664 resultados para Hey, Valerie


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Há tempo, as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos diretores de escola da rede pública estadual de São Paulo constituem motivo de inquietação e impotência, pois estes têm seu trabalho engessado pela rotina burocrático-administrativa, a qual dificulta o desempenho das atividades pedagógicas. Este trabalho centra-se no estudo das possibilidades e limites no desenvolvimento da função pedagógica do Diretor de Escola, aliás, Gerente ou Educador? Nesta pesquisa utiliza-se dos documentos da Unidade Escolar, desde sua fundação em 1985 até 2007, para se entender o desenvolvimento da função de diretor de escola, neste duplo aspecto burocráticoadministrativo e pedagógico. Desta forma, foram abordadas as seguintes questões: quais são as solicitações e exigências da Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo (SEE-SP) e dos órgãos a ela subordinados em relação às atividades desenvolvidas cotidianamente pelo diretor de escola? Quais as incumbências objetivas que o diretor de escola tem que responder para a SEE-SP? A partir disso, quais são as possibilidades e os limites do diretor para desenvolver a função pedagógica no ambiente escolar? A hipótese aventada é que, o diretor de escola não consegue centrar-se no desenvolvimento das atividades pedagógicas em face do atendimento às exigências burocrático-administrativas da SEE-SP e dos órgãos a ela subordinados, os quais condicionam sua atividade profissional. Pretende-se com este estudo contribuir para o debate acerca da prática da gestão escolar e da reflexão da função e do papel do diretor de escola no processo de transformação econômico-político-social. A apresentação desta pesquisa está estruturada em três capítulos. As considerações finais apontam que o diretor de escola, devido ao grande número de solicitações e exigências de tarefas burocrático-administrativas, emanadas do poder central e de seus órgãos subordinados, vê comprometido o desempenho das funções pedagógicas.(AU)


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Este estudo tem como propósito pesquisar o diretor de escola pública, refletindo sobre a sua prática cotidiana, suas perspectivas e realizações, visando atender a tantas e tão diferentes tarefas que lhe são impostas. Para tanto, fizemos uma investigação teórico-bibliografica sobre a gestão da escola pública, sua finalidade social, autonomia e a busca pela qualidade do ensino oferecido, além de uma análise dos concursos e formas de provimento do referido cargo e analisamos também a oferta de atualização profissional que foi oferecida pela SEE à equipe gestora das escolas públicas estaduais, através do curso de formação continuada Progestão. Na parte prática desta, realizamos uma roda de conversa - uma nova metodologia de pesquisa - com quatro diretores concursados e que atuam frente às escolas públicas estaduais de São Paulo e do Grande ABC e ouvimos deles depoimentos autênticos que retratam suas práticas diárias, tensões, dificuldades e realizações no desempenho de sua função, o que contribuiu em muito para a pesquisa aqui proposta. Apontamos ainda, como uma possível saída para essa situação, a gestão escolar na perspectiva multirreferencial e finalizando este estudo apresentamos as conclusões da pesquisa.(AU)


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The CONNECT European project that started in February 2009 aims at dropping the interoperability barrier faced by today’s distributed systems. It does so by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on the fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate.


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The aim of this project was to synthesise fluorinated polymers that might act as hot material in a guest-host system for use in non-linear optical applications. These polymers would be expected to have the advantage over materials such as poly(vinylidene fluoride) which is known to be incompatible with many nlo active materials. A series of bicyclic fluorinated monomers was prepared by the reaction of fluorinated dienophiles with cyclopentadiene in a series of Diels-Alder reactions. The monomers were purified and then used in ring opening metathesis polymerisation. The materials were then characterised by gel permeation chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and cast as films for determination of their activities as nlo materials using a Nd/YAG laser system. The second harmonic intensity of each was measured relative to quartz. However no materials of significant activity were produced. In an attempt to produce polymers that might subsequently be functionalised the polymerisation of 1,2-methylenedioxybenzene and 1,4-benzodioxane was investigated.


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Tear component deposition onto contact lenses is termed `spoilation' and occurs due to the interaction of synthetic polymers with their biological fluid environment. Spoilation phenomena alter the physico-chemical properties of hydrophilic contact lenses, diminishing the optical properties of the lens; causing discomfort and complications for the wearer. Eventually these alterations render the lens unwearable. The primary aim of this interdisciplinary study was to develop analytical techniques capable of analysing the minute quantities of biological deposition involved, in particular the lipid fraction. Prior to this work such techniques were unavailable for single contact lenses. It is envisaged that these investigations will further the understanding of this biological interfacial conversion. Two main analytical techniques were developed: a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and fluorescence spectrofluorimetry. The HPLC method allows analysis of a single contact lens and provided previously unavailable valuable information about variations in the lipid profiles of deposited contact lenses and patient tear films. Fluorescence spectrophotofluorimetry is a sensitive non-destructive technique for observing changes in the fluorescence intensity of biological components on contact lenses. The progression and deposition of tear materials can be monitored and assessed for both in vivo and in vitro spoiled lenses using this technique. An improved in vitro model which is comparable to tears and chemically mimics ocular spoilation was also developed. This model allows the controlled study of extrinsic factors and hydrogel compositions. These studies show that unsaturated tear lipids, probably unsaturated fatty acids, are involved in the interfacial conversion of hydrogel lenses, rendering them incompatible with the ocular microenvironment. Lipid interaction with the lens surface then facilitates secondary deposition of other tear components. Interaction, exchange and immobilisation (by polymerisation) of the lipid layer appears to occur before the final and rapid growth of more complex, insoluble discrete deposits, sometimes called `white spots'.


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Predictive models of peptide-Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) binding affinity are important components of modern computational immunovaccinology. Here, we describe the development and deployment of a reliable peptide-binding prediction method for a previously poorly-characterized human MHC class I allele, HLA-Cw*0102.


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Osteo-odonto-keratoprostheses (OOKP) is a unique form of keratoprosthesis involving surgical removal of a tooth root and surrounding bone from the patient which are then used to construct an osteo-odonto lamina into which an optical cylinder is cemented. The OOKP procedure is successful and capable of withstanding the very hostile ocular environments found in severe Stevens–Johnson syndrome, pemphigoid, chemical burns, trachoma and multiple corneal graft failure. The existing procedure is complex and time consuming in terms of operative time, and additionally involves sacrifice of the oral structures. This paper discusses the rational search for a “synthetic” analogue of the dental lamina, capable of mimicking those features of the natural system that are responsible for the success of OOKP. In this study the degradation of selected commercial and natural bioceramics was tested in vitro using a purpose-designed resorption assay. Degradation rate was compared with tooth and bone, which are currently used in OOKP lamina. At normal physiological pH the degradation of bioceramics was equivalent to tooth and bone; however, at pH 6.5–5.0, associated with infectious and inflamed tissues, the bioceramics degrade more rapidly. At lower pH the degradation rate decreased in the following order: calcium carbonate corals > biphasic calcium phosphates > hydroxyapatite. Porosity did not significantly influence these degradation rates. Such degradation is likely to compromise the stability and viability of the synthetic OOKP. Consequently more chemically stable materials are required that are optimized for the surrounding ocular environment.


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Bayesian decision theory is increasingly applied to support decision-making processes under environmental variability and uncertainty. Researchers from application areas like psychology and biomedicine have applied these techniques successfully. However, in the area of software engineering and speci?cally in the area of self-adaptive systems (SASs), little progress has been made in the application of Bayesian decision theory. We believe that techniques based on Bayesian Networks (BNs) are useful for systems that dynamically adapt themselves at runtime to a changing environment, which is usually uncertain. In this paper, we discuss the case for the use of BNs, speci?cally Dynamic Decision Networks (DDNs), to support the decision-making of self-adaptive systems. We present how such a probabilistic model can be used to support the decision making in SASs and justify its applicability. We have applied our DDN-based approach to the case of an adaptive remote data mirroring system. We discuss results, implications and potential bene?ts of the DDN to enhance the development and operation of self-adaptive systems, by providing mechanisms to cope with uncertainty and automatically make the best decision.


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Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) 75:25% mol, P(LL-co-CL), was synthesized via bulk ring-opening polymerisation (ROP) using a novel tin(II)alkoxide initiator, [Sn(Oct)]2DEG, at 130oC for 48 hrs. The effectiveness of this initiator was compared withthe well-known conventional tin(II) octoateinitiator, Sn(Oct)2. The P(LL-co-CL) copolymersobtained were characterized using a combination of analytical technique including: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The P(LL-co-CL) was melt-spun into monofilament fibres of uniform diameter and smooth surface appearance. Modification of the matrix morphology was then built into the as-spun fibresvia a series of controlled off-line annealing and hot-drawing steps. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The solid acid supported aluminium chloride is an effective cationic initiator for the polymerisation of hydrocarbons. Reactions are highly dependent on the nature of the active sites and the Lewis/Bronsted acid balance in particular.


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The ability to define and manipulate the interaction of peptides with MHC molecules has immense immunological utility, with applications in epitope identification, vaccine design, and immunomodulation. However, the methods currently available for prediction of peptide-MHC binding are far from ideal. We recently described the application of a bioinformatic prediction method based on quantitative structure-affinity relationship methods to peptide-MHC binding. In this study we demonstrate the predictivity and utility of this approach. We determined the binding affinities of a set of 90 nonamer peptides for the MHC class I allele HLA-A*0201 using an in-house, FACS-based, MHC stabilization assay, and from these data we derived an additive quantitative structure-affinity relationship model for peptide interaction with the HLA-A*0201 molecule. Using this model we then designed a series of high affinity HLA-A2-binding peptides. Experimental analysis revealed that all these peptides showed high binding affinities to the HLA-A*0201 molecule, significantly higher than the highest previously recorded. In addition, by the use of systematic substitution at principal anchor positions 2 and 9, we showed that high binding peptides are tolerant to a wide range of nonpreferred amino acids. Our results support a model in which the affinity of peptide binding to MHC is determined by the interactions of amino acids at multiple positions with the MHC molecule and may be enhanced by enthalpic cooperativity between these component interactions.