961 resultados para Industrial safety -- Evaluation
Many state, county, and local agencies are faced with deteriorating bridge infrastructure composed of a large percentage of relatively short to medium span bridges. In many cases, these older structures are rolled or welded longitudinal steel stringers acting compositely with a reinforced concrete deck. Most of these bridges, although still in service, need some level of strengthening due to increases in legal live loads or loss of capacity due to deterioration. Although these bridges are overstressed in most instances, they do not warrant replacement; thus, structurally efficient but cost-effective means of strengthening needs to be employed. In the past, the use of bolted steel cover plates or angles was a common retrofit option for strengthening such bridges. However, the time and labor involved to attach such a strengthening system can sometimes be prohibitive. This project was funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction program. The goal is to retrofit an existing structurally deficient, three-span continuous steel stringer bridge using an innovative technique that involves the application of post-tensioning forces; the post-tensioning forces were applied using fiber reinforced polymer post-tensioning bars. When compared to other strengthening methods, the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite materials is very appealing in that they are highly resistant to corrosion, have a low weight, and have a high tensile strength. Before the post-tensioning system was installed, a diagnostic load test was conducted on the subject bridge to establish a baseline behavior of the unstrengthened bridge. During the process of installing the post-tensioning hardware and stressing the system, both the bridge and the post-tensioning system were monitored. The installation of the hardware was followed by a follow-up diagnostic load test to assess the effectiveness of the post-tensioning strengthening system. Additional load tests were performed over a period of two years to identify any changes in the strengthening system with time. Laboratory testing of several typical carbon fiber reinforced polymer bar specimens was also conducted to more thoroughly understand their behavior. This report documents the design, installation, and field testing of the strengthening system and bridge.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has made improving work zone (WZ) safety a high priority. Managing vehicle speeds through work zones is perceived to be an important factor in achieving this goal. A number of speed reduction techniques are currently used by transportation agencies throughout the country to control speeds and reduce speed variation at work zones. The purpose of this project is to study these and other applicable work zone speed reduction strategies. Furthermore, this research explores transportation agencies' policies regarding managing speeds in long-term, short-term, and moving work zones. This report consists of three chapters. The first chapter, a literature review, examines the current speed reduction practices at work zones and provides a review of the relevant literature. The speed control strategies reviewed in this chapter range from posting regulatory and advisory speed limit signs to using the latest radar technologies to reduce speeds at work zones. The second chapter includes a short write-up for each identified speed control technique. The write-up includes a description, the results of any field tests, the benefits and the costs of the technology or technique. To learn more about other state policies regarding work zone speed reduction and management, the Center for Transportation Research and Education conducted a survey. The survey consists of six multipart questions. The third chapter provides summaries of the response to each question.
Few topics in transportation are of greater significance, now and in the future, than making today’s roads safe for those who use them. This study aims to assist the formulation of policy by examining the empirical evidence currently available on the ability of several forms of communication efforts and activities to increase knowledge about and affect attitudes and behavior toward highway safety practices. The objective of this effort is to provide a comparative synthesis of what works and what does not in highway safety campaigns across a large number of topical areas that have a mass media component. This was accomplished by conducting an extensive literature review to determine the current state of knowledge concerning what works and what has significant potential for wide use in future highway safety campaigns. An analytic framework for investigating highway safety campaigns was created. The framework includes (1) the types of media components, (2) the types of collaborations, (3) the context in which the campaign is intended to have impact, (4) the structure or procedural steps into which campaigns are organized, (5) the principles for what works in a campaign, and (6) the desired impact of a campaign on its target audience. The report reveals 25 characteristics of successful communication campaigns, strategies that stand a chance of achieving changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The actual impact of mass communication remains unproven because of a perceived lag in the development of adequate evaluation techniques. Education by itself has not generally resulted in significant changes in the behaviors targeted, but education of the public and advocacy groups has often helped enact necessary legislation, transmit knowledge about the provisions and penalties of laws in ways that increase their deterrent effect, and generate public support for law enforcement programs. Even in such cases, however, when enforcement is inconsistent, public compliance frequently decreases with time. Approaches to traffic safety that emphasize the need for long-term individual- and community-based measures are found to be especially crucial for addressing complex problems like drinking and driving that are determined by a myriad of lifestyle and psychosocial factors.
The Iowa General Assembly, during its 2010 legislative session, created a new body, the Public Safety Advisory Board (PSAB). The purpose of the Board is to provide the General Assembly with an analysis of current and proposed criminal code provisions. The mission of this Board is to provide research, evaluation, and data to the General Assembly to facilitate improvement in the criminal justice system in Iowa in terms of public safety, improved outcomes, and appropriate use of public resources.
Many cities in Iowa have retained the original brick street surfaces in downtown areas and in older residential areas as the base for modern driving surfaces. The original brick surfaces were not built to handle current and future traffic loadings. In recent years, these surfaces have tended to shift and become uneven, creating problems with safety. Asphaltic concrete overlays have been the typical rehabilitation technique in these situations. This has proven to be a successful rehabilitation technique in some cases; in other cases, the combination of movement of the brick and flexibility of the asphalt has proven to accentuate the original problems. Most of the existing literature on rehabilitation of brick streets shows the use of asphaltic concrete. Other rehabilitation methods include reconstruction of the brick surface and strengthening of the surface by placing asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete, along with sand, underneath the brick layers. To date, little if anything has been done in the area of using portland cement concrete as an overlay of the brick surfaces. This final report documents the planning, construction, and performance of unbonded ultrathin whitetopping rehabilitation of a brick street in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 2001. It also reports on a similar project in Des Moines that was constructed two years later in 2003.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of an intravitreal fluocinolone acetonide (FA) implant compared with standard therapy in subjects with noninfectious posterior uveitis (NIPU). DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, phase 2b/3, open-label, multicenter superiority trial. PARTICIPANTS: Subjects with unilateral or bilateral NIPU. METHODS: One hundred forty subjects received either a 0.59-mg FA intravitreal implant (n = 66) or standard of care (SOC; n = 74) with either systemic prednisolone or equivalent corticosteroid as monotherapy (> or =0.2 mg/kg daily) or, if judged necessary by the investigator, combination therapy with an immunosuppressive agent plus a lower dose of prednisolone or equivalent corticosteroid (> or =0.1 mg/kg daily). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time to first recurrence of uveitis. RESULTS: Eyes that received the FA intravitreal implant experienced delayed onset of observed recurrence of uveitis (P<0.01) and a lower rate of recurrence of uveitis (18.2% vs. 63.5%; P< or =0.01) compared with SOC study eyes. Adverse events frequently observed in implanted eyes included elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) requiring IOP-lowering surgery (occurring in 21.2% of implanted eyes) and cataracts requiring extraction (occurring in 87.8% of phakic implanted eyes). No treatment-related nonocular adverse events were observed in the implant group, whereas such events occurred in 25.7% of subjects in the SOC group. CONCLUSIONS: The FA intravitreal implant provided better control of inflammation in patients with uveitis compared with systemic therapy. Intraocular pressure and lens clarity of implanted eyes need close monitoring in patients receiving the FA intravitreal implant.
Une expertise collective sur l'évaluation des risques liés aux nanomatériaux pour la population générale et pour l'environnement a identifié plusieurs centaines de produits de grande consommation contenant des nanomatériaux, présents dans notre quotidien : textiles, cosmétiques, alimentaires, équipements sportifs, matériaux de construction... Des études nouvelles suggèrent la possibilité de risques pour la santé et pour l'environnement de certains produits. Face à cette situation d'incertitude, l'Afsset recommande d'agir sans attendre au nom du principe de précaution et de 1) Rendre obligatoire la traçabilité des nanomatériaux. Cela passe par une obligation de déclaration par les industriels, 2) la mise en place un étiquetage clair qui mentionne la présence de nanomatériaux dans les produits et informe sur la possibilité de relargage à l'usage, 3) d'aller jusqu'à l'interdiction de certains usages des nanomatériaux pour lesquels l'utilité est faible par rapport aux dangers potentiels, 4) l'harmonisation des cadres réglementaires français et européens pour généraliser les meilleures pratiques : déclaration, autorisation, substitution. En particulier, une révision de REACh s'impose pour prendre en compte les nanomatériaux manufacturés de manière spécifique et quel que soit leur tonnage. L'expertise fait également des recommandations pour construire une méthode renouvelée d'évaluation des risques sanitaires qui soit adaptée aux spécificités des nanomatériaux. Pour cela l'Afsset a testé les méthodologies classiques d'évaluation des risques sur 4 produits particuliers et courants : la chaussette antibactérienne (nanoparticules d'argent), le ciment autonettoyant et le lait solaire (nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane), la silice alimentaire à l'état nanométrique. Ces 4 produits représentent bien les voies d'exposition de l'homme (cutanée, inhalation, ingestion) et la possibilité de dispersion environnementale. Ces travaux font apparaître une urgence à faire progresser les connaissances sur les expositions et les dangers potentiels des nanomatériaux. Aujourd'hui, seuls 2% des études publiées sur les nanomatériaux concernent leurs risques pour la santé et l'environnement. Le premier effort devra porter sur la normalisation des caractéristiques des nanomatériaux. Les priorités de la recherche devront cibler la toxicologie, l'écotoxicologie et la mesure des expositions. Enfin, l'Afsset prévoit de s'autosaisir pour définir en 2 ans, avec son groupe de travail, un outil simplifié d'évaluation des risques. Il s'agit d'une grille de cotation des risques qui permet de catégoriser les produits en plusieurs gammes de risques. Face à ce chantier considérable, une mise en réseau entre les organismes européens et internationaux pour se partager le travail est nécessaire. Elle a commencé autour de l'OCDE qui coordonne des travaux d'évaluation des risques et de l'ISO qui travaille à la mise en place de nouvelles normes. [Auteurs]
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät suomalaisten pienten ja keskisuurten teollisuusyritysten (PKT-yritysten) innovatiivisuutta, sen attribuutteja (ominaispiirteitä) sekä indikaattoreita. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä että PKT-johtajien ja PKT-yritystenkehityshankkeiden rahoituspäätöksiin osallistuvien yritystutkijoiden haastatteluissa esittämiä innovatiivisuuden määritelmiä. Innovatiivisuusindikaattoreista tarkastellaan PKT-yritysten kehittämishankkeille sovellettavia rahoitus- ja arviointikriteerejä sekä yritysten ulkopuolisten rahoittajien että PKT-johtajien näkökulmasta. Erityistä huomiota kohdistetaan sovellettuihin laadullisiin ja ei-numeerisiin innovatiivisuuden arviointikriteereihin. Sekä kirjallisuudessa että kymmenen yritystutkijan ja kuuden esimerkkiyrityksen johtajan haastatteluissa innovaation uutuus yhdistetään innovatiivisuuteen. Muita tärkeitä innovatiivisuuteen liitettyjä ominaisuuksia olivat markkinat, muista yrityksistä erottuminen ja yksilöiden luovuus. Ihmisläheiset ja yksilöihin liittyvät näkökulmat korostuvat yritystutkijoiden ja PKT-johtajien innovatiivisuuden määritelmissä, kun taas kirjallisuudessa annetaan enemmän painoa ympäristölle, tuotteille ja markkinoille. Yritystutkijat pitivät yritykseen ja sen johtajaan liittyviä tekijöitä tärkeinä rahoitettavien kehittämishankkeiden panosten arviointikriteereinä. Tuotteiden kaupallinen menestys oli rahoittajan kannalta tärkein tulostekijä. Tarkastelluissa esimerkkiyrityksissä kehityshankkeista päättäminen ja hankkeiden arviointi on toisaalta intuitiivista ja saattaa olla tiedostamatontakin, koska yritysten kehittämistoiminta on vähäistä. Pienyritysten johtajat korostavat arvioinnissa rahallisiamittareita, vaikka sekä numeerisia että laadullisia kriteereitä sovelletaan. Todennäköisin syy tälle on pienyritysten rajalliset taloudelliset voimavarat. Toinen mahdollinen syy rahoituksellisten tekijöiden painottamiseen on, että tämän päivän ihannejohtaja ymmärretään analyyttiseksi ja mm.rahavirtoja valvovaksi. Kuitenkin innovatiiviset yritysjohtajat pitävät innovaatioiden luomista yhtenä elämän hauskoista puolista. Innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat tulevaisuuteen ja kasvuun suuntautuneita strategisella tasolla. Operationaalisella tasolla ne tuottavat keksintöjä ja innovaatioita. Patentteja tarkastelluilla yrityksillä on kuitenkin vähän. Sekä innovatiiviset että vähemmän innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat voimakkaasti asiakassuuntautuneita ja erikoistuneita tiettyihin tuotteisiin ja asiakkaisiin. Asiakkaiden tarpeita tyydytetään kehittämällä niitä vastaavia tuotteita. Tästä johtuu, että valtaosa yritysten kehittämistoiminnasta kohdistuu tuotteisiin tai tuotantoon.
The objective of the thesis is to structure and model the factors that contribute to and can be used in evaluating project success. The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of three research topics. The goal setting process, success evaluation and decision-making process are studied in the context of a project, business unitand its business environment. To achieve the objective three research questionsare posed. These are 1) how to set measurable project goals, 2) how to evaluateproject success and 3) how to affect project success with managerial decisions.The main theoretical contribution comes from deriving a synthesis of these research topics which have mostly been discussed apart from each other in prior research. The research strategy of the study has features from at least the constructive, nomothetical, and decision-oriented research approaches. This strategy guides the theoretical and empirical part of the study. Relevant concepts and a framework are composed on the basis of the prior research contributions within the problem area. A literature review is used to derive constructs of factors withinthe framework. They are related to project goal setting, success evaluation, and decision making. On the basis of this, the case study method is applied to complement the framework. The empirical data includes one product development program, three construction projects, as well as one organization development, hardware/software, and marketing project in their contexts. In two of the case studiesthe analytic hierarchy process is used to formulate a hierarchical model that returns a numerical evaluation of the degree of project success. It has its origin in the solution idea which in turn has its foundation in the notion of projectsuccess. The achieved results are condensed in the form of a process model thatintegrates project goal setting, success evaluation and decision making. The process of project goal setting is analysed as a part of an open system that includes a project, the business unit and its competitive environment. Four main constructs of factors are suggested. First, the project characteristics and requirements are clarified. The second and the third construct comprise the components of client/market segment attractiveness and sources of competitive advantage. Together they determine the competitive position of a business unit. Fourth, the relevant goals and the situation of a business unit are clarified to stress their contribution to the project goals. Empirical evidence is gained on the exploitation of increased knowledge and on the reaction to changes in the business environment during a project to ensure project success. The relevance of a successful project to a company or a business unit tends to increase the higher the reference level of project goals is set. However, normal performance or sometimes performance below this normal level is intentionally accepted. Success measures make project success quantifiable. There are result-oriented, process-oriented and resource-oriented success measures. The study also links result measurements to enablers that portray the key processes. The success measures can be classified into success domains determining the areas on which success is assessed. Empiricalevidence is gained on six success domains: strategy, project implementation, product, stakeholder relationships, learning situation and company functions. However, some project goals, like safety, can be assessed using success measures that belong to two success domains. For example a safety index is used for assessing occupational safety during a project, which is related to project implementation. Product safety requirements, in turn, are connected to the product characteristics and thus to the product-related success domain. Strategic success measures can be used to weave the project phases together. Empirical evidence on their static nature is gained. In order-oriented projects the project phases are oftencontractually divided into different suppliers or contractors. A project from the supplier's perspective can represent only a part of the ¿whole project¿ viewed from the client's perspective. Therefore static success measures are mostly used within the contractually agreed project scope and duration. Proof is also acquired on the dynamic use of operational success measures. They help to focus on the key issues during each project phase. Furthermore, it is shown that the original success domains and success measures, their weights and target values can change dynamically. New success measures can replace the old ones to correspond better with the emphasis of the particular project phase. This adjustment concentrates on the key decision milestones. As a conclusion, the study suggests a combination of static and dynamic success measures. Their linkage to an incentive system can make the project management proactive, enable fast feedback and enhancethe motivation of the personnel. It is argued that the sequence of effective decisions is closely linked to the dynamic control of project success. According to the used definition, effective decisions aim at adequate decision quality and decision implementation. The findings support that project managers construct and use a chain of key decision milestones to evaluate and affect success during aproject. These milestones can be seen as a part of the business processes. Different managers prioritise the key decision milestones to a varying degree. Divergent managerial perspectives, power, responsibilities and involvement during a project offer some explanation for this. Finally, the study introduces the use ofHard Gate and Soft Gate decision milestones. The managers may use the former milestones to provide decision support on result measurements and ad hoc critical conditions. In the latter milestones they may make intermediate success evaluation also on the basis of other types of success measures, like process and resource measures.
The evaluation of investments in advanced technology is one of the most important decision making tasks. The importance is even more pronounced considering the huge budget concerning the strategic, economic and analytic justification in order to shorten design and development time. Choosing the most appropriate technology requires an accurate and reliable system that can lead the decision makers to obtain such a complicated task. Currently, several Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) manufacturers that design global products are seeking local firms to act as their sales and services representatives (called distributors) to the end user. At the same time, the end user or customer is also searching for the best possible deal for their investment in ICT's projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to present a holistic decision support system to assist the decision maker in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - working either as individual decision makers or in a group - in the evaluation of the investment to become an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user. The model is composed of the Delphi/MAH (Maximising Agreement Heuristic) Analysis, a well-known quantitative method in Group Support System (GSS), which is applied to gather the average ranking data from amongst Decision Makers (DMs). After that the Analytic Network Process (ANP) analysis is brought in to analyse holistically: it performs quantitative and qualitative analysis simultaneously. The illustrative data are obtained from industrial entrepreneurs by using the Group Support System (GSS) laboratory facilities at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and in Thailand. The result of the research, which is currently implemented in Thailand, can provide benefits to the industry in the evaluation of becoming an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user, particularly in the assessment of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programme. After the model is put to test with an in-depth collaboration with industrial entrepreneurs in Finland and Thailand, the sensitivity analysis is also performed to validate the robustness of the model. The contribution of this research is in developing a new approach and the Delphi/MAH software to obtain an analysis of the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user that is flexible and applicable to entrepreneurs, who are looking for the most appropriate investment to become an ERP distributor or end user. The main advantage of this research over others is that the model can deliver the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user in a single number which makes it easier for DMs to choose the most appropriate ERP vendor. The associated advantage is that the model can include qualitative data as well as quantitative data, as the results from using quantitative data alone can be misleading and inadequate. There is a need to utilise quantitative and qualitative analysis together, as can be seen from the case studies.
Turvatekniikan keskuksella (TUKES) on valvottavanaan noin 1 000 teollisuuslaitosta, joissa on räjähdysvaarallisia tiloja. Olosuhdedirektiivin (1999/92/EY) mukainen kansal-linen asetus (VNa 576/2003) tuli voimaan 1.9.2003. Asetus koskee uusia räjähdysvaa-rallisia tiloja välittömästi, kun taas käytössä olevat tilat on saatettava sen mukaisiksi 30.6.2006 mennessä. Asetus edellyttää, että työnantaja laatii räjähdysvaarallisille tiloille räjähdyssuojausasiakirjan ja arvioi kirjallisesti näissä tiloissa käytettävien, ilman Ex-merkkiä olevien työvälineiden riskin. Räjähdyssuojausasiakirjan ja kirjallisena tehdyn riskin arvioinnin eräs keskeinen tarkoitus on varmistaa mahdollisten syttymislähteiden laaja-alainen hallinta ja pienentää onnettomuusriskiä. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään, mitä riskin arvioinnin täytyy sisältää ja etsitään tehokas menetelmä arvioinnin tekoon. Kolmelta yritykseltä saatiin tutkittavaksi niiden alalle tyypillinen muu kuin sähkölaite, jota käytetään räjähdysvaarallisessa tilassa. Laitteiden tuli olla Ex-merkittömiä ja olla ollut käytössä ennen asetuksen voimaan tuloa. Laitteiden ja niiden dokumenttien tutkimisella testattiin eri menetelmien soveltuvuutta riskin arviointiin. Samalla selvitettiin jo käytössä olevien laitteiden turvallisuustaso. Jokaisen pilottitapauksen kohdalla on arvioinnissa menetelty eri tavoin. Työssä esitellään keskeisimmät menetelmät, joilla riskin arviointi voidaan tehdä. Suosi-tuksena esitellään ratkaisumalli, jonka avulla voidaan päätellä laitteen tarvitsema riskinarviointimenetelmä. Pilottitapauksia arvioitiin laitteiden sijoituksen ja lukumäärän pohjalta. Suosituksena on, että riskin arvioinnissa lähdetään liikkeelle itse laitteesta ja sen soveltuvuudesta räjähdysvaaralliseen tilaan. Tällä tavalla pystytään kohdistamaan käytössä olevat resurssit paremmin niihin laitteisiin, jotka vaativat tarkemman riskin arvioinnin. Pilottitapausten perusteella räjähdysvaaralliseen tilaan tarkoitetut laitteet soveltuivat käytettäväksi tarkoitetussa käytössään. Räjähdyssuojausasiakirjaa varten on dokumentoitava tiedot niiden käytöstä, mahdollisista syttymislähteistä ja suojaavista toimenpiteistä.
Tuotekehitys ja uusien tuotteiden lanseeraus on teollisen yrityksen menestyksekkään liiketoiminnan elinehtoja tämän päivän kilpailussa. Teollisuusyrityksen tuotteiden innovaatioaikakausia on ollut lukuisia, samoin kuin uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen lähtökohtia. Aikakausista, jolloin tuotteita kehitettiin yrityksen omista lähtökohdista, kuten valmistuksellisista eduista, on edetty tilanteeseen, jossa markkinoiden tarpeita tulee ottaa yhä enemmän huomioon. Kuitenkin, teollisuudessa esitellään tuotteita yhä puhtaasti tuotantolähtöisesti, ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää taloudellisia riskejä, joita liittyy puhtaasti teknologiavetoiseen tuotteiden kehitystyöhön, valmistukseen ja lanseeraukseen. Normatiivisena tutkimuksena työ pyrkii asiakastarpeita ja teollisuusyrityksen loppuasiakkaiden näkökulmia huomioon ottaen osoittamaan markkinoinnin keinojen merkityksen tuotantolähtöisen tuotelanseerauksen taloudellisten riskien minimoimiseksi. Uuden teollisen tuotteen asiakastarpeita on selvitetty kyselymuotoisen markkinointitutkimuksen menetelmiä hyväksikäyttäen. Tuotteen tärkeimpien ominaisuuksien, kuten turvallisuuden, kestävyyden ja hinnan merkitystä voidaan hyödyntää ennen tuotteen kaupallista esittelyä potentiaalisten asiakassegmenttien kartoitukseen ja menestyksellisen lanseerauksen edesauttamiseksi.
Job satisfaction has been a frequently studied concept in organizational behavior. Past research has shown that trust in top management is an important factor influencing job satisfaction. To date, little attention has been paid to safety climate perceptions as a possible predictor of job satisfaction. In our study we investigated the direct and interactive effects of trust in top management and individual-level perceptions of safety climate in predicting job satisfaction. The findings of this study point to the importance of positive perceptions of safety climate on employees' job satisfaction when trust in top management is low.
Being highly discussed the problem of climate change and global warming has been keeping importance for several of decades. As a response to the world’s need in solution for climate change disasters, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992 and supplemented with the Kyoto protocol in 1997. This work is aimed to give better understanding of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol with its mechanisms and their function, related to energy projects in such case countries, as Russia and China, in order to assist evaluation of projects cost-effectiveness. It provides basic information about the Convention and the Protocol with their regulations, overview of present situation and future post-Kyoto forecasts, while the most attention is concentrated on the clean development mechanism and joint implementation step-by-step project cycles and specific regulations in given countries. The current study disclosed that CDM and JI project cycles are resulting in a complicated process. By the moment it requires step-by-step following of a number of methodologies, spending time and finance to particular project development. Uncertainties about post-Kyoto period bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any business decision concerning Kyoto Protocol.
This paper asks whether collective industrial relations can be promoted by means other than seeking change in public policy. Recent research points to the increasing significance of transnational private regulation (TPR) in developing economies. There is an emerging consensus that market incentives to improve wages and conditions of work can have a modest positive effect on measurable outcomes like hours of work, and health and safety. However, it appears that TPR has little impact on the capacity of workers to pursue such improvements for themselves via collective action. The paper takes a closer look at the potential of TPR to enhance worker voice and participation. It argues that this potential cannot be properly evaluated without understanding how local actors mobilise the social and political resources that TPR provides. The case studies presented show how different TPR schemes have been used by unions in Africa as a means to pursue the interests of members. The authors found that the scale of the impact of TPR in all of the contexts studied depended almost entirely on the existing capacities and resources of the unions involved. TPR led to the creation of collective industrial relations processes, or helped unions to ensure that certain enterprises participated in existing industrial relations processes, but did virtually nothing to enhance the political and organisational capacity of the unions to influence the outcomes of those processes in terms of wages and conditions of employment. The paper concludes that the potential of TPR to promote the emergence of collective industrial relations systems is very low.