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INTRODUCTION: Occupational HIV infection among healthcare workers is an important issue in exposures involving blood and body fluids. There are few data in the literature regarding the potential and the duration of infectivity of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in contaminated material under adverse conditions. METHODS: We quantified HIV-1 viral RNA in 25×8mm calibre hollow-bore needles, after punctures, in 25 HIV-1-infected patients selected during the sample collection. All of the patients selected were between the ages of 18 and 55. Five samples were collected from 16 patients: one sample for the immediate quantification of HIV-1 RNA in the plasma and blood samples from the interior of 4 needles to be analyzed at 0h, 6h, 24h, and 72h after collection. In nine patients, another test was carried out in the blood from one additional needle, in which HIV-1 RNA was assessed 168h after blood collection. The method used to assess HIV-1 RNA was nucleic acid sequence-based amplification. RESULTS: Up to 7 days after collection, HIV-1 RNA was detected in all of the needles. The viral RNA remained stable up to 168h, and there were no statistically significant differences among the needle samples. CONCLUSIONS: Although the infectivity of the viral material in the needles is unknown, the data indicate the need to re-evaluate the practices in cases of occupational accidents in which the source is not identified.
Introduction: In past decades, leishmaniasis burden has been low across Egypt; however, changing environment and land use has placed several parts of the country at risk. As a consequence, leishmaniasis has become a particularly difficult health problem, both for local inhabitants and for multinational military personnel. Methods: To evaluate coarse-resolution aspects of the ecology of leishmaniasis transmission, collection records for sandflies and Leishmania species were obtained from diverse sources. To characterize environmental variation across the country, we used multitemporal Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for 2005-2011. Ecological niche models were generated using MaxEnt, and results were analyzed using background similarity tests to assess whether associations among vectors and parasites (i.e., niche similarity) can be detected across broad geographic regions. Results: We found niche similarity only between one vector species and its corresponding parasite species (i.e., Phlebotomus papatasi with Leishmania major), suggesting that geographic ranges of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis and its potential vector may overlap, but under distinct environmental associations. Other associations (e.g., P. sergenti with L. major) were not supported. Mapping suitable areas for each species suggested that northeastern Egypt is particularly at risk because both parasites have potential to circulate. Conclusions: Ecological niche modeling approaches can be used as a first-pass assessment of vector-parasite interactions, offering useful insights into constraints on the geography of transmission patterns of leishmaniasis.
Abstract This review presents the main species of venomous and poisonous arthropods, with commentary on the clinical manifestations provoked by the toxins and therapeutic measures used to treat human envenomations. The groups of arthopods discussed include the class Arachnida (spiders and scorpions, which are responsible for many injuries reported worldwide, including Brazil); the subphylum Myriapoda, with the classes Chilopoda and Diplopoda (centipedes and millipedes); and the subphylum Hexapoda, with the class Insecta and the orders Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (stink bugs, giant water bugs, and cicadas), Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, and bees), and Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).
Remote sensing - the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object - is applied in a multitude of different areas, ranging from agriculture, forestry, cartography, hydrology, geology, meteorology, aerial traffic control, among many others. Regarding agriculture, an example of application of this information is regarding crop detection, to monitor existing crops easily and help in the region’s strategic planning. In any of these areas, there is always an ongoing search for better methods that allow us to obtain better results. For over forty years, the Landsat program has utilized satellites to collect spectral information from Earth’s surface, creating a historical archive unmatched in quality, detail, coverage, and length. The most recent one was launched on February 11, 2013, having a number of improvements regarding its predecessors. This project aims to compare classification methods in Portugal’s Ribatejo region, specifically regarding crop detection. The state of the art algorithms will be used in this region and their performance will be analyzed.
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A presente investigação visou contribuir para o estudo da permeabilidade entre Ciência e Arte, explorando, nomeadamente, o diálogo frutífero entre a área científica interdisciplinar da Ecologia Humana e a Literatura Portuguesa. Neste sentido, configura o que pode entender-se como um ensaio de dupla interdisciplinaridade. Recorreu-se a uma metodologia híbrida que integra métodos e fontes das ciências do ambiente e sociais e da análise literária, cujos graus de objetividade variam entre si, e que pode filiar-se na recente área dos “mixed methods”, cuja exploração se acentuou nas últimas duas décadas na Europa e nos Estados Unidos. Em concreto, pretendeu-se analisar a representação literária da Natureza e do vínculo de interdependência que o ser humano estabelece com ela na obra de Ferreira de Castro (1898-1974) ‒ um dos mais aclamados e traduzidos escritores portugueses do século XX, fundador do “romance social” português ‒ e perceber em que medida essa representação irradia da experiência de vida em variados ambientes geográficos, da personalidade e da ideologia do escritor. A tese consta de duas partes principais, traçando a primeira uma “Ecobiografia” do escritor, que averigua a sua relação e a sua conceção pessoal sobre a Natureza; e dedicando-se a segunda à ecocrítica de quatro textos de ficção com cenários em áreas rurais de Portugal continental, escritos entre 1928 e 1947: Emigrantes (1928), “O Natal em Ossela” (1933), Terra Fria (1934) e A Lã e a Neve (1947). Defende-se que, num tempo anterior ao movimento ecológico português, esses textos continham já um significativo teor eco-humano. Apresentam, por isso, um grande potencial de difusão do ambiente biofísico e das modalidades relacionais que o ser humano instituiu com a terra numa época, revelando-se um valioso contributo para a História Ambiental do território português. Esta função extra-artística projeta-se nas gerações leitoras do presente e do futuro e pode atuar em benefício da consciência ambiental e de cidadania neste século XXI. Razão por que é devido à obra castriana este novo lugar na Cultura portuguesa, mais além e mais amplo que a sua aplaudida dimensão literária.
A presente investigação teve o apoio financeiro da FCT, através de uma Bolsa de Doutoramento.
Soil conditions under pasture were examined in a range of sites representing the sequence of conversion of forest to pasture at two locations in the vicinity of Ilha de Maracã, Roraima. Comparisons were made with adjacent savana. Soil bulk densities shown to increase after forest clearance and soil chemical data indicate that the initial beneficial effects on nutrient supply of burning forest debris are rather short-lived. Very low levels of available phosphorus prevail in areas of savanna and cultivated pasture of all ages. Variations in the status of older cultivated pastures are mainly attributable to different grazing levelt.
The geomorphological materials and forms of the Maraca area of Roraima, Brazil are described, an their sgnificance for land development examined. Significant contrasts are noted in areas presently under rainforest and savanna vegetation. Lateritic gravels and extensive shetwash accumulations in savanna areas constrast with incipient or absent plinthite development, few gravels and limited evidence of colluvium under rainforest. Terrain is in general relatively highly-dissected. Slope profiles are characterised, particularly within the savanna zone, by a relatively steep lower concavity. These contrasts are sharply-demarcated by the present savanna/rainforest bondary, unexpectedly in view of the generally accepted hypothesis of repeated contraction an expansion of Amazonian rainforest throughout the Pleistocene. It is concluded that geomorphological conditions in the Maraca area are not favorable for land develoment.
The present work project studies the next step in the internationalization process of Shoyce, the soy milk products brand of Nutre. In order to select the best target market in the Asia-Pacific for Nutre to export, a sequential screening process was developed using two complementary approaches: preliminary country screening and country ranking, followed by an in-depth analysis of the country ranking first. The analysis revealed Japan as the most attractive country for Shoyce’s international expansion. Potential entry modes in the Japanese soy milk market were then evaluated, whereby direct exporting via a local distributor was found to be the most appropriate.
Since the last decade of the twentieth century, the healthcare industry is paying attention to the environmental impact of their buildings and therefore new regulations, policy goals and Buildings Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) methods are being developed and implemented. At the present, healthcare is one of the most regulated industries and it is also one of the largest consumers of energy per net floor area. To assess the sustainability of healthcare buildings it is necessary to establish a set of benchmarks related with their life-cycle performance. They are both essential to rate the sustainability of a project and to support designers and other stakeholders in the process of designing and operating a sustainable building, by allowing the comparison to be made between a project and the conventional and best market practices. This research is focused on the methodology to set the benchmarks for resources consumption, waste production, operation costs and potential environmental impacts related to the operational phase of healthcare buildings. It aims at contributing to the reduction of the subjectivity found in the definition of the benchmarks used in Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) methods, and it is applied in the Portuguese context. These benchmarks will be used in the development of a Portuguese HBSA method.
This article describes the main approaches adopted in a study focused on planning industrial estates on a sub-regional scale. The study was supported by an agent-based model, using firms as agents to assess the attractiveness of industrial estates. The simulation was made by the NetLogo toolkit and the environment represents a geographical space. Three scenarios and four hypotheses were used in the simulation to test the impact of different policies on the attractiveness of industrial estates. Policies were distinguished by the level of municipal coordination at which they were implemented and by the type of intervention. In the model, the attractiveness of industrial estates was based on the level of facilities, amenities, accessibility and on the price of land in each industrial estate. Firms are able to move and relocate whenever they find an attractive estate. The relocating firms were selected by their size, location and distance to an industrial estate. Results show that a coordinated policy among municipalities is the most efficient policy to promote advanced-qualified estates. In these scenarios, it was observed that more industrial estates became attractive, more firms were relocated and more vacant lots were occupied. Furthermore, the results also indicate that the promotion of widespread industrial estates with poor-quality infrastructures and amenities is an inefficient policy to attract firms.
In the Brazilian Amazon, large areas of abandoned lands may revert to secondary forest. In the process, pioneer tree species have an important role to restore productivity in old fields and improve environmental conditions. To determine potential photosynthesis (Apot), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (E), and leaf micronutrient concentrations in Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban a study was carried out in the Brazilian Amazon (01o 51' S; 60o 04' W). Photosynthetic parameters were measured at increasing [CO2], saturating light intensity (1 mmol (photons) m-2 s-1), and ambient temperature. The rate of electron-transport (J), Apot,and water-use efficiency (WUE) increased consistently at increasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Conversely, increasing [CO2] decreased gs, E, and photorespiration (Pr). At the CO2-saturated region of the CO2 response curve (1.1 mmol (CO2) mol-1(air), J was 120 μmol (e-) m-2s-1 and Apot reached up to 24 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Likewise, at saturating C1 g and E were 30 and 1.4 mmol (H2O) m-2s-1, respectively, and P 2 r about 1.5 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Foliar nutrients were 185, 134, 50, and 10 μmol (element) m-2 (leaf area) for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, respectively. It was concluded that [CO ] probably limits light saturated photosynthesis in this site. Furthermore, from a nutritional point of view, the low Fe to Cu ratio (15:1) may reflect nutritional imbalance in O. pyramidale at this site.
This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized by minifundia and rural poverty. This paper is about those migrants and their effects on the Amazonian landscape. We discuss the data collection methodology and summarize key results on settler characteristics and changes in population, land use, land ownership, technology, labor allocation, and living conditions, as well as the relationships between changes in population and changes in land use over time. The population in the study region has been growing rapidly due to both natural population growth (high fertility) and in-migration. This has led to a dramatic process of subdivision and fragmentation of plots in the 1990's, which contrasts with the consolidation of plots that has occurred in most of the mature frontier areas of the Brazilian Amazon. This fragmentation has led to important changes in land tenure and land use, deforestation, cattle raising, labor allocation, and settler welfare.