989 resultados para E-Mail-Kommunikation


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Sähköpostin käyttö suomalaisilla työpaikoilla on kasvanut merkittävästi 2000 -luvun alusta lähtien. Tänä päivänä suuri osa työntekijöistä käyttää työpaikoillaan sähköpostia päivittäin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia työnantajan oikeutta lukea työntekijän sähköposteja. Edellisen lisäksi huomio kiinnittyi työntekijän yksityisyyden suojaan sekä työnantajan oikeuksiin ja velvollisuuksiin. Tutkimukseni on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistoon valittiin kaikki tutkimusaihetta koskevat kirjoitukset. Aineisto kerättiin pääasiallisesti suomalaisista lakiteksteistä sekä tutkielmani empiirinen osio koostui neljästä suomalaisesta oikeustapauksesta. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että Suomessa työnantajat osaavat kunnioittaa työntekijän yksityisyyttä ja sähköpostin käytöstä työpaikoilla ei ole usein syntynyt ongelmia.


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I den första delen av den här avhandlingen presenteras en bildens genealogi. Den skildrar hur begreppen för bilden, seendet och jaget utvecklades i relation till varandra i en specifik vetenskaplig och filosofisk kontext. Berättelsen sträcker sig från den tidiga renässansen och det perspektivistiska måleriet, till fotografiets födelse och positivismen. Den här utvecklingen medförde en form av reduktionism i vilken jagets roll – betydelsen av den mänskliga psykologin, vårt omdöme, vår uppmärksamhet och vår vilja – blev förbisedd. Inom den här tanketraditionen uppstod en förskjutning, från en förståelse av bilden som en representation av det tredimensionella rummet på en tvådimensionell yta, till en uppfattning om bilden som en genomskinlig ruta, ett fönster ut mot världen. Idén om avbildningen som en neutral ”blick från ingenstans” kom att förstärka en skeptisk hållning till kommunikation, dialog och vittnesmål och därmed även undergräva vår tillit till varandra och följaktligen vår tillit till oss själva. I den andra delen erbjuder författaren ett alternativ till den tanketradition som behandlas i den första delen. Det som blev förbisett i uppfattningen om en blick från ingenstans var att bilden är ett hjälpmedel då vi bearbetar vårt synfält. Bilden hjälper oss att dela vår syn på saker. Genom den här uppgiften av att dela blir bilden riktningsgivande i våra försök att orientera oss i världen. Jag kan stå bredvid en annan människa och se vad hon ser, men jag vet inte nödvändigtvis hur hon uppfattar det vi ser. Bilden lägger till ett led i det här förhållandet eftersom den inte enbart visar vad den andra ser. När bilden fungerar som den skall visar den också hur den andra ser och på det här sättet blir bilden verksam. Den föreliggande avhandlingen kombinerar epistemologi med vetenskapshistoria och visuella kulturstudier, men dess huvudintresse är filosofiskt. Den befattar sig med filosofiska missförstånd angående avbildning som en mimetisk konstform, kunskap som domesticering och varseblivning som mottagning av data. ------------------------------------------------------ Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa selvittää kuvakäsitteen genealogiaa. Se havainnollistaa miten kuvan, näkemisen ja minän käsitteet kehittyivät suhteessa toisiinsa. Kertomus ulottuu varhaisesta renessanssista ja perspektivistisestä maalaustaiteesta, positivismin aikakauteen ja valokuvan syntyyn. Tämä kehitys toi mukanaan reduktionismin jossa minän rooli – ihmisen psykologian merkitys, meidän arviointikyky, meidän huomiokyky sekä meidän tahtomme – vaipui unohduksiin. Ajatusmaailmassa tapahtui siirtymä, kuvan merkitys vaihtui käsityksestä jossa se on kolmiulotteisen tilan representaatio kaksiulotteisella pinnalla, käsitykseen jossa kuva on läpinäkyvä ruutu, ikkuna kohti maailmaa. Ajatus kuvasta neutraalin näkökulman kantajana vahvisti skeptistä suhtautumista kommunikaatiota, dialogisuutta ja subjektiivisuutta kohtaan. Tämä skeptisyys ilmentyi myös vahvana epäluottamuksena ihmiskeskeisyyttä ja toiseutta kohtaan. Toisessa osassa tekijä tarjoaa vaihtoehdon tälle skeptiselle ajatusmaailmalle jota tarkastellaan ensimmäisessä osassa. Kuva on myös väline joka auttaa meitä jäsentämään meidän näkökenttäämme. Se auttaa meitä jakamaan meidän käsityksiä toistemme kanssa. Tämä näkemisen jakamisen käytäntö on kuvan keskeinen tehtävä. Voin seistä toisen ihmisen vieressä ja nähdä samat asiat kuin hän, mutta en välttämättä ymmärrä miten hän näkee nämä asiat. Kuva lisää jotain olennaista tähän suhteeseen. Kun kuva toimii niin kun sen kuuluu toimia, se näyttää myös miten toinen näkee, tällä tavalla kuvasta tulee välittäjä. Tämä väitöskirja yhdistää epistemologiaa, tieteen historiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta, mutta sen pääasiallinen tavoite on filosofinen. Se käsittelee filosofisia väärinkäsityksiä koskien kuvan eideettisyyttä.


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The aim of this study was to examine community and individual approaches in responses to mass violence after the school shooting incidents in Jokela (November 2007) and Kauhajoki (September 2008), Finland. In considering the community approach, responses to any shocking criminal event may have integrative, as well as disintegrative effects, within the neighborhood. The integration perspective argues that a heinous criminal event within one’s community is a matter of offence to collectively held feelings and beliefs, and increases perceived solidarity; whereas the disintegration perspective suggests that a criminal event weakens the social fabric of community life by increasing fear of crime and mistrust among locals. In considering the individual approach, socio-demographic factors, such as one’s gender, are typically significant indicators, which explain variation in fear of crime. Beyond this, people are not equally exposed to violent crime and therefore prior victimization and event related experiences may further explain why people differ in their sensitivity to risk from mass violence. Finally, factors related to subjective mental health, such as depressed mood, are also likely to moderate individual differences in responses to mass violence. This study is based on the correlational design of four independent cross-sectional postal surveys. The sampling frames (N=700) for the surveys were the Finnish speaking adult population aged 18–74-years. The first mail survey in Jokela (n=330) was conducted between May and June 2008, approximately six months from the shooting incident at the local high-school. The second Jokela survey (n=278) was conducted in May–June of 2009, 18 months removed from the incident. The first survey in Kauhajoki (n=319) was collected six months after the incident at the local University of Applied Sciences, March– April 2009, and the second (n=339) in March–April 2010, approximately 18 months after the event. Linear and ordinal regression and path analysis are used as methods of analyses. The school shootings in Jokela and Kauhajoki were extremely disturbing events, which deeply affected the communities involved. However, based on the results collected, community responses to mass violence between the two localities were different. An increase in social solidarity appears to apply in the case of the Jokela community, but not in the case of the Kauhajoki community. Thus a criminal event does not necessarily impact the wider community. Every empirical finding is most likely related to different contextual and event-specific factors. Beyond this, community responses to mass violence in Jokela also indicated that the incident was related to a more general sense of insecurity and was also associating with perceived community deterioration and further suggests that responses to mass violence may have both integrating and disintegrating effects. Moreover, community responses to mass violence should also be examined in relation to broader social anxieties and as a proxy for generalized insecurity. Community response is an emotive process and incident related feelings are perhaps projected onto other identifiable concerns. However, this may open the door for social errors and, despite integrative effects, this may also have negative consequences within the neighborhood. The individual approach suggests that women are more fearful than men when a threat refers to violent crime. Young women (aged 18–34) were the most worried age and gender group as concerns perception of threat from mass violence at schools compared to young men (aged 18–34), who were also the least worried age and gender group when compared to older men. It was also found that concerns about mass violence were stronger among respondents with the lowest level of monthly household income compared to financially better-off respondents. Perhaps more importantly, responses to mass violence were affected by the emotional proximity to the event; and worry about the recurrence of school shootings was stronger among respondents who either were a parent of a school-aged child, or knew a victim. Finally, results indicate that psychological wellbeing is an important individual level factor. Respondents who expressed depressed mood consistently expressed their concerns about mass violence and community deterioration. Systematic assessments of the impact of school shooting events on communities are therefore needed. This requires the consolidation of community and individual approaches. Comparative study designs would further benefit from international collaboration across disciplines. Extreme school violence has also become a national concern and deeper understanding of crime related anxieties in contemporary Finland also requires community-based surveys.


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Den snabba tillväxten av häckande storskarv (underarten Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) i Finland och även i Österbotten har orsakat konflikter för fiske och rekreation, speciellt i de områden där skarven häckar. År 2014 häckade drygt 20 000 par Storskarvar i Finland och knappt 10 % av dessa, eller 1 980 par i Österbotten. Storskarven hör till de fredade fågelarterna. Det är möjligt att ansöka om undantag från fredningen, om den fredade arten anses orsaka allvarlig skada. Regler som styr förvaltningen av skarv bygger på EU:s fågeldirektiv och nationell lagstiftning samt vägledningsdokument för hur dessa bör tolkas vid handläggning om undantag från fred-ning. I områden där skarvkolonierna vuxit sig stora har lokala intressenter för fiske och markägo ansökt om undantag från fridlysning enligt NvL 39 §. Enligt besvär som inlämnats mot besluten om undantag från fridlysning samt prövning i högre rättsinstans, har sådan allvarlig skada, som enligt fågeldirektivet möjliggör undantag, inte kunnat påvisas. ERUF-projektet ”Storskarven vid den österbottniska kusten” möjliggjorde en omfattande inventering av skarvbeståndet och dess ungpro-duktion, samt en utredning om skarvens inverkan på fisket med hjälp av enkäter och fångststatistik. För att komplettera utredningarna och kunskapsunderlaget inbjöds även sakkunniga att föreläsa för styrgruppen för projektet. En bättre växelverkan och kommunikation mellan olika intressegrupper har uppnåtts i och med projektet. Projektet har medgett en öppen dialog mellan representanter för lokala intresseföreningar och tjänstemän för myndigheterna. Trots olika värderingar och åsikter har de olika intressenterna en gemensam kunskapsbas att utgå ifrån. I rapporten konstateras att det i nuläget saknas sådana kriterier som enligt nuvarande lagstiftning skulle medge en reglering av skarvbeståndet vid den Österbottniska kusten. De skador som rapporterats på fisket skulle kräva bättre dokumentation och tilläggsutredningar, alternativt borde kriterierna i lagstiftningen omformuleras. Under projektets gång har det också framkommit att skarven inte enbart anses påverka fisket utan att acceptansen av skarvens närvaro också har en social di-mension. I rapporten har sammanställts en vision om ett skarvbestånd med möjligast små skade-effekter. Biologiska faktorer som styr beståndets tillväxt samt metoder för att förhindra skador på fisket presenteras. Styrgruppen har även sammanställt förslag på åtgärder på regional, nationell och EU nivå.


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Brazil is a country of continental dimension with a population of different ethnic backgrounds. Thus, a wide variation in the frequencies of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes is expected to occur. To address this point, 1,688 sequential samples from chronic HCV patients were analyzed. HCV-RNA was amplified by the RT-PCR from blood samples collected from 1995 to 2000 at different laboratories located in different cities from all Brazilian States. Samples were collected in tubes containing a gel separator, centrifuged in the site of collection and sent by express mail in a refrigerated container to Laboratório Bioquímico Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. HCV- RNA was extracted from serum and submitted to RT and nested PCR using standard procedures. Nested PCR products were submitted to cycle sequencing reactions without prior purification. Sequences were analyzed for genotype determination and the following frequencies were found: 64.9% (1,095) for genotype 1, 4.6% (78) for genotype 2, 30.2% (510) for genotype 3, 0.2% (3) for genotype 4, and 0.1% (2) for genotype 5. The frequencies of HCV genotypes were statistically different among Brazilian regions (P = 0.00017). In all regions, genotype 1 was the most frequent (51.7 to 74.1%), reaching the highest value in the North; genotype 2 was more prevalent in the Center-West region (11.4%), especially in Mato Grosso State (25.8%), while genotype 3 was more common in the South (43.2%). Genotypes 4 and 5 were rarely found and only in the Southeast, in São Paulo State. The present data indicate the need for careful epidemiological surveys throughout Brazil since knowing the frequency and distribution of the genotypes would provide key information for understanding the spread of HCV.


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Pro Gradu- tutkimuksen keskeisin tavoite oli selvittää tehokkaimmat rekrytointimarkkinointikanavat ja tyylit Y-sukupolveen kohdistuen. Y-sukupolvi on isoin ja uusin sukupolvi, joka on siirtymässä työelämään. Tällä hetkellä teoreettinen pohja on vielä ohut liittyen y-sukupolven rekrytointiin ja työnantajamielikuvaan ja tämän tutkimuksen oli tarkoitus selvittää tätä tutkimusaukkoa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena case-tutkimuksena. Aineistonkeruutapana oli kysely. Kysely toteutettiin sähköpostilla lähetettävällä kyselyllä IBM Suomen nuorille harjoittelijoille ja työntekijöille. Kysely lähetettiin noin 150:lle työntekijälle. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että IBM Suomella ovat perusprosessit ja nykyisten harjoittelijoiden tyytyväisyys hyvällä tasolla. Kuitenkin tutkimuskyselyn kautta saatiin selville osa-alueita, joilla rekrytointimarkkinoinnin tehokkuutta voidaan lisätä ja hyväksikäyttää vieläkin paremmin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella Y-sukupolven arvot ja odotukset erosivat muista sukupolvista oletettua vähemmän.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to examine antecedents of eWOM communication in social media in the higher education context. In order to achieve this goal, eWOM communications of the students’ of international master’s programmes at Lappeenranta University of Technology were studied. The main research question was formulated as follows: What kind of effect do service-, brand-related antecedents, contextual antecedents and moderating factors have on LUT’s international master’s degree students’ eWOM communication in social media regarding their studies? The theory part of the master’s thesis was focused on the discussion of service- and brand related eWOM antecedents, contextual antecedents, as well as moderating relationships between them. The empirical part of the master’s thesis was based on quantitative research method. A web-based survey was carried out among current students of international master’s degree programmes at LUT. Out of 712 e-mail invitations sent, 159 responses were received in total. Thus, response rate was 22%. The results of the study showed that satisfaction, commitment, virtual brand community commitment, need for an advice, positive altruistic concerns, negative altruistic concerns, and attitude towards eWOM communications have an effect on eWOM in higher education context. Several moderating effects on eWOM were determined in the present study as well. On the other hand, it was found that dissatisfaction, loyalty, brand identification, desire to help the organization, need for positive self-enhancement, and social risk perception do not have an effect on eWOM in higher education context.


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In this report, we have reanalyzed genotyping data in a collection of families from South America based on maternal origin. Genotyping analysis was performed at the Craniofacial Anomalies Research Center at the University of Iowa. These genotypes were derived from genomic DNA samples obtained from blood spots from children born with isolated orofacial clefts in 45 hospitals located in eight countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela) collaborating with ECLAMC (Latin American Collaborative Studies of Congenital Malformations) between January 1998 and December 1999. Dried blood samples were sent by regular mail to the Laboratory of Congenital Malformations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Previous findings suggested that mitochondrial haplotype D is more commonly found among cleft cases born in South America. We hypothesized that association of certain genes may depend upon the ethnic origin, as defined by population-specific markers. Therefore, we tested if markers in MTHFR (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) and RFC1 (reduced folate carrier 1) were associated with oral clefts, depending on the maternal origin defined by the mitochondrial haplotype. Transmission distortion of alleles in MTHFR C677T and RFC1 G80A polymorphic variants was tested in 200 mother/affected child pairs taking into consideration maternal origin. RFC1 variation was over-transmitted to children born with cleft lip only (P = 0.017) carrying mitochondrial DNA haplotypes other than haplotype D. Our results provide a new indication that variation in RFC1 may contribute to cleft lip only. Future studies should investigate the association between oral clefts and RFC1 based on more discrete phenotypes.


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Utvecklingen av flercelliga organismer är en mångfacetterad process som kräver kommunikation celler emellan. Under utvecklingen av en organism måste cellerna göra vissa val, vilket bestämmer riktningen för deras fortsatta utveckling. Utgående från dessa val erhåller cellerna egenskaper som är karaktäristiska för olika celltyper. Notch-signalräckan är en viktig reglerare av valet mellan olika cellöden. Notch-signalräckan aktiveras när Notch-receptorer som uttrycks på ytan av en cell binder till Notch-ligander som uttrycks på ytan av en annan närliggande cell. Denna avhandling belyser mekanismerna som reglerar omsättningen av såväl Notch-receptorer som -ligander till och från cellmembranen, samt ökar förståelsen för hur dessa mekanismer påverkar Notch-medierade cellöden i stamceller. Internalisering av Notch receptorer anses nödvändigt för fullständig aktivering av Notch-signalvägen. De bakomliggande molekylära mekanismerna är dock fortfarande oklara. Vi har upptäckt att atypiskt protein kinas Cζ (aPKCζ) reglerar internaliseringen av Notch-receptorer. aPKCζ fosforylerar Notch, vilket leder till receptorns internalisering, men effekten är beroende av receptorns signaleringsstatus. Vi visar att aPKCζ reglerar Notch-signaleringen och styr både neuroners och muskelcellers differentiering. Ytterligare har vi analyserat samspelet mellan cellskelettet och Notch-signalvägen. Våra resultat visar att intermediärfilamenten, en del av cellskelettet, är viktiga reglerare av Notch-signaleringen både under neuronal och vaskulär utveckling. Intermediärfilamenten vimentin och GFAP reglerar uttrycket av Notch-ligander vid cellmembranen i hjärnans stödceller, astrocyterna, och påverkar därmed neuronala stamcellers cellödesbeslut. Vimentin är även viktigt reglerare av Notch-signalräckan vid angiogenesen. Celler som saknar vimentin uppvisar avvikande Notch-signalering emedan möss som saknar vimentin påvisar en fördröjd utveckling av vaskulaturen under embryonalstadiet. ------------------------------------------------- Monisoluisten organismien kehittyminen on monimutkainen prosessi, joka vaatii viestintää solujen välillä. Kehittymisen aikana solut joutuvat tiettyjen valintojen eteen, mitkä tulevat määrittämään niiden erilaistumisen suunnan. Solut omaksuvat solutyypille ominaisia ominaisuuksia näihin valintoihin perustuen Notch-signalointireitti säätelee solujen erilaistumista eri suuntiin. Notch-signalointireitti aktivoituu, kun Notch-reseptori yhden solun pinnalla sitoo Notch-ligandin toisen, viereisen solun solukalvolla. Tutkimukseni lisää tuntemusta Notch-reseptoreiden ja ligandien solun sisäisestä liikennöinnistä ja sitä säätelevistä mekanismeista, sekä tämän säätelyn vaikutuksista kantasulojen erilaistumiseen. Notch-signalointireitin aktivoituminen vaatii reseptoreiden ja ligandien sisäistämisen solukalvolta, mutta taustalla olevat ja sisäistymistä säätelevät mekanismit ovat vielä epäselviä. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että atyyppinen proteiinikinaasi Cζ (aPKCζ) säätelee Notch-reseptoreiden endosytoosia. Endosytoosin lopputulos riippuu siitä onko reseptori aktivoitunut ligandin välityksellä vai ei. Tuloksemme osoittavat aPKCζ säätelevän Notch-signalointia ja kontrolloivan sekä hermosolujen, että lihassolujen erilaistumista. Analysoimme myös Notch-signaloinnin ja solun tukirangan vuorovaikutuksia. Välikokoiset filamentit, jotka ovat osa tukirankaa, säätelevät Notch-signalointia neuronaalisen erilaistumisen sekä verisuonten uudismuodostumisen aikana. Vimentiini ja GFAP ovat välikokoisia säikeitä, jotka säätelevät Notch-ligandien ekspressiota astrosyyttien, eli aivojen hermotukisolujen solukalvolla. Vimentiini säätelee myös Notch-signalointireittiä angiogeneesin aikana. Vimentiiniä vailla olevilla soluilla ilmenee heikentynyttä Notch-signalointia, joka voidaan liittää hiirillä ilmenevään vimenttiinin puutteesta johtuvaan viivästyneeseen verisuonien kehitykseen.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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ResumoIntrodução:O foco no tratamento da doença renal crônica (DRC) é evitar a sua progressão com o uso do controle clínico otimizado. O uso de tecnologias leves apresenta-se como forma promissora de cuidado em saúde. A internet oferece a oportunidade de instrumentalizar o médico em seu contato profissional com o usuário.Objetivo:Desenvolver um sistema web para o atendimento a distância de pacientes com DRC nos estágios não dialíticos e clinicamente estáveis.Métodos:Desenvolvido um sistema utilizando a linguagem Java, banco de dados MySQL e framework PrimeFaces; disponibilizado em um servidor de aplicações Glassfish.Resultados:O acesso inicial é realizado pelo nefrologista, que cadastra os pacientes com suas informações pessoais e dados de acesso. Após ser cadastrado, o paciente (ou médico de família) pode inserir os dados de sua consulta e estes serão, na sequência, repassados ao nefrologista para avaliação. O formulário com os dados de interesse é pré-determinado, mas ainda há possibilidade de acrescentar informações de forma livre. O sistema possibilita, adicionalmente, que haja troca de mensagens entre os médicos e os pacientes. Além disso, os usuários recebem mensagens via e-mail alertando-os de suas tarefas. O sigilo é garantido por senhas individuais para médicos e pacientes.Conclusão:Essa ferramenta possibilitará aumentar a área de abrangência dos nefrologistas, diminuir os custos e aproximar o paciente ao seu médico da atenção básica, utilizando o Programa de Saúde de Família como interface entre o paciente e a atenção secundária nefrológica.


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This study concentrates on developing a suitable business model for Finnish biobanks, with particular emphasis on value creation to stakeholders. The sub-objective of this thesis are to map the commercial possibilities of biobanks and potential barriers for business development. The study approaches the subject from the biobanks’ as well as the stakeholders’ point of view, integrating their hopes and needs considering current and future co-operation into the findings. In 2013 the Biobank Act came into effect, after which six biobanks have been established and several other pending biobank projects are in process. There is relatively little research in regard to the commercial opportunities of this newcomer of the biomedical industry, and particularly in the Finnish markets. Therefore, the aim of this study is to partially fill the research gap of the commercial potential of biobanks and particularly outline the problematic elements in developing business. The theoretical framework consists of a few select theories, which depict business modeling and value creation of organizations. The theories are combined to form a synthesis, which best adapts to biobanks, and acts as a backbone for interviews. The empirical part of the study was conducted mainly by seven face-to-face interviews, and complemented by two phone interviews and an e-mail questionnaire with four responses. The findings consist mainly of the participants’ reflections on the potential products and services enabled by consumer genomics, as well as perceptions on different obstacles for biobanks’ business development. The nature of the study is tentative, as biobanks are relatively new organizations in Finland, and their operation models and activities are still molding. The aim is to bring to surface the hopes and concerns of biobanks’ representatives, as well as the representatives of stakeholders, in order to transparently discuss the current situation and suggestions for further development. The study concludes that in principle, the interviewees’ agree on the need for development in order not to waste the potential of biobanks; regardless, the participants emphasize different aspects and subsequently lean on differing methods.


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Det övergripande syftet med studien är att undersöka hur handledning i slöjdundervisningen kunde bidra till utveckling av kompetenser. Studien fokuserar på de mål för mångsidig kompetens som ställs i grunderna för läroplanen för den grundläggande utbildningen 2014. Som en aspekt av detta undersöks också hur handledning kommer till uttryck i slöjdundervisningen idag. Utgående från detta ställdes följande forskningsfrågor: 1. Hur ser handledning i slöjdundervisning ut? 2. Hur kan kompetensområden behandlas i handledningssituationer i slöjd? I studien har observation som undersökningsmetod använts. I observationen filmades slöjdlektionerna för att sen kunna genomföra en noggrann analys av dessa. Vid observationstillfället följde filmkameran läraren för att fånga upp den kommunikation och interaktion som pågick under handledningssituationerna. Observationerna bestod av två lektioner där 64 handledningssituationer kunde urskiljas. Antalet lärare som deltog var två medan det totala antalet elever var 20, 11 i textilslöjd och 9 i teknisk slöjd. Materialet som användes i studien uppgick till 154 minuter videomaterial. Materialet analyserades utifrån fem olika aspekter. Den första aspekten var i vilken grad lärare eller elev tar initiativ till en handledningssituation samt hur initiativet togs. Den andra aspekten var handledningens karaktär. Analysen av handledningens karaktär utgick från två perspektiv på handledning, föreskrivande och icke-föreskrivande handledning. Den tredje aspekten som analyserades var i vilken mån läroplanens mål för mångsidig kompetens blev synliga i handledningssituationerna. Den fjärde aspekten var elevernas position i slöjdprocessen. Den femte och sista aspekten som analyserades var hur lärarens kommentarer för över ansvaret på eleven eller ifall lärarens kommentar innebär att läraren tar ansvaret för att ett produktionshinder övervinns eller ett problem löses. För att kunna besvara forskningsfråga två har analysen också innefattat en jämförelse mellan föreskrivande och icke-föreskrivande handledning. I jämförelsen undersöktes hur respektive handledningsform bidrog till en viss ansvarsförskjutning samt i vilken grad kompetensområden synliggjordes. Resultatet från studien visar att handledningen i slöjdundervisningen har en stark föreskrivande karaktär. Vidare framkom att lärare i hög grad initierar handledningssituationer. De kompetensområden som synliggjordes i handledningssituationerna har oftast en anknytning till praktiska färdigheter eller planeringsfärdigheter. Resultatet indikerar att lärarens möjligheter att behandla specifika kompetensområden är beroende av undervisningens utformning samt var i slöjdprocessen elevernas arbeten är. Studiens resultat visar på en diskrepans mellan befintliga modeller kring handledning i slöjdundervisning och det som synliggjorts i denna studie. I avhandlingens resultatdiskussion presenteras därför en modell för handledning i slöjdundervisning


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There is an increasing demand for individualized, genotype-based health advice. The general population-based dietary recommendations do not always motivate people to change their life-style, and partly following this, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death in worldwide. Using genotype-based nutrition and health information (e.g. nutrigenetics) in health education is a relatively new approach, although genetic variation is known to cause individual differences in response to dietary factors. Response to changes in dietary fat quality varies, for example, among different APOE genotypes. Research in this field is challenging, because several non-modifiable (genetic, age, sex) and modifiable (e.g. lifestyle, dietary, physical activity) factors together and with interaction affect the risk of life-style related diseases (e.g. CVD). The other challenge is the psychological factors (e.g. anxiety, threat, stress, motivation, attitude), which also have an effect on health behavior. The genotype-based information is always a very sensitive topic, because it can also cause some negative consequences and feelings (e.g. depression, increased anxiety). The aim of this series of studies was firstly to study how individual, genotype-based health information affects an individual’s health form three aspects, and secondly whether this could be one method in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, such as CVD. The first study concentrated on the psychological effects; the focus of the second study was on health behavior effects, and the third study concentrated on clinical effects. In the fourth study of this series, the focus was on all these three aspects and their associations with each other. The genetic risk and health information was the APOE gene and its effects on CVD. To study the effect of APOE genotype-based health information in prevention of CVD, a total of 151 volunteers attended the baseline assessments (T0), of which 122 healthy adults (aged 20 – 67 y) passed the inclusion criteria and started the one-year intervention. The participants (n = 122) were randomized into a control group (n = 61) and an intervention group (n = 61). There were 21 participants in the intervention Ɛ4+ group (including APOE genotypes 3/4 and 4/4) and 40 participants in the intervention Ɛ4- group (including APOE genotypes 2/3 and 3/3). The control group included 61 participants (including APOE genotypes 3/4, 4/4, 2/3, 3/3 and 2/2). The baseline (T0) and follow-up assessments (T1, T2, T3) included detailed measurements of psychological (threat and anxiety experience, stage of change), and behavioral (dietary fat quality, consumption of vegetables, - high fat/sugar foods and –alcohol, physical activity and health and taste attitudes) and clinical factors (total-, LDL- HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, blood glucose (0h and 2h), body mass index, waist circumference and body fat percentage). During the intervention six different communication sessions (lectures on healthy lifestyle and nutrigenomics, health messages by mail, and personal discussion with the doctor) were arranged. The intervention groups (Ɛ4+ and Ɛ4-) received their APOE genotype information and health message at the beginning of the intervention. The control group received their APOE genotype information after the intervention. For the analyses in this dissertation, the results for 106/107 participants were analyzed. In the intervention, there were 16 participants in the high-risk (Ɛ4+) group and 35 in the low-risk (Ɛ4-) group. The control group had 55 participants in studies III-IV and 56 participants in studies I-II. The intervention had both short-term (≤ 6 months) and long-term (12 months) effects on health behavior and clinical factors. The short-term effects were found in dietary fat quality and waist circumference. Dietary fat quality improved more in the Ɛ4+ group than the Ɛ4- and the control groups as the personal, genotype-based health information and waist circumference lowered more in the Ɛ4+ group compared with the control group. Both these changes differed significantly between the Ɛ4+ and control groups (p<0.05). A long-term effect was found in triglyceride values (p<0.05), which lowered more in Ɛ4+ compared with the control group during the intervention. Short-term effects were also found in the threat experience, which increased mostly in the Ɛ4+ group after the genetic feedback (p<0.05), but it decreased after 12 months, although remaining at a higher level compared to the baseline (T0). In addition, Study IV found that changes in the psychological factors (anxiety and threat experience, motivation), health and taste attitudes, and health behaviors (dietary, alcohol consumption, and physical activity) did not directly explain the changes in triglyceride values and waist circumference. However, change caused by a threat experience may have affected the change in triglycerides through total- and HDL cholesterol. In conclusion, this dissertation study has given some indications that individual, genotypebased health information could be one potential option in the future to prevent lifestyle-related diseases in public health care. The results of this study imply that personal genetic information, based on APOE, may have positive effects on dietary fat quality and some cardiovascular risk markers (e.g., improvement in triglyceride values and waist circumference). This study also suggests that psychological factors (e.g. anxiety and threat experience) may not be an obstacle for healthy people to use genotype-based health information to promote healthy lifestyles. However, even in the case of very personal health information, in order to achieve a permanent health behavior change, it is important to include attitudes and other psychological factors (e.g. motivation), as well as intensive repetition and a longer intervention duration. This research will serve as a basis for future studies and its information can be used to develop targeted interventions, including health information based on genotyping that would aim at preventing lifestyle diseases. People’s interest in personalized health advices has increased, while also the costs of genetic screening have decreased. Therefore, generally speaking, it can be assumed that genetic screening as a part of the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases may become more common in the future. In consequence, more research is required about how to make genetic screening a practical tool in public health care, and how to efficiently achieve long-term changes.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella, minkälainen merkitys yritysvastuulla on osuuskaupan toimitusketjussa. Case-yritykseksi valittiin Etelä-Karjalan osuuskauppa, joka on S-ryhmän yksi alueosuuskaupoista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua, joka suoritettiin case-yrityksen paikallisille tavarantoimittajille joko puhelimitse tai sähköpostitse. Lisäksi analysoitiin S-ryhmän vuoden 2014 vastuuraportti, johon Etelä-Karjalan osuuskaupan yritysvastuuohjelma perustuu. Haastatteluihin pyydetyistä viidestä tavarantoimittajasta vain kaksi suostui haastateltavaksi. Yritysvastuuraportin analyysin perusteella S-ryhmä ja sen alueosuuskaupat pitävät toimitusketjun vastuullisuutta erittäin tärkeänä. Raportissa korostetaan tavarantoimittajan edellyttämistä rehelliseen ja vastuulliseen toimintaan sekä toimitusketjun tarkkaa tuntemista, jotta vastuullisuuden tasoa voidaan kehittää yhteisvoimin. Tavarantoimittajien haastattelujen perusteella toimittajayrityksissä harjoitetaan yritysvastuutoimintaa, mutta ei kuitenkaan tarkkaan tiedetä termin sisältöä, vaan toimitaan omien eettisten arvojen ja taloudellisten intressien perusteella. Molemmat haastateltavat totesivat, ettei osuuskauppa edellyttänyt tiettyä yritysvastuun tasoa, eikä varmentanut toimittajan vastuullisuutta. Tämän pienimuotoisen tapaustutkimuksen perusteella voi todeta, ettei Etelä-Karjalan osuuskauppa ole huomioinut yritysvastuuta tavarantoimitussopimuksia laatiessaan. Kyse voi olla joko siitä, ettei alueosuuskauppaa ole sitoutettu S-ryhmän vastuuohjelmaan tarpeeksi hyvin, tai että vastuuraportissa mainitut asiat huomioidaan vain globaaleissa toimitusketjuissa.