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In knowledge-intensive economy an effective knowledge transfer is a part of the firm’s strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. Knowledge transfer related to a variety of mechanisms depends on the nature of knowledge and context. The topic is, however, very little empirical studied and there is a research gap in scientific literature. This study examined and analyzed external knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business and especially in the context of acquisitions. The aim was to find out what kind of mechanisms was used when the buyer began to transfer data e.g. their own agendas and practices to the purchased units. Another major research goal was to identify the critical factors which contributed to knowledge transfer through different mechanisms. The study was conducted as a multiple-case study in a consultative service business company, in its four business units acquired by acquisition, in various parts of the country. The empirical part of the study was carried out as focus group interviews in each unit, and the data were analyzed using qualitative methods. The main findings of this study were firstly the nine different knowledge transfer mechanisms in service business acquisition: acquisition management team as an initiator, unit manager as a translator, formal training, self-directed learning, rooming-in, IT systems implementation, customer relationship management, codified database and ecommunication. The used mechanisms brought up several aspects as giving the face to changing, security of receiving right knowledge and correctly interpreted we-ness atmosphere, and orientation to use more consultative touch with customers. The study pointed out seven critical factors contributed to different mechanisms: absorption, motivation, organizational learning, social interaction, trust, interpretation and time resource. The two last mentioned were new findings compared to previous studies. Each of the mechanisms and the related critical factors contributed in different ways to the activity in different units after the acquisition. The role of knowledge management strategy was the most significant managerial contribution of the study. Phenomenon is not recognized enough although it is strongly linked in knowledge based companies. The recognition would help to develop a better understanding of the business through acquisitions, especially in situations such as where two different knowledge strategies combines in new common company.
Estudou-se um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Submontana, localizado no município de Viçosa (20º35' a 28º50'S e 42º45' a 43º00'W), no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os dados apresentados resultam de uma amostragem fitossociológica realizada em uma área de 1 hectare quadrado. Foram relacionados todos os indivíduos arbóreos que apresentavam circunferência de tronco à altura do peito maior ou igual a 15 cm, o que resultou em121 espécies, compreendendo 89 gêneros, distribuídos em 39 famílias. Considerando os gêneros, as famílias mais bem representadas foram Leguminosae (16), Rubiaceae (6) e Euphorbiaceae e Myrtaceae, com cinco cada uma. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram Leguminosae (20), Lauraceae (10), Rubiaceae (9) e Flacourtiaceae (8). Dentre os gêneros encontrados, destacaram-se Ocotea e Casearia, com sete e cinco espécies, respectivamente. Entre os vários fragmentos analisados na região, o trecho de floresta estudado apresentou-se como o mais rico em espécies, considerando o mesmo critério de amostragem.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia millainen yhteys tiimin jäsenten kokemalla yhteenkuuluvuudella on heidän tehtävämotivaatioonsa. Tutkimus on toteutettu tapaustutkimuksena ja tutkimuskohteena tutkielmassa oli erään suomalaisen yliopiston kansainvälinen tutkijaryhmä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus kerättiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimustavalla, haastattelemalla tutkijaryhmän kuutta jäsentä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen analyysi toteutettiin teemoittelun avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella yhteenkuuluvuuden yhteys tehtävämotivaation oli melko heikko. Yhteyden heikkoutta voidaan selittää tutkijoiden vahvalla sisäisellä motivaatiolla. Yhteys, mikä yhteenkuuluvuuden ja tehtävämotivaation välillä havaittiin, rakentui yhteistyön ja yhdessä toimimisen kautta eli tilanteissa, joissa tiimin jäsenet tarvitsivat toistensa apua suoriutuakseen tietyistä työtehtävistä.
Leadership is essential for the effectiveness of the teams and organizations they are part of. The challenges facing organizations today require an exhaustive review of the strategic role of leadership. In this context, it is necessary to explore new types of leadership capable of providing an effective response to new needs. The presentday situations, characterized by complexity and ambiguity, make it difficult for an external leader to perform all leadership functions successfully. Likewise, knowledge-based work requires providing professional groups with sufficient autonomy to perform leadership functions. This study focuses on shared leadership in the team context. Shared leadership is seen as an emergent team property resulting from the distribution of leadership influence across multiple team members. Shared leadership entails sharing power and influence broadly among the team members rather than centralizing it in the hands of a single individual who acts in the clear role of a leader. By identifying the team itself as a key source of influence, this study points to the relational nature of leadership as a social construct where leadership is seen as social process of relating processes that are co-constructed by several team members. Based on recent theoretical developments concerned with relational, practice-based and constructionist approaches to the study of leadership processes, this thesis proposes the study of leadership interactions, working processes and practices to focus on the construction of direction, alignment and commitment. During the research process, critical events, activities, working processes and practices of a case team have been examined and analyzed with the grounded theory –approach in the terms of shared leadership. There are a variety of components to this complex process and a multitude of factors that may influence the development of shared leadership. The study suggests that the development process of shared leadership is a common sense -making process and consists of four overlapping dimensions (individual, social, structural, and developmental) to work with as a team. For shared leadership to emerge, the members of the team must offer leadership services, and the team as a whole must be willing to rely on leadership by multiple team members. For these individual and collective behaviors to occur, the team members must believe that offering influence to and accepting it from fellow team members are welcome and constructive actions. Leadership emerges when people with differing world views use dialogue and collaborative learning to create spaces where a shared common purpose can be achieved while a diversity of perspectives is preserved and valued. This study also suggests that this process can be supported by different kinds of meaning-making and process tools. Leadership, then, does not reside in a person or in a role, but in the social system. The built framework integrates the different dimensions of shared leadership and describes their relationships. This way, the findings of this study can be seen as a contribution to the understanding of what constitutes essential aspects of shared leadership in the team context that can be of theoretical value in terms of advancing the adoption and development process of shared leadership. In the real world, teams and organizations can create conditions to foster and facilitate the process. We should encourage leaders and team members to approach leadership as a collective effort that the team can be prepared for, so that the response is rapid and efficient.
As fraturas da face em crianças são infreqüentes e a melhor forma de tratamento ainda é a prevenção. Com isso nosso estudo busca caracterizar epidemiologicamente as fraturas de face em crianças enfatizando os sítios principais. Analisamos 126 fraturas de face em 98 crianças atendidas no HC-FMUSP, entre janeiro de 1990 e julho de 1996. A causa mais freqüente foi a queda de alturas e o osso da face mais acometido foi a mandíbula (29%), seguida do osso nasal (24%). Das fraturas da mandíbula, o corpo foi a região mais envolvida (31%), seguido do côndilo (27%). Traumas associados estiveram presentes em 24% dos casos, sendo traumatismo crânio-encefálico o mais freqüente. Os acidentes domésticos são as principais causas de fraturas de face em crianças, portanto, medidas preventivs simples podem ser adotadas objetivando diminuir o número desses acidentes.
As mordeduras representam uma lesão comum geralmente vista nas emergências dos hospitais, correspondendo a cerca de 1% dos atendimentos. Os autores conduziram um estudo para avaliar a conduta de fechamento primário das mordeduras na face dos pacientes atendidos na emergência do Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital Regional da Asa Norte (HRAN, Brasília-DF) de janeiro a dezembro de 1999. O estudo compreendeu 42 pacientes, com média de idade de 17 anos (variação de um a 50 anos) e 29 (69,0%) dos pacientes eram homens. As mordeduras caninas foram as mais freqüentes (71,4%), seguidas pelas mordeduras humanas (26,2%). O tempo médio entre a agressão e o atendimento no Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do HRAN foi de 16 horas. A orelha foi o sítio principal (40,0%), seguido pelo lábio. O tratamento utilizado foi a sutura direta em 28 (66,7%) pacientes, retalhos locais em 12 (28,6%) pacientes e enxerto em dois casos. Não houve infecção nos casos estudados. Os achados sugerem que o fechamento imediato das lesões na face é seguro, até em casos após várias horas da lesão.
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate if participation in business simulation gaming sessions can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. Particularly, the focus is to describe the development of leadership styles when leading virtual teams in computer-supported collaborative game settings and to identify the outcomes of using computer simulation games as leadership training tools. To answer to the objectives of the study, three empirical experiments were conducted to explore if participation in business simulation gaming sessions (Study I and II), which integrate face-to-face and virtual communication (Study III and IV), can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. In the first experiment, a group of multicultural graduate business students (N=41) participated in gaming sessions with a computerized business simulation game (Study III). In the second experiment, a group of graduate students (N=9) participated in the training with a ‘real estate’ computer game (Study I and II). In the third experiment, a business simulation gaming session was organized for graduate students group (N=26) and the participants played the simulation game in virtual teams, which were organizationally and geographically dispersed but connected via technology (Study IV). Each team in all experiments had three to four students and students were between 22 and 25 years old. The business computer games used for the empirical experiments presented an enormous number of complex operations in which a team leader needed to make the final decisions involved in leading the team to win the game. These gaming environments were interactive;; participants interacted by solving the given tasks in the game. Thus, strategy and appropriate leadership were needed to be successful. The training was competition-based and required implementation of leadership skills. The data of these studies consist of observations, participants’ reflective essays written after the gaming sessions, pre- and post-tests questionnaires and participants’ answers to open- ended questions. Participants’ interactions and collaboration were observed when they played the computer games. The transcripts of notes from observations and students dialogs were coded in terms of transactional, transformational, heroic and post-heroic leadership styles. For the data analysis of the transcribed notes from observations, content analysis and discourse analysis was implemented. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was also utilized in the study to measure transformational and transactional leadership styles;; in addition, quantitative (one-way repeated measures ANOVA) and qualitative data analyses have been performed. The results of this study indicate that in the business simulation gaming environment, certain leadership characteristics emerged spontaneously. Experiences about leadership varied between the teams and were dependent on the role individual students had in their team. These four studies showed that simulation gaming environment has the potential to be used in higher education to exercise the leadership styles relevant in real-world work contexts. Further, the study indicated that given debriefing sessions, the simulation game context has much potential to benefit learning. The participants who showed interest in leadership roles were given the opportunity of developing leadership skills in practice. The study also provides evidence of unpredictable situations that participants can experience and learn from during the gaming sessions. The study illustrates the complex nature of experiences from the gaming environments and the need for the team leader and role divisions during the gaming sessions. It could be concluded that the experience of simulation game training illustrated the complexity of real life situations and provided participants with the challenges of virtual leadership experiences and the difficulties of using leadership styles in practice. As a result, the study offers playing computer simulation games in small teams as one way to exercise leadership styles in practice.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as indicações cirúrgicas e o seguimento pós operatório, ressaltando as complicações e efetividade da abordagem multidisciplinar, para os tumores avançados da base do crânio. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva de 46 prontuários de pacientes submetidos à ressecção de tumores invadindo a fossa craniana anterior e reconstruídos com retalhos microcirúrgicos, operados entre março de 1990 e julho de 2002. Todos os pacientes foram operados pelo núcleo de cirurgia de base do crânio do INCA. RESULTADOS: As estruturas mais envolvidas na ressecção foram por ordem: a órbita (76,5%), seio maxilar (76,5%), seio esfenoidal (63,8%), paredes da cavidade nasal (59,5%) e palato (42,5%). A dura-máter estava acometida em 32,6% dos casos. A reconstrução microcirúrgica utilizando os retalhos do músculo reto abdominal foi empregada em 93,5 % dos casos. A taxa de sucesso dos transplantes livres foi de 97,8%. As complicações ocorreram em 58,6% dos pacientes e as mais freqüentes foram: infecções locais (21,7%), fístulas liquóricas (15,2%), meningite (6,5%) e hematoma (6,5%). CONCLUSÕES: A reconstrução com técnica microcirúrgica permite que se realizem ressecções alargadas destes tumores com limites seguros e índices de complicações aceitáveis, permitindo a estes pacientes uma melhoria da qualidade de vida e da sobrevida, com baixo índice de recidiva.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os dados epidemiológicos e a localização dos traumas de face de pacientes atendidos no Hospital Regional da Asa Norte (HRAN), Brasília, Distrito Federal. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, realizado no pronto socorro do HRAN-DF, visando avaliar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos pela equipe da Unidade de Cirurgia Plástica vítimas de trauma de face no período de 1 de janeiro a 31 dezembro de 2004. RESULTADOS: O estudo compreendeu 711 pacientes, destacando-se o sexo masculino (72,8%). Quanto à causa, predominou a agressão física, seguida por acidente com veículos/motos. As quedas foram a causa predominante das lesões em crianças, mas verificou-se a participação cada vez maior da agressão física como mecanismo de trauma facial com o aumento da idade. A relação de homem:mulher foi de 3:1. A faixa etária mais atingida foi de 21 a 30 anos, representando 35,3% dos pacientes. As fraturas foram encontradas em 24,9% das lesões faciais. O nariz foi o local mais acometido nas fraturas de face (76,8%). CONCLUSÃO: A violência interpessoal foi a principal causa de trauma de face. A queda da própria altura mostrou-se como importante mecanismo de trauma nos extremos de idade.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos morfológicos do comportamento de prótese de dupla face aplicada em inguinoplastia laparotômica em cães, com fixação intraperitoneal com a face de látex voltada às vísceras. MÉTODOS: Vinte cães distribuídos em dois grupos (n=10) foram submetidos à laparotomia infraumbilical com fixação da prótese de dupla face em uma região inguinal e de uma prótese controle de polipropileno contralateral. Foram pesquisados no 14° e 28° dia de pós-operatório achados macroscópicos referentes à obstrução e fístula intestinais, encistamento, incorporação e aderências. A análise microscópica envolveu o processo inflamatório e reparador. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram processos infecciosos, obstrução ou fístula intestinal. As próteses apresentaram boa acomodação e incorporação. As aderências ocorreram em maior prevalência e intensidade com a prótese de polipropileno (p<0,05). As aderências com a borda da prótese de dupla face ocorreram em 65% na média dos grupos, sendo que, destas, 35% em média a aderência se fazia com o disco de polipropileno na face parietal. A análise dos achados microscópicos não mostrou diferença estatística entre as próteses (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A prótese de dupla face na sua face parietal soma as vantagens do potencial de incorporação aos tecidos observados com o polipropileno às de biocompatibilidade do látex na sua face visceral. A pequena distância entre o disco de polipropileno e a borda da prótese de dupla face (2 cm) aliada à sua fixação com apenas cinco grampos é insuficiente para evitar que o epíploon migre em direção ao processo inflamatório desencadeado pelo polipropileno na face parietal.
As variações nos parâmetros hematológicos são utilizadas com intuito de avaliar o grau de treinamento ou estado clínico do animal. A avaliação hematológica de eqüinos em repouso tem sido objeto de estudo, a fim de estabelecer uma relação com treinamento ou capacidade atlética. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil hematológico de eqüinos submetidos à prova de Team Penning, correlacionando o sexo e freqüência da atividade física. Mediante punção da veia jugular externa coletaram-se dois mL de sangue de 29 eqüinos, 18 machos e 11 fêmeas, em repouso (Momento I) e após o exercício (Momento II). As amostras de sangue foram processadas em analisador hematológico automático veterinário (ABC VET - Horiba ABX Diagnostics). Os animais foram divididos em Grupos A, B, C e D, de acordo com o número de participações na prova. Observou-se que os valores de volume globular, hemoglobina, hemácias, leucócitos, neutrófilos em bastonetes e segmentados, e monócitos aumentaram após o exercício físico, ao contrário do número de linfócitos e eosinófilos, que reduziram. Não existiram diferenças significativas (p<0,05) entre machos e fêmeas ao confrontar as relações antes/depois. Além disso, evidenciou-se que o valor da relação MI/MII para volume globular, hemoglobina e número de hemácias variou de acordo com a freqüência do exercício. Conclui-se que a prova de Team Peninng ocasiona alterações hematológicas em eqüinos, com interferência da freqüência do exercício, independente do sexo.
A citologia conjuntival é um importante meio de diagnóstico de afecções da superfície ocular. Buscam-se técnicas que forneçam quantidade e qualidade celular, com uso de instrumentos que provoquem mínimo trauma e que diminuam as chances de danos iatrogênicos ao olho. Existem diversas técnicas de coleta de células, entre elas encontram-se: impressão, esfoliação e punção por agulha fina. Dentre os métodos utilizados para esfoliação, o uso da escova citológica fornece resultados superiores em vários parâmetros, incluindo a qualidade das células. Estudou-se a citologia conjuntival por esfoliação com escova citológica, utilizada para coleta de material da cérvix uterina, tendo como objetivos determinar se tal instrumento se adequaria à coleta de material da face palpebral da membrana nictitante e da conjuntiva palpebral de felinos sadios. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: facilidade de execução da técnica, possibilidade de ocorrência de danos iatrogênicos e quantidade e qualidade de células coletadas. Cinquenta gatos machos (58%) e fêmeas (42%), com ou sem raça definida, participaram do estudo. Apenas gatos isentos de alterações oculares no exame físico foram incluídos. A escova citológica se mostrou um instrumento de fácil utilização, que fornece células em quantidade satisfatória e com morfologia preservada. Comparada a conjuntiva palpebral, a face palpebral da membrana nictitante se mostrou um local mais adequado à realização da coleta de amostras citológicas, pela maior facilidade de execução da técnica e menor possibilidade de danos iatrogênicos. No que diz respeito à quantidade e qualidade celular, não houve diferença significativa entre os dois locais de coleta. Foi possível observar células provenientes das diferentes camadas do epitélio conjuntival com predomínio de células intermediárias e ausência de células caliciformes.
The main goal of this work is to study the influence of cutting conditions - cutting speed, feed velocity and feed per tooth - on tool life and surface finish of the workpiece in the face milling of flat surfaces. Aiming to achieve this goal, several milling experiments were carried out with different cutting speeds, feed velocities and feeds per tooth. In the first phase of the experiments, cutting speed was varied without varying feed velocity, which caused a variation in feed per tooth. In the second phase of the experiments, cutting speed and feed velocity were varied in such a way that feed per tooth was kept constant. Tool flank wear and surface roughness of the workpiece were measured as cutting time elapsed. The main conclusions of this work are that a) cutting speed has a strong influence on tool life, regardless of whether feed velocity or feed per tooth varies and b) an increase in surface roughness of the workpiece is not closely related to an increase in wear of the primary cutting edge.
This thesis strived to find out which informal learning (IL) mechanisms are used the most by the respondents. Additionally, the goal was to know more about the respondents as informal learners and what could explain possible differences. The target was to resolve whether informal learning explains differences in individual performance or, do some other explanations for success exist. Informal learning was to be made more visible, since many are unaware of it. Relevant IL mechanisms that the interviewees could explain were selected for this thesis. The theory on informal learning was presented and some additional informal learning mechanisms were included: Underlying learning theories, internal and external learning resources, as well as some sport related informal learning mechanisms. Various scholars have explained these terms. The final results of this thesis relate to business context, but sport is at the scope of my research. The target group consisted of nine individuals in team sports that were considered as high performers (good/successful). Hence, also the concept of high performance was clarified with competence, expertise and talent literature. The study is qualitative and face-to-face interviews were chosen. The data was analyzed with Grounded Theory principles and theory elaboration. This thesis pointed out similarities and differences between the respondents´ answers (good/successful, inexperienced/experienced). Thus, the analysis clarified that there are different attitudes to learning and different learner profiles in sports context. Also, it became clear that some informal learning mechanisms are more used than others. Secondly, based on the most crucial differences, Typology of Talentum was formulated based on Le Deist & Winteron´s (2005, 39) Typology of holistic competence. Some variables of informal learning seemed to constitute the Meta-competence of Typology that ultimately causes the differences in individual performance and success. The results can be transferred to business context because meta-competence is transferable by nature.