989 resultados para Mining law


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The publication of the Law 10,267 of 08/28/2001 changed the paradigm of rural registration in Brazil, because this law known as the "Law of Georeferencing" has created the National Registration of Rural Property, that unifies in a common basis different registrations present in several government agencies, such as the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), the Secretariat of Federal Revenue, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, and the National Indian Foundation. Also, this new registration system has a graphical component which has not existed until such date, where the boundaries of rural property are georeferenced to the Brazilian Geodetic System. This new paradigm has resulted in a standardization of the survey and its representation of rural properties according to the Technical Standard for Georeferencing of Rural Properties, published by INCRA in compliance with the new legislation. Due to the georeferencing, the creation of a public GIS of free access on the Internet was possible. Among the difficulties found it may be observed the great Brazilian territory, the need for specialized professionals, and especially the certification process that INCRA has to perform for each georeferenced property. It is hoped that this last difficulty is solved with the implementation of the Land Management System that will allow automated and online certification, making the process more transparent, agile and fast.


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This study aimed to identify differences in swine vocalization pattern according to animal gender and different stress conditions. A total of 150 barrow males and 150 females (Dalland® genetic strain), aged 100 days, were used in the experiment. Pigs were exposed to different stressful situations: thirst (no access to water), hunger (no access to food), and thermal stress (THI exceeding 74). For the control treatment, animals were kept under a comfort situation (animals with full access to food and water, with environmental THI lower than 70). Acoustic signals were recorded every 30 minutes, totaling six samples for each stress situation. Afterwards, the audios were analyzed by Praat® 5.1.19 software, generating a sound spectrum. For determination of stress conditions, data were processed by WEKA® 3.5 software, using the decision tree algorithm C4.5, known as J48 in the software environment, considering cross-validation with samples of 10% (10-fold cross-validation). According to the Decision Tree, the acoustic most important attribute for the classification of stress conditions was sound Intensity (root node). It was not possible to identify, using the tested attributes, the animal gender by vocal register. A decision tree was generated for recognition of situations of swine hunger, thirst, and heat stress from records of sound intensity, Pitch frequency, and Formant 1.


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Environmental accountability has become a major source of competitive advantage for industrial companies, because customers consider it as relevant buying criterion. However, in order to leverage their environmental responsibility, industrial suppliers have to be able to demonstrate the environmental value of their products and services, which is also the aim of Kemira, a global water chemistry company considered in this study. The aim of this thesis is to develop a tool which Kemira can use to assess the environmental value of their solutions for the customer companies in mining industry. This study answers to questions on what kinds of methods to assess environmental impacts exist, and what kind of tool could be used to assess the environmental value of Kemira’s water treatment solutions. The environmental impacts of mining activities vary greatly between different mines. Generally the major impacts include the water related issues and wastes. Energy consumption is also a significant environmental aspect. Water related issues include water consumption and impacts in water quality. There are several methods to assess environmental impacts, for example life cycle assessment, eco-efficiency tools, footprint calculations and process simulation. In addition the corresponding financial value may be estimated utilizing monetary assessment methods. Some of the industrial companies considered in the analysis of industry best practices use environmental and sustainability assessments. Based on the theoretical research and conducted interviews, an Excel based tool utilizing reference data on previous customer cases and customer specific test results was considered to be most suitable to assess the environmental value of Kemira’s solutions. The tool can be used to demonstrate the functionality of Kemira’s solutions in customers’ processes, their impacts in other process parameters and their environmental and financial aspects. In the future, the tool may be applied to fit also Kemira’s other segments, not only mining industry.


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Så som är fallet för många andra stater, kan vissa delar av den ryska förvaltningen ännu utvecklas för att till fullo uppfylla internationella standarder. Internationella fördragsorgan som övervakar förverkligandet i Ryssland av fördrag om mänskliga rättigheter framför ibland kritiska anmärkningar om den demokratiska utvecklingen i Ryssland. Enskilda fall där politiska rättigheter möjligen kränkts av ryska myndigheter har utan tvivel placerat Ryssland i fokus för internationell media. Exempel på sådana fall är mordet på journalisten Anna Politkovskaya, Sergei Magnitskys död i fängelse och fängslandet av medlemmarna i "Pussy Riot”. Likväl anser författaren av denna studie att politiska rättigheter i Ryssland förverkligas inom rimliga gränser och i enlighet med internationell människorättslagstiftning. Denna studie fokuserar på förverkligandet av den individuella rättigheten att delta i det politiska beslutsfattandet i Ryssland genom andra mekanismer för deltagande än val och folkomröstningar. Studien utgörs av en sammanställning av forskningsartiklar som har publicerats i olika internationella tidskrifter. Sammanställningen föregås av ett fristående inledande kapitel. Författaren koncentrerar sig på frågan om Rysslands invånare ges effektiva möjligheter att delta i handhavandet av allmänna angelägenheter och om det finns användbara rättsmedel till hands för skydd av de politiska rättigheterna. Författaren tar sig an en juridisk analys av rysk lagstiftning gällande olika sätt för direkt deltagande i beslutsfattande samt analyserar rättsfall angående direkt deltagande från domstolarna i Moskva, Perm Krai och Sverdlovsk Oblast. Denna studie använder sig även av en rättshistorisk infallsvinkel för att visa på den positiva dynamiken hos den historiska utvecklingen beträffande d e väsentligaste plattformarna för offentligt deltagande. Det bevisas att rysk lagstiftning som garanterar rätten att delta i beslutsfattande är väl utvecklad i enlighet med internationella människorättsfördrag, och att åtminstone domstolarna i de utvalda ryska områdena fattar beslut som stöder deltaganderättigheter som eventuellt kränkts av myndigheter inom den verkställande makten. Författaren kommer till den slutsatsen att de i denna studie inkluderade enskilda dokumenterade händelserna gällande administrativ felbehandling inte nödvändigtvis tillåter den direkta slutsatsen att det begås systematiska och grova kränkningar av medborgares deltaganderättigheter i Ryssland.


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The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyze the mining industry customers' current and future needs for the water treatment services and discover new business development opportunities in the context of mine water treatment. In addition, the study focuses on specifying service offerings needed and evaluate suitable revenue generation models for them. The main research question of the study is: What kind of service needs related to water treatment can be identified in the Finnish mining industry? The literature examined in the study focused on industrial service classification and new service development process as well as the revenue generation of services. A qualitative research approach employing a case study method was chosen for the study. The present study uses customer and expert interviews as primary data source, complemented by archival data. The primary data was gathered by organizing total of 13 interviews, and the interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The abductive-logic was chosen as the way of conducting scientific reasoning in this study. As a result, new service proposals were developed for Finnish mine industry suppliers. The main areas of development were on asset efficiency services and process support services. The service needs were strongly associated with suppliers’ know-how of water treatment process optimization, cost-effectiveness as well as on alternative technologies. The study provides an insight for managers that wish to pursue a water treatment services as a part of their business offering.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee opportunistisen sopimusrikkomuksen ongelmaa erityisesti Suomen vahingonkorvaus- ja rikoslainsäädännön näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Tutkielman lähestymistapa on oikeustaloustieteellinen (engl. Law and Economics). Opportunistisella sopimusrikkomuksella tarkoitetaan toimintaa, jossa sopimusosapuoli rikkoo sopimuksen tarkoituksellisesti, pyrkimyksenään tällä toiminnalla saavuttaa enemmän hyötyä kuin sopimuksessa pysymällä. Opportunistinen sopimusrikkomus on mahdollista toteuttaa tilanteessa, jossa sopimusasetelma itsessään antaa mahdollisuuden enemmän hyödyn saavuttamiseen rikkomus toteuttamalla kuin sopimus asianmukaisesti täyttämällä. Suomalaisessa vahingonkorvausjärjestelmässä sovelletaan sopimusrikkomusten osalla positiivisen sopimusedun mukaista vahingonkorvausta, joka hyvittää rikotulle osapuolelle sopimussuhteeseen ryhtymisestä syntyneet kustannukset sekä sopimusrikkomuksen johdosta saamatta jääneen tuoton. Positiivisen sopimusedun soveltaminen ei kuitenkaan ole opportunistisen sopimusrikkomuksen ehkäisemiseksi riittävää, sillä opportunistisesti toimiva sopimusosapuoli voi jäädä rikkomuksensa johdosta voitolle vielä sen jälkeenkin, kun kärsineelle osapuolelle on jo positiivista sopimusetua noudattaen korvattu sopimussuhteessa syntyneet kustannukset sekä rikkomuksen johdosta saamatta jäänyt tuotto. Keskeinen ongelma koskien opportunististen sopimusrikkomustilanteiden syntyä onkin juuri vallitsevan sääntelyn liiallinen keskittyminen rikotun osapuolen kärsimän vahingon kompensoimiseen, ei rikkomustilanteiden synnyn ennaltaehkäisemiseen. Suomen vahingonkorvausjärjestelmää tulisi kehittää suuntaan, jossa järjestelmä paremmin ennaltaehkäisisi opportunististen sopimusrikkomustilanteiden syntyä. Common law -oikeusjärjestelmässä käytössä olevan disgorgement principle -suuntaisen ajattelun, jossa korvauksen perustana toimisi rikkomuksella saatu hyöty kärsityn vahingon sijaan, omaksuminen olisi yksi mahdollinen kehityskulku. Olennaista olisi kuitenkin se, että järjestelmää kehitettäisiin suuntaan, jossa rikkomus ei enää voisi tulla rikkojalle kannattavaksi. Opportunistisen toiminnan kannustimet tulisi lainsäädäntöä tarkistamalla poistaa. Tällä olisi sekä sopimusinstituutiota turvaavaa että vaihdantaa edistävää vaikutusta.


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This work presents a new law of the wall formulation for recirculating turbulent flows. An alternative expression for the internal length which can be applied in the separated region is also presented. The formulation is implemented in a numerical code which solves the k-epsilon model through a finite volume method. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data of Vogel and Eaton (J. of Heat Transfer, Transactions of ASME, vol.107, pp. 922-929, 1985). The paper shows that the present formulation furnishes better results than the standard k-epsilon formulation.


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A control law was designed for a satellite launcher ( rocket ) vehicle using eigenstructure assignment in order that the vehicle tracks a reference attitude and also to decouple the yaw response from roll and pitch manoeuvres and to decouple the pitch response from roll and yaw manoeuvres. The design was based on a complete linear coupled model obtained from the complete vehicle non linear model by linearization at each trajectory point. After all, the design was assessed with the vehicle time varying non-linear model showing a good performance and robustness. The used design method is explained and a case study for the Brazilian satellite launcher ( VLS Rocket ) is reported.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013


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Choice of industrial development options and the relevant allocation of the research funds become more and more difficult because of the increasing R&D costs and pressure for shorter development period. Forecast of the research progress is based on the analysis of the publications activity in the field of interest as well as on the dynamics of its change. Moreover, allocation of funds is hindered by exponential growth in the number of publications and patents. Thematic clusters become more and more difficult to identify, and their evolution hard to follow. The existing approaches of research field structuring and identification of its development are very limited. They do not identify the thematic clusters with adequate precision while the identified trends are often ambiguous. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop methods and tools, which are able to identify developing fields of research. The main objective of this Thesis is to develop tools and methods helping in the identification of the promising research topics in the field of separation processes. Two structuring methods as well as three approaches for identification of the development trends have been proposed. The proposed methods have been applied to the analysis of the research on distillation and filtration. The results show that the developed methods are universal and could be used to study of the various fields of research. The identified thematic clusters and the forecasted trends of their development have been confirmed in almost all tested cases. It proves the universality of the proposed methods. The results allow for identification of the fast-growing scientific fields as well as the topics characterized by stagnant or diminishing research activity.


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The global concern about sustainability has been growing and the mining industry is questioned about its environmental and social performance. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important issue for the extractive industries. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance of selected mining companies. The study was conducted by identifying and comparing a selection of available CSR performance indicators with financial performance indicators. Based on the result of the study, the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance is unclear for the selected group of companies. The result is mixed and no industry specific realistic way to measure CSR performance uniformly is available. The result as a whole is contradictory and varies at company level as well as based on the selected indicators. The result of this study confirms that the relationship between CSR performance and financial performance is complicated and difficult to determine. As an outcome, evaluation of benefits of CSR in the mining sector could better be analyzed based on different attributes.


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In recent decades, business intelligence (BI) has gained momentum in real-world practice. At the same time, business intelligence has evolved as an important research subject of Information Systems (IS) within the decision support domain. Today’s growing competitive pressure in business has led to increased needs for real-time analytics, i.e., so called real-time BI or operational BI. This is especially true with respect to the electricity production, transmission, distribution, and retail business since the law of physics determines that electricity as a commodity is nearly impossible to be stored economically, and therefore demand-supply needs to be constantly in balance. The current power sector is subject to complex changes, innovation opportunities, and technical and regulatory constraints. These range from low carbon transition, renewable energy sources (RES) development, market design to new technologies (e.g., smart metering, smart grids, electric vehicles, etc.), and new independent power producers (e.g., commercial buildings or households with rooftop solar panel installments, a.k.a. Distributed Generation). Among them, the ongoing deployment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) has profound impacts on the electricity retail market. From the view point of BI research, the AMI is enabling real-time or near real-time analytics in the electricity retail business. Following Design Science Research (DSR) paradigm in the IS field, this research presents four aspects of BI for efficient pricing in a competitive electricity retail market: (i) visual data-mining based descriptive analytics, namely electricity consumption profiling, for pricing decision-making support; (ii) real-time BI enterprise architecture for enhancing management’s capacity on real-time decision-making; (iii) prescriptive analytics through agent-based modeling for price-responsive demand simulation; (iv) visual data-mining application for electricity distribution benchmarking. Even though this study is from the perspective of the European electricity industry, particularly focused on Finland and Estonia, the BI approaches investigated can: (i) provide managerial implications to support the utility’s pricing decision-making; (ii) add empirical knowledge to the landscape of BI research; (iii) be transferred to a wide body of practice in the power sector and BI research community.