903 resultados para Epithelial Na Channel
Strategic partnerships have become a key to competitive advantage and success in a dynamic, global business environment. Partnering provides a strategic response to complex offerings that need multiple sources of technology and knowledge, allowing companies to offer a wider range of services and solutions to meet their customers needs. Companies that collaborate with strategic partners in sales channels may significantly grow their business and improve their prospects of winning major contracts. As a consequence, companies are increasingly transforming their go-to-market strategies and sales channel structures to align with the need to create added value to customers together with a business partner. The research objective of this case study is to review and assess the success of an established sales channel partnership in IT services industry and to find ways how to develop it towards a strategic collaboration. The research consists of two main parts. The first part reviews the literature, concluding with the identification of the critical success factors for partnering. The second part sets out for the case findings, focusing on how the success of the established sales channel partnership is perceived by key executives within the partner organizations, and further what actions are required to make the sales channel partnership and joint go-to-market more strategic.
PURPOSES: To determine the basic expression of ABC transporters in an epithelial ovarian cancer cell line, and to investigate whether low concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen inhibited the growth of this cell line in vitro. METHODS: TOV-21 G cells were exposed to different concentrations of acetaminophen (1.5 to 15 μg/mL) and ibuprofen (2.0 to 20 μg/mL) for 24 to 48 hours. The cellular growth was assessed using a cell viability assay. Cellular morphology was determined by fluorescence microscopy. The gene expression profile of ABC transporters was determined by assessing a panel including 42 genes of the ABC transporter superfamily. RESULTS: We observed a significant decrease in TOV-21 G cell growth after exposure to 15 μg/mL of acetaminophen for 24 (p=0.02) and 48 hours (p=0.01), or to 20 μg/mL of ibuprofen for 48 hours (p=0.04). Assessing the morphology of TOV-21 G cells did not reveal evidence of extensive apoptosis. TOV-21 G cells had a reduced expression of the genes ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 within the ABC transporter superfamily. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides in vitro evidence of inhibitory effects of growth in therapeutic concentrations of acetaminophen and ibuprofen on TOV-21 G cells. Additionally, TOV-21 G cells presented a reduced expression of the ABCA1, ABCC3, ABCC4, ABCD3, ABCD4 and ABCE1 transporters.
Kalciumjonen reglerar flera processer i celler ssom transkribering av gener, celldelning, cellernas rrlighet och celldd. Drfr har cellerna utvecklat mnga mekanismer fr att reglera den intracellulra kalciumkoncentrationen. Kalciumkanaler spelar en viktig roll i denna regleringsprocess. TRPC-kanalerna (eng. canonical transient receptor potential) r en familj av jonkanaler med sju medlemmar (TRPC1-7) vars regleringsmekanismer och fysiologiska roller r varierande. TRPC2-kanalens fysiologiska signifikans, samt hur kanalen regleras, r dligt karakteriserad. Fr frsta gngen, rapporterar vi nrvaron av TRPC2 kanalen i rttans skldkrtelceller samt primra skldkrtelceller frn rtta. Hos gnagare har TRPC2 antagits vara exklusivt uttryckt i det vomeronasala organet. Fr att underska den fysiologiska betydelsen av kanalen, har vi utvecklat stabila celler med nedreglerat TRPC2 (shTRPC2) m.h.a. shRNA-teknik. Nedreglering av TRPC2 resulterade i stora skillnader i flera viktiga cellulra funktioner och i regleringen av skldkrtelcellernas cellsignalering. Nedreglering av TRPC2 orsakade minskad agonist-beroende frigivning av kalcium frn det endoplasmatiska ntverket, samt minskat agonist-beroende inflde av extracellulrt kalcium, men kade det basala kalciuminfldet. Uttrycket av PKCβ1 och PKCδ, SERCA-aktiviteten och kalciumhalten i det endoplasmatiska ntverket minskade i shTRPC2 celler. Kommunikation mellan kalcium- och cAMP-signalering pvisades vara TRPC2-beroende, vilket visades reglera uttrycket av TSH-receptorn. Vi underskte ocks betydelsen av TRPC2 kanalen i reglering av skldkrtelcellers proliferation, migration, vidhftning och invasion; processer som alla var dmpade i shTRPC2 celler. Samamnfattningsvis pvisade dessa resultat en ny och viktig fysiologisk betydelse fr TRPC2 kanalerna.
A VDAC a protena mais abundante na membrana mitocondrial externa. Exerce o controle da atividade desta organela atravs da regulao da troca de metablitos e tem funo crucial no mecanismo de apoptose. Em nosso caso, os estudos dos complexos proticos, das interaes entre a VDAC e outras protenas presentes no interior do neurnio que auxiliam na manuteno das funes das organelas e da clula, fazem parte da chamada interactmica. O presente estudo determinou o interactoma do complexo protico Hexoquinase-VDAC-ANT presente em crebros murino, bovino e aviar. Nosso objetivo foi identificar se as expresses diferenciadas da VDAC1 e VDAC2 verificadas nos crebros murino, aviar e bovino, esto associadas a diferenas nos interactomas dessas protenas. Este estudo revelou que as espcies aviar e bovina apresentaram o maior nmero de complexos proticos contendo VDACs (5) quando comparadas com os neurnios de rato (1), o que indicativo de uma cintica diferencial de montagem ou desmontagem do complexo. Alm disso, a VDAC mitocondrial neuronal aviar tambm interage com mais protenas em relao VDAC mitocondrial neuronal bovina, o que resultado de uma composio de subunidades diferenciada. Tais resultados indicam diferenas significativas quanto ao metabolismo energtico e apopttico no crebro aviar, bovino e murino, existindo interaes diferenciais da VDAC no crebro aviar.
The importance of after-sales service or service in general can be seen and experienced by customers every day with industrial as well as other non-industrial services or products. This dissertation, drawing on theory and experience, focuses on practical engineering implications, specifically the management of customer issues in the after-sales phase in the mobile phone arena. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to investigate customer after-sales issue management, specifically regarding mobile phones. The case studies focus on issue resolution time and the issue of corrective actions. This dissertation consists of a main body and four peer-reviewed journal articles and one manuscript currently under review by a peer-reviewed journal. The main body of this dissertation examines the elements of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention with respect to corrective actions to address customer issues and issue resolution time through literature and empirical studies. The five independent works are case studies supporting the thesis research questions. This study examines four questions: 1) What are the factors affecting corrective actions for customers? 2) How can customer issue resolution time be controlled? 3) What are the factors affecting processes in the service chain? and 4) How can communication be measured in a service chain? In this work, both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods are used. The main body of the thesis reviews the literature regarding the elements that bridge the five case studies. The case studies of the articles and surveys lean more toward the methodology of critical positivism and then apply the interpretive approach in interpreting the results. The case study articles employ various statistical methods to analyze and to interpret the empirical and survey data. The statistical methods were used to create a model that is useful for significantly optimizing issue resolution time. Moreover, it was found that samples for verifying issues provided by the customer neither improve the perceived quality of corrective actions nor the perceived quality of issue resolution time. The term service in this work is limited to the technical services that are provided by product manufacturers and after-sales authorized service vendors. On the basis of this research work, it has been observed that corrective actions and issue resolution time are associated with customer satisfaction and hence, according to induction theory, to customer loyalty and retention. This thesis utilizes knowledge of marketing and customer relationships to contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning information and communication technology for after-sales service recovery of mobile terminals. The established models in the thesis contribute to the existing knowledge of the after-sales process of dealing with customer issues in the field of mobile phones. The findings suggest that process managers could focus more on communication and training provided to the staff as new technology evolves rapidly. The study also suggest the managers formulate strategies for how customers can be kept informed on a regular basis of the status of issues that have been escalated for corrective action. The findings also lay the foundation for the comprehensive objective to control the entire product development process, starting with conceptualization. This implies that robust design should be applied to the new products so that problems affecting customer service quality are not repeated. The objective will be achieved when the entire service chain from product development to the final user can be modeled and this model can be used to support the organization at all levels.
The aim of this masters thesis was to make a qualitative marketing research and on the basis of this to develop a distribution plan for the case company Finnish 3M Ltd.s wound care products. The literature review includes three important parts: distribution channel planning, the buying behavior of seniors, and special characteristics of health care products marketing. The empirical part of this thesis comprises two different parts. The first part is a marketing research, in which the buying behavior of wound care products is studied in Espoo. The research aim was to examine, in which distribution channels the wound care patients under home care would most preferably buy wound care products during the time period, when municipalities will not yet provide the products for free. The data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews and regular interviews, and was treated qualitatively and anonymously. The study revealed that the recommendations of nurses and doctors influenced most the buying behavior of wound care customers. In the second part of the thesis a distribution channel plan for wound care products was made for the case company 3M Finland Ltd. based on the results. 3M Finland Ltd. should focus on pharmacies, online-stores and municipal health centers as their main distributors.
The vasorelaxant effects of SR 47063 (4-(2-cyanimino-1,2-dihydropyrid-1-yl)-2,2-dimethyl-6-nitrochromene), a new K+-channel opener structurally related to levcromakalim, were examined in isolated human saphenous vein (HSV) and rat aorta (RA). HSV or RA rings were precontracted with either KCl or noradrenaline and cumulative relaxant concentration-response curves were obtained for SR 47063 (0.1 nM to 1 M) in the presence or absence of 3 M glibenclamide. SR 47063 potently relaxed HSV and RA precontracted with 20 mM (but not 60 mM) KCl or 10 M noradrenaline in a concentration-dependent manner, showing slightly greater activity in the aorta. The potency of the effect of SR 47063 on HSV and RA was 12- and 58-fold greater, respectively, than that reported for the structurally related K+-channel opener levcromakalim. The vasorelaxant action of SR 47063 in both blood vessels was strongly inhibited by 3 M glibenclamide, consistent with a mechanism of action involving ATP-dependent K+-channels.
Nephrolithiasis is one of the most common diseases in the Western world. The disease manifests itself with intensive pain, sporadic infections, and, sometimes, renal failure. The symptoms are due to the appearance of urinary stones (calculi) which are formed mainly by calcium salts. These calcium salts precipitate in the renal papillae and/or within the collecting ducts. Inherited forms of nephrolithiasis related to chromosome X (X-linked hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis or XLN) have been recently described. Hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, and male predominance are the major characteristics of these diseases. The gene responsible for the XLN forms of kidney stones was cloned and characterized as a chloride channel called ClC-5. The ClC-5 chloride channel belongs to a superfamily of voltage-gated chloride channels, whose physiological roles are not completely understood. The objective of the present review is to identify recent advances in the molecular pathology of nephrolithiasis, with emphasis on XLN. We also try to establish a link between a chloride channel like ClC-5, hypercalciuria, failure in urine acidification and protein endocytosis, which could explain the symptoms exhibited by XLN patients.
Corneal transparency is attributed to the regular spacing and diameter of collagen fibrils, and proteoglycans may play a role in fibrillogenesis and matrix assembly. Corneal scar tissue is opaque and this opacity is explained by decreased ultrastructural order that may be related to proteoglycan composition. Thus, the objectives of the present study were to characterize the proteoglycans synthesized by human corneal explants and to investigate the effect of mechanical epithelial debridement. Human corneas unsuitable for transplants were immersed in F-12 culture medium and maintained under tissue culture conditions. The proteoglycans synthesized in 24 h were labeled metabolically by the addition of 35S-sulfate to the medium. These compounds were extracted by 4 M GuHCl and identified by a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis, enzymatic degradation with protease and mucopolysaccharidases, and immunoblotting. Decorin was identified as the main dermatan sulfate proteoglycan and keratan sulfate proteoglycans were also prominent components. When the glycosaminoglycan side chains were analyzed, only keratan sulfate and dermatan sulfate were detected (~50% each). Nevertheless, when these compounds were 35S-labeled metabolically, the label in dermatan sulfate was greater than in keratan sulfate, suggesting a lower synthesis rate for keratan sulfate. 35S-Heparan sulfate also appeared. The removal of the epithelial layer caused a decrease in heparan sulfate labeling and induced the synthesis of dermatan sulfate by the stroma. The increased deposit of dermatan sulfate proteoglycans in the stroma suggests a functional relationship between epithelium and stroma that could be related to the corneal opacity that may appear after epithelial cell debridement.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acidification of the endosome-lysosome system of renal epithelial cells after endocytosis of two human immunoglobulin lambda light chains (Bence-Jones proteins, BJP) obtained from patients with multiple myeloma. Renal epithelial cell handling of two BJP (neutral and acidic BJP) was evaluated by rhodamine fluorescence. Renal cells (MDCK) were maintained in culture and, when confluent, were incubated with rhodamine-labeled BJP for different periods of time. Photos were obtained with a fluorescence microscope (Axiolab-Zeiss). Labeling density was determined on slides with a densitometer (Shimadzu Dual-Wavelength Flying-Spot Scanner CS9000). Endocytosis of neutral and acidic BJP was correlated with acidic intracellular compartment distribution using acridine orange labeling. We compared the pattern of distribution after incubation of native neutral and acidic BJP and after complete deglycosylation of BJP by periodate oxidation. The subsequent alteration of pI converted neutral BJP to acidic BJP. There was a significant accumulation of neutral BJP in endocytic structures, reduced lysosomal acidification, and a diffuse pattern of acidification. This pattern was reversed after total deglycosylation and subsequent alteration of the pI to an acidic BJP. We conclude that the physicochemical characteristics of BJP interfere with intracellular acidification, possibly explaining the strong nephrotoxicity of neutral BJP. Lysosomal acidification is fundamental for adequate protein processing and catabolism.
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is usually diagnosed in an advanced stage. The prognosis depends highly on the amount of the residual tumor in surgery. In patients with extensive disease, neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) is used to diminish the tumor load before debulking surgery. New non-invasive methods are needed to preoperatively evaluate the disease dissemination and operability. [18F] FDG PET/CT (Positron emission tomography/computed tomography) is a promising method for cancer diagnostics and staging. The biomarker profiles during treatment can predict patients outcome. This prospective study included 41 EOC patients, 21 treated with primary surgery and 20 with NACT and interval surgery. The performances of preoperative contrast enhanced PET/CT (PET/ceCT) and diagnostic CT (ceCT) were compared. Perioperative visual estimation of tumor spread was studied in primary and interval surgery. The profile of the serum marker HE4 (Human epididymis 4) during primary chemotherapy was evaluated. In primary surgery, surgical findings were found to form an adequate reference standard for imaging studies. After NACT, the sensitivity for visual estimation of cancer dissemination was significantly worse. Preoperative PET/ceCT was more effective than ceCT alone in detecting extra-abdominal disease spread. The high number of supradiaphragmatic lymph node metastases detected by PET/ceCT at the time of diagnosis brings new insight in EOC spread patterns. The sensitivity of both PET/CT and ceCT remained modest in intra-abdominal areas important to operability. The HE4 profile was in concordance with the CA125 profile during primary chemotherapy. Its role in the evaluation of EOC chemotherapy response will be clarified in further studies.
Ischemic pain occurs when there is insufficient blood flow for the metabolic needs of an organ. The pain of a heart attack is the prototypical example. Multiple compounds released from ischemic muscle likely contribute to this pain by acting on sensory neurons that innervate muscle. One such compound is lactic acid. Here, we show that ASIC3 (acid-sensing ion channel #3) has the appropriate expression pattern and physical properties to be the detector of this lactic acid. In rats, it is expressed only in sensory neurons and then only on a minority (~40%) of these. Nevertheless, it is expressed at extremely high levels on virtually all dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons that innervate the heart. It is extraordinarily sensitive to protons (Hill slope 4, half-activating pH 6.7), allowing it to readily respond to the small changes in extracellular pH (from 7.4 to 7.0) that occur during muscle ischemia. Moreover, both extracellular lactate and extracellular ATP increase the sensitivity of ASIC3 to protons. This final property makes ASIC3 a "coincidence detector" of three molecules that appear during ischemia, thereby allowing it to better detect acidosis caused by ischemia than other forms of systemic acidosis such as hypercapnia.
We have shown that myocardial dysfunction induced by food restriction is related to calcium handling. Although cardiac function is depressed in food-restricted animals, there is limited information about the molecular mechanisms that lead to this abnormality. The present study evaluated the effects of food restriction on calcium cycling, focusing on sarcoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2), phospholamban (PLB), and ryanodine channel (RYR2) mRNA expressions in rat myocardium. Male Wistar-Kyoto rats, 60 days old, were submitted to ad libitum feeding (control rats) or 50% diet restriction for 90 days. The levels of left ventricle SERCA2, PLB, and RYR2 were measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Body and ventricular weights were reduced in 50% food-restricted animals. RYR2 mRNA was significantly decreased in the left ventricle of the food-restricted group (control = 5.92 0.48 vs food-restricted group = 4.84 0.33, P < 0.01). The levels of SERCA2 and PLB mRNA were similar between groups (control = 8.38 0.44 vs food-restricted group = 7.96 0.45, and control = 1.52 0.06 vs food-restricted group = 1.53 0.10, respectively). Down-regulation of RYR2 mRNA expressions suggests that chronic food restriction promotes abnormalities in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release.
The microenvironment of the tumor plays an important role in facilitating cancer progression and activating dormant cancer cells. Most tumors are infiltrated with inflammatory cells which secrete cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). To evaluate the role of TNF-a in the development of cancer we studied its effects on cell migration with a migration assay. The migrating cell number in TNF-a -treated group is about 2-fold of that of the control group. Accordingly, the expression of E-cadherin was decreased and the expression of vimentin was increased upon TNF-a treatment. These results showed that TNF-a can promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of MCF-7 cells. Further, we found that the expression of Snail, an important transcription factor in EMT, was increased in this process, which is inhibited by the nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) inhibitor aspirin while not affected by the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger N-acetyl cysteine. Consistently, specific inhibition of NFkB by the mutant IkBa also blocked the TNF-a-induced upregulation of Snail promoter activity. Thus, the activation of NFkB, which causes an increase in the expression of the transcription factor Snail is essential in the TNF-a-induced EMT. ROS caused by TNF-a seemed to play a minor role in the TNF-a-induced EMT of MCF-7 cells, though ROS per se can promote EMT. These findings suggest that different mechanisms might be responsible for TNF-a - and ROS-induced EMT, indicating the need for different strategies for the prevention of tumor metastasis induced by different stimuli.