigen is the cause of their larger adsorbing capacity. To find out which of the two hypothesis corresponds to the reality a new experiment was made, similar to the one summarized in table 44. The adsorbed sera were made to act on a recently isolated strain as well as on an old one. The latter, not containing the vi antigen, the difference seen when sera act on new strains should not be observed here in the case of this antigen being responsible for the differences in adsorbing properties. The difference persisting, the indication would be that the greater adsorbing capacity of recently isolated strains was really related to larger amounts of the common antigen present (Tables 46 and 47). The results of the experiment excluded the possibility of the vi antigen being responsible. Other experiments, (Tables 48 to 53) using a 3 year old strain, demonstrated the modification in its antigenic constitution during the period it was maintained in cultures.


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In articles, already published, we have proved that the strain V. B. of Brazilian virus, goes through the placenta (Macacus rhesus) (1) and the apparently normal gastro-intestinal tube (1934-1937) (Canis familiaris) (2). Today we present the idea that the Brazilian virus can reach the milk of an animal even when the latter has only the unapparent disease. In former articles (**), we have shown that the goat (Capra hircus) can be an excellent reservoir of Brazilian virus, having the strain V. B. in its blood and presenting a Weil Felix reaction high and in “group”, with the disease unapparent. When the goats are bred in the laboratory, and even in some foci of the disease, they give a negative Weil Felix, being zero for all the nine strains of Proteus. In the interior of Brazil, in many localities, goats substitute cows, in supplying milk for children and adults, and in some districts goat’s milk is considered superior to cow’s milk, possessing marvellous qualities for men, women an children. Having proved, now, that goat’s milk can contain the virus even when the animal presents nothing clinically, and having also shown that this virus goes through the digestive tube apparently sound, it is easy to understand how infants-in-arms, that is, only a few months old, living in strictly domestic surroundings, can contract the disease; we have many such cases on record. Protocol of the experiments: Goat nº 2, white, January 1948. This animal had been inoculated with the V. B. strain of the Brazilian virus in June 1947, via intra-peritoneal, presenting nothing then, not even a feverish reaction. On that occasion it was not possible to isolate the virus of the blood, although the Weil Felix reaction was positive, high and in “group”. Now January 17, 1948, seven months later, the same animal was reinoculated with a semple of virus V. B. in the same manner (intra-peritoneal) two days after bringing forth two sturdy kids. The virus V. B. was obtained from guinea-pig n. 7170 whose thermic graph was as follows: Temperatura – 38,8 – 39,1 – 39,5 – 39,4 –39,8 – 40,4 – 40,2 – 40,1 - + Necropsy – Typical lesions. The spleen weighed 5 grammes. With 3c.c. of emulsion from the nervous system of this guinea-pig, we inoculated not only the goat, as also two guineapigs, number 14 and number 5. The following is the thermic graph of one: - Guinea-pig n. 14 – 38,9 – 39,1 – 39,2 – 39.2 – 40,7 – 41,0 – 40,5 – 40,4 – 40,1 - + Typical lesions. Guinea-pig n. 2 presented the following thermic graph after the infective inoculation: - 39,5 – 39,7 – 39,7 – 39,7 – 39,5 – 39,3 – 39,5 – 39,5 – 39,5 – etc. Clinically, this animal presented nothing unusual, feeding well and suckling the kids normally. The Weil Felix reaction was positive, in “group” high very similar to the reaction obtained in June 1947, with the first infective inoculation. On the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day after the infective inoculation, we took milk from the goat and inoculated male guinea-pigs via intra-celular and via intra-peritoneal, giving 5 c.c. to each animal. Guinea-pig n. 4663, inoculated with 5 c.c. of milk, via intra-muscular, taken on the third day of the infectaive inoculation, presented the following thermic graph: - 38.8 (*) – 39,1 – 39,0 – 39,1 – 40,1 – 40,1 – 40,8 (**) – 40,8 – Killed – Typical deisions (***). The virus V. B. of this goat, circulated naturally in the blood up to the third day, having passed into the milk, producing nothing in the kids, on account of the natural resistance of these animals to the disease. The Weil Felix reaction and that of Widal for the Burcellas suis, abortus and militensis were negative for the goat and the kids. It is remarkable that, even with inoculation of the living virus after a period of seven months we cannot get a real and absolute immunity of sensitive animals. We shall return to this subject later. The hart Mazama simplicicornis may be a carrier of the virus in Brasil. The experimental serum against the virus of Exanthematic neotropical typhus has not protected guinea-pigs.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2005. L’objectiu fonamental ha estat la descripció i l’anàlisi lingüística de la parla dels nens petits, és a dir, dels nens de P-2 a P-5, mitjançant una aproximació eminentment pràctica amb un breu recolzament teòric. En una breu introducció teòrica es defineixen els termes lingüístics i les disciplines utilitzades en l’estudi, s’expliquen els diferents factors que intervenen en el procés de la parla, ja que el fet de parlar suposa haver arribat a un grau determinat de desenvolupament físic, motor, sensorial, cognitiu, etc. També s’esmenten les relacions entre llenguatge i pensament i les diverses teories que expliquen l’origen del llenguatge. I, per acabar, es fa una pinzellada a les característiques evolutives dels nens des del seu naixement fins que tenen cinc-sis anys. En la part pràctica, s’analitza la parla dels nens de P-2 a P-5 mitjançant el mètode de l’enquesta directa a una seixantena de nens i d’altres proves, fent referència a una sèrie d’aspectes lingüístics considerats importants per tal d’entendre l’evolució de la parla en cada edat com són els nivells morfològic, sintàctic, fonètic, lèxic, així com els elements de la comunicació no verbal.